keep arkansas beautiful commission

Little Rock, Arkansas
November 19, 2014
Commissioners Present
Dianne Hammond, Chairwoman
Mark Elrod
Thurston Lamb
Rebecca Rains
Betty Shaw, Vice-Chairwoman
Julie McQuade Heyes
John Pope
Mary Joe Rogers
Commissioners Absent
Laurie Black
Staff Present
Robert Phelps, Brenda Halbert and Elizabeth Philpott
Guests Present
Richard Davies and Gloria Robins of AR Dept. of Parks & Tourism
Sharon Vogelpohl, Julie Robbins and Tori Gay of Mangan Holcomb Partners
Linda Goodner of Stamps, Arkansas
Betty Barnhardt and June Fitzgerald of Keep Sherwood Beautiful
Carol Philpott of Keep Bryant Beautiful
Nash Abrams of Keep Little Rock Beautiful
Meeting Opening
Call to Order/Welcome
Dianne Hammond called the meeting to order at 9:00 a.m., and Thurston Lamb presented the
invocation. Brenda Halbert called the roll, and Ms. Hammond welcomed guests.
Robert Phelps introduced Rebecca Rains, newest KAB Commissioner-At-Large, who resides in
Little Rock and works for Governor Beebe. Ms. Rains stated she had wanted to be on the
Commission for some time and was pleased with the appointment.
Action Items
Ms. Hammond called for approval of the agenda. Mr. Phelps pointed out that two items needed
to be added under New Business: Presentations by Mr. Phelps and Ms. Halbert.
John Pope made a motion, seconded by Mark Elrod, to approve the
November 19, 2014, KAB Commission Meeting Agenda, as amended.
The motion passed.
Ms. Hammond called for approval of the September 25, 2014 KAB Commission meeting
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November 19, 2014 – page 2
Thurston Lamb made a motion, seconded by Betty Shaw, approving
the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission meeting minutes of
September 25, 2014. The motion passed.
Mr. Phelps briefly reviewed the KAB Financial Report for the period ending October 31, 2014,
reflecting 27% of the budget expended four months into the fiscal year.
Ms. Hammond called for approval of the financial report.
Thurston Lamb made a motion, seconded by Julie Heyes, approving
the KAB Financial Report ending October 31, 2014. The motion passed.
Program Reports
Robert Phelps elaborated on aspects of his printed report:
Attended KAB Board of Directors’ meeting October 9 in Greenwich, CT.
America Recycles Day, November 15, with 127 registered events: Promotion, including
Ch. 11 TV interview of Mr. Phelps reporting each Arkansan’s average daily waste is 9.7
pounds, twice the national average; however, statewide recycling rose to 39% last year.
2014 ARC Conference in Eureka Springs 9.29-10.01 attended by Ms. Philpott along with
Commissioners Black, Elrod, Hammond, Pope and Shaw.
Great Arkansas Cleanup has concluded. Ms. Philpott shared preliminary results based on
wrapup reports received: 14,000 volunteers; 37,000 volunteer hours; 112 events; 600
miles of roadway, 800 miles of waterways and 2,000 acres of parks cleaned; 2,200 tires
collected; volunteer value to the state - $800,000.
2013 AR Volunteer Study reflected 64,000 KAB volunteers contributing a volunteer
value of $2.5 million dollars to the state; additionally, value of grants and goods and
services totaled $866,000 plus KAB Affiliates contributed a value of $51,000 for a grand
total value of $3.374 million dollars in value contributed to the state. Compared to
KAB’s operating budget, it represents a return of investment of $5.55 per dollar, so we
are one of the few government agencies that show a profit back to the state.
Thanks to Ms. Philpott for keeping us well informed on GAC progress.
2014 KAB Annual Report filed with Keep America Beautiful, recounting
accomplishments during a 12-month period; KAB has earned its 11th President’s Circle
Award, culminating in the 5th Diamond Level Achievement Award to be received at the
national conference.
Keep America Beautiful Affiliates in Arkansas:
1) Keep Bryant Beautiful, Keep North Little Rock Beautiful, Keep Sherwood Beautiful
and Keep Van Buren Beautiful will also receive President’s Circle awards at the
conference, having met annual requirements;
2) Keep El Dorado Beautiful and Keep West Memphis Beautiful were certified along
with Keep Bryant Beautiful in late 2013 and have also met annual requirements;
3) Keep Faulkner County Beautiful is expected to meet requirements;
4) Keep Newport Beautiful is struggling – Commissioner Shaw will be working with
that affiliate.
