District Emergency Plan ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS............................................................................................................................................. 1 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER (EOC).................................................................................................. 4 MESSAGE FORM ....................................................................................................................................................... 3 ACTIVITY LOG........................................................................................................................................................... 4 GENERAL LOG........................................................................................................................................................... 5 EMERGENCY RESOURCES SUMMARY............................................................................................................ 6 PLANNING & STRATEGY WORKSHEET .......................................................................................................... 7 EMERGENCY MANAGER....................................................................................................................................... 8 SAFETY OFFICER ................................................................................................................................................... 10 PUBLIC INFORMATION/LIAISON OFFICER (PIO) ...................................................................................... 12 PUBLIC INFORMATION RELEASE WORKSHEET ...................................................................................... 15 NEWS STORY WRITING (FOR PRINTED MEDIA) ......................................................................................................... 15 BROADCAST NEWS WRITING .................................................................................................................................... 17 DISASTER BROADCAST NEWS RELEASE ..................................................................................................... 18 RESPONDING TO CITIZENS................................................................................................................................ 19 EMERGENCY INFORMATION SYSTEM ......................................................................................................... 21 OPERATIONS SECTION CHIEF .......................................................................................................................... 22 DISTRICT DAMAGE SUMMARY........................................................................................................................ 24 LOGISTICS SECTION CHIEF............................................................................................................................... 26 DISTRICT EMERGENCY SUPPLY INVENTORY........................................................................................... 28 PLANNING & INTELLIGENCE SECTION CHIEF ......................................................................................... 29 PLANNING & STRATEGY WORKSHEET ........................................................................................................ 31 ADMINISTRATION & FINANCE SECTION CHIEF....................................................................................... 32 ACCOUNTING FOR DISASTER RECOVERY WORK................................................................................... 35 DISASTER RECOVERY DOCUMENTATION PACKAGE............................................................................ 41 ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 1 Sample Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Location This is a CONCEPT diagram of an EOC. The room should be configured as closely as possible to the diagram shown on this page; however, in the event of a major disaster, this location may be moved at the discretion of the Emergency Manager. EOC Activation When the EOC is activated Activation of the District EOC means that at least one District official implements SEMS as appropriate to the scope of the emergency and the District's role in response to the emergency. The District EOC is activated when routine use of resources needs support and/or augmentation. The District official implementing SEMS may function from the EOC or from other locations depending on the situation. Activated EOCs may be partially or fully staffed to meet the demands of the situation. The District maintains three EOC staffing levels that can be applied to various situations. Activation criteria are as follows: EOC Activation Guide Level NONE (Green) 0 (Blue) 1 (Yellow) 2 (Orange) Conditions Activation Staffing 1. None 1. Maintenance 1. None 1. No actions. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. No potential severe weather Some international tension Some national or local tension Slightly increasing probability of hazard Serious increase in international tension Possibility of local unrest Severe weather watch is issued Situational conditions warrant Small incidents involving one facility Earthquake advisory Flood watch Small scale civil unrest Situational conditions warrant Severe weather warning issued Moderate earthquake Wildfire affecting specific areas Incidents involving 2 or more facilities Hazardous materials evacuation Imminent earthquake alert Major scheduled event International crisis deteriorated to the point that widespread disorder is probable Acts of terrorism (biological, technical, other) are imminent Civil disorder with relatively large scale localized violence Hazardous conditions that affect a significant portion of the District Severe weather is occurring Verified and present threat to critical facilities Situational conditions warrant Major emergency in the District Major earthquake 1. Monitor world, national, regional, and local news and monitor regional weather forecasts and space forecasts. 