Policy 8.2 – Tampering / Recruitment of Players & Coaches
The purpose of the following is to ensure all parties conducting business with the TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE have a
clear understanding of the rules & guidelines governing tampering and the recruitment of Players, Coaches and Managers.
Failure to follow the rules and regulations may subject the offending individuals to disciplinary action including revocation of
member in good standing status.
The mission of the TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE is to be the premiere player development league in the United States.
Team and/or organizational success should be built around the development of individual and team skills and not through the
recruitment of players. The TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE operates under the banner of USA Hockey and applicable state
governing bodies. As such, rules and regulations governing the conduct of Coaches, Players, and Organizations in regards to
player recruitment apply to all members of the TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE.
Moreover, TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE developed the core values of ACCESS to reinforce the importance of conducting
ourselves in a manner befitting our fine organizations. Policy 5.0 and Appendix A, which every Player, Coach and parent shall
sign prior to the commencement of each TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE season and/or participation in any sanctioned TIER
1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE contests, was enacted to memorialize and formally implement these guideposts. All members of
the TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE shall abide by the values of ACCESS and adhere to all the applicable rules and
regulations governing player recruitment. Likewise, all members, including parents and partners, are obligated to report
instances of abuse or failure to follow said guidelines. Players and parents should respect the Coach and/or Organization
position on this critical topic and refrain from instigating or participating in any activity involving the recruitment of players.
The tampering or recruitment of Players, Coaches and Managers rule includes the following:
1. This rule is in addition to all applicable rules, guidelines and codes of ethics issued by USA Hockey and USA
Hockey Affiliates (e.g. MAHA, AHAI, etc.).
“Team Selection
o Recruiting – Coaches do not engage, directly of through agents, in uninvited in-person
solicitation of business or services from actual or potential athletes or other participants who,
because of their particular circumstances, are vulnerable to undue influence. However, this does
not preclude recruiting athletes deemed exceptional by USA Hockey.
o Tampering – In deciding whether to recruit players already on another team, coaches must
carefully consider the potential athlete’s welfare. The coach must discuss these issues with the
player’s present coach first, then the player’s parents before approaching the athlete in order to
minimize the risk of confusion and conflict.
o In-Season Contact – Contact with any player(s) should not occur during the progress of a season
when the player’s team is still actively engaged in their schedule of play. The only exception
would be regarding participation on a USA Hockey National Team on a temporary assignment
basis, where the player would be returned to his/her regular team at the conclusion of the
For purposes of this rule, recruiting and tampering is defined as any communication to or from a current TIER
1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE Player (including a parent or guardian), Coach or Manager to attempt to
persuade the Player, Coach or Manager to become affiliated with any other TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY
LEAGUE team or club for the current or future TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE playing seasons. This
definition does not, however, include communications between an TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE
Player, Coach or Manager and academic institutions that are members or associate members, where such
communications are limited to admissions or academic representatives of the school and do not include
discussions of the potential to play hockey.
All Governors, Directors, Coaches, Managers, and other agents (including players and their parents or
guardians) of member and/or associate member organizations or teams are prohibited, directly or indirectly,
from recruiting or otherwise tampering with players, coaches, or managers during the playing season.
For purposes of TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE Policy 8.1, the playing season commences on the date a
Player, Coach or Manager executes Appendix A of Policy 5.0 – TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE Player
Registration for the upcoming season and ends on the last day of the season for his/her age Division (e.g. day
after Nationals).
Policy 8.2 – Tampering / Recruitment of Players & Coaches
Any person registered with USA Hockey as a Coach or Manager of an TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE
team is prohibited from coaching in the same age division (e.g. 1994; U14 if a multiple year division) the
following season without the express written permission of the preceding member or affiliate member’s
organization Director, Governor or Club President. Additionally, a Boy’s Midget Major U16 Coach shall not
be eligible to move to a Boy’s Midget Major U18 team (see point 6), and a Girl’s Coach shall not be eligible
to move up one Division (Girl’s U14 to Girl’s U16) (see point 6).
6. Notwithstanding the above, a Coach may move to a prohibited age division provided the Coach (if he was
previously on the USA Hockey roster) obtains written consent (filed electronically with Commissioner) from
the previous organization's Director. In any case, Coach must obtain the official release prior to pursuing a
position within another organization regardless of the level {Note: A coach is free to coach at another
Division the following year (e.g. 2005 - 2006 1994 Division may coach 2006 - 2007 1992 Division without
the previous organization's release; however, the Coach is not able to begin conversation with a new
organization without written acknowledgement of the current organization's Director. The acknowledgement
will not be withheld without cause.
7. A player, if he / she wants to switch teams during the season (prior to the official tryout date for said
Division), must have written consent (filed electronically with the Commissioner) from the previous
organization's Director before being officially released to pursue / join another organization. {Note: Please
refer to Policy 2.1 and Policy 5.0.}.
8. Notwithstanding the above, a Player, Coach or Manager is eligible to receive or initiate discussions with a
Governor, Director, Coach, Manager or agent of a member organization and/or associate member
organization provided that written permission is granted by the recruitee’s organization in advance.
9. Exceptions to the time limits outlined above may be made at the discretion of the TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY
LEAGUE Commissioner.
10. Claimed violations of this policy shall be referred for investigation to the Board of Directors, which shall have
the authority to investigate the claim, determine if a policy violation occurred, and assess discipline to the
involved Player, Coach, Manager, or Team or Club official.
11. Violations of this policy subject the identified party(s) to disciplinary action up to and including revocation of
member in good standing status in the TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE and consequent ineligibility to
participate as a member of the TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE until such designation is rescinded by the
Commissioner’s office.
Investigative Process:
1. Complaining organization/team compiles the documentation outlining and supporting the allegation.
2. Complaining organization / team notifies Commissioner of allegation via email
3. Complaining organization Director contacts alleged violating organization Director to discuss the issue and
attempt to reach understanding regarding what happened.
4. Complaining organization sends Commissioner a detailed statement of the issue and the status reached after
conversations with the alleged violating organization.
5. If applicable, violating organization recommends internal disciplinary action against the perpetrator and sends
a formal statement of planned action to the Commissioner for concurrence.
6. Commissioner takes appropriate action based on the above.
Appeal Process:
A member or affiliate member organization, or any penalized Player (including a parent or guardian of a player), Coach or
Manager, will have the right to appeal all issues stemming from the application of TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE
Policy 8.1 – Recruitment & Tampering of Players, Coaches & Managers to the TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY LEAGUE
Commissioner or fax (313)255-2666, for purposes of review by the TIER 1 ELITE HOCKEY
LEAGUE Appeal Board.
Appeal Board:
The Appeal Board is comprised of three (3) Directors from Member Organizations not involved in the dispute. The
decision of the Appeal Board is final and binding.
All appeals must be made in a timely manner based on the circumstances involved in each case.
The Appeal Board shall render a written decision via email or fax to the requesting team(s) designated individual as soon
as practicable upon receipt of the written request of appeal.
Policy 8.2 – Tampering / Recruitment of Players & Coaches
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Policy Number:
Date(s) Effective:
01/22/2008 – Until Superceded (Recommended by Board of Directors January 22, 2008)
Date Approved:
01/08/2007 (Recommended by Board of Directors January 22, 2008)