2015 Commission officers will be elected today; nominees are Betty Shaw, Chairwoman,
and Dianne Hammond, Vice-Chairwoman.
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November 19, 2014 – page 3
KAB’s new Smartphone app has launched with promotion of the “Trashy Photo
Contest”, encouraging students to be creative using recyclables.
Mr. Phelps concluded by announcing the sudden passing of Marla Crider after a long courageous
battle with cancer. Ms. Crider was Assistant Tourism Director (Great River Roads) and
responsible for the annual Governor’s Conference on Tourism.
Volunteer Services Coordinator
Liz Philpott elaborated on her printed report, as follows:
Great Arkansas Cleanup followup:
1) Great efforts to close the door on the GAC campaign have resulted in only 17 wrapup
reports due at this point;
2) In order to improve on the campaign, a post cleanup survey has been posted to gather
coordinators’ responses; results will be shared at the January meeting;
3) Continue to send registration forms and wrapup reports to Commissioners, asking if
these are still wanted; it was the consensus that this information is well received.
4) Thanks to our affiliation with Keep America Beautiful and the Troy-Bilt sponsorship,
Commissioners from Congressional District 2 will be presenting back-pack blowers
to selected winners:
a) Ginger Root, individual volunteer with AR Canoe Club, who participated in the
ADEQ cleanup on the AR River;
b) Easter Seals of Arkansas, volunteer organization.
 Social media is doing well with Facebook likes at 55,160, Twitter with 521 followers,
Instagram with 936 followers and Pinterest currently at 74 followers.
 Certified Volunteer Manager (CVM) program under AR Consortium for Public
Administration at UALR: Ms. Philpott attends two days monthly, stating she is learning a
lot about management and engaging volunteers and improving volunteer programs.
 AR Volunteer Coordinator Association (AVCA): Attended first meeting yesterday.
 Bud Light “Do Good, Have Fun” campaign this summer: National results just posted
with 2,800 volunteers nationwide contributing 26,000 hours; Keep Arkansas Beautiful’s
event and accomplishments at Pinnacle Mtn. State Park this summer were outstanding!
 2015 Great American Cleanup: Glad Bags has committed 3 million trash bags.
 KAB Professional Certification Program: She has submitted her case study and will take
final course tomorrow with graduation in January.
 America Recycles Day – November 15:
1) Proclamation by Governor Beebe;
2) Mr. Phelps and Ms. Philpott attended an event with ADEQ where the state recycling
report was presented;
3) Special thanks to KAB Affiliates in Bryant, El Dorado, Fayetteville, Little Rock and
Van Buren who hosted recycle events in AR.
 Attended “Project Wet” (ADEQ) and “Project Wild” (ARGFC) training. Anyone
interested in bringing either of the programs to their communities should contact
Ms. Philpott.
Carol Philpott, Treasurer of Keep Bryant Beautiful, joined the meeting. Mr. Phelps congratulated
her on their completion of one year certification and designation for KAB’s President’s Circle
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ADPT Director
Richard Davies reviewed the following:
 New governor will take office in 2015 with some changes.
 Mr. Davies will be retiring later in the year along with other tenured ADPT employees.
 Budget process completed with Executive recommendation all the way thru; a new
Governor can change that, however, it is unlikely there will be enough time for a lot of
changes before January 14.
Mr. Davies concluded that a volunteer driven program like KAB’s with a $500,000 budget, three
staff members and nine Commissioners, contributing a volunteer value of nearly $2.5 million to
the state is impressive and exceeds most state agencies.
Mr. Davies also expressed sadness in the recent passing of Marla Crider who had been a part of
the ADPT team on two occasions, stating she will be greatly missed.
Marketing Report – Mangan Holcomb Partners
Julie Robbins introduced Tori Gay as the new Associate Account Executive replacing Erica
Dierich Phillips. Ms. Gay has been working on numerous KAB projects, including refining digital
communication and launching of KAB’s Smartphone app and new website.
Ms. Robbins distributed and briefly reviewed the MHP printed report:
KAB’s new website soft launch in September: Beautiful site that has additional
functionalities, especially for cleanup coordinators that prefer online capabilities, i.e.,
more useful in addition to informational. It is hoped a blog component will be added.
Smartphone app launched for use with iPhone or android, currently used to promote the
“Trashy Art Contest”, part of November’s recycling promotion.
