GARY D - Health & Exercise Sciences

Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
Department of Health and Exercise Science
Box 7868 Reynolda Station
Wake Forest University
(336) 758-1901; (336) 758-4680-fax
112 Belle Vista Ct.
Winston-Salem, NC, 27106
(336) 748-9277
 Ph.D., Nutrition, University of California, Davis. 1996. Dissertation: Genotype and Dietary Copper Interact
to Affect Copper Metabolism and Insulin Secretion. Advisors: Dr. Judith S. Stern, Dr. Carl L. Keen and
Dr. Jan Uriu-Hare.
Registered Dietitian, AP4 Dietetic Internship, University of Nevada, Reno. 1996.
Participant in the Program for College Teaching (1992-1993), University of California, Davis. Coordinator:
Dr. Will Davis
Classes towards doctorate, University of North Carolina, Greensboro. (1987 - 1988)
Master of Science, Physical Education: Exercise Physiology, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS,
August 1987. Thesis: The training effect on muscle soreness following downhill running of varying
duration. Advisor: Dr. Anthony Wilcox
Bachelor of Science, Pharmacy, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS. May 1982
 Associate Professor; Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC. Department of Health and Exercise
Science, 8/96 - present. Courses taught include:
1) HES 311: Clinical Internship
2) HES 351: Nutrition in Health and Disease
3) HES 353: Exercise Physiology
4) HES 382: Individual Study
5) HES 384: Special Topics- Cultures and Obesity
6) HES 384: Special Topics- Lifestyles and Diseases
7) HES 384: Special Topics- Culture, Environment, and Health
8) HES 384: Special Topics- World Health
9) HES 384: Special Topics- Global Nutrition
10) HES 675/375: Advanced Exercise Physiology
11) MLS (Masters of Art in Liberal Studies) 804: Health, Environment, and Active Lifestyle
12) MLS 802: The American Diet: Impact of Environment on What We Eat
13) MLS 829: Facts/Fallacy: To Be Healthy
14) FYS 100: Explorations in Translational Sciences
 Associate Professor in the Department of Internal Medicine – Gerontology and Geriatric Medicine, Wake
Forest University School of Medicine, cross appointment. 1/07 – present.
 Director for Undergraduate Health and Exercise Science Majors.
 Assistant Director for the Translational Science Center. 3/09 – present.
 Allied Health Student Association faculty advisor. 1998 to 2012
Active Awards and Recent Submissions (Years, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012)
 Investigator (J. Allen, Duke University, PI). Dietary Nitrate to Augment Exercise Training Benefits in
DM+PAD. Submitted to NIDDK, 2/2012. ($2,820, Wake Forest University Reynolda campus budget)
Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
Investigator (J. Burdette, PI). Beetroot juice and healthy brain aging. Submitted NCCAM, February
2012. ($1,879,939 total budget; $207,686 Reynolda budget). Not funded
Principal Investigator. Impact of weight loss on adipose tissue mediators of cardiovascular disease.
Submitted NIDDK, October 2011. ($841,080 total budget) Not funded.
Investigator (B. Beech, PI). Parents and Children Together Preventing Diabetes (PACT PD).
Resubmission. NIDDK R34. $63,284 (Reynolda Campus budget). Nov, 2011. Funded
Investigator (C. Bushnell, PI). Dietary Nitrate Supplements and Ischemic Stroke Recovery in Elders: A
Pilot Study. R21 submitted to NIA, November, 2011. ($??, Reynolda campus budget) (Not Funded).
Investigator (C. Bushnell, PI). Dietary Nitrate Supplements and Ischemic Stroke Recovery in Elders: A
Pilot Study. Wake Forest University Medical School Department of Neurology Pilot Program ($40,000
total - $0 for Reynolda campus). 10/1/11 – 9/30/12. Funded
Investigator (D. Jung, PI. Viridian Technologies) Platform for Collaborative Bio-Signal Data
Management and Analysis. Small Business Innovation Research Program, NIH. Funded.
Principal Investigator. Oral Nitrate and Nitrite Sources. Translational Science Center, Wake Forest
University. Funded. 6/01/11-5/31/12. ($30,132).
Principal Investigator. (J. Burdette, Co-PI). Safety and Mechanism of Action of CMDX Light Treatment
in Subjects with Mild to Moderate Alzheimer’s Disease. Industry sponsored, Clarimedix. ($700,000)
Submitted Sept, 2011. In Review
Investigator (M. Berry, PI). The Effects of Acute Dietary Nitrate Supplementation on Constant Work
Rate Exercise in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) Patients. Translational Science
Center, Wake Forest University. Funded. 6/01/11-5/31/12.
Investigator (A. Fernandez, PI). Pharmacologic Enhancement of Laparoscopic Assisted Gastric Banding
for Treatment of Obesity and the Metabolic Syndrome. Surgical Translational Research Team
(START). ($50,000) Funded 7/1/11-6/30/13.
Investigator (J. Allen, Duke University, PI). Dietary Nitrate to Augment Exercise Training Benefits in
DM+PAD. Submitted to NIDDK, 6/2011. ($2,820, Wake Forest University Reynolda campus budget)
Not Funded
Investigator (J. Allen, Duke University, PI). Increased Plasma Nitrite to Augment Exercise Training
Benefits in DM+PAD. Submitted to American Diabetes Association, July 2011. ($15,000, Wake Forest
University Reynolda campus budget) (not funded)
Principal Investigator. The role of GIP in human obesity. Science Research Fund, Wake Forest
University. Funded ($10,000). 6/1/11 to 5/31/12
Principal Investigator. Exploration of Educational Technology. Information Services, Wake Forest
University. Funded $3,415. (requested $4,415) Summer, 2011.
Principal Investigator. Mechanisms Involved in Optimal Oral Nitrate Delivery for Reducing Blood
Pressure. Submitted to NHLBI 2/16/2011. R21HL111861-01 ($374,980) Not funded (to be resubmitted
March, 2012).
Investigator (Allen, J, Duke University- PI). Increased Plasma Nitrite, Tissue Oxygenation and
Functional Changes in PAD. Submitted to NHLBI 2/16/2011. ($5,640, Wake Forest portion only)
Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
Investigator (Beech, B, PI). Parental Weight Loss Behaviors Study. Submitted to NHLBI 2011.
($259,553, Reynolda campus budget). Not funded.
