Training - City of DeLand

Chief William E. Ridgway
Departmental Standards Directive
The purpose of this directive is to establish the authority, duties and responsibilities for the development,
implementation, and coordination of all advanced, specialized, and in-house training.
The Department must ensure that training resources are efficiently and equitably allocated in order to
enhance the effectiveness of the police mission, and to encourage and facilitate members in their pursuit
of additional work related training. Work related training is defined as:
Mandatory training required by the Florida Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission
Career Development courses which may result in salary incentive pay.
College courses which may result in educational incentive pay.
Training that is paid for by the City’s Educational Assistance Program.
Training which is available or required as a result of being employed by the Police Department.
Training is one of the most important responsibilities of any law enforcement agency. It contributes
toward the overall professionalism of the agency while the consequences for lack of training jeopardize
the credibility of the agency and expose the City to civil liability.
The Department has established an effective and coordinated training program to assist in the
development of personnel. The Training Section is responsible for developing, improving, and updating
the skills of all members. This specific policy defines the types of training available to department
The Department’s policy is to maintain a training program that directs efforts toward learning new skills,
improving or updating old ones, refining performance in high liability areas, developing specialized
skills and creating awareness of new techniques and technologies for all members.
It is further the policy of the Department to require sworn members to maintain mandatory training levels
required by the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Criminal Justice Standards and
Training Commission (CJSTC). This mandated training will be completed in addition to specialized
training and any training required by the Department.
All training duties will be performed under the administrative control of the Training Section.
The following list identifies the major training programs which are offered and coordinated by
the Training Section:
Advanced and specialized training;
Career Development courses;
FDLE mandatory retraining requirements;
Specialized Unit training.
The Training Section along with the FTO Coordinator will coordinate training of all newly hired
members, to include the following topics:
An orientation to the agency’s role, purpose, goals, policies, and procedures;
Working conditions and regulations;
Member rights and responsibilities; and
Accreditation process.
Training Section will ensure that all sworn members have available to them legal bulletins,
training bulletins, law handbooks, and/or Florida Statutes providing current laws and legal
guidelines including the following:
Procedures for arrest with or without a warrant;
Rights of Prisoners;
Search by consent;
Stop and frisk of an individual under circumstances where the officer has articulable reason to fear
his/her safety;
Search at the scene of a crime;
Exigent circumstances, as where the public safety is endangered;
Inventory searches of seized vehicles or other property; and
Other situations authorized by state and federal constitutional provisions.
Search of a vehicle under a movable vehicle exception.
Training Section will plan, develop, and coordinate all training programs and presentations
affecting the Department.
Training Section will notify all Department personnel of upcoming training programs being
presented by the Department or approved outside sources.
It shall be the responsibility of Training Section to develop and maintain centralized records of all
training presented to all Department personnel, including all in-house training as well as training
from approved outside sources. This will include civilian training records.
Work related training will be categorized into one of the following types:
Department Required—Training that satisfies FDLE/CJSTC mandatory retraining requirements or
refreshers necessary to maintain specific certifications. This training shall be attended while on duty.
Schedules may be adjusted to accommodate this training.
Department Preferred—Training the Department deems necessary to accomplish public safety and
law enforcement objectives. This training will be attended while on duty. Schedules may be adjusted
to accommodate this training.
Member Requested—Training not mandated by CJSTC nor department preferred but that an member
would like to attend. This training may be attended off duty or it may be attended on duty, with the
approval of the Division Commander. Schedules may be adjusted to accommodate this training.
Formal Education—All college level courses, not required by the department, will be taken off duty.
Schedules may be adjusted to accommodate this course work if appropriate.
Training Section will maintain records on each member, indicating which work related training
courses have been attended.
4.4.10 Training Section will notify members who need to attend mandatory retraining courses in order
to maintain certificates; however, primary responsibility remains with the member.
4.4.11 Training Section is responsible for obtaining and disseminating information on upcoming training
from a number of different sources. This information will be made available to members in the
following manner:
A list of upcoming training courses will be maintained and available in the Training Section office.
The Training Section will keep members informed of up-coming training.
4.4.12 Requests for specific training will be made through Training Section via the member’s chain of
4.4.13 Members wishing to attend training will forward a request to their supervisor. This step should be
completed as soon as possible after the training is announced or scheduled.
4.4.14 Training that requires expense disbursements will include the appropriate tuition, travel, meals,
lodging, and all other associated required costs on the appropriate form.
4.4.15 The supervisor will evaluate the request based on the following criteria:
Member’s need to obtain mandatory retraining as dictated by FDLE/CJSTC;
Departmental needs for personnel to be trained in a specific area;
Appropriateness of the training for the member’s position or assignment;
Cost of training;
Availability and location of training;
Member’s training history, including number of courses attended, and compliance with course and
Department guidelines.