Greeniversary Lodestar interviews beyond the original twenty-five continued, including
weekly posts on Facebook and the website, with the campaign concluding.
Great Arkansas Cleanup: Supported with PR and marketing, i.e., advertising online, radio
and TV PSA’s, news releases and secured TV segments and radio interviews. Social
media outlets were a big part of the GAC promotion.
Recycling promotion in November:
1) America Recycles Day, November 15;
2) Digital promotion and updated messages about recycling on social media;
3) “Trashy Art Contest” for students with entries available on the new app;
4) Mr. Phelps booked for Ch. 11 TV segment on ARD;
5) News releases included Gov. Beebe’s proclamation of ARD in Arkansas.
Ms. Robbins stated that a lot of Arkansans are being reached, combining the traditional press
releases and TV/radio interviews with posts on the website along with Facebook and Twitter,
pairing that with advertisements on Hulu and Pandora. This is evident in the rise of our followers
on all our social media platforms.
Ms. Gay presented an overview of the new Smartphone app:
Since November 5, the app has had 52 downloads.
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App is good to create a community of connected people about the same thing.
“Trashy Photo Contest” is accessible thru the fan wall whereby entries can be viewed and
voted upon.
AR recycling centers are listed with map access.
Shared photo option allows access to posted pictures and videos from the YouTube page.
e-Keepsake signup is available on the app.
Mr. Phelps’ TV interview on America Recycles Day, November 15, was shown.
Ms. Robbins concluded that a special promotion is coming up in the winter, a quiz on social
media and online that will be educational and fun……..more about that at the January meeting.
Mr. Phelps welcomed Nash Abrams to the meeting, introducing him as one of the founding
fathers and Chairman of Keep Little Rock Beautiful. Ms. Philpott added that Mr. Abrams has
individually adopted more streets than anyone in Little Rock.
Business Items:
New Business
Ms. Hammond raised the question of selecting representatives to the Keep America Beautiful
National Conference. Mr. Phelps referred to his travel directive issued some time back that we
are no longer permitting reimbursement for out-of-state travel, therefore, there will not be
Commissioner representation at the 2015 conference. Mr. Phelps stated that he and Ms. Philpott
would be attending in furtherance of directing our state program. He stressed the importance of
Commissioners attendance at local conferences to connect with Arkansas communities and its
citizens, particularly ARC and the Governor’s Conference.
Unfinished Business
Mr. Pope began with his concerns regarding the Nominating Committee’s recommendations in
September. He stated that he didn’t have an opportunity to consider alternatives, since it
happened so quickly. He expressed exception to the nomination for Vice Chair and, since the
Nominating Committee meeting was FOI, he had questions. He asked about the length of the
meeting and requested that the two committee members attending today present an overview of
how they reached their decision.
Rev. Lamb stated the date was announced for the committee to meet September 24, the day
before the regular Commission meeting, and it met for about thirty minutes with all three
committee members present. He said, following discussion on the purpose and rules and
regulations, it was determined that the recommended slate of nominees for 2015 officers be
presented to the entire Commission on September 25.
Mr. Pope asked if any of the other Commissioners were canvassed to determine if they were
interested in serving as an officer. Ms. Shaw answered that every Commissioner was not
canvassed, however, bylaws were followed and a press release went out prior to the meeting in
compliance with FOI. She suggested that if the bylaws need to be revised so that everyone feels
more comfortable with the process, then it needs to be done. The nominating committee met, the
nominees were selected and then contacted to confirm that they would serve.
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Mr. Pope asked if they were aware at the time that both nominees’ terms expire in January, and
Ms. Shaw answered yes. Ms. Shaw stated that it was Ms. Black’s hope that Commissioners
Shaw and Hammond would have a better chance of reappointment if they were serving as
Mr. Pope agreed that the bylaws do need changes, and he has already assumed some of that
responsibility. Proposed changes will be sent to Commissioners thirty days before the January
meeting in compliance with the bylaws.
Mr. Pope requested a closed ballot for the Vice-Chair nomination. Mr. Davies said that ballots
would still require signatures for FOI purposes.
Mr. Elrod said he felt canvassing the Commissioners ahead as a valid point for effective
transparency, especially since a precedent had been set in the past to do so. Ms. Shaw said the
bylaws were followed, and she was not aware that contacting every Commissioner was in order.
After further discussion, Mr. Phelps concurred that the bylaws need to be revisited. Ms. Shaw
encouraged Mr. Pope to work with other Commissioners when drafting proposed changes to
determine if there are additional items that need to be addressed.