Principal Investigator. Changes in inflammatory biomarkers following community based weight loss
program. Submitted 12/3/2010. TSI Clinical Research Unit Laboratory Test RFA. $9,583. Funded
Principal Investigator Reynolda Campus. (Beech, PI). Parents and Children Together Preventing
Diabetes (PACT PD). Submitted 11/15/2010. NIDDK R34. $37,732 (Reynolda Campus budget). Not
funded (Resubmitted Oct, 2011).
Co-Investigator. (Burdette, PI). Brain Network Analyses in Aging with the confounding Influence of
Obesity. Pepper Center Pilot Grant. Submitted 10/15/2010. $69,942. Not funded.
Principal Investigator Reynolda Campus. (Burdette, PI). Brain Network Analyses in Aging with the
confounding Influence of Obesity. Submitted 10/6/2010 to NHLBI. $179,203 (Reynolda Campus budget
only). In review
Principal Investigator Reynolda Campus (Espeland, PI). Look AHEAD: Brain and Aging. Submitted to
NIDDK 10/6/2010. $91,009 (Reynolda Campus budget only). Funded. (budget cut and not an
investigator on proposal).
Principal Investigator. Refinement of nitrate diet for improving blood pressure and cerebral perfusion.
Submitted to NHLBI 10/6/2010. R34HL107387-01 ($472,434) Not funded.
Principal Investigator. Effect of exercise training on physical function following bariatric surgery: a
pilot. Wake Forest University Health Sciences, IRSC Pilot Grant. April, 2010. $19,600. Awarded July 1,
2010-June 30, 2011
Principal Investigator. Hydration Performance Plus®. Metabolic Effects, Phase 3. Nutra3
Cosmeceuticals and Nutraceuticals, July 1, 2010-June 30, 2011. $92,600 (In review)
Co-Investigator (W.J. Rejeski – PI). Mindful Approach to Transforming the Urge to Eat. Submitted to
NHLBI for an R34, Feb 2010. (not funded)
Principal Investigator. Research and Publication Fund from WFU Graduate Dean’s Office. $375.97 to
cover publication costs of article published in Journal of Nutrition Health and Aging. Feb 2010. Funded
Principal Investigator. Hydration Performance Plus®. Tolerance, Acceptability, and Effectiveness
Studies. Nutra3 Cosmeceuticals and Nutraceuticals, July 1, 2009-Dec 31, 2009. $5,995 Funded
Co-Investigator (S. Kritchevsky, PI). Intentional weight reduction and physical and cognitive function.
National Institutes of Aging, July 1, 2009-June 30, 2013. R01 AG033087 $68,578 (Reynolda campus
Principal Investigator. Effect of dietary protein levels during weight loss on physical function in obese
older adults. Soy Health Research Program. July 1, 2009. $10,000.
TLC grant. $2,000 development for podcast use, experiential recording, and accelerometers. May 2009.
Co-Investigator. Project title: “Look AHEAD” National Institute of Health (NIDDK Division) (M.
Espeland, PI). October 1999-September 2011. 12 year multicenter, randomized clinical investigation.
Co-Investigator (Messier, SP – PI). “Intensive Dietary Restriction with Exercise in Arthritis (IDEA)”.
National Institute of Health. July 1st, 2006 – June 30th, 2010. $2.85 million.
Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
IGERT: I-Training in Molecular Signaling Networks Preproposal (Muday, G – PI) Submitted to NIH
March, 2009. In Review
Co-Investigator (W.J. Rejeski – PI). Mindful Approach to Transforming the Urge to Eat. Submitted to
NHLBI for a U01. $6,137,244. (not funded)
Inactive Awards
 Co-Principal Investigator (B. Nicklas Co-PI). Age differences in energy expenditure and oxidative stress
responses to acute exercise. Cross Campus Collaborative Research Fund. February, 2008. $20,000. Not
Consultant. (M. Whitt-Glover – PI). Evaluation of a Community-Wide Initiative to Promote Activity
Breaks. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. . . 2 years.
Co-Principal Investigator (K. Hairston Co-PI). Influence of Exercise Training on Adipokines and
Steroid Hormones in Women Treated with Metformin for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. Cross Campus
Collaborative Research Fund. February, 2008. $20,000. June, 2008 through May, 2009.
Co-Investigator (D. Kim-Shapiro PI). Effects of nitrite diet on Functional health in older adults. A
preliminary study. Science Research Fund. October 2008. $9,375.
Co-Investigator (B. Nicklas, PI). Function after weight loss with protein and/or strength training in obese
elderly. National Institute of Health. November, 2007. $3,284,866. Not funded
Principal Investigator. Do sources and level of dietary protein differentially impact body composition,
muscle strength, and energy expenditure during weight loss in older obese women? National Cattlemen’s
Beef Association. $195,894. Not funded
Co- Principal Investigator (T. Kute). Role of Exercise in Modulating the Immune System: Model for the
Prevention of Prostate Cancer. Golfers Against Cancer. December 2007. $40,000. Not funded
Co- Principal Investigator (G. Muday, K. Hairston). Identification of adipokine profiles linked to
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and obesity in premenopausal women. Translational Science Institute.
September, 2007. $50,000. Not funded
Principal Investigator. Do sources and dietary level of protein differentially impact body composition
and energy expenditure during weight loss in older obese adults? National Beef and Cattleman’s
Association. December, 2007. $195,894. Not funded
Principal Investigator. Establishing a Service-Learning Project to Dominican Republic: An Alternative
Spring Break. Pro Humanitate Creativity and Innovation Fund. January, 2007. $1,570.
Principal Investigator. Kid’s Walk to School Program – A change in the environment to promote health.
Pro Humanitate Service Learning Grant. December 1, 2006 – June 2007. $700.
Principal Investigator. Be A Smart Shopper!: A Pre-Post Survey Study to Test the Ability of a Novel
Supermarket Field Trip To Improve Nutrition and Health Behaviors of First Graders. Pro Humanitate
Community Based Research Grant. December 1, 2006 – June 2007. $3,000.
Principal Investigator. “Does Weight Loss Following Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Improve
Inflammatory Biomarkers”. Science Research Fund. November 17, 2006 – December 2007. $9,900.
Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
Co Principal Investigator (Muday, G). “Metabolic hormone levels associated with obesity, weight loss
ability, and osteoarthritis”. Science Research Fund, Wake Forest University. June 1 st, 2006 – May 31st,
2007. $9,970.
