THIN MEMBRANE HEAT-PIPE SOLAR ABSORBER WITH FRESNEL LENS CONTRACT JOE3-CT98-7020 TASK 2 MATHEMATICAL MODELLING OF THE MEMBRANE HEAT-PIPE SOLAR ABSORBER FINAL REPORT TO THE PROJECT COORDINATOR for the period of June 2000 to November 2000 Institute of Building Technology School of the Built Environment The University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD UK November 2000 CONTENTS - Introduction - Mathematical simulation of collector efficiency and radiation distribution - Optimisation of the structure, sizes and working conditions of the membrane heat-pipe solar collector - Numerical simulation of the thermal behaviour of the membrane heat-pipe solar collector - Conclusions - References - Nomenclature - Appendix 1 Optimisation of the structure, sizes and working conditions - Appendix 2 – Numerical simulation of the thermal behaviour of the membrane heat-pipe solar absorber - Appendix 3 - Theoretical and experimental Investigation of the heating & cooling process of the Membrane Solar Collector - Figures 1. Introduction A comprehensive mathematical model for a thin membrane heat-pipe solar collector has been developed. The model investigates the optimum sizes and structure, and also assesses the steady state and transient performance of the solar collector. The collector is designed to be a compact, efficient and low cost heat generator achieving temperatures of up to 250oC that may be used to generate electricity and hot water for domestic and industrial use [1]. Figures 1 and 2 show the schematic variations for a ‘normal’ and ‘thermosyphon’ type collector. Figure 3 shows a schematic cross-section of the main items of the collector. The main body of the collector comprises two plates separated by a thin evaporation gap. The plates are ‘spot’ welded together creating mini-channels (or ribs) that are parallel along the width of the absorber (Figure 4). In the mathematical model each mini-channel is considered to be a single micro heat-pipe. The micro heat-pipes connect the evaporator section to the condenser section of the collector enabling the flow of refrigerant vapor and condensed liquid refrigerant. As shown in Figures 1, 2 and 3 two strips of micro heat-pipes (henceforth described as super heat-pipes) are attached to the main absorber. Fresnel lenses are used to concentrate direct radiation onto the super heat-pipes by up to a factor of 5 to 1. In operation, it is assumed that a fraction (10%) of the direct radiation is scattered onto the main absorber plate. A micro-pore Vacuum Super Insulation (VSI) material and a thin aluminum sheet are fitted beneath the absorber plate to reduce heat losses. A vacuum is maintained between the glass cover and the top-face of the absorber panel so as to reduce radiation and convection losses. Two variations of the thin membrane heat-pipe solar collector have been investigated. These are classified as a ‘normal’ and a ‘thermosyphon’ collector according to the method of return of the condensed refrigerant. In the case of the ‘normal’ collector, condensed refrigerant returns to the evaporation section along the sides of the micro heat-pipes by the combined effect of capillary and gravity forces. Part of the returned liquid evaporates, on absorbing solar irradiation striking the absorber surface, and the remainder is returned to the reservoir. This collector works on the principle of micro gravitational heat-pipes and hence are called ‘normal’ heat-pipe collectors. In the case of the ‘thermpsyphon’ collector condensed refrigerant returns to the reservoir via a tube, as is shown in Figure 2. Liquid refrigerant from the reservoir flows to the evaporation section by capillary action whereby the refrigerant is vaporised, thus creating a continuous ‘thermosyphon’ effect. 2. Mathematical distribution simulation of collector efficiency and radiation Data given in the CIBSE guide [2], and equations for determining solar radiation and collector efficiency [3] have been used to mathematically model the solar heat-input and collector efficiency of the membrane heat-pipe solar collector. The basic formula for the collector efficiency is given as, t h t a Io fr 1 2 aa U The parameter U is the overall heat transfer coefficient describing radiation, convection and conduction heat losses from the collector body to the surroundings. The mathematical model simulating solar irradiation, collector efficiency and heat losses is described in [4] and [5]. For a standard summer day (Figure 5) ambient temperature varies between 19oC to 26oC and the solar radiation (Figure 6) varies from 0-1,000 W/m2. The number of daylight hours is about 10-12 hours. The theoretical efficiencies for the collector vary between 0 to 79% as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7 also shows increase in the collector efficiency with the use of concentrating lenses. An indication of the heat output, for a collector area of 0.25m2, is given in Figure 8. In the mathematical simulation the solar distribution on different areas of the membrane heat-pipe collector is determined as indicated in the example given below. The total collector area is 0.25 m2. A fraction (10%) of the concentrated direct radiation is assumed to be incident on the main body of the absorber. Solar irradiation: 1000 W/m2 