Google Forms as an Assessment Tool

Google Forms as
Google Forms as an Assessment Tool
Lessa Eddleton
Grand Canyon University
TEC 546
Grand Canyon University
Dr. Lorry Reditt
March 23, 2011
Google Forms as
Google Forms as an Assessment Tool
Google Docs is a free, web-based word processor, spreadsheet, presentation and form
software. It has a wide variety of uses and capabilities. Users can create and edit documents
online while collaborating in real-time with other users (Wondershare Quiz Creator, 2009). In
addition to being an excellent way to write, store and manage documents, it includes a feature
called "Forms" which can be used for creating online assessments.
Google Forms allow users to create an electronic form for collecting different types of
information. As with other online assessment tools, Google Forms allows users to create
questions in various formats. This information is collected in the form of answers, summaries,
reflections or facts (What is Google Forms? 2010). Forms in Google Docs include seven types
of questions: text, paragraph text, multiple choice, checkboxes, choose from a list, scale and grid.
Text questions are fill-in-the-blank questions requiring a one or two word answer. On the other
hand, paragraph text questions are for questions requiring longer written responses. Of course,
the multiple-choice questions require users to choose the single best answer choice. Whereas,
check box questions, look similar to multiple-choice questions, but they allow users to chose
more than one item from a list. Scale questions allow users to rate something on a scale from 1
to any number. For instance, a student might rate their knowledge of a concept taught in class on
a scale of 1 to 5 (Karch, 2009).
Assessments created in Google Forms can be shared with students in one of three ways,
linking via a URL, embedding or email. A URL is given so an assessment can be linked from a
document or website. In addition, a code to embed the assessment is provided so it can be used
on a website or the assessment can simply be mailed to users.
Google Forms as
Once an assessment is completed, the user clicks submit. The results of the assessment
will be automatically loaded into a Google Docs spreadsheet. The spreadsheet can then be used
to gather and sort assessment information for further evaluation. This is enables teachers to see
how much information their students have mastered and which students need additional
help.(Wondershare Quiz Creator, 2009). Google Forms makes creating assessments
straightforward and easy to obtain, analyze and share data in order to evaluate student learning
(Hamilton, 2010).
Google Forms as
Gardener, B. (2009, November). Google Forms. Message posted to
Hamilton, B. (2010). Google Forms for Assessment, Evaluation, and Reflection. Retrieved
March 23, 2010, from
Karch, M. (2009). How to Make Forms, Surveys, and Quizzes in Google Docs. Retrieved March
22, 2011, from
What is Google Forms?. (2010). Retrieved March 22, 2011, from TRECT Formative assessment
with Google Forms:
Wondershare Quiz Creator (2009). Making Online Quizzes with Google Docs – Part 1 –
Creating Quizzes. Retrieved March 22, 2011, from
Wondershare Quiz Creator. (2009, ). Making Online Quizzes with Google Docs - Part 3-Grading
Quizzes. Retrieved March 22, 20011,