4.4.16 The member’s supervisor will provide for the completion of the appropriate form. If approved by
the immediate supervisor, the request will be forwarded to the Chief of Police (via the chain of
command) for approval and transmittal to Training Section.
4.4.17 Training Section will contact the training source to confirm space in the class and lodging
information, if applicable. If necessary, a tentative commitment to attend will be made.
4.4.18 Training Section will notify both the member and his/her supervisor of the decision on whether
the training has been approved. If approved, the member will be directed to contact Training
Section for further information.
4.4.19 If the training requires expense checks to be disbursed, Training Section will coordinate with the
appropriate division’s Administrative Assistant for processing the request through the Finance
The Finance Department will send the fund disbursement notification to Training Section who will
notify the affected member.
The member will be directed on how and when to pick up funds for the training.
4.4.20 Training Section will confirm the member’s enrollment / registration and make final
arrangements regarding transportation, meals and lodging if necessary.
4.4.21 The member will attend the course(s) that they have been approved to attend. If for any reason
they are unable to do so, they will contact Training Section and their immediate supervisor as
soon as possible. Unexcused absences may result in discipline.
4.4.22 A Training Evaluation form will be completed and turned in to Training Section by the member
within one week of returning to work.
4.4.23 Members will submit a completed Travel Expense Worksheet, receipts and any remaining funds
to the Finance Department within one week of their return to work.
4.4.24 Training Section will coordinate an in-house training program to be held on a quarterly basis.
Each session will offer approximately eight hours of instruction.
4.4.25 The Chief of Police or designee will determine topics for in-house training based on a training
needs assessment.
4.4.26 In-house training may be open to members of other law enforcement agencies, at the discretion of
the Chief of Police.
4.4.27 Other in-house training may be offered as available, to include:
Department sponsored training conducted by outside instructors or training firms;
Training of such an urgent nature that it cannot wait for the next quarterly session; or
Classes that include civilian members or non-members from the community.
4.4.28 Training Section will maintain a record for each in-service training class, to include at a
Course content;
Names of participants;
Performance of individual participants, if applicable; and
Names of instructors.
Hours of instruction
4.4.29 For all in-house training taught by department instructors, the material must be confirmed to be
legal and the most current. The final course content will be reviewed and accepted by the
Training Section and then shall be approved by the Chief of Police. The Training Section will
file and retain all curriculum development materials.
4.4.30 All training courses will be taught from an approved lesson plan. Any changes or amendments to
the lesson plan must first be approved by the Training Section and the Chief of Police.
4.4.31 The format for lesson plans will include a cover sheet that lists the following information:
Course name;
Topic name / category;
Length of session;
Date prepared;
Prepared by;
Statement of student performance objectives;
Teaching aids;
References where information is obtained.
4.4.32 Lesson plans will be prepared in a computer generated outline format, and will be written in a
manner that would allow any instructor familiar with the material to teach according to the plan.
The plan shall describe the training content and address appropriate instructional techniques such
as lecture, discussion, or group exercises. The outline will use the following format:
Student evaluation on the training/instructor, completed on the appropriate form.
4.4.33 Lesson plans, records of instructors, attendance rosters, testing keys and test results will be
retained in a curriculum training file and for a period not to exceed five years. These lesson plans
will be reviewed and updated periodically.
4.4.34 In-house personnel will be selected to instruct based on the desire to teach, knowledge and
experience in the subject area, instructional ability and recommendations of supervisors and
4.4.35 High liability topic instructors must have instructor certification for the specific course being
taught, and must have completed the FDLE Instructor Techniques class.
4.4.36 Departmental instructors shall receive periodic re-training and updating to meet any specific
instructional problems of the Department.
4.4.37 Training shall be evaluated in writing by students at the conclusion of each course of instruction.
4.4.38 Division Commanders will allow personnel to participate as instructors or trainers whenever
possible if requested by Training Section. Those officers will be excused from their normal duties
in order to participate as instructors in various training presentations.
4.4.39 When necessary and appropriate, instructors who are not employed by the Department may be
used. These instructors will be selected based upon proof of their skills, knowledge, and ability.
4.4.40 Outside instructors will be required to provide Training Section with lesson plans, copies of
handouts and descriptions of any video or audiotapes used in the training course along with proof
of appropriate instructor certifications.
4.4.41 Outside instructors shall be required to provide a list of anticipated expenses for that particular
course of instruction.
4.4.42 Members shall attend required training sessions. In-house instructors shall document attendance
and forward the records to Training Section, who will ensure all records of attendance are
4.4.43 Members shall be excused from training for court appearances, depositions, recognized
emergencies and illnesses as approved by the instructor and Training Section.