Mr. Pope noted that we have four new Commissioners, and they each should have an opportunity
in the future to serve on a nominating committee and to serve as an officer.
Ms. Hammond said she also favors officers serving only one, 1-year term, so that everyone has an
opportunity to serve. Mr. Phelps said an election is held each year, but it has been customary for
officers to serve two terms, limiting somewhat every person having the chance to be an officer.
Mr. Phelps summarized that it is Mr. Pope’s intention to offer amendments to the bylaws to
change some things that will either add transparency or make procedures more definitive. He
noted that Ms. Shaw’s point is well taken that every Commissioner should have input in the
review process. Mr. Phelps offered to be the point of collection for comments and suggestions,
and then those recommendations will be compiled and distributed. December 7 was set as the
deadline to submit proposed changes to the current bylaws to Mr. Phelps.
Ms. Hammond called for action on proposed 2015 officer nominees.
Thurston Lamb made a motion, seconded by Mary Joe Rogers, to vote by
a show of hands confirming Betty Shaw as Chairwoman of the Keep Arkansas
Beautiful Commission in 2015. The motion passed by unanimous vote.
Thurston Lamb made a motion, seconded by Betty Shaw, that a secret ballot
vote be taken, as requested by Commissioner Pope, for nominee Dianne Hammond
to serve as Vice-Chairwoman of the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission in 2015.
Ballots were collected by Richard Davies and votes counted by Gloria Robins,
resulting in Ms. Hammond declared the Vice-Chairwoman in 2015, as follows:
Yes……….5 votes
No………..2 votes
KAB Commission Minutes
November 19, 2014 – page 7
New Business (contd.)
2015 KAB Commission Meeting Schedule
Mr. Phelps proposed two options for a meeting schedule in 2015 in compliance with KAB
Bylaws to meet at least quarterly, as follows:
Option 1: Meet the second Wednesday of every other month with a regular 3-hour format. Three
of the meetings would be held in Little Rock, one in Texarkana in conjunction with the 2015
Governor’s Conference and two locations would be determined.
Option 2: Meet the second Wednesday of every third month with a 5-hour format, including
lunch and an added 2-hour educational component.
After lengthy discussion, including pointing out the convenience and efficiency of meeting only
four times a year, the cost effectiveness of meeting in Little Rock and the advantage of an
educational component, Option 2 with a 1-hour educational component was selected by a straw
poll majority of five. The meeting schedule will be approved at the January meeting.
Mr. Phelps stated Option 2 (quarterly meetings) would also support official representation at the
AR Governor’s Conference on Tourism, March 8-10, in Texarkana and the AR Recycling
Coalition Conference, September 30-October 2, in Little Rock.
A motion was made to schedule the first KAB Commission meeting in 2015.
Mark Elrod made a motion, seconded by John Pope, to schedule
the first 2015 meeting of the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission
on January 7, 2015. The motion passed unanimously.
Other regular meetings would be held April 8, July 8 and October 14, 2015.
In view of the first meeting on January 7 and the 30-day rule to submit proposed bylaws
amendments before a vote, Mr. Phelps asked that Commissioners submit their recommended
changes to the bylaws by December 1 instead of December 7.
AR Volunteer Study Form – KAB Staff
Mr. Phelps presented a brief overview of the AR Volunteer Study Form and Commissioners’
contribution, distinguishing between their service as a board member at $100 and as a regular
volunteer at $22.14 per hour. He asked Ms. Halbert to present a brief synopsis of the criteria
presented at the KAB Affiliate Symposium last summer.
Ms. Halbert briefly reviewed the AR Volunteer Study form and criteria for 2014. She reviewed
categories by definition and example, stressing the importance of fairness and equitability when
entering the numbers, and differentiating between the Commissioners serving in their official
capacity as board members versus picking up litter at a cleanup or participating in a fund raising
event. The completed volunteer form for Keep Arkansas Beautiful is due around the middle of
January. Ms. Halbert noted that KAB contributed a volunteer value to the State of Arkansas in
2013 of $2.5 million dollars, thereby quantifying our expenditures in relationship to contributed
value of our programs. She praised the Commissioners for their contribution of 2,461 hours last
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year, representing a volunteer value of nearly $166,000. Keep Arkansas Beautiful is one of the
top volunteer agencies in state government.