Principal Investigator. Project title: “Does Weight Loss Following Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric
Bypass Improve Physical Function?” Claude D. Pepper Older Americans Independence Center Pilot Project
Program Grant. June 2005-November 2007. $38,000.
Principal Investigator. Project title: “Does Weight Loss Following Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric
Bypass Improve Physical Function?” Wake Forest University Cross-Campus Collaborative Grant. June
2005-July 2007. $15,000.
Principal Investigator. Project title: “Does Weight Loss Following Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric
Bypass Improve Physical Function?” General Clinical Research Center. January 2005-July 2007.
Principal Investigator. Project title: “Use of a structured nutrition and exercise behavior program in obese
adults following Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery.” General Clinical Research Center. January 2005-July
Co Principal Investigator (Marsh, A). “OPTIMA”. Pepper Pilot. January 1 st, 2006 – May 31st, 2007.
Principal Investigator. Project title: “Physical Activity Monitoring in the LIFE Study Using the Actigraph
Accelerometer”. National Institute of Health. February 14, 2005 – March 15, 2006. $10,685.
Co-Investigator. Project title: “Research on Optimal Recovery Practices in Breast Cancer (RESTORE)”.
Department of Defense (R. Anderson, PI). November 2001-2006.
Principal Investigator. “Intensive Weight Loss Program Improves Physical Function in Older Obese Adults
with Knee Osteoarthritis”. Publication and Research Fund. June 26, 2006. $720.00.
Mellon Foundation Award. Project title: Lifestyle and Disease. Wake Forest University. $3,000 for course
development and travel expenses.
Principal Investigator. Project title: “Dose-effects of weight loss on physical function, inflammation, and
body composition in older obese adults with knee osteoarthritis”. SlimFast Nutrition Institute. September
2002-August 2004. $237,912 (50% effort for 3 months)
Publication and Research Fund, Wake Forest University Publication and Research Fund. Project Title:
Arthritis, Diet, Activity Promotion Trial (ADAPT): Design, Rationale, and Baseline Results. $5,995.00
Co-Investigator. Project Title: Gene Polymorphisms and Interventions to Prevent Physical Disability in
Older Persons. National Institute of Aging 9/01. (5% effort for 3 months/year) (PI- Marco Pahor).
Mellon Foundation Award. Project title: Obesity in Different Cultures. Wake Forest University. $3,000 for
course development.
Co-Principal Investigator. Project Title: The Effects of Carnosine Supplementation On Maximal Oxygen
Consumption, Cardiac Function, and Hemodynamics in Trained Cyclists. Submitted to Cross-campus
Collaboration Grant. $15,200.
Principal Investigator. Project title: The effect of weight loss on bone metabolism in obese older adults with
impaired physical function. Wake Forest University Publication and Research Fund. April 2001. $1,440
Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
Co-Principal Investigator. Project Title: Diabetes Adherence Intervention in Older Adults: A Pilot.
Submitted to Cross-Campus Collaboration Grant. $15,350.
Co-Investigator. Project title: “Diabetes Adherence Intervention in Older Adults: A Pilot”. National
Institute of Health (NIA Division). 1 year, $50K (4% effort for 3 months)
Principal Investigator. Project Title: “Development of a Novel Lifestyle Behavioral Intervention:
Adherence and Impact on Breast Cancer Risk in African-American Women”. Cancer Center, Wake Forest
University Baptist Medical Center, $10,000.
Principal Investigator. Project title: 3 Year Follow-up Study of ADAPT (Arthritis, Diet, and Activity
Promotion Trial). Funded in part by General Clinical Research Center, NIH, and Pepper Center. July 2000January 2004.
Faculty advisor for G.E. Austin. Project title: “Reducing Breast Cancer Risk in African American Women”.
Funded by the American College of Sports Medicine Foundation, $2,250. July 2001.
Principal Investigator. Project Title: “ADAPT Follow-up”. Submitted to the Science Research Fund, Wake
Forest University, March 2001, $4,990 awarded.
Co-Investigator. Project Title: “Arthritis, Diet and Activity Promotion Trial (ADAPT)”. National Institute
of Health (NIA Division) (Steve Messier, PI), July 1997-June 2001. (5% effort)
Researcher. Project Title: “Cardiovascular Health and Maintenance Program (CHAMP)”. National Institute
of Health. (W.J. Rejeski, PI), ‘98-‘02.
Principal Investigator. Project title: “Relationship of Plasma Leptin with Metabolic Risk Factors for
Cardiovascular Disease” Science Research Fund, Wake Forest University Office of Research and
Sponsored Programs. $2,000 awarded.
Miller, G.D., Privette, R., Frino, S., Skelton, J.A. Factors Associated with Clinic-Based Assessments of
Physical Function in a Pediatric Weight Management Clinic. Submitted to Obesity, (In Preparation).
Oct, 2012.
Miller, G.D., Robinson, S.L. Impact of body composition on physical performance tasks in older obese
women undergoing a moderate weight loss program. Submitted to Journal of Frailty and Aging,
September 2012 (In review).
Miller, G.D., Jenks, M.Z., Vendela, M., Muday, G.K. Influence of weight loss, body composition, and
lifestyle behaviors on plasma adipokines: A randomized controlled weight loss trial in older obese
adults. Submitted to Journal of Obesity, August 2012 (In review).
Miller, G.D., Jakicic, J.M., Rejeski, W.J., Lang W., Walkup, M.P., Hodges, M. Effect of varying
accelerometry criteria on physical activity: The Look AHEAD Study. Obesity In press. 2012
Miller, G.D., Nicklas, B.J., Davis, C., Legault, C., Messier, S.P. Basal Growth Hormone Concentration
Increased Following a Weight Loss Focused Dietary Intervention in Older Overweight and Obese
Women. The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 16(2):169-74. 2012.
Rejeski W.J., Ip, E.H., Bertoni, A.G., Bray, G.A., Evans, G., Gregg, E.W., Zhang, Q.; Look AHEAD
Research Group. New England Journal of Medicine, 366(13):1209-1217. 2012.
Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
Brancati, F.L., Evans, M., Furberg, C.D., Geller, N., Haffner, S.., Kahn, S.E., Kaufmann, P.G., Lewis,
C.E., Nathan, D.M., Pitt, B., Safford, M.M.: Look AHEAD Study Group. Clinical Trials, 9(1):113-24.