4.4.44 Members shall be required to make up time that is missed due to an excused or an unexcused
absence from training when the course involves FDLE mandatory training.
4.4.45 Unexcused absence from a required class will be handled as any other unexcused absence.
4.4.46 Members will be recognized for successful completion of training programs by a certificate of
completion from the Department, issued by Training Section.
4.4.47 Written testing and/or appropriate practical exercise testing must accompany all in-house
training in high liability areas. Tests will be developed from the content of the training and
administered in a fair and impartial manner. A passing score for high liability and all other
written tests, and a “pass” on all practical exercises are required to successfully complete the
course. All written test materials will include a grading key in the curriculum development file.
All practical exercise tests will include a list of evaluation guidelines in the curriculum file.
4.4.48 Copies of all test materials, including written tests, test keys, practical exercise scenarios, and
evaluation conditions and guidelines will be kept in the curriculum file by Training Section.
4.4.49 Each in-house training program shall be monitored and evaluated by the instructors, students, and
Training Section.
4.4.50 Training Section has the responsibility of maintaining evaluations for training programs.
Attendance records and course evaluations will be turned in to Training Section within one week
after completion of the course.
4.4.51 Training Section will maintain and update training records on each member, including:
Date of the training;
Type of training received;
Certificates received; (if applicable)
Attendance records;
Test scores (if applicable)
4.4.52 The need for remedial training will be determined through member evaluations and or supervisor
observations that show a failure to meet departmental standards of performance; or by a failure to
satisfactorily complete required training. Remedial training should be documented and forwarded
to the Training Section.
4.4.53 The types of remedial training available may include any additional training necessary to ensure
the conformance with department directives, policies, and procedures.
4.4.54 Remedial training should be identified and provided as soon as possible once a deficiency is
identified. For areas other than firearm proficiency, the remedial training should be completed
within 60 days of the time the deficiency was identified by an instructor or supervisor.
4.4.55 Non-participation in remedial training may result in disciplinary action.
4.4.56 If a sworn member is unable to qualify with an authorized weapon, they will be reassigned to
duties that do not require the use/carrying of that weapon until they are able to qualify with two
passing scores on the approved course. Firearm proficiency should be reestablished within seven
days of the deficiency being identified.
4.4.57 If a member fails to successfully complete remedial training, the following strategies may be
Additional remedial training may be conducted, employing alternate strategies as needed to bring the
member to the desired level of knowledge or performance.
Recommendations may be made to the Chief of Police to assign or reclassify the member to a
position that does not require the use of the skills or knowledge in which the deficiency occurs.
Recommendations may be made to the Chief of Police for termination, if all remedial efforts are
unable to bring the member to the desired level of knowledge or performance.
4.4.58 The results of remedial training will be a part of the member’s training file that is maintained by
Training Section.
4.4.59 All sworn personnel will complete the CJSTC requirement of 40 hours of training every four
years as well as all other CJSTC mandated courses.
4.4.60 Additionally, all sworn personnel shall attend and complete mandatory annual or biennial
refresher training in the following areas:
Firearms qualification (FDLE requires successful completion of the state course of fire biennial,
however, the department’s requirement is Annually);
Defense Tactics (Annual);
Response to Resistance / Matrix, to include physiological responses and legal aspects (Annual);
Less lethal Weapons (Biennial);
Dart firing stun guns (Annual)
First aid and/or CPR (Biennial);
Hazardous materials response (Biennial);
Changes or updates in Departmental Directives (On-going as changes occur)
4.4.61 Various positions in the department will require completion of specialized training either prior to
appointment or at the earliest available date thereafter.
4.4.62 The following sworn positions will require training as described, at a minimum.
Motorcycle Officer—Police Motorcycle Operator.
Bicycle Officer—Police Mountain Bike Operator.
K-9 Officer—Police K-9 Handler.
D.A.R.E. Officer— D.A.R.E. Instructor.
Field Training Officer—F.T.O. Certification.
Crime Scene Personnel --- Processing
Detectives—Criminal Investigations
Evidence Personnel --- Evidence handling & processing
Training—commensurate with their responsibilities
4.4.63 Officers assigned to operate specialized equipment (Breath test machine, Radar, etc.) must obtain
the proper certifications.
4.4.64 The following civilian positions require specialized training prior to assuming job
Records Clerk—Records Management System operation, document transmittal and retention
requirements, and Uniform Traffic Citation processing.
Community Service Aides—Traffic direction and control, report writing, fingerprinting, telephone
and security system operation, program certification and basic crime scene processing.
Victim Advocate
Crime Scene Processor
Evidence Technician
DRAFTED: PCG— 06/2003
REVISED: GRB---07/2006
REVISED: JFA—01/2008
REVISED: JFA – 11/2010