Direct radiation: 800 W/m2 90% Concentrated heat pipe: 720 W/m2 Diffuse radiation: 200 W/m2 10% 100% Un-concentrated heat pipe: 280 W/m2 Solar input calculation Area: 0.05m2; * Concentration ratio: 5:1; Efficiency with concentration (150oC): 0.758 Number of micro heat pipe: 6 Solar input: 720 x 0.05 x 5 x 0.758 = 136.44 W Solar input to each heat pipe: 136.44/4 = 34.11 W Solar input calculation Area: 0.2m2; Concentration ratio: 1:1; Efficiency without concentration (150oC): 0.596 Number of micro heat pipe: 13 Solar input: 280 x 0.20 x 1 x 0.596 = 33.34 W Solar input to each heat pipe: (280x0.2x0.596)/13 = 2.57 W EXPLANATION Solar input = radiation x area x concentration x efficiency EXPLANATION Solar input = radiation x area x concentration x efficiency Further simulation conditions are: - Total area of super heat pipe = 0.07 m2, assumes 0.02 m2 not focused. - Panel sizes: 1100 mm x 250 mm (length x width); - Length of evaporation section: 1000 mm; - Length of condensation section: 100 mm; - Heat inputs: 34.11 W for each concentrated super heat pipe; 2.57 W for each unconcentrated micro heat pipe in the absorber; - Liquid fill level: 0.25m; - Inclination angle: 60 deg. 3. Optimisation of the structure, sizes and working conditions of the membrane heat-pipe solar collector ‘Normal’ and ‘Thermosyphon’ micro heat-pipe The collector is considered to consist of numerous micro heat-pipes parallel in width (see Figure 4). A micro heat-pipe was originally defined as “a heat-pipe so small that the mean curvature of the vapor-liquid interface is necessary comparable in magnitude to the reciprocal of the hydraulic radius of the total flow channel” [6]. In practical terms a micro heat-pipe is a “wick-less”, non-circular channel with an approximate equivalent diameter of 0.1mm to 1mm. In the case of the membrane heat-pipe collector the micro heat-pipes array with a certain inclination, say 60 degrees to the horizontal surface, and hence they are actually gravity micro heat-pipes (also called micro closed two-phase thermosyphon) in which gravity force plays a significant role. Strictly speaking in the case of the membrane heatpipe collector, the term “gravity micro heat-pipe” is not correct since each heat-pipe cannot be scaled down to the sub-millimeter range. Reasonable sizes are about 1mm to 3mm diameter, but generally no more than 2mm equivalent diameter. It is therefore more precise to speak of “miniature gravity heat-pipes”. In contrast with conventional gravity heat-pipes, some new problems will be encountered with miniature gravity heat-pipes in the simulation, i.e., nonnegligible effect of capillary forces on fluid flow and the larger effect of viscosity on flow resistance [7]. Due to the small radius of curvature within the ribs of the heat-pipes, the corner regions serve as liquid arteries producing capillary pressure differences that promote the flow of the fluid from the condenser to the evaporator. Even so, traditional steady-state modeling techniques can still be used to formulate an initial estimate of the operational characteristics and performance limitation of the membrane heat-pipe collector. The “heat transport capacity” which is a measure of the performance of a micro heat-pipe has been used as the index for optimization in the mathematical model (Appendix 1). A computer program, based on the analysis given in Appendix 1, has been developed to determine the optimum rib sizes of the micro heat-pipe (e.g., rib width and rib gap width) and the working conditions (e.g., operating temperature, inclination and liquid fill level) of the membrane solar collector [8]. The relationship between rib sizes and heat transport capacity of the collector is simulated and the results are shown in Figure 9. The optimum rib width “A” and rib gap width “B” is determined at the maximum heat transport capacity. Figure 9 shows the optimum rib width and rib gap width to be 9.8mm and 0.63mm for the ‘normal’ micro heat-pipe and the ‘thermosyphon’ micro heat-pipe. However the maximum heat transport capacity for the ‘normal’ collector is greater than that for the ‘thermosyphon’ collector. This suggests that the ‘normal’ collector could be the favorable structure in the final design. A further geometrical option for the micro heat-pipe was considered in the mathematical modelling study. The geometrical shape of this option is as shown in Figure 11. The schematic of the collector is shown in Figures 10 and 12. The absorber is considered to consist of 19 micro heat-pipes parallel in width, of which 4 micro heat-pipes are focused with Fresnel lenses. This membrane heat-pipe collector also has two variations for fluid flow and heat transfer, i.e., ‘normal’ and ‘thermosyphon’. The results from the mathematical modeling are described below. Optimisation simulation results Liquid fill level The variation of heat transport capacity with liquid fill level is simulated and the results are shown in Figures 13 and 14. It is found that for the ‘normal’ heat pipe collector the limit of heat transport capacity increases somewhat linearly with liquid fill level. Theoretically, the higher the level, the larger the heat transport capacity. However, practical consideration gives the limit of liquid fill level to be 1/4 to 1/3 of the evaporation