Chemlo, E . . Physical Activity and Physical Function in Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis. JPAH.
In Press
Miller, G.D., Marsh, A.P., Dove, R.W., Beavers, D., Presley, T., Bechtold, E., King, S.B., Kim-Shapiro,
D.K. Intra- and Inter-day changes in plasma nitrate/nitrite following dietary manipulation of nitrate in
older adults. Nutrition Research. 32(3):160-8. 2012.
10. Anderson, R., Levine, E., Miller, G.D., Rosenberger, E., Ribisl, P.M., Mihalko, S.L.A Randomized Trial
of Exercise on Wellbeing and Function following Breast Cancer Surgery: The RESTORE Trial. Journal
of Cancer Survivorship: Research and Practice. In Press.
11. Wadden TA, Neiberg RH, Wing RR, Clark JM, Delahanty LM, Hill JO, Krakoff J, Otto A, Ryan DH,
Vitolins MZ; Look AHEAD Research Group. Four-year weight losses in the Look AHEAD study:
factors associated with long-term success. Obesity. 19(10):1987-98, 2011.
12. Marsh, A.P., Shea, M.K., Vance Locke, R.M., Miller, M.E., Isom, S., Miller, G.D., Nicklas, B.J., Lyles,
M.F., Carr, J.J., Kritchevsky, S.B. Resistance training and pioglitazone leads to improvements in muscle
power during voluntary weight-loss in older adults. Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences.
Submitted Oct 2011.
13. Skelton, J.A., Irby, M.B., Grzywacz, J.G., Miller, G.D. Etiologies of Obesity in Children: Nature and
Nurture. Pediatric Clinics of North America. 58(6), 1333-1354, 2011.
14. Miller, G.D., Nicklas, B.J., Fernandez, A. Serial Changes in Inflammatory Biomarkers Following Rouxen-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery. Surgery and Obesity Related Diseases, 7(5):618-24, 2011.
15. Miller, G.D., Carr, J.J., Fernandez, A. Regional Fat Changes Following Weight Reduction From
Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery. Diabetes, Obesity, and Metabolism, 13(2):189-192,
16. Presley, T., Morgan, A., Bechtold, E., Clodfelter, W., Dove, R.W., Jennings, J.M., Kraft, R.A., King,
S.B., Laurienti, P.J., Rejeski, W.J., Burdette, J.H., Kim-Shapiro, D.B., Miller, G.D. Acute effect of a
high nitrate diet on brain perfusion in older adults. Nitric Oxide, 24(1):34-42, 2011.
17. Shea, K.M., Nicklas, B.J., Marsh, A., Houston, D.K., Miller, G.D., Isom, S., Miller, M.E., Carr, J.J.,
Lyles, M.F., Harris, T., Kritchevsky, S.B. The effect of pioglitazone and resistance training on body
composition in older men and women undergoing intentional weight loss. Obesity,19(8):1636-1646,
18. Foy, C.G., Lewis, C.E., Hairston, K.G., Miller, G.D., Lang, W., Jakicic, J.M., Rejeski, W.J., Ribisl,
P.M., Walkup, M., Wagenknecht, L.E., Intensive lifestyle intervention and improvement of knee pain
and physical function among adults with obesity: one-year results from the Action for Health in Diabetes
(Look AHEAD) Trial. Obesity, 19(1):83-93, 2011.
19. Wing, R., Miller, G. D., Ribisl, P. M., Rejeski, W. J., & Look AHEAD Research Group. Long-term
effects of a lifestyle intervention on weight and cardiovascular risk factors in individuals with type 2
diabetes mellitus: four-year results of the Look AHEAD trial. Archives of Internal Medicine, 170(17),
1566-75, 2010.
20. Rejeski, W.J., Blumenthal, T.D., Miller, G.D., Davis, C., Brown, L. State Craving, Food Availability,
and Reactivity to Preferred Snack Foods. Appetite,54(1):77-83, 2010.
Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
21. Jakicic, J.M., Gregg, E., Knowler, W., Kelley, D.E., Lang, W., Miller, G.D., Pi-Sunyer, X.,
Regensteiner, J., Ribisl, P., Walkup, M.P., Wolf, D. Physical activity patterns of overweight and obese
individuals with type 2 diabetes in the Look AHEAD study. Medicine and Science in Sports and
Exercise, 42:1995-2005; 2010
22. Miller, G.D., Improved Nutrient Intake in Older Obese Adults Undergoing A Structured Diet and
Exercise Intentional Weight Loss Program. The Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 14:461-466,
23. Messier, S.P., Legault, C., Mihalko, S., Miller, G.D., Loeser, R.F., DeVita, P., Lyles, M., Eckstein, F.,
Hunter, D.J., Williamson, J.D., Nicklas, B.J. The intensive diet and exercise for arthritis (IDEA) trial:
design and rationale. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 10:93-; 2009.
24. Vitolins, M.Z., Anderson, A.M., Delahanty, L., Raynor, H., Miller, G.D., Mobley, C., Reeves, R.,
Yamamoto, M., Champagne, C., Wing, R.R., Mayer-Davis, E., Look AHEAD Research Group. Action
of Health in Diabetes (Look AHEAD) Trial: baseline evaluation of selected nutrients and food group
intake. Journal of the American Dietetic Association, 109(8):1367-75, 2009.
25. Miller, G.D., Nicklas, B.J., Fernandez, A. Physical Function Improvements After Laparoscopic Rouxen-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery. Surgery and Obesity Related Diseases 5(5):530-7, 2009
26. Sevick, M.A., Miller, G.D., Loeser, R.F., Williamson, J., Messier, S.P. Cost-effectiveness of exercise
and diet in overweight and obese adults with knee OA. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise,
41(6):1167-74, 2009
27. Pruitt, L.A., Glynn, N.W., King, A.C., Guralnik, J.M., Aiken E.K. Miller, G.D., Haskell, W.L. Use of
Accelerometry to Measure Physical Activity in Older Adults at Risk for Mobility Disability. Journal of
Aging and Physical Activity 16:416-434, 2008.