Ms. Philpott requested that Commissioners also send her wrapup reports for any activity in their
official capacity as a Commissioner. One example would be the Waste-In-Place presentations
made at the AEEA Conference by Ms. Hammond and Ms. Shaw this year. These results can be
included in our separate reporting to Keep America Beautiful.
KAB Foundation
Mr. Pope asked about the status of the “Litter Free Zone” program and partnering with KAB.
Mr. Phelps reported that the KAB Foundation has approved Keep America Beautiful access to the
“Litter Free Zone” program and records, thereby providing the opportunity for this program to
continue. Cecile Carson, Senior Director/Affiliate Development with Keep America Beautiful,
will review the material and determine how it might be included and developed complimentary to
“Waste In Place” for elementary schools. This educational initiative will be supported by
Partners and Commissioners Reports
Commissioners’ Reports
Congressional District 2
Thurston Lamb reported on a successful all-day cleanup in Helena-West Helena, October 18.
Congressional District 4
Mary Joe Rogers expressed disappointment in losing the Lafayette County Circuit Clerk’s race in
November. She reported on the following:
Lewisville GAC event.
She has made placements for school children by laminating “Litter Lasts” posters
produced by OKDEQ that was shared by Commissioners Shaw and Hammond at the
September meeting and can be found on the AR Highway Department website at
Congressional Districts 1
Betty Shaw reported:
Hughes Chamber of Commerce annual meeting: Ms. Shaw will speak to that group at the
request of Laurie Black.
She is working with Keep Newport Beautiful in hopes of reviving that affiliate.
Marked Tree has invited her to visit to learn more about our programs and KAB
The Delta’s floundering economy, due to changes in the farming industry, has
precipitated a need for a model to renew community pride in small communities; both
Commissioners Black and Shaw are faced with the challenge of working with the issues.
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Ms. Shaw is working with a number of neighborhood associations in Jonesboro in hopes
of pulling the city together toward KAB Affiliation.
The Health & Wellness Environmental School in Jonesboro deserves more recognition
for all they do; their recycling event was very successful.
Congressional District 3
Julie Heyes reported:
She has offered to write blogs for Keep Arkansas Beautiful, the first one about Rachel
Pohl, the new AR representative to the Keep America Beautiful Youth Advisory Council.
Ms. Heyes also hopes to reach out to the affiliates.
Repurposing materials has become a personal mission, and she envisions a reuse center in
She stated that she hopes to tap into resources thru her employer, a 50-year old civil engineering
firm that is very community oriented and has received an environmental award for recycling
“wash water” in small communities, also turning sludge into fertilizer. The article will be
published in the December issue of “City & Town” magazine of AR Municipal League.
Congressional District 2
Mark Elrod expanded on his printed Commissioner and ARC Conference reports:
He continues efforts to connect with Keep Faulkner County Beautiful.
ARC Conference:
1) Attended sessions on “The Basics of Government Involvement” and “Rural
Challenges”, including newer recycling programs in the state;
2) Covanta Corporation – met with representatives and learned about their recycling
programs and conversion to energy.
Participated in “Rubbish Run”, a 5K run that also involved picking up trash.
Ms. Halbert reminded everyone that Covanta is the company that accepts prescription drugs from
AR “Take Back Drugs” collection events.
Ms. Philpott stated that the “Rubbish Run” was organized by Raven Lawson, formerly of ADEQ.
Congressional District 3
John Pope reported:
ARC Conference (printed report submitted): At the end of the sessions, he was able to
review all of our programs with the group, including dates and websites that weren’t
covered by the speakers; this resulted in a Springdale school signing up for ARD.
Recycle Bowl: Four schools have signed up from Crawford County since involvement
over the last few years, two in Van Buren and two in Alma. A trophy has been
established to encourage competition between the schools. The KAB Foundation
provided funds for the trophy with Alma being the current winner.
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“Beautify Fort Smith”:
1) Doing an excellent job with much improvement in the last couple of years;
2) Mr. Pope attends monthly meetings as much as possible;
3) At a recent executive board meeting, Mr. Pope made a presentation, resulting in a
vote to go thru the affiliate pre-certification process; however, it is contingent upon
$50,000 they are to receive from the city, and there are still questionable issues about
designation of funds and taxes. (Mr. Phelps suggested that Ms. Heyes might attend a
meeting and have some influence, since she has ties in that community.)
KAB Affiliates’ Reports
Keep Van Buren Beautiful
John Pope reported:
Recycle Bowl: Four schools in Crawford County, the most schools in the state; there
were at least six in NW Arkansas.