1. None 1. No actions. 1. Only basic support staff or as determined by Emergency Manager 1. EOC Section Chiefs review Plan and Guidelines and check readiness of staff and resources. Staffed as situation warrants and liaison to other agencies Primary EOC personnel will be available and checkin regularly 1. 2. Briefings to Superintendent and Board EOC begins full operation As determined by the Emergency Manager EOC essential and necessary staff Key department heads Required support staff 1. As situation warrants 2. 3. 3 (Red) EOC Duties 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. Continuous monitoring of event Check & update all resource lists Distribute status and analysis to EOC personnel Receive briefing from field personnel as necessary 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. Continuous monitoring of event Initiate EOC start-up checklist Facilitate field personnel Provide status updates to EOC personnel 2. 1. 1. 2. Brief arriving staff on current situation Facilitate EOC staff 2. 3. 4. SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 EOC Activation Checklist EOC Activation is ordered by the Emergency Manager or the Superintendent and will call the Section Chiefs. Upon, activation, personnel assigned to positions on the EOC Team report to the EOC location and check in with Section Chiefs. Conduct EOC function and incident/situation briefing. Issue seat and confirm shift assignments. Obtain identification vest and credentials. Begin activity logs. Determine staffing needs and acquire additional support as needed. Check communications equipment (telephones, fax machines, radios). Assistance available from the Communications Team. Locate and lay out necessary supplies and materials. Review and start working off Position Checklist. EOC Closeout Checklist Notify appropriate agencies and individual sites that EOC is being closed. Collect data, logs, situation reports, message forms, and other significant documentation. Place in a secure file box. Mark the outside with the date and any state or federal numbers associated with the response. Deliver the information to the Administration & Finance Section Chief. Fold and repack re-usable maps, charts, materials. Collect and box all office supplies and unused forms. Make a list of all supplies that need replacement and forward to the Logistics Section Chief. Return vest and identification credentials. Log out. Leave work area in good order. ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 1 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Positions Stationed in Emergency Operations Center Public Information / Liaison Officer Safety Officer Emergency Manager Operations Section Chief Communications Team Logistics Section Chief Planning & Intelligence Section Chief Technology Team Administration & Finance Section Chief Human Resources Team Documentation Team EOC Equipment and Supplies Checklist Equipment and supplies should be sufficient for prolonged operation of the fully staffed EOC. The following is a recommended supply list: Communications equipment Furniture - desks/tables and chairs for all positions, conference tables and chairs Computers and printers EOC forms and logs Copier & copy paper Supplies and office equipment (pens, pencils, staplers/staples, note paper) Emergency generator Kitchen equipment and supplies Flashlights/emergency lighting Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) for computers TV, VCR, AM/FM Radio Displays, maps, charts, white boards Administrative First Aid and Sanitary Supplies Blankets and other items for a sleeping area Janitorial Supplies Food supply ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 2 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Message Form School District EOC Message Form Date Priority (Circle one) EMERGENCY (Life Threatened) Time TO TName URGENT (Property Threatened) FROM Name Title Title Location Location Check One Take Action ROUTINE (All Others) For Information Other Message: Disposition: Action Taken By: (Name) Time Action Taken: Method Sent Status ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ Radio Dispatch Dispatch Cell phone FAX Courier Other_____________ ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 3 Date_______Time______Initial______ SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Activity Log School District EMERGENCY OPERATIONS CENTER STAFF ACTIVITY LOG1 Date Time To From Incident Comments x i x 1 The activity log records what you actually did whereas the checklist on the reverse lists the actions you should perform. ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 4 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 General Log Date of this page:________________ Page # _____ of _____ PLEASE TAKE TIME TO RECORD INFORMATION - IT IS A LEGAL DOCUMENT Time Person Reporting Information/Message/Action ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 5 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Emergency Resources Summary School District Emergency Resources Summary Date: Incident: Resources Ordered Resource Identification Page ____ of ____ ETA ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 6 Time On Scene Location/Assignment SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Planning & Strategy Worksheet School District Planning & Strategy Worksheet Date: Incident: Goal (Objective) Page ____ of ____ Plans ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 7 Tactics SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Emergency Manager Responsibilities From the