COURSE MASTER SYLLABUS A. Academic Division: Health and Public Service B. Department: Respiratory Care C. Course Number and Title: RES 140 Clinical Education I D. Course Coordinator: Robert Slabodnick, M.Ed., RRT-NPS E. Credit Hours: 1 F. Prerequisites: RES 130, BIO 121, RES 207, RES 131 or concurrent with RES 131, RES 207 G. Syllabus Effective: September 2010 H. Textbook(s) Title: Clinical Practitioner's Pocket Guide to Respiratory Care Author: Dana Oakes Year: 2008 Edition: 7th ISBN #978-0-932887-31-3 I. Workbook(s) and/or Lab Manual: None J. Course Description: An introduction to the clinical setting for the respiratory therapy student to include familiarization with the roles of other health care providers. The student will utilize lab skills attained in RES 130 to evaluate the patient medical record, assess the patient, and practice assessment/administration of medical gas therapy, alveolar recruitment techniques, bronchial hygiene techniques, humidity/aerosol therapy, perform oxygen analysis, and to perform sterilization/infection control procedures. RES-140 Course Master Syllabi Page 2 K. Core Learning Outcomes Core Learning Outcomes Communication – Written Communication – Speech Culture and Community Critical Thinking Computer Literacy Computation L. Assessments - - How it is met & When it is met Clinical Evaluations Midterm and final week of the term Clinical Evaluations Midterm and final week of the term Clinical Evaluations Midterm and final week of the term Clinical Evaluations Midterm and final week of the term Clinical Evaluations Midterm and final week of the term Clinical Evaluations Midterm and final week of the term Course Outcomes and Assessment Methods: Outcomes 1. Collect, evaluate, and review existing data in the patient’s record to assess the patient’s cardiopulmonary system and make recommendations to initiate therapy. Assessments – How it is met & When it is met SOAP Evaluation throughout the term Case Based Written Examination end of the term 2. Perform the following procedures: a. Patient assessment (HR, Br.S., RR, BP, percussion, palpation, X-ray, Lab values, and color) b. Low-flow Oxygen devices c. High-flow Oxygen devices d. O2 Analysis e. Charting f. Universal precautions g. Oximetry h. Isolation techniques i. Sterilization techniques 3. Evaluate patient response to oxygen therapy (objective and/or subjective) and make recommendations to modify therapy. SOAP Evaluation throughout the term Case Based Written Examination end of the term Clinical Check-offs throughout the term Clinical Evaluation , Midterm and end of the term 4. Case Based Written Evaluation end of the term Direct Observation weekly Select, assemble, and troubleshoot all oxygen delivery devices SOAP Evaluation throughout the term Case Based Written Examination end of the term RES-140 Course Master Syllabi Page 3 5. Document oxygen therapy in the patient medical record. M. Clinical Check-offs throughout the term Clinical Evaluation midterm and end of the term Observation Check-offs throughout the term Clinical Evaluation midterm and end of the term Course Topical Outline: 1. Collect, evaluate, and review existing data in the patient’s record to assess the patient’s cardiopulmonary system 2. Make recommendations to initiate or continued care 3. Perform the following procedures: a. Patient assessment (HR, Br.S., RR, BP, percussion, palpation, X-ray, Lab values, and color) b. Low-flow Oxygen devices c. High-flow Oxygen devices d. O2 Analysis e. Charting f. Universal precautions g. Oximetry h. Isolation techniques i. Sterilization techniques 4. Evaluate patient response to oxygen therapy (objective and/or subjective) and make recommendations to modify therapy 5. Assemble, and troubleshoot all oxygen delivery devices 6. Document oxygen therapy in the patient medical record. N. Course Assignment: Students will provide patient care each clinical day. Additional assignments and projects will be completed and shared with the class. The setting for this course is the Medical/Surgical floors of the hospital. The student will be assigned patient(s) based upon acuity of care. The student will work under the direct supervision of an assigned clinical instructor that is a licensed Respiratory Care Therapist to manage the patient’s respiratory care needs. O. Recommended Grading Scale: 100-95 94-92 91-89 88-86 A AB+ B 79-77 76-74 73-71 70-68 C CD+ D RES-140 Course Master Syllabi Page 4 85-83 82-80 BC+ G:\syllabi-quarter\master syllabi\res\res140.doc\apr’10\lan 67-65 64-Below DF