28. Gordon, M.M. Bopp, M., Easter, L., Miller, G.D., Lyles, M.F., Houston, D.K., Nicklas, B.J., and
Kritchevsky, S.B. Effect of dietary protein on the composition of weight loss in post-menopausal
women. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 12:505-509, 2008
29. Miller, G.D., Nicklas, B.J., Loeser, R.F. Inflammatory biomarkers and physical function in older obese
adults with knee osteoarthritis following intensive weight loss therapy. Journal of the American
Geriatrics Society. 56:644-651, 2008
30. Kirk, J.K., Raggio, G.A., Nesbit, B.A., Davis, S.W., Mihalko, S.L., Miller, G.D., and Sevick, M.A.
Individualized enhanced adherence intervention study in adults with diabetes. Journal of Diabetes
Science and Technology 2007
31. Wang, X., Miller, G.D., Messier, S.P., Nicklas, B.J. Knee strength maintained despite loss of muscle
mass during intensive weight loss in older obese adults with knee osteoarthritis. The Journal of
Gerontology A Biological Science and Medicine:62:866-871, 2007.
32. Miller, G.D., Nicklas, B.J., Davis, C., Loeser, R.F., Lenchik, L., and Messier, S.P. Intensive weight loss
program improves physical function in older obese adults with knee osteoarthritis. Obesity 14, 12191230, 2006.
33. van Gool CH, Penninx BW, Kempen GI, Miller GD, van Eijk JT, Pahor M, Messier SP. Determinants
of high and low attendance to diet and exercise interventions among overweight and obese older adults.
Results from the arthritis, diet, and activity promotion trial. Contemp Clin Trials 27, 227-37, 2006.
34. Miller, G.D. Your Clients Are What They Eat: Balancing Weight with Diet. Part I. ACSM Health &
Fitness Journal. 9, 13-18, 2005.
Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
35. van Gool CH, Penninx BW, Kempen GI, Rejeski WJ, Miller GD, van Eijk JT, Pahor M, Messier SP.
Effects of exercise adherence on physical function among overweight older adults with knee
osteoarthritis. Arthritis Rheum. 53, 24-32, 2005.
36. Miller, G.D., Nicklas, B.J., Davis, C.C., Ambrosius, W.T., Loeser, R.F., Messier, S.P. Is serum leptin
related to physical function and is it modifiable through weight loss and exercise in older adults with
knee osteoarthritis. International Journal of Obesity 28, 1383-1390, 2004.
37. Messier, S.P, Williamson, J.D., Miller, G.D., Morgan, T.P., Rejeski W.J., Sevick M.A., Loeser, R.F.,
Ettinger, W.H., Pahor, M. Exercise and Dietary Weight Loss in Overweight and Obese Older Adults with
Knee Osteoarthritis: The Arthritis, Diet and Activity Promotion Trial (ADAPT). Arthritis and Rheumatism
50, 501-510, 2004.
38. Nicklas, B.J., W. Ambrosius, S.P. Messier, G.D. Miller, B.W.J.H. Penninx, R. Loeser, S. Palla, E.
Bleecker, M. Pahor. Dietary-induced weight loss, exercise and chronic inflammation in older, obese
adults: A randomized controlled clinical trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 79, 544-551,
39. Ryan, D.H., Espeland, M.A. et al., Look AHEAD (Action for Health in Diabetes): design and methods for a
clinical trial of weight loss for the prevention of cardiovascular disease in type 2 diabetes. Controlled
Clinical Trials. 24, 610-28, 2003.
40. Miller, G.D., Rejeski, W.J., Williamson, J.D., Morgan, T., Sevick, M.A., Loeser, R.F. Ettinger, W.H.,
Messier S.P. The Arthritis, Diet and Activity Promotion Trial (ADAPT): design, rationale, and baseline
results. Controlled Clinical Trials, 24, 462-480, 2003.
41. Olive, J. and Miller G.D. The effect of an acute exercise bout on plasma leptin concentration in nonobese
humans. Nutrition, 17, 365-369, 2001.
42. Miller, G.D., Frost, R., and Olive, J. Relationship of plasma leptin concentrations with gender, body fat,
dietary intake, and maximal oxygen uptake in young female and male adults. Nutrition, 17, 105-111, 2001.
43. Miller, G.D., Dimond, A.G., and Stern, J.S. The effect of repeated episodes of dietary restriction and
refeeding on systolic blood pressure and food intake in exercise trained normotensive rats. Obesity
Research 8, 324-336, 2000.
44. Miller, G.D., Keen, C.L., Stern, J.S., and Uriu-Hare, J.Y. Copper deficiency and arachidonic acid enhance
insulin secretion in isolated pancreatic islets. Pancreas 17, 390-396, 1998.
45. Miller, G.D., Keen, C.L., Stern, J.S., and Uriu-Hare, J.Y. Copper absorption, endogenous excretion and
distribution in Sprague-Dawley and lean (Fa/Fa) Zucker rats. Biological Journal of Trace Element
Research, 53, 261-279, 1996.
46. Miller, G.D., Dimond, A.G., and Stern, J.S. Exercise reduces fat selection in female Sprague-Dawley rats.
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 26, 1466-1472, 1994
47. Phinney, S.D., Stern, J.S., Burke, K.E., Tang, A.B., Miller, G.D., and Holman, R.T. Human subcutaneous
adipose tissue shows site-specific differences in fatty acid composition. American Journal of Clinical
Nutrition, 60, 725-729, 1994
48. Miller, G.D., Hrupka, B.J., Gietzen, D.W., Roger, Q.R., and Stern, J.S. Rats on a macronutrient selfselection diet eat most meals from a single food cup. Appetite, 23, 67-78, 1994
49. Gerardo-Gettens, T., Miller, G.D., Horwitz, B.A., McDonald, R.B., Brownell, K.D., Greenwood, M.R.C.,
Rodin, J., and Stern, J.S. Exercise decreases fat selection in female rats during weight cycling. American
Journal of Physiology, 260, R518-R524, 1991
Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
Privette, R., Miller, G.D., Frino, S., Skelton, J.A. Relationships between physical function, BMI, fitness,
and activity behaviors in an obese pediatric clinic. To be presented at the American College of Sports
Medicine Conference, San Francisco, CA., June, 2012.
Privette, R., Miller, G.D., Frino, S., Skelton, J.A. The relationship between BMI, screen time, and
physical function in a pediatric population. To be presented at the Southeast American College of Sports
Medicine, Jacksonville, FL. February, 2012.
Miller, G.D. Changes in the intakes of macronutrients and food groups following laparoscopic Roux-enY gastric bypass surgery (RNYB). Presented at The Obesity Society, Orlando, FL. October , 2011.