volume. This is because liquid fill level greater than 1/3 of the evaporation volume would cause un-evaporated liquid “blocks” being carried to the condensation section, resulting in inefficient heat transfer [9]. For the ‘thermosyphon’ collector the heat transport capacity remains constant with variation in liquid fill level. This is because the dominant limit for heat transport capacity is entrainment limit, which does not vary with liquid fill level in the ‘thermosyphon’ option. Inclination Variation of heat transport capacity with inclination is simulated and the results are shown in Figures 15 and 16. It is seen that the limit of heat transport capacity increases when inclination varies from 0deg to 20deg. Further increase in inclination has no significance on the improvement of heat transport capacity limitation in all cases. Working temperature Variation of heat transport capacity with working temperature is simulated and the results are shown in Figures 17 and 18. It is found that the limit of heat transport capacity increases linearly with working temperature. The major factor influencing heat transport capacity is entrainment effect, which is caused by the narrow rib gap width. Variation of other geometry parameters does not affect panel’s thermal performance significantly. Figure 18 also shows that the heat transport capacity does not change beyond a working temperature of 175oC, for the ‘thermosyphon’ collector (for the geometry given in Figure 11). However, this could not be concluded as the case, since the simulation was not carried out beyond 200oC. It is interesting to note that the geometry given in Figure 4 result in higher values of heat transport capacity for the ‘normal’ collector whereas the geometry given in Figure 11 result in higher limits of heat transport capacity for the ‘thermosyphon’ option. 4. Numerical simulation of the thermal behaviour of the membrane heat pipe solar collector Mathematical theory The finite element method is used to analyse the heat and mass transfer in each micro heat-pipe. The grid division used for the simulation is as shown in Figure 19. The length step is taken as 1mm and each length step is taken as the unit of an element where differential equations given in Appendix 2 are applied for simulation. The thermal performance of the collector in both steady state and transient state operations are analysed in detail. The high thermal conductivity of heat-pipes is the result of evaporation and condensation processes occurring within the heat-pipe. Determination of the evaporation and condensation rate plays a key role in evaluating the thermal characteristics and heat transport limitations of heatpipes. In the numerical model, an expression for the free molecular flow mass flux of evaporation j, presented by Collier [10] and later used by Colwell and Chang [11] is employed, as described in Appendix 2. Numerical simulation conditions A numerical simulation program has been developed to describe the thermal behavior of the micro heat-pipe and the solar collector with part-surface concentration. The basic conditions for simulation are summarised in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1. Summary of the simulation conditions of the panel collector (For the geometrical shape as shown in Figure 4) Length of evaporation section, mm 1000 Solar irradiation, W/m2 1000 Length of condensation section, mm Width of the panel, mm Concentrated area, mm x mm 100 250 1000 x 50 Unconcentrated area, mm x mm 1000 x 180 Rib width a, Rib gap width Working mm b, temperature, oC mm 9.8 Efficiency of Solar input to Efficiency of Ratio of Solar input to the panel area the area the panel area concentration the area with without without with concentration, concentration concentration, concentration W W 59.6% 33.34/2.57 75.8% 5 136.45/34.11 each each 0.63 150 Liquid fill level, mm Inclination of the panel, deg 250 60 Table 2. Summary of the simulation conditions of the panel collector (For the geometrical shape as shown in Figure 11) Length of evaporation section, mm Length of condensation section, mm Width of the panel, mm Concentrated area, mm x mm 1000 100 250 1000 x 50 Solar irradiation, W/m2 1000 Unconcentrated area, mm x mm 1000 x 180 Rib width a, Rib gap width Working mm b, temperature, oC mm 5.00 Efficiency of Solar input to Efficiency of Ratio of Solar input to the panel area the area the panel area concentration the area with without without with concentration, concentration concentration, concentration W W 59.6% 33.34/2.57 75.8% 5 136.45/34.11 each each 1.00 150 Liquid fill level, mm Inclination of the panel, deg 250 60 Numerical simulation results [12], [13], [14], [15] Liquid and vapour cross section areas Figures 20 and 21 show the variation of liquid cross-sectional areas with height position above liquid fill level. Figures 22 and 23 show the variation of vapour cross sectional areas with height position above liquid fill level. For the ‘normal’ type collector it is seen that liquid cross section area increases along the height position in the evaporation section and decreases along the height position in the condensation section. The vapour cross section area varies in the opposite trend. For the ‘thermosyphon’ type collector it is seen that liquid cross sectional