(First draft 23.09.09) CONCEPT PAPER1 Review Group Meeting Evaluation of Submitted Materials under Knowledge Management Initiative "Collection of Good Practices and Tools on DRRE in Central Asia" Tashkent October 27, 2009 (TBC) UNISDR Sub-Regional Office for Central Asia and UNICEF Regional Office for Central and Eastern Europe and Commonwealth of Independent States (CEE/CIS) announced a Call for “Collection of Good Practices and Tools on Disaster Risk Reduction in Education (DRRE) from within Central Asia” (called Knowledge Management Initiative). The overall objective of this Initiative is to identify, compile, systematize and disseminate selected good practices and tools on DRR in education, thus raising the awareness of and contributing to the knowledge management of relevant resources that already exist in the region. The collected information and materials will be directly relevant for interventions in the education sector. A particularly relevant and important objective of the activity is to develop and disseminate the outcomes, as a practical reference material. The Initiative was launched in July 2009 with the deadline for submission of applications on October 10, 2009. The process of collection materials including sharing application procedures for respective materials, providing feedback information, as well as receiving, preliminary filtering and systematizing of the accepted materials is undertaken by the Technical Assistant, as specified in the Concept Note for the Knowledge Management Initiative. After the deadline, all submitted materials will be systematized and prepared for a detailed review and evaluation, which will be carried out by a Review Group. Review Group (RG) The RG will consist of 5 independent members – experts and specialists from different republics of Central Asia with relevant background and wide professional experience on DRR. RG will ensure high quality evaluation, objectiveness and equity in the decision-making while identifying the best submitted materials, the authors of which will be provided an opportunity to present their achievements at the Regional Conference tentatively scheduled for early December 2009. The Review Group will also take the final decision on the contributions that will be included in the Compendium of Good Practices and Tools on DRRE. The Compendium will then be disseminated across the CA region (and globally) trough UNISDR and UNICEF and their partners. The final list of RG members, who were selected and approved by UNISDR and UNICEF, is the following: 1. Mr. Hakimov Shamil (Uzbekistan) Professor, Head of the Department for Seismic Resistant Constructions, "UzLITTI" Joint-Stock Company 2. Mr. Sadykov Khisrav (Tajikistan) Professor, Tajik Technical University, Head of Chair on Automated Servo and Electrical Machines 3. Ms. Babadjanova Malika (Tajikistan) Doctor of Biological Sciences, Head of CAREC office for Tajikistan 4. Ms. Inna Melnikova (Kazakhstan) Education Officer, Acting Head of the Regional office, UNESCO Central Asia 5. Mr. Bakhtiar Mambetov (Kyrgyzstan) Regional Project Manager, Netherlands Red Cross Evaluation Process 1 This is an ADDENDUM to the Concept Note on Knowledge Management Initiative "Collection of Good Practices and Tools on Disaster Risk Reduction in Education within Central Asia". Double-click icon to open the document: concept note Page 1 of 2 (First draft 23.09.09) Upon the closure of submission period (after 10 October 2009), RG members will be provided with electronic versions of the submitted materials. This will be done so that the RG members thoroughly review and familiarize themselves with the submitted materials before the RG Meeting takes place where final decisions will be taken. A Standard Evaluation Form will be developed considering the specific requirements indicated in the Instruction on submission of applications. Evaluation form will have a scoring scale with the total score indication. RG members will have to use this form during their meeting and fill out one such evaluation form for each one of the submitted materials. The RG member who filled out the respective evaluation form will then have to sign it accordingly. Two representatives from UNISDR and two from UNICEF will also participate in the meeting, and will have to fill out Evaluation Forms as well. Thus, there will be a total number of 9 votes for taking a final decision on any of the applications submitted. RG Meeting The RG Meeting for selection of best contributions will take place in Tashkent, Uzbekistan, on October 2728, 2009 (TBC), at the venue identified and arranged by UNICEF Uzbekistan. Sharing of respective costs will be carried out in accordance with the Note for Record and Budget approved and signed by UNISDR and UNICEF. Double-click icon to open the document: NFR_DRRE UNISDR and UNICEF expect the following from the RG Meeting: - Unbiased expertise and objective insights made available by the RG members - High quality evaluation of the materials and detailed justification of the selected best works provided; - Best materials for presentation at the regional Conference identified; - Materials to be included in the Compendium selected; Page 2 of 2