EOC, constantly assesses the situation. Knows what resources are available. Determines strategy for implementing the plan to handle the incident. Monitors how well (or poorly) the plan is working. Adjusts the plan to meet the realities of the situation. Makes sure that the response is being fully documented - for legal financial reasons. Coordinates all response activities through the section chiefs. Keeps the Superintendent informed of the progress and strategies being implemented during the response. If appropriate to the situation, and no other person is available, acts as Safety Officer to make sure that the safety of students, staff and others on the site is the highest priority. The positions of information officer and liaison can also be performed by the Emergency Manager when designated persons are not available. Maintains and coordinates the operation of the Emergency Communications System. Establishes radio contact with all district facilities. Manages site and hazard surveys, recommending changes where resources cannot accomplish needed changes. Continuity and efficiency require that the Emergency Manager be in the EOC throughout the response and use a "hands-off" approach to managing response activities. Start-Up Actions Assess type and scope of emergency. Determine threat to human life and structures. Implement emergency/disaster plan and hazard specific procedures Meet with Section Chiefs to develop and communicate an incident action plan with objectives and a time frame to meet those objectives Activate functions (assign positions) as needed. ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 8 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Operational Duties Continue to monitor and assess total district situation: Maintain site maps for progress and damage assessment information Hold planning and strategy meetings with Section Chiefs as necessary Reassign personnel as needed Report to Superintendent and apprise of situation Develop & Communicate revised incident action plans as needed Recommend student release to Superintendent when appropriate. Authorize release of information through the PIO. Use your back up plan and take regular breaks Plan regular breaks for all staff and volunteers. Release staff and positions as appropriate. Remain at and in charge of the EOC. Closing Down Authorize deactivation of sections, branches, or teams when they are no longer required. At the direction of the Superintendent of Schools, deactivate the entire emergency response. Ensure that any open actions not yet completed are taken care of after deactivation. Ensure the return of all equipment and reusable supplies to Logistics. Compile information for final report to Superintendent. Close out all logs. Ensure that all logs, reports, and other relevant documents are completed and provided to the Administration & Finance Section Chief. Proclaim termination of the emergency and proceed with recovery operations as necessary. ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 9 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Safety Officer Responsibilities The Safety Officer ensures that all activities are conducted in as safe a manner as possible under the circumstances. Start-Up Actions Check in with Emergency Manager for situation briefing. Obtain necessary equipment and supplies from Logistics. Put on position identifier, such as vest, if available. Open and maintain an activity log. Maintain all required records and documentation to support the history of the emergency or disaster. Document: Messages received Action taken Decision justification and documentation Requests filled Operational Duties Monitor emergency response activities for safety. Identify and mitigate safety hazards and situations Stop or modify all unsafe operations. Think ahead and anticipate situations and problems before they occur. Anticipate situation changes, such as severe aftershocks etc. in all planning Keep the Emergency Manager and Superintendent advised of your status and activity and of any problem areas that need or will require solutions. ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 10 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Closing Down When authorized by the Emergency Manager, deactivate the unit and close out all logs. Provide logs and other relevant documents to the Administration & Finances Section Chief Return Equipment and reusable supplies to Logistics. Equipment/Supplies Vest or positions identifier Clipboard, paper, pens Telephone ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 11 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Public Information / Liaison Officer Public Information Responsibilities The Public has the right and need to know important information related to emergencies/disasters at any District facilities as soon as it is available. The Public Information Officer acts as the official spokesperson for the District and the Superintendent in an emergency situation. When the district PIO is activated, he/she will be the official spokesperson. A school site-based PIO should only be used if the media is on campus and the district PIO is not available or forthcoming. News media can play an essential role assisting the District in getting emergency/disaster related information to the public (parents). Information released must be consistent, accurate, and timely. Start-Up Actions Determine a possible “news center” site as a media reception area (located away from the EOC and other staff). Get approval from Emergency Manager. Identify yourself as the “PIO" (vest, visor, sign, etc.) Consult with Superintendent and Emergency Manager to coordinate information release. Assess situation and obtain statement from Superintendent. Tape-record if possible. Advise arriving media that the