Miller, G.D., Presley, T., Morgan, A., Rejeski, W.J., King, S.B., Jennings, J., Kraft, R., Laurienti, P.,
Burdette, J., Kim-Shapiro, D. Acute effect of a high nitrate diet on brain perfusion in older adults.
Presented at the Nitrite and Nitrate Pathophysiology and Therapy Conference, Atlanta, GA, May, 2011.
Lardi, R., Jenks, M., Hairston, K., Muday, G., Eggebeen, J., Miller, G.D. Impact of Physical Activity on
Soluble Leptin Receptor in Women with PCOS. Presented at American Heart Association NPAM,
Atlanta, March, 2011.
Jenks, M., Fairfield, H., Muday, G., Miller, G.D. Regulation of leptin synthesis by sex steroid hormones.
Presented at The Obesity Society, San Diego, CA October, 2010.
Presley, T., Morgan, A., Bechtold, E., Clodfelter, W., Dove, R.W., Jennings, J.M., Kraft, R.A., King,
S.B., Laurienti, P.J., Rejeski, W.J., Burdette, J.H., Kim-Shapiro, D.B., Miller, G.D. Acute effect of a
high nitrate diet on brain perfusion in older adults. To be presented at the Society for Free Radical
Biology and Medicine Meeting, Orlando, FL. Sept 18-21, 2010.
Presley, T., Morgan, A., Bechtold, E., Clodfelter, W., Dove, R.W., Jennings, J.M., Kraft, R.A., King,
S.B., Laurienti, P.J., Rejeski, W.J., Burdette, J.H., Kim-Shapiro, D.B., Miller, G.D. The effect of nitrate
diet on cerebral blood flow. Presented at the Wake Forest Nitrogen Oxide Meeting-III., Nemacolin
Resort, Farmington, PA, May 28-30, 2010.
Kenjale, A., Ham, K.L., Stabler, T., Robbins, J.L., Miller, G.D., Marsh, A.P., Rejeski, W.J., KimShaprio, D.B., Allen, J.D. The effect of increased plasma nitrite concentration on physical function in
elderly. Subjects with peripheral arterial disease: A pilot project. Poster presentation at the Pepper
Older Americans Independence center Annual Meeting. April 12-13, 2010, Bethesda, MD.
10. Messier, S.P., DeVita, P., Nicklas, B.J., Legault, C., Loeser, R.F., Miller, G.D., Davis, C., Carr, J.J.
Relationship between thigh fat depots and knee joint loads in knee osteoarthritis: A preliminary study.
To be presented at the American College of Sports Medicine, 6/10.
11. DeVita, P., Nicklas, B.J., Legault, C., Loeser, R.F., Miller, G.D., Messier, S.P. Relationships among
knee loads during gait and C-reactive protein in knee osteoarthritis: A preliminary study. To be
presented at the American College of Sports Medicine, 6/10.
12. Miller, G.D. Improved nutrient intake in older obese adults undergoing a structured diet and exercise
intentional weight loss program. Presented at The Obesity Society, Washington DC, 10/09.
13. Marsh, A.P., Vance, R., Miller, M.E., Isom, S, Miller, G.D., Nicklas, B.J., Lyles, M., Carr, J.J.,
Kritchevsky, S.B. Resistance training and pioglitazone preserve muscle strength and power during
voluntary weight-loss in older women. Presented at American College of Sports Medicine, 6/09.
Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
14. Nicklas, B.J., Miller, G.D., Davis, C., Wang, X., Legault, C., Messier, S.P. A preliminary study:
relationship of daily physical activity to physical function in older, overweight and obese men and
women with knee osteoarthritis. Presented at American Geriatric Society meeting, Chicago, IL., 5/09.
15. Silver, C., Vitolins, M., Simmons, E., Miller, G.D., A Field Trip To The Supermarket: Unique Nutrition
Education For Students. Presented at American Dietetic Association annual conference, Chicago, IL,
16. Miller, G.D., Fernandez, A., Nicklas, B. One-Year Follow-Up of Physical Function After Extensive
Weight Loss From Laparoscopic Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery. Presented at NAASO, The Obesity
Society, Phoenix, AZ, 10/08.
17. You, T., Fernandez, A., Wang, X., Desai, F., Nicklas, B.J., Miller, G.D. Physical Function is not Related
to Abdominal Adipose Tissue Cytokine Release in Morbid Obesity. Presented at American College of
Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, 5/08
18. Vendela, M.J., Newton, S.S., Nicklas, B.J., Fernandez, A., You, T., Miller, G.D. Relationships Between
Physical Function and Inflammatory Markers in Morbidly Obese Individuals After Extreme Weight
Loss. Presented at American College of Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, IN, 5/08
19. Vendela, M.J., Newton, S.S., Miller, G.D. Relationship between Self-assessed Physical Function and
Inflammatory Markers in Morbidly Obese Individuals. Presented at Southeast American College of
Sports Medicine, Birmingham, AL, 2/08.
20. SB Kritchevsky, BJ Nicklas, MF Lyles, AP Marsh, GD Miller, M Miller, X Leng, Effect of PPAR Use
During a Hypocaloric Diet for Weight Loss on Reductions in Total and Visceral Fat in Older Men and
Women. Presented at American Diabetes Association, 2008.
21. Miller, G.D., Nicklas, B.J., Fernandez, A., You, T., Carr, J. Regional fat depot and thigh muscle volume
changes as a result of weight loss from laparoscopic Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery. Presented at
NAASO, The Obesity Society, New Orleans, LA, 10/07.
22. Bopp MJ, Nicklas BJ, Miller GD, Miller ME, Marsh AP, Houston DK, Carr JJ, Kritchevsky SB.
Associations between regional fat depots following weight loss in older obese and overweight women
with indications for weight loss. Presented at NAASO, The Obesity Society, New Orleans, LA, 10/07.
23. Carnagey, K.M., Miller, G.D., Nicklas, B.J., Loeser, R.F. Inflammatory biomarkers and physical
function in obese older adults with knee osteoarthritis following intensive weight loss therapy.
Presented at Experimental Biology, New Orleans, 05/07.