area decreases along the height position in the evaporation section and increases along the height position in the condensation section. The vapor cross sectional area varies in the opposite trend. The trend for the ‘thermosyphon’ type collector is different to that for the ‘normal’ micro heat pipes, and this is caused by capillary effect in the pipes. In the evaporation section, the higher the position the less the capillary force, and consequently the less the liquid cross section area. In condensation section, condensation results in an increase of liquid cross sectional area and decrease of vapor cross sectional area along the height. In all cases, the vapour cross sectional area is seen to be greater for the ‘normal’ collector than that for the ‘thermosyphon’ option. This suggest the ‘normal’ collector to be more effective as a heat-pipe absorber. Liquid and Vapour pressures Figures 24 and 25 show the variation of vapour and liquid pressures for the ‘normal’ collector. It is seen that vapor-liquid pressure difference in the collector with concentration is less than that in the collector without concentration, although the mass flow rate in the collector with concentration is greater than that in the collector without concentration (see Figures 32 and 33). This behaviour demonstrates that concentration can promote reduced flow resistance and increased heat transfer. Figures 26 and 27 show the variation of vapour and liquid pressures for the ‘thermosyphon’ collector. It is seen that there is a significant pressure drop in the liquid phase along the height both in the concentrated and un-concentrated situations for the geometry of Figure 4. However, there is a significant pressure drop in the liquid phase along the height only in the concentrated situation for the geometry of Figure 11. The change in the vapour pressure is, however, negligible. This is because the geometry structure of Figure 4 has much more narrow corner area than that of the geometry structure of Figure 11, which would cause larger flow resistance in the fluid flow. Vapour,liquid and wall temperatures Figures 28 and 29 show the variation of vapor, liquid & wall temperatures with height position above the liquid level for the ‘normal’ collector. It is seen that there is little difference between vapor and liquid temperatures in both the un-concentrated and concentrated cases. However, a larger temperature difference exists between the pipe inner wall and the vapor area as shown in Table 3. Table 3. Temperature difference between pipe inner wall and vapour area Un-concentrated case Concentrated case Evaporation Condensation Evaporation Condensation section section section section Geometry (Fig. 4) 0.1 -0.1 1.6 -1.6 Geometry (Fig. 11) 0.42 -0.42 3.8 -3.8 The temperature distribution in the ‘thermosyphon’ collector is similar to that for the ‘normal’ option, which is shown in Figures 30 and 31. Mass flow rates For the ‘normal’ collector the variation in mass flow rates for the concentrated/un-concentrated case with height position above the liquid fill level is shown in Figures 32 and 33. It is seen that mass flow rate increases with height position in the evaporation section and decreases with height position in the condensation section. The mass flow rate in the concentrated case is larger than that in the un-concentrated case. For the ‘thermosyphon’ collector, the variation in mass flow rates for both liquid and vapour are shown in Figures 34 and 35. The results show that with concentration a higher mass flow rate can be achieved which enhances the effectiveness of the collector. Start-up conditions The start-up process, for both geometries investigated (Figures 4 and 11), is simulated and the results are shown in Figures 36 and 37. The results show that for the concentrated case, start up conditions can be achieved much quicker than for the un-concentrated case. This is due to the concentrated heat being focused on a much smaller area. Heat transfer is therefore accelerated giving a rapid increase in the working fluid temperature. The geometries investigated show similar trends. However the start up for the geometry shown in Figure 11 is much slower than that for the geometry shown in Figure 4. 5. Conclusions A comprehensive and detailed mathematical model of the thin membrane heat-pipe solar absorber has been developed. The model has been used to investigate the sizes, structure and thermal performance of two geometries (Figures 4 and 11). A ‘normal’ and ‘thermosyphon’ variation of the membrane collector was simulated for the two geometries considered. In the simulation, the solar absorber plate is considered to be a number of micro heat pipes parallel along its width. The cross section of each micro heat pipe is taken as a rib. In the simulation the heat transport capacity, which is a measure of the capacity of the heat-pipe to carry heat, was taken as the index of performance. The simulation results show the optimised sizes of the rib to be 9.8mm rib width and 0.63mm gap width. Due to manufacturing and economic considerations a further geometrical option was simulated with rib sizes of 5mm rib width and 1mm rib gap width. Further simulation was carried out to investigate the variation of heat transport capacity with liquid fill