District is preparing a press release & approximate time of its issue. Open and maintain a general log of your actions and all communications. Operational Duties Keep up to date on the situation If possible, tape media briefings. Keep all documentation to support the history of the event. Statements must be approved by the Superintendent and Emergency Manager and should reflect: Reassurance—“Everything is going to be OK” ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 12 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Incident or disaster cause and time of origin. Size & Scope of the incident Current situation—Condition of sites, evacuation progress, care being given, injuries, student release locations, etc. Do not release any names. Resources in use. Best routes to schools if known and appropriate. Any information the Superintendent wishes to be released to the public. Read statements if possible. When answering questions, be complete & truthful, always considering confidentiality & emotional impact. Avoid speculation, talking “off the record”, arguing. Avoid use of the phase “No Comment”. Remind school sites to refer all questions from media or waiting parents to the PIO. Update information periodically with Superintendent and Emergency Manager. Ensure announcements & other information is translated into other languages as needed. Monitor news broadcasts about incident. Correct any misinformation heard. ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 13 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Closing Down At the Emergency Manager's direction, release PIO staff when no longer needed. Direct staff members to sign out through timekeeping. Return equipment and reusable supplies to Logistics. Close out all logs. Provide logs and other relevant documents to the Administration & Finance Section Chief. Equipment/Supplies ID vest Battery operated AM/FM radio Paper/pencils/marking pens Scotch tape/masking tape Scissors School site map(s) and area maps Periodically prepared 8 ½ X 11 handouts Forms Disaster Public Information Release Work Sheet School Profiles ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 14 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Public Information Release Worksheet News Story Writing (for printed media) Disasters are HARD NEWS. That is, a story which has a strong sense of immediacy. Hard news is based on a timely event that just happened or is going to happen. Hard news informs more that it entertains and is significant and interesting to the reader. Hard news usually contains many elements of mass appeal: Immediacy, proximity, prominence, consequences, conflict, suspense, emotion, and progress. LEAD BRIDGE BODY Opinions, editorial comment and unverified data are not included in HARD NEWS stories. HARD NEWS must be as objective as possible. SUMMARY LEAD The Summary Lead is the conclusion or summary of an event given at the beginning of the story. It should answer or imply as many of the key questions - who, what, where, why, how? - in 30 words or less. BRIDGE After writing the summary lead, look over the facts and decide what items will be in the bridge. A bridge paragraph is a means of transition from the summary information of the lead to the detailed information of the body - a lead-to-body link. It is the second part of a straight news story and is normally one or two paragraphs. ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 15 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 The bridge can serve one or more of five major functions depending upon the summary lead written for the story. One of the functions of the bridge is to explain other Ws or H not included in the lead. Another function of the bridge is to give attribution to those leads which demand it. Attribution gives the source (who said it) or authority (directives, regulations, sources, etc.) A third function of the bridge is to provide complete identification after an Impersonal who lead. Complete identification means full name, age, title or occupation and address if available. A fourth function of the bridge is to give the reader a recap or tie-back to an earlier story on the same subject. The writer must never assume that readers have read the first version of the story. Therefore, a tie-back is necessary to put the reader in a proper perspective. The fifth function of he bridge is to bring out additional information which is not a lead element, but complements the lead. BODY After writing the summary lead and a bridge transition, you're ready to write the body of the news story. A function of the body is to expand on the summary information given in the lead. Where the lead tells the story in a "nutshell", the body "fleshes out" the facts of the lead with interesting and significant details. Recalling that a straight story is written in an inverted pyramid format, an editor may have to cut paragraphs from the bottom. For this reason, and the fact that newspaper readers have many demands on their time and wants news quickly, the body of the story is written with facts in diminishing order of importance. Essentially, the body retells in detail and in descending order of importance the summary facts given in the lead. Paragraphs in a news story are short, usually 2-3 sentences. Limiting paragraph length reduces the formidable appearance of having to read long, gray columns of type. ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 16 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Broadcast News Writing Broadcast writing is highly personal, far different from writing for the print media. Broadcast copy is written and designed for the ear. It's personal and has a sense of immediacy. The listener gets involved. There are 6 basic rules in writing broadcast copy. The copy must be CLEAR... CONCISE... CONVERSATIONAL... COMPLETE... CURRENT... and most of all CORRECT. 