America Recycles Day: Southwest Times published a long editorial about ARD.
1) Six events in Van Buren, the most of anyone in the state; King Elementary held a
recycling event in conjunction with the US Green Building Council who received a
grant from ADEQ;
2) Fort Smith opened the landfill for a tour, this being their second year to do so;
3) Springdale school held eight events;
4) ATU Ozark held an event;
5) KAB recycling website needs to be revamped……….site was down for 2 days with
inability to register events.
GAC event was a success, filling two large dumpsters: 65 Girl Scouts cleaned
downtown; Pope worked with a church group.
He thanked Keep America Beautiful for promoting the recycling-repurposing of eyeglasses.
Congressional District 4/Keep El Dorado Beautiful
Dianne Hammond reported as KAB Commissioner and for Keep El Dorado Beautiful, as follows:
Keep El Dorado Beautiful won a Troy-Bilt string trimmer for coordinating a GAmC
event; the equipment is housed at city hall and can be checked out by local citizens.
 During cleanups, volunteer groups have taken on the added responsibility of mowing and
cleaning yards of elderly or disabled citizens.
 Clean Harbors Hazardous Waste Co. has donated trash cans and recycling bins for every
park or wherever the city needs them.
 Ms. Hammond spoke on 2 radio stations and to numerous churches promoting cleanups
and recycling.
 El Dorado’s Adopt-An-Area/Street has been successful with half of the town adopted.
 El Dorado Mayor personally contributed $100 to support America Recycles Day.
Keep Bryant Beautiful
Carol Philpott reported:
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KBB received a modest sponsorship from US Pizza, a local business.
Bryant Parks & Recreation has received a grant for plantings in front of the Bryant
Community Center.
 Two recycling events:
1) America Recycles Day event;
2) October 11 – Bicycle recycle day where 200 bicycles were received, plus 2,000
additional pounds of metal and 4,000 pounds of e-Waste.
 Working on beautification projects with the schools and library.
 Working with the Historical Society on restoration of an area called Farmstead, a
historical building in Bryant.
 Continued partnership with Saline County Regional Solid Waste Management District
and Goodwill, currently working on plans for an April cleanup and recycling event.
She was pleased to hear that Keep Bryant Beautiful will be receiving a President’s Circle Award.
Keep Sherwood Beautiful
Betty Barnhardt reported:
Shredathon in October 10 resulted in 10, 560 pounds recycled.
Great Arkansas Cleanup event involved 46 volunteers collecting 43 bags of trash plus
some beautification.
Keep Sherwood Beautiful will be eight years old January 7.
June Fitzgerald reported on Sherwood Fest with one of the highlights being a castle building
competition utilizing recycled material. Eight groups participated, and trophies were provided by
Parks & Recreation. One group of four veterans, representing different branches of service,
decided to participate and was given a ribbon for the “most patriotic” entry.
Mr. Phelps added that the KAB Foundation is floundering. The executive committee met three
weeks ago with the consensus that, unless an independent program can be developed that the
Foundation can own and operate exclusive of the Commission, it will probably return exclusively
to a supporting role for KAB programs and events. The full Board will meet at 3:30 this
afternoon. It is a strong possibility that it will downsize considerably and exist in essence as a
supplemental bank account that is able to receive private funds for use in support of KAB
programs where public funds cannot be used.
To address the issue of dilapidated housing, unkempt yards and such that Commissioners and
Affiliates are dealing with in their communities, Keep America Beautiful is involved in a research
project regarding blight. State Leaders brought this to the table a year ago, recommending that
KAB needed to offer guidance, and they have since contributed $50,000 to this project. They
will be contacting Affiliate board members, particularly those that represent businesses, to solicit
additional funding for this effort. Because of the contribution we have already made, Arkansas
will be included in the distribution with the study available to all our KAB Affiliates.
Ms. Shaw asked that rural areas not be left out, as large cities seem to be the main focus at this
point. Mr. Phelps stated he understands the blight of rural Arkansas, and he and sister state
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affiliates will be supporting rural areas inclusion in the study and guidelines. He noted that a
contract has been let and researchers have a working document for the project.
Betty Shaw made a motion, seconded by Mary Joe Rogers, to adjourn
the meeting at 1:00 p.m. The motion passed.
The next meeting of the Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission will be held January 7, 2015 at
AR Department of Parks & Tourism.
Robert Phelps, Director
Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission
Dianne Hammond, Chairwoman
Keep Arkansas Beautiful Commission