level, inclination and working temperature of the collector. In all cases, the results suggest higher limits of heat transport capacity are obtained for the ‘normal’ type collector with the geometry given in Figure 4. However, the geometry given in Figure 11 results in higher limits of heat transport capacity for the ‘thermosyphon’ option. - Although the heat transport capacity increases somewhat linearly (for the ‘normal’ type collector) with liquid fill level, practical limitations suggest the liquid fill level to be 1/4 to 1/3 of the evaporation volume since un-evaporated liquid “blocks” being carried to the condensation section of the absorber would result in inefficient heat transfer [9]. - For both ‘normal’ and ‘thermosyphon’ heat-pipe solar absorbers, the limit of heat transport capacity increases when the inclination varies from 0 to 20deg. Further increase in inclination has no significance on the improvement of heat transport limit. - For both ‘normal’ and ‘thermosyphon’ heat-pipe solar absorbers, the limit of heat transport capacity increases with working temperature. Therefore higher working temperature, greater than 200oC, would result in higher thermal performance of the collector. Numerical simulation was carried out to investigate liquid/vapour cross sectional areas, pressures, temperature and mass flow rate. Also, start-up condition for the absorber was simulated. - For ‘normal’ heat pipe solar absorber, liquid cross sectional area increases along the height position in the evaporation section and decreases along the height position in the condensation section, whilst the vapor cross sectional area varies in the opposite trend. For ‘thermosyphon’ heat pipe solar absorber, variation trend of both liquid and vapor cross sectional areas is opposite to that of ‘normal’ heat pipe solar absorber. - For ‘normal’ heat pipe solar absorber, vapor-liquid pressure difference in a concentrated pipe is less than that in an un-concentrated pipe. For ‘thermosyphon’ heat pipe solar absorber, vapor pressure remains nearly constant along the height for both concentrated and un-concentrated pipes. However, larger liquid pressure drop exists in concentrated pipes compared to un-concentrated pipes. - For both ‘normal’ and ‘thermosyphon’ heat pipe solar absorber, there is little difference between vapor and liquid temperatures in both un-concentrated and concentrated areas. However, a smaller temperature difference exists between the pipe inner wall and vapor area, +0.42oC (evaporation section)/-0.42oC (condensation section) for the un- concentrated pipe as compared with +3.8oC (evaporation section)/-3.8oC (condensation section) for the concentrated pipe. - For ‘normal’ heat pipe solar absorber, the mass flow rates (vapor and liquid) increase with height position in the evaporation section and decrease with height position in the condensation section. For ‘thermosyphon’ heat pipe solar absorber, vapor mass flow rates increase with height position in the evaporation section and decrease with height position in the condensation section. Whilst the liquid mass flow rate varies with the opposite trend. In both cases, the mass flow rates in concentrated pipes are higher than that in unconcentrated pipes. - For both ‘normal’ and ‘thermosyphon’ heat pipe solar absorber, the temperature of the working fluid in un-concentrated pipes increases slowly and the start up time is about 1350 seconds (22.5minutes). Whilst the temperature of the working fluid in concentrated pipes increases rapidly and the start-up time is about 140 seconds (2.3minutes). 6. References 1. F G Best and R Lloyd, Thin Membrane Heatpipe Solar Absorber with Fresnel Lens, Industrial Design Consultants Ltd, EC Contract JOE3-CT98-7020, June 1999, pp. 1-30. 2. CIBSE Guide, Volume A, Section A2: Weather and Solar Data, The chartered Institution of Building Service Engineers, London, UK, 1988, A2-21-A2-30. 3. Duffie and John A, Solar Engineering of Thermal Process, C1980. 4. Walled Yagoub, Membrane Heatpipes Solar Collector, M.Sc Thesis of School of the Built Envirinment, The University of Nottingham, October 1998, 48. 5. 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Nomenclature Solar radiation: ---------- efficiency of solar collector fr ---------- correction factor 1 ----------- transmittance of cover plate 1 2 ------------ transmittance of cover plate 2 aa ------------ absorptivity of absorber plate U ------------ overall heat transfer coefficient th ----------- hot side temperature of the collector ta ----------- ambient temperature I0 ----------- solar radiation striking on the collector % W/m2K o C o C W/m2 Optimization (appendix 1) Geometry parameters: Av----- vapour area in the cross section of one rib Al------ liquid area in the cross section of one rib ri------ equivalent radius of the cross section rv----equivalent radius of the vapor area m rh,w--- hydraulic radius of the triangle grooved wicks with liquid. rce--- capillary radius in the beginning of the evaporation section ------- wetting angle of liquid-vapor surface leff---- effective length of the heat pipe rn------ critical radius of bubble generation di ---- equivalent diameter of the cross section le ----- length of evaporation section lc ----- length of condensation section la ----- length