1. Clear copy is written in a simple way which is easy to understand the first time it is heard. It is developed in a logical way and flows smoothly. 2. You have concise copy when all unnecessary words have been trimmed away and only those words essential to conveying your thoughts remain. 3. Your story must sound conversational. A good broadcast writer "listens" to the story as it is written. When finished, it should be read aloud to make sure it sounds conversational. Make sure there are no difficult to pronounce works or combinations of words that are awkward to the ear. Rid your copy of words that might be unfamiliar to listeners. 4. To be complete the broadcast story must include at least four of print journalism's 5 Ws. You obviously will state WHAT happened, and normally in y our lead sentence. Then to WHOM it happened, WHEN it happened, and WHERE it happened. WHY and HOW generally aren't critical, and often the information is not immediately available. For completeness, however, some stories will require the presence of such information. 5. If your story isn't current, you don't have "hard" news. News of a perishable nature is usually hard news. If you have a story of immediate news value, you'll want to expedite its completion and delivery to the media. 6. Finally, IS YOUR COPY CORRECT IN ALL RESPECTS? The answer to this question MUST be YES! Check and double-check your facts. ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 17 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Disaster Broadcast News Release Writer's Name/Phone Page _________ of __________ Date/Time of Release: LEAD: Copy Length: Type of Release NEWSCASTER (write in all caps): Cross out the page closure that is not correct # # # (END) MORE ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 18 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Responding to Citizens BE TOLERANT Recognize that this population is pretty unstable at this point because of physical dislocation, loss of property, devastation of their neighborhoods and general emotional trauma. This is a major loss and people have to go through a process in dealing with it. Oftentimes, the anger and the outrage are the only ways they can deal with the tragedy. Expecting that people will listen to reason is unrealistic. Don't expect to be able to persuade them. Many of them are holding onto anything they have. Their involvement and membership in neighborhood associations, for example, may be the only "home" they have and the only place they have to channel their energies, anger, etc. They will probably be firmly ensconced in their positions and not easily persuaded otherwise. Trying to expand their understanding of what's going on may not be well received. BE SENSITIVE Convey that you are listening, that you care about their concerns, their situation; that the District cares about their situation. Understand and acknowledge the enormity, the magnitude of their loss. If you cannot empathize, at least have respect for their situation. BE CALM Try to step back from any emotions that get stirred up for you if they are going to get in the way of your ability to listen and to hear. Slow your own emotional processes down. Do not display your anger. But it's okay to acknowledge frustration in wanting to be helpful in an incredibly difficult situation. BE APPRECIATIVE Convey that you/we/the District are trying very hard to manage through a monumental task and to be responsive to people. Convey you/we are glad they called/came in/came to the meeting. Do they have any suggestions that would help us work better with them? ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 19 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 BE UNDERSTANDING Try to understand what the other person may be experiencing by tapping into what you've experienced similarly -- i.e., what it feels like to be devastated by major loss. You don't need to say, "I know just how you feel..." that diminishes and minimizes the other person's experience. But it is important to make (for yourself) a connection to your own experience if it's related. ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY Don't point fingers of blame or pass the buck to others, other departments, or the head of government. Acknowledge and accept responsibility to try to resolve an issue or make an appropriate referral. Acknowledge that we know some things may have slipped through the cracks. Convey to them that we genuinely want to know if there are things we can do to be more responsive and helpful. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF You will need all your resources, stamina, energy, emotional center. Pay attention to your own needs. LEARN FROM THIS EXPERIENCE To the extent you can, take notes about what you observe. It will be very helpful when we debrief to have your comments about situations and issues that needed to be handled more effectively. ACKNOWLEDGE OTHERS Be supportive of your co-workers who may need assistance or just a "listening ear". Maintain perspective about the crisis. It's okay also to find humor and laughter in the midst of confusion and chaos. Take the work seriously but don't take yourself too seriously. ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 20 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Emergency Information System Provide reporters with enough confirmed information to avoid rumor reporting that can instill fear and panic. Free up administrators from media demands so they can make crucial decisions. Provide the public with one contact base for all District information. Answer media calls and requests on special hotlines. PIOs can act as spokespeople to reporters who stake out offices where decisions are being made. Write news releases, advisories, and statements. Publish a "Need Help?" hotline phone book for the public and media. Take calls from the public and refer them to those that can provide help. Write and execute emergency broadcast releases. Provide background information to reporters (gathered and compiled prior to crises). Provide rumor and damage control. ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 21 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Operations Section Chief Responsibilities Maintenance Director - Oversees all emergency response jobs. Reports to the Emergency Manager. Coordinates the activities of the Service Center (Field Operations Center). Evaluates and acts on operational information. Communications Team First Aid Team Facilities Team Start-Up Actions Check in with Emergency Manager for situation briefing Obtain necessary equipment and supplies from Logistics Put on position identifier, such as vest, if available Help set up Communications Team and review communications plan Operational Duties Assume the duties of all operations teams until staff is available and assigned As staff is assigned, brief them on the situation and supervise their activities, If additional supplies or staff are needed for the Operations section, notify Logistics. When additional staff arrives, brief them on the situation, and assign them as needed Coordinate Communications at the EOC Deploy First Aid Team as appropriate Compile site status reports as they are received through the Facilities Team and pass to Emergency Manager Evaluate and act on operational information Document all activity Inform the Operations staff of tasks and priorities as determined by the disaster ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 22 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Make sure the Operations staff are following standard procedures and documenting their activities Schedule breaks and reassign Operations staff within the section as needed Closing Down At the Emergency Manager's Direction, release Operations staff no longer needed. Direct staff members to sign out through Timekeeping (Admin/Finance) Return equipment and reusable supplies to Logistics. When authorized by Emergency Manager, deactivate the section and close out all logs. Provide logs and other relevant documents to the Incident Commander/or appointed Administration & Finance Section Chief Equipment/Supplies Vest or position identifier Resource listings Telephones Computer Workstation Paper, Pens Site maps and large area maps. Forms General Logs Activity Logs Message Forms Resources Summary Form Planning & Strategy Worksheets District Damage Summary ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 23 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 District Damage Summary Facility Identification Damage () Structural Nonstructural Comments or Concerns ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 24 Rating Code SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Rating Code Cond. Code Explanation DO NOT OCCUPY. Tag DANGEROUS. Prevent Access Building or any story is leaning significantly DO NOT OCCUPY. Tag DANGEROUS. Prevent Access 3 Obvious severe damage to primary structure members, severe leaning of walls or other signs of severe distress present. DO NOT OCCUPY. Tag DANGEROUS. Prevent Access 4 Large cracks in ground, massive ground movement, or slope displacement present that are under, or near, the building and are a hazard to the building. DO NOT OCCUPY. Tag DANGEROUS. Prevent Access 5 Obvious parapet, chimney, or other falling hazard present. Barricade to prevent access to the area. Rescuers may enter Other hazard present (toxic spill, chemical spill, asbestos contamination, broken gas line, fallen power lines Barricade to prevent access to the area. Once made as safe as possible, and with proper safety equipment, rescuers may enter 7 Air duct terminals, ductwork, light fixtures, lenses and fluorescent bulbs fallen or dislodges. Suspended ceiling system grid members fallen or dislodges. Broken windows. Overhead mechanical equipment supports or bracing dislodges. Barricade to prevent access to area. Rescuers may enter with proper safety equipment. Barricade to prevent access to area. Rescuers may enter 8 Although no damage is yet apparent, areas with overhead elements similar to those indicated in condition 7 may also fall in an earthquake aftershock; therefore, they are potentially hazardous. 1 Sites showing severe structural damage to any building or severe ground movement (Condition Codes 1-4) H2 Sites showing any structural or non-structural damage that students and staff intend to re-occupy in 24 - 48 hours MODERATE PRIORITY M1 Sites showing any structural damage to any building or that have overhead hazards (Condition Codes 5-8) 2 Sites showing any non-structural or structural damage that students & staff intend to occupy in 24 - 48 hours 6 M2 LOW PRIORITY Sites showing structural damage or non-structural damage that students & staff intend to occupy in 72 hours or more L R NR Action Building has collapsed, partially collapsed, or moved off it's foundation HIGH PRIORITY H1 Conditions Sites showing no or very minor damage Sites where no report has been made ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 25 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Logistics Section Chief Responsibilities Purchasing Clerk - In charge of ensuring the provision of resources for the response effort, including procurement, delivery, and deployment of resources. Ensures that all emergency expenses are tracked, by site, and that complete and accurate records are kept using the accounting system specified by the Finance & Administration Section. Teams under the Logistics Section are: Physical Resources Team Start-Up Actions Check in with Emergency Manager for situation briefing Coordinate distribution of supplies and equipment Put on position identifier, such as vest, if available Ensure that other facilities are set up as needed Operational Duties Assume the duties of all Logistics teams until staff is available and assigned As (or if) staff is assigned, brief them on the situation and supervise their activities. Coordinate supplies, equipment, and personnel needs with the Emergency Manager and other Section Chiefs Open and maintain a ledger accounting for all disaster-related procurements and expenditures at the District and at the Sites Track disaster-related usage of all District resources Document all activity Closing Down At the Emergency Manager's direction, deactivate the section and close out all logs ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 26 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Verify that closing tasks of all Logistics positions are accomplished. Secure all equipment and supplies Compile all accounting information and turn in to Administration & Finance Section Chief Turn in all logs to Administration & Finance Section Chief Equipment/Supplies Telephones Computer Workstation Paper, pens Accounting Materials Resource Listings Forms Maintain a supply of all forms and logs for all other sections District Emergency Supply Inventory General Logs Message forms Activity Logs Resources Summary Form Planning & Strategy Worksheets District Damage Summary ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 27 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 District Emergency Supply Inventory ITEM Quantity Location ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 28 Who is Responsible? SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Planning & Intelligence Section Chief Responsibilities Education Services Director - Responsible for planning ongoing operations and supervision of the situation status indicator (status board). Assists in finding facilities for use as school classrooms or administrative space and for setting up and maintaining EOC facilities. . Prepares the After Action Report. Manages message flow and runners. The teams under Planning & Intelligence are: Student Support Team Technology Team Start-Up Actions Check with Emergency manager for situation briefing Obtain necessary equipment and supplies from Logistics Put on position identifier, such as vest, if available Set up EOC Develop/draft initial action plan Set up Situation Status Indicator Set up message delivery and accountability system Supply Computer Workstations for all Section Chiefs and Management Staff Provide printers for workstations and a photo-copier for EOC Operational Duties Assume the duties of all Planning/Intelligence teams until staff is available and assigned As (or if) staff is assigned, brief them on the situation and supervise their activities. Make periodic updates and changes to Situation Status Indicator Hold periodic planning sessions with Section Chiefs and Emergency Manager Develop/draft updates to action plans ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 29 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Manage message flow and tracking Maintain EOC area and other spaces occupied by disaster personnel Maintain personnel and student data bases Closing Down At the Emergency Manager's direction, deactivate the section and close out all logs Verify that closing tasks of all Planning/Intelligence positions are accomplished Compile and prepare after-action report and turn into Administration & Finance Section Chief Turn all logs in to Administration & Finance Section Chief Return equipment and reusable supplies to Logistics Forms General Logs Message forms Activity Logs Planning & Strategy Worksheets Equipment/Supplies Telephone Computer Work Station Status Board or other visual devices Turn chart and pads Dry-erase pens Paper, pens Site maps, large-area maps ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 30 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Planning & Strategy Worksheet School District Planning & Strategy Worksheet Date: Incident: Goal (Objective) Page ____ of ____ Plans ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 31 Tactics SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Administration & Finance Section Chief Responsibilities Business Services Manager - Responsible for the supervision of Accounting and OES/FEMA documentation and all financial aspects of the response as well as all documentation and oversight of the process for the disaster assistance application during recovery. The teams under this section is: Human Resources Team Documentation Team Start-Up Actions Check in with Emergency Manager for situation briefing Put on position identifier, such as vest, if available Locate and set up work space Set up folders/file to collect records and information which will come in relating to personnel time keeping and/or purchasing and all other documentation Operational Duties Assume the duties of all Administration & Finance teams until staff is available and assigned As (or if) staff is assigned, brief them on the situation and supervise their activities. Maintain and provide information regarding status and availability of on and off-duty personnel Coordinate staff recall needs Arrange recruitment and orientation of temporary employees Register and assign volunteer workers and technical experts and specialists Initiate and maintain records Track injured and displaced personnel Document all activity ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 32 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Closing Down At the Emergency Manager's direction, deactivate the section and close out all logs