24. Miller, G.D., Fernandez, A., Nicklas, B.J., You, T. IMPROVEMENTS IN PHYSICAL FUNCTION
NAASO, The Obesity Society, Boston, MA, 10/06
25. Wang, X., Miller, G.D., Messier, S.P., Nicklas, B.J. Knee Strength Maintained Despite Loss of Muscle
Mass During Intensive Weight Loss in Older Obese Adults. Presented at NAASO, The Obesity Society,
Boston, MA, 10/06
at North American Association for the Study of Obesity, Vancouver, British Columbia, 10/05
27. Provonost, M.F., Miller, G.D., You, T., Berry, M.J., Nicklas, B.J. Relationship between dietary
macronutrients and plasma lipoprotein lipids in postmenopausal women with abdominal obesity. Presented
at American College of Sports Medicine, Nashville, TN 6/05.
Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
28. Johnson, J.W., You, T., Messier, S.P., Miller, G.D., Nicklas, B.J. Inter-individual Differences In Physical
Function Responses To Exercise Training Among Older Men And Women. Presented at American College
of Sports Medicine, Nashville, TN 6/05
29. Steiner, M.J., Miller, G.D., Davis, C.C., Nicklas, B.J., Messier, B.J. Does Weight Loss and Exercise
Training Alter Hormone Levels in Older Obese and Overweight Adults? Presented at American College of
Sports Medicine, Nashville, TN 6/05
30. Miller, G.D., Nicklas, B.J., Moser, P., Ellis, T.M. Intensive Weight Loss in Older Obese Adults with Knee
Osteoarthritis (OA): Effect on Physical Function. Abstract presented at the 2004 North American
Association for the Study of Obesity, Las Vegas, NV 11/04
31. Klingler, K., Miller, G.D. Correlations Between Physical Activity, Obesity, Physical Performance, and Pain
in Older. Abstract presented at the 2004 American College of Sports Medicine Southeast Regional
Conference, Atlanta, GA 1/04
32. Miller, G.D., Nicklas, B., Davis, C.C., Ambrosius, W.T., Loeser, R.F., Messier, S.P. Relationship of leptin
to physical function and inflammatory biomarkers in older obese adults with knee osteoarthritis. Abstract
presented at the 2003 American College of Sports Medicine Conference, San Francisco, CA 6/03
33. Ellis, T.M., Miller, G.D., Nicklas, B., Davis, C.C., Ambrosius, W.T., Loeser, R.F., Messier, S.P. Effect of
weight loss and exercise on plasma leptin levels in older adults. Abstract presented at the 2003 American
College of Sports Medicine Conference, San Francisco, CA 6/03
34. Namde, M., Miller, G.D., Mihalko, S., Nesbit, B.A., and Sevick, M.A. Resting Energy Expenditure in Type
2 Diabetes Patients with Chronic Renal Insufficiency. Abstract presented at the 2003 Southeast American
College of Sports Medicine Conference, Atlanta, GA 2/03.
35. Miller, G.D., Austin, G.E., Morgan, T.P., Rejeski, W.J., Messier, S.P. Nutrient Intake in Overweight and
Obese Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis. Abstract submitted for presentation at the 2002 Annual
meeting of the American College of Sport Medicine, St. Louis, MO 6/02.
36. Austin, G.E., Miller, G.D., Morgan, T.P., Rejeski, W.J., Messier, S.P. Relationships Between Nutrient
Intakes and Physical Function in Older Adults with Knee Osteoarthritis. Abstract submitted for
presentation at the 2002 Annual meeting of the American College of Sport Medicine, St. Louis, MO 6/02.
37. Austin, G.E., Miller, G.D., Meyer, K., Brubaker, P.H., Rejeski, W.J. Nutrient Intake and the Effect of a
Nutrition Education Program in Older Adults with Cardiovascular Disease. Abstract submitted for
presentation at the 2002 meeting of the Southeast Region American College of Sports Medicine, Atlanta,
GA 2/02.
38. O’Brien, C.P., Miller, G.D., Mihalko, S., Brenes, G. Dietary Intake in Women Following Treatment for
Breast Cancer. Abstract submitted for presentation at the 2002 meeting of the Southeast Region American
College of Sports Medicine, Atlanta, GA 2/02.
39. Genin, J.A., Bonoffski, T.L., Miller, G.D. Roles of Age and Gender on Energy Expenditure during Rest and
Following a Meal. Abstract submitted for presentation at the 2002 meeting of the Southeast Region
American College of Sports Medicine, Atlanta, GA 2/02.
40. Miller, G.D., Watson, T.C., Nesbit, B.A., Moser, P., Williamson, J.D. Messier, S.P. Relationship of SelfMonitoring Techniques and Weight Loss in Older Adults. Poster presented at the 2001 Annual meeting of
the American College of Sports Medicine, Baltimore, MD 6/01.
41. Rejeski, W.J., Miller, G.D., Messier, S.P., Loeser, R.F. The Arthritis, Diet, and Activity Promotion Trial
(ADAPT). Group symposium presented at the Geriatric Society Association, Chicago, IL 11/01.
Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
42. Miller, G.D., Williamson, J.D., Messier, S.P., and the Investigators of ADAPT. Arthritis, Diet and Activity
Promotion Trial (ADAPT): A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial. Poster presented at the 2000 Annual
meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Indianapolis, IN 6/00.
43. Williamson J.D., Miller, G.D., and Messier, S.P. Baseline characteristics for ADAPT: a randomized clinical
trial in older adults with knee osteoarthritis. Poster presented at the 2000 Annual meeting of the American
Geriatrics Association in Nashville, TN 5/00.
44. Bonoffski, T. and Miller, G.D. Changes in body composition as measured by DEXA in obese older adults
undergoing a weight loss program. Poster presented at the 2000 Southeast American College of Sports
Medicine Regional Conference, Charlotte, NC 2/00.
45. Fray, B., Hampson, D., and Miller, G.D. Variability in body composition measured via the BodPod prior to
and following a meal. Poster presented at the 2000 Southeast American College of Sports Medicine
Regional Conference, Charlotte, NC 2/00.
46. Miller, G.D., Olive, J., Berry, M.J., and Messier, S.P. The effect of weight loss treatment on steady-state
oxygen consumption in obese older adults. Poster presented at the 1999 North American Association for the
Study of Obesity, Charleston, SC 11/99.