of adiabatic section rhl ----- hydraulic radius of liquid cross section rhv----- hydraulic radius of vapour cross section Fv----- frictional resistance coefficient Properties of working fluid-water: Tv-----absolute temperature of vapor hfg-----latent heat of vaporisation ------- surface tension ------- specific heat ratio Rv----- water vapor constant K ------ thermal conductivity of liquid Mv----- Mach number of vapour flow Rev --- Reynolds number of vapour flow g ------- gravitational acceleration pc,m—maximum capillary force keff--- effective thermal conductivity of the wicks C,C1,C2 --- coefficient of vapour phase resistance calculation K ------ coefficient for liquid phase resistance calculation ------- angle of inclination relative to horizontal surface (variable) qc------ heat input qs,m---- sonic limit for heat transport qe,m---- entrainment limit for heat transport qb,m---- boiling limit for heat transport qv,m---- viscous limit for heat transport qmax-----maximum heat transport capacity in the m2 m2 m cross section m deg m m m m m m m m K J/kg N/m J/kg.K W/m.deg N/m2 m/s2 Pa W/m.deg deg W W W W W W G -----minimum filled kg pc------- net capillary pressure difference p1------- radial hydrostatic pressure drop p2------- axial hydrostatic pressure drop p3----- viscous pressure drop occurring in the liquid phase p4----- viscous pressure drop occurring in the vapour phase liquid mass Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Numerical simulation (appendix 2) o t------- working temperature C T------ time interval used in the iteration second o t ------ temperature increase during the time interval C p ------ pressure Pa ------ density kg/m3 hfgv0---- latent heat of vaporisation in the first section of the element J/kg hfgv1---- latent heat of vaporisation in the second section of the element J/kg hfgl----- latent heat of vaporisation in liquid-vapor interface of the element J/kg Cp ----- specific heat of liquid kJ/kg.K ------ viscosity N.s/m2 j-------- free molecular flow mass flux of evaporation kg/m2.s M ------ molecular weight, 18 R ------- universal gas constant, 8317 J/kg.K qec----- heat transfer rate on the vapour-liquid interface in the element for the steady state process W q ----- heat increase in an element unit at T time interval in transient state W mec--- evaporation-condensation rate in the liquid-vapour interface of the element kg/s Pcl------ capillary pressure Pa pcl---- capillary pressure difference between the two sections of the element Pa prg---- radial hydrostatic pressure difference Pa pag---- axial hydrostatic pressure difference Pa pvl----- difference of the vapor and liquid pressure in the element Pa pfv----- friction pressure loss occurring in the vapour phase Pa pmv--- pressure loss due to momentum change occurring in the vapor phase Pa pfl----- friction pressure loss occurring in the liquid phase Pa pml---- pressure loss due to momentum change occurring in the liquid phase Pa u ------- velocity m/s u ----- velocity difference between the two sections of the element m/s ms0---- mass flow rate in the first cross section of the element kg/s ms1---- mass flow rate in the second cross section of the element kg/s ms--- difference of mass flow rates between the two sections of the element kg/s ms----- average mass flow rate in the element kg/s Subscripts v------ vapor l------- liquid s------- solid APPENDIX 1 OPTIMIZATION OF THE STRUCTURE, SIZES AND WORKING CONDITIONS The heat transport capacity of a micro heat pipe is usually subject to following limits Sonic limit Viscous limit Entrainment limit Boiling limit Capillary limit Filled liquid volume limit. Formula of the limits are shown as follows: Sonic limit qs ,m Av v h fg (RvTv /( 2( 1))1/ 2 (1) Entrainment limit: qe,m Av h fg (v /( 2rh,w ))1/ 2 (2) Boiling limit: qb,m Viscous limit: qv,m Filled liquid mass: 31 1 2 d i 2 1 / 3 1 / 3 G (0.8lc 0.8le la )( ) qc h fg g Capillary limit: 2Leff keff Tv 2 pc,m ) h fg v ln( ri / rv ) rn ( rv h fg v pv Av 16v Leff pcp1+p2+p3+p4 (3) (4) (5) (6) The operation of the heat pipe requires that the capillary pumping pressure be greater than the sum of all pressure drops in the flow path. This relationship can be expressed as equation 6. Whereby, pc is net capillary pressure difference; p1is radial hydrostatic pressure drop; p2 is axial hydrostatic pressure drop; p3 is viscous pressure drop occurring in the liquid phase; p4 is viscous pressure drop occurring in the vapor phase; the formula for these items are as follows; pc=2cos/rce (7) p1= -lgdvcos (8) p2= -lgLpsin (9) pl ( l KAl h fg l ) Leff qc K=rhl2/8 p 4 Mv (11) C ( Fv Re v ) v 2(rhv ) 2 Av v h fg leff qc 2rhv q c Av v h fg Re v Av v h fg ( RvTv ) 0.5 Whereby; for laminar flow and incompressible flow Rev2300, Mv0.2 FvRev=16, C=1.0 For laminar flow and compressible flow Rev2300, Mv0.2, FvRev=16 C C1 (1 ( 1 (12) (13) qc ) M v 2 ) 0.5 2 For turbulent flow and incompressible flow Rev2300, Mv0.2, FvRev=0.038 C C2 ( (10) 2 hv qc 0.75 ) Av h fg v For turbulent flow and compressible flow Rev2300, Mv0.2 FvRev=0.038 C=C1C2 (14) APPENDIX 2 NUMERICAL SIMULATION OF THE THERMAL BEHAVIOUR OF THE MEMBRANE HEAT PIPE SOLAR COLLECTOR Mathematical theory and numerical analytical method The finite element method is employed to analyze the heat and mass