Verify that closing tasks of all Finance/Administrative positions is accomplished. Collect and secure all documents and records Compile logs from all other Sections Prepare after-action documentation Equipment/Supplies Job description clipboard Computer Workstations Pencils/Pens File Boxes Forms General Logs Message forms Activity Logs Planning & Strategy Worksheets Labor Record Form Force Account Equipment Record Form Force Account Summary Record Form Rented Equipment Record ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 33 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 34 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Accounting for Disaster Recovery Work Work can be accomplished by contract or by force account, or somtimes by a combination of the two. Force Account Work Definition: Force account work is work accomplished by the District's own people, using District equipment or equipment leased by the District, and using materials the District has taken from stock or has purchased. Force account work should be documented on forms similar to those attached. Contract Work Definition: Contract work is work completed by contractors hired to repair or assist in repairing damages caused by the disaster. ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 35 SCHOOL DISTRICT DISASTER INCIDENT TIME/RECORD SHEET NDAA:________; FEMA-_______-DR-CA Date of Disaster: _________________________ Employee Name: Regular Work Schedule: Title/Position: Classification: Department: Function Performed during Disaster Incident Full-time Part-time Days & Time Worked Date Worked Location Where Work was Performed, i.e. address or site name Regular Hours Worked, i.e. 8:00 am -11:00am From To Overtime Hours Worked Gross Pay per Hour Regular O.T. Mileage (Odometer Reading) Beginning Ending SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Equipment Used District Owned Type of Equipment/ Vehicle Y or N If District Equipment: List Serial Number Rented Equipment Rented From & Invoice # Materials Used Check One Invoice # From Stock Vendor Description Qty. Unit Price Total Price Date Purchased Date & Hours Used Check # Date Used Description of work performed, e.g., removed 400 sq. ft. of water damaged wall, removed sheet rock and replaced with same and painted with 2 gallons of paint. (Attach additional pages if needed to explain work performed at each site.) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 1 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 Disaster Recovery Documentation Package This checklist is designed to help keep track of response plan, damage, and financial details during the entire recovery phase. Documentation must begin as soon as the disaster occurs. Do not wait for the Damage Survey Report (DSR) to be written and approved before starting the documentation process. Documentation package includes: Dates and times Incident beginning When each responder was notified and on scene Of all news releases and Emergency Alert System messages Of each injury, loss of life, and loss of property Of mitigation actions and recommendations Of personnel-hours expended and disaster-related expenses Time and description of each response action Date, time, and response action for each request for assistance. Audio and video tapes and pictures of disasters Dates, times and transcripts for all news briefings Damage data and subsequent spreadsheets Damage survey efforts Personnel rosters Situation reports Event logs Photographs Invoices Daily activity reports Materials from stock Rental and lease agreements Contract documents Insurance information Approved Damage Survey Reports (DSRs) ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 1 SCHOOL DISTRICT EMERGENCY PLAN ADDENDUM 2 Disaster Response Checklists – REVISED 2/12/2016 ACCOUNTING FOR PROJECT COSTS Separate disaster-related activities from normal activities. Do not co-mingle disasters Designate a person to coordinate accumulation of records. Capture specific accounting by DSR and site. Capture Force Account labor hours, rates, work locations, and description of work performed. Capture Force Account equipment hours, rates, and locations. Capture rented equipment cost and location. Capture Force Account material used from storage, its costs, location, and project. Capture equipment damaged or destroyed by inventory number, location, and costs to repair or replace. Capture vendor services or materials acquired under purchase orders or contracts. Capture contracted construction services and costs by site. Capture insurance settlements and other credits (salvage, rebates, etc.) reported by project. Capture technical consultant service costs and specific purposes of work performed. Document and describe nonproductive labor costs (sick leave, vacation, etc.). Document and describe fringe benefit rates. DOCUMENTING PROJECT COSTS Prepare detailed discussion of the damage and what was done or needs to be done at the site. Take photographs of the site before work begins, during, and after completed. List damaged and destroyed equipment. Prepare Force Account labor summaries backed up by detail labor runs and time sheets. Keep equipment usage records. Log vendor purchase orders, invoices, and payments. Keep copies. Prepare materials usage records. Record contracts, invoices, and payments by contractors. Prepare explanation of how contract was executed and the procurement method used. Prepare explanation if price was not competitively determined. Document authorizations to perform work by department head, legislative authority, or executive authority. File correspondence with grantee and/or FEMA. Document insurance information, settlements, and appeals information. File copies of police, fire, and medical dispatch logs. File final inspection reports. ADDENDUM 2 - PAGE 2