47. Miller, G.D., Frost, R., and Olive, J. The relationship between plasma leptin and risk factors for
cardiovascular disease. Poster presented at the 1999 Annual meeting of the American College of Sports
Medicine, Seattle, WA 6/99
48. Olive, J. and Miller, G.D. The effect of an acute exercise bout on plasma leptin and insulin concentrations.
Poster presented at the 1999 Annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Seattle, WA
49. Miller, G.D., Morgan, T., Rejeski, W.J., Berry, M.J., Williamson, J., Sevick, M., and Messier, S.P.
Arthritis, Diet, and Activity Promotion Trial (ADAPT): A randomized controlled clinical trial. Poster
presented at the 1999 National Pepper Center Meeting, Newport, RI 4/99
50. Miller, G.D., Frost, R., and Olive, J. Relationship of plasma leptin with cardiovascular fitness. Poster
presented at the 1999 Southeast American College of Sports Medicine, Newport, VA, 2/99
51. Miller, G.D., Dimond, A.G., and Stern J.S. Effects of exercise training and weight cycling on blood
pressure and macronutrient selection. Oral communications at the 1997 Annual meeting of the American
College of Sports Medicine
52. Miller, G.D., Keen, C.L., Stern, J.S., and Uriu-Hare, J.Y. Copper (Cu) deficiency and arachidonic acid
(AA) enhances insulin secretion in isolated pancreatic islets. Poster presented at the 1997 Annual meeting
of Federation of the American Society for Experimental Biology.
53. Miller, G.D., Gietzen, D.W., Rogers, Q.R., and Stern, J.S. Meal pattern analysis for rats on a macronutrient
self-selection diet. Oral communications at the 1992 Annual meeting of Federation of the American Society
for Experimental Biology
54. Miller, G.D., Gietzen, D.W., Rogers, Q.R., and Stern, J.S. Rats on a macronutrient self-selection diet eat
most meals from a single macronutrient source. Oral communications at the 1991 North American
Association for the Study of Obesity/SIB Annual Meeting. Poster
55. Miller, G.D., Gerardo-Gettens, T., and Stern, J.S. Exercise during refeeding in weight cycled rats decreases
dietary fat intake. Oral communications at the 1990 Annual meeting of Federation of the American Society
for Experimental Biology
Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
56. Miller, G.D., Stern, J.S., Horwitz, B.A., Gerardo-Gettens, T., Greenwood, M.R.C., McDonald, R.B.,
Brownell, K.D., and Rodin, J. Exercise during refeeding in weight cycled rats decreases dietary fat intake.
Oral communications at the 1989 meeting of North American Association for the Study of Obesity
57. Gerardo-Gettens, T., Miller, G.D., and Stern, J.S. Dietary fat selection is altered during weight cycling. Oral
communications at the 1989 meeting of the Federation of the American Society for Experimental Biology
58. Miller, G.D. and Wilcox, A.R. The protective effect of a prior bout of downhill running on delayed-onset
muscular soreness (DOMS). Oral communications at the 1988 Annual Meeting of the American College of
Sports Medicine
1. Editorial Board Member of Current Nutrition Reviews
2. Reviewer for Nutrition: The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences
3. Guest Reviewer for Obesity Research
4. Guest Reviewer for Journal of Gerontology
5. Guest Reviewer for Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism
 Faculty Advisory Member for Wake Forest University Pro Humanitate Center; 03/09 to present
 Wake Forest University chair for Teacher Education Committee; 05/06 to present
 Wake Forest University faculty advisor for Pi Kappa Alpha fraternity; 10/01 to present
 Wake Forest University faculty mentor for Allied Health Student Association; 5/98 to present
 Wake Forest University faculty sponsor for City of Joy trip to Calcutta, India; 12-03 to 1-04
 Wake Forest University representative for Outward Bound Adventure for incoming new students to Wake
Forest University; 8/97 and 8/01
 Member of Nutrition Advisory Panel for Wake Forest University. Goal of committee is to develop nutrition
awareness and education programs for the student body; 9/00 to present
 Member North American Association for the Study of Obesity; 1998 - present
 Registered Dietitian; 1996 - present
 Member of American College of Sports Medicine; 1985 - present
 Golden Key National Honor Society, Honorary Member. Keynote speaker at induction ceremony, April 2000.
 Omicron Delta Kappa Honorary Member. April 1999.
Gary D. Miller
Curriculum Vitae
 Daily Health News. Bountiful Benefits of Beet Juice. 2011
 WebMD. The Truth About Beetroot Juice. 2011
 WebMD. Beet Juice Good for Brain Drinking Beet Juice Increases Blood Flow to Brain and May Fight
Dementia. 2010
 A Moment of Science. 2010
 Winston-Salem Journal. 2010
 Carolina Health and Fitness. While You Were Sleeping: Can You Really Gain Weight Overnight?. March
 Dimensions of Dental Hygiene. Resisting Temptation. March 2009
 Cooking Light Magazine. 5 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism. January 2009
 Experience Life. The Smart Way To Lose Weight. January/February 2009
 Experience Life. HIIT It. High Intensity Training. December 2008
 Is it safe to eat meat? April 1, 2002
 Triad Business News; Use of handled computers in classes is expanding. August 30, 2002
 New Age- The Journal for Holistic Living; Is It Safe to Eat Meat? November/December, 2001
 Vitality- Good News about Health, Happiness, and Productivity: Vegetarian Diets: The Myths vs. Facts.
September 2001
 Men’s Health; Have You Seen These Foods? October, 2000.
 Protocol Driven Healthcare, Inc.: “Importance of physical activity and exercise in arthritis treatment” 4/29/00
 New York Post: “Hydration Station: Keep Yourself Flushed Out” 9/27/99
 Winston-Salem Journal Newspaper Editorial: “Oh what we can do with those oats” 2/22/97
 Wake Forest University News Bureau: “Nutrition Expert Sold on ‘Heart-Healthy’ Label” 1/30/97
 Wake Forest University, CHAMPS Newsletter for WFU athletes: “Special Diets for Athletes” 1/97
 Wake Forest University News Bureau: “Guilt-Free Holiday Feasts” 12/12/96
 Sticht Center Conference on Aging. “One Year Follow-Up of Physical Function after Extensive Weight
Loss”. May 28, 2008
 William R. Hazzard Translational Research in Aging Symposium. “Weight Loss: what effect does it have on
inflammation?” September 25, 2009
 Wake Forest University Professional Development Seminar. “Supplements: What Are They and Do They
Work?” October 21, 2009