transfer in each micro heat pipe. The grid division is shown in Figure 19. The length step is taken as 1mm and each length step is taken as the unit of an element where differential equations below are applied for simulation. The thermal performances in both steady state and transient state operation are analyzed in detail. Since the high thermal conductivity of heat pipes is the result of evaporation and condensation process occurring within the heat pipe. Determination of the evaporation and condensation rate plays a key role in evaluating the thermal characteristics and heat transport limitations of these heat pipes. In this model, an expression for the free molecular flow mass flux of evaporation j, presented by Collier[10] and later used by Colwell and Chang [11] is employed. This is shown below. j [ M ]0.5 ( p s pv ) 2R(t 273) (1) When ps is greater than pv, j is positive and the liquid evaporates. When ps is less than pv, j is negative and the vapor condenses. In the development of the numerical model presented here, the evaporation-condensation rate mec is assumed to be proportional to the liquid-vapor interface area. In each grid section of the heat pipe, mec is expressed as, mec jWec x (2) For a given latent heat hfg, the rate of heat released or absorbed in any section can be determined from qec h fg mec (3) For a heat pipe to operate properly, the capillary pressure difference, plus gravity difference, must be sufficient to overcome the liquid and vapor pressure losses. Capillary pressure is expressed as pcl 2 cos / rce (4) Since both pcl and rce are functions of the length position x, therefore pcl 2 cos rce x x rce 2 Expressing this over a finite interval yields pcl (2 cos / rce 2 )rce (5) (6) Gravity pressure differences include axial and radial pressure differences. They are expressed respectively as follows [4]: p ag l g sin x (7) p rg 2 l g cos rv (8) The pressure loss of liquid and vapor are expressed as pvl p fv p mv p fl p ml (9) The pressure losses result from liquid and vapor friction, and the momentum changes occurring in any one section along the heat pipe. The pressure losses due to friction for laminar flow can be expressed as p fv (2 v xuv) / rhv 2 (10) p fl (2 l xul ) / rhl 2 (11) The total pressure drop due to the momentum change can be expressed as pml (ul msl msl ul msl ul ) / Al (12) pmv (uv msv msv uv msv uv ) / Av (13) For steady state model the energy equation can be written as qin qout (14) qin ms0 h fgv 0 msh fgl (15) qout ms1h fgv1 (16) For transient state model the energy equation can be written as qin qout qr (17) qr l Al C pl tl dx v Av C pv t v dx s As C ps t s dx (18) The continuity equation can be written as v Av dx l Al dx cons tan t (19) The total volume and area inside the heat pipe can be defined and expressed, respectively, as vol voll volv A Al Av (20) (21) This kind of micro heat pipe consists of two basic sections, the evaporation section and the condensation section. Each section has a different set of boundary conditions, and as a result have been treated independently. Evaporation Region: The single boundary condition used in the evaporator section is the time dependent heat flux. For a specific input heat flux, the saturation pressure at a given location can be obtained by using a combination of the mass flux expression given in Eq. 1 and the energy conservation equation given in Eq. 14. For steady state model ps qec ( M / 2R(273 t l ))1/ 2 xWec h fg pv (22) qin qec (23) qin qec ql q s qv (24) q s (C ps s As xt s ) / t (25) ql (C pl l Al xt l ) / t (26) qv (C pv v Av xtv ) / t (27) For transient state model Since tl is a function of ps, Eqs. (24-27) are coupled and can be solved using an iterative method with relaxation to obtain values for tl, qec, ql and qs. Because the difference between the boundary and liquid temperatures tbl is proportional to the input heat flux, the boundary temperature can be obtained by adding tbl to tl. Condenser Region: In the condensation section, the boundary temperature of the heat pipe was assumed to be constant, resulting in governing equations similar to those used in evaporation section. qec h fg Wec x( M )1/ 2 ( p s pv ) 2R(t l 273) (28) Rearranging eq. 22, we get For steady state model qec qout (29) For transient state model qout qec ql q s qv (30) APPENDIX 3 THEORETICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL INVESTIGATION OF THE HEATING & COOLING PROCESS OF THE MEMBRANE SOLAR COLLECTOR 1. Theoretical simulation The theoretical simulation is based on the conditions below:_ Collector structure: shown in Figure 3-1. Working fluid: water Initial working fluid temperature: 25oC, Maximum working fluid temperature: 200oC. Ambient temperature: 25oC. Solar irradiation: 800 W/m2. Coefficients used for efficiency calculation: o 1=0.96 o 2=0.9 o aa=1 o =0.1 o U=1.68 Coolant-oil in stagnant state, but there was convection and conduction loss to ambient in the condensation section area. Irradiation strikes the plate continuously during the period considered. Figure 1. Collector structure adopted for the theoretical simulation Outer cover Lens Lens String vest Fibre insulation plate VSI materials Aluminiu m The simulation results are shown in Figure 3-2. It is found that: o Evaporation section (absorber) temperature increased linearly from 25oC to 175oC in the 60 minutes until the irradiation is removed. o Condensation section temperature increased rapidly from 25oC to 135oC in the first 10 minutes, and then increased slowly until the irradiation is removed. o Outer cover temperature increased from 25oC to 45oC in the 60 minutes until the irradiation is removed. o Collector efficiency decreased from 0.78 to 0.5 with the increase of temperature. 2. Panel 5 test In our understanding, panel 5 test was carried out on the condition below: Collector structure: similar to Figure 1 but without Fresnel Lens, normal type. Working fluid: water Initial working fluid temperature: 26.5oC. Ambient temperature: 27.5-30oC. Solar irradiation: 805 W/m2. Coolant-oil had enough volume to absorb the heat discharge from condenser, Pump off. Test time duration: 198 minutes. The test results are outlined in Figure 3-3. It is assumed that: o Evaporation surface temperature = (ch 3+ch 4 +ch 5+ch 7+ch 8)/5; o Condensation surface temperature =(ch 1 + ch 2)/2; o Outside temperature of outer cover = channel 6. 3. Panel 7 test In our understanding, panel 7 test was carried out on the condition below: Collector structure: similar to Figure 1 but without Fresnel Lens, normal type. Working fluid: water Initial working fluid temperature: 25.5oC. Ambient temperature: 24.44oC-25.04oC. Solar irradiation: 1021 W/m2. 41.8gms oil in heat exchanger, pump on Irradiation: 1021W/m2. The test results are outlined in Figure 3-4. It is assumed that: o Evaporation section temperature = (ch 3+ch 4 +ch 5)/3; o Condensation section temperature = (ch 1+ch 2)/2; o Outer cover temperature; o Temperature of bottom of tray; o Ambient temperature. 4. Panel 11 test In our understanding, panel 11 test was carried out on the condition below: Collector structure: similar to Figure 1 but with Fresnel Lens, normal type. Working fluid: water Initial working fluid temperature: 20oC. Ambient temperature: 19.81-22.00oC. Solar irradiation: 1021 W/m2. 39.6gms Coolant-oil in the heat exchanger, pump on. Irradiation: 1021 W/m2. The test results are outlined in Figure 3-5. It is assumed that: o Evaporation section temperature = (ch 3+ch 4 +ch 5)/2; o Condensation section temperature = (ch 1+ch 2)/2; o Outer-cover temperature = channel 6; o Tray bottom temperature = channel 7; o Ambient temperature =channel 8. Therotical simulation of the heating process of the heat pipe solar collector 200 180 160 140 Temperature, oC 120 100 Evaporator surface Condenser surface 80 Outer cover Ambient 60 40 20 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 Time, minutes Figure 3-2. Heating & cooling process of the solar collector- theoretical simulation 70 180.00 160.00 140.00 Temperature, oC 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 Condenser outer surface Outer cover Evaporator outer surface 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 50 100 150 200 250 Time, minutes Figure 3-3. Test result of panel 5 Test results of Panel 7 180.00 160.00 Condenser outer surface Evaporator outer surface Outer cover Bottom of tray Ambient Temperature,oC 140.00 120.00 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 20 40 60 Time, minutes Figure 3-4. Test result of panel 7 80 100 120 Test result of panel 11 180.00 Condenser outer surface 160.00 Evaporator outer surface Temperature, oC 140.00 Outer cover Bottom of tray 120.00 Ambient 100.00 80.00 60.00 40.00 20.00 0.00 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Time, minutes Figure 3-5. Test result of panel 11 5. Comparison, conclusions and suggestions The variation of temperatures with time for the cases of theoretical simulation & experimental test are outlined in Table 1. Table 1. Variation of temperatures with time for the cases of theoretical simulation and experimental test Case Time Temperatu Temperatu Temperature variationduration re re outide of outcover (test 2 and 3) (minutes) variation- variationreservoir liquid Evaporatio condensati (test 4 and 5) n area on area Theoretica 60 25~175 25~145 25~45 l simulation Panel 5 180 25~160 25~155 25~90 Panel 7 110 25~170 25~155 25~90 Panel 11 110 25~170 25~160 25~80 It is concluded: The test temperature increases in condensation area are higher than that from theoretical simulation. This shows that the collector has lower heat loss to ambient than anticipated situation. The test temperature increases of outer cover surfaces are higher than that from theoretical simulation. This shows that the collector has higher heat loss, and hence poorer efficiency. Theoretical efficiency of the collector is about 0.5~0.78, and the test efficiency is about 0.4~0.7 within the temperature range above. It is suggested: Lower efficiency is possibly caused by the structure of condenser since there are a number of restrictions along the flow channel of each micro heat pipe, which results in higher flow resistance and reduced heat transport capacity. Original condenser structure is shown in Figure 3-6. Figure 3-6 Schematic showing of the condensation section configuration The condenser structure may be modified as shown in Figure 3-7 Thus both vapor and condensed liquid flow more smoothly without dramatic resistance loss. Figure 3-7 Schematic showing of the condensation section configuration (modified)