Mine Name:
Company Name:
Application Number:
Township: County:
Site Acreage: Surface Underground Acreage:
Acceptance Date:
Name of Preparer:
Reason for assessment:
Underground Mine Application (new)
Permit Renewal
Permit Revision (surface activity)
Permit Revision (underground activity)
Updated Regulation Review
Hydrologic Data Review
Mid-Term Review
(*) if other was checked, please list the proposed activity:
Subsidence Control Plan Revision
Bonding Release
Other (*)
A. Cumulative Impact Area
Identify the map that delineates the limits of the groundwater and surface water Cumulative Impact Area (CIA) for purposes of this assessment. Discuss criteria used to delimit the boundaries of the area, including structural geology, drainage divides, mine barriers, and regional groundwater discharge zones
B. Baseline conditions within Cumulative Impact Area
Provide a narrative describing the existing and anticipated mining operations within the delineated CIA. Include general information regarding past impacts of mining within the CIA, including the chemical nature and location of existing mine discharges, seasonal surface water flow conditions, seasonal groundwater levels, and elevations of existing mine pools. Provide references regarding sources of information used to delineate or characterize the
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C. Mine Pool Discharge Evaluation
1. What is the predicted post-mining pool elevation? (feet)
2. What is the basis for the pool level prediction?
High point of mining
Elevation of coal at mine entry
Low wall elevation
Pre-mining hydraulic gradient
Adjacent mine pool
3. Have provisions been made to monitor the level and quality of the post-closure mine pool?
Yes No (If no, explain why)
4. Is the predicted mine pool elevation higher than the land surface elevation at any place within the CIA?
Yes No
If yes, describe the natural features and provisions of the mining plan that will serve to prevent a surface discharge after mining.
Natural features:
Overburden thickness
Overburden integrity as demonstrated through RQD
Presence of confining layers within overburden
Absence of prominent fractures zones as indicated by a fracture trace analysis or geophysical survey results (EM 30, WADI, etc.)
Design features:
Include a narrative description of each feature (e.g., no mining zone beneath Bear Run; supported entries beneath Bear Run, barrier pillar along coal outcrop in Bear Run valley, etc.)
5. Are there adjacent mine pools that could affect or be affected by the proposed operation?
Yes No
If yes, identify the adjacent mine pool and describe the measures that will be taken to isolate the respective pools. (e.g., a 400-foot barrier will be provided between the proposed mine workings and the works of the
Smith No. 1 Mine)
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D. Evaluation of groundwater and surface water impacts at surface sites
1. Are there any surface sites where overburden will be disturbed down to the level of a mineable coal seam?
Yes No
If yes, was an overburden analysis performed? Yes Waived
Does overburden analysis indicate the need for alkaline addition or special handling of acid forming materials? Yes No
If yes, indicate measures to be used: Alkaline Addition Special handling
2. Will all groundwater and surface runoff that comes into contact with acid forming materials be routed to treatment? Yes No (Explain any exceptions.)
3. Will surface runoff from disturbed areas be routed to a sedimentation pond or trap?
(Explain any exceptions.)
Yes No
4. Will all treatment ponds (other than sedimentation ponds) and storage piles of potentially polluting materials be equipped with suitable liners. Yes No (Explain any exceptions.)
E. Protection of Streams Overlying the Underground Mining Operations
1. Is the underground mining operation likely to cause flow loss or pooling in overlying streams?
Yes No
If yes, provide a location of where there is a potential for flow loss or pooling (e.g., panel name, Stream name, Stream ID#, etc.) and a general description of the proposed mitigation measures that will used at each location.
2. Have underground mining operations caused any unanticipated flow loss or pooling in overlying streams?
Yes No N/A - New mine application
If yes, provide a location of where the unplanned flow loss or pooling occurred (e.g., panel name, Stream name, Stream ID# etc.) and a description of the mitigation measures used at each location.
3. Have there been any incidents in which the operator was unable to restore an affected stream because it was technologically or economically unfeasible to do so?
Yes No N/A - New mine application
If yes, describe the mitigation that was performed to compensate for the adverse effects and any changes to the mining plan that were made that were made to prevent similar impacts.
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F. Effluent Limits
1. Is this a new application? Yes No
If yes, then include, as an attachment, all calculations used to derive effluent limits for proposed discharges from the mining activity
2. Is this a revision to an existing permit, which will add discharge points or change the contaminant loads at existing discharge points? Yes No
If yes, then include, as an attachment, all calculations used to derive the revised effluent limits for proposed discharges from the mining activity.
G. Protection of the Private and Public Water Supplies
1. Will any public water supply located within the proposed permit area require protection? Yes No
If yes, provide a brief description of the proposed measures that will be used to protect the public water supply.
2. Has the mine operator provided evidence that all water supplies that have the potential to be impacted by underground mining activities can be restored or replaced? Yes No N/A
If yes, provide a brief description of the evidence supplied in the application.
H. Evaluation of monitoring results (Applicable to permit revisions, permit renewals, and requests for bond release)
Yes No 1. Are the existing treatment facilities performing satisfactorily?
If no, describe the improvements that are needed.
2. Do monitoring results support the previous hydrologic predictions with respect to:
The likelihood of post-mining discharges from the mine pool? Yes No
The potential of contaminated seepage from surface sites?
Loss of stream flow caused by mining? Yes No
Yes No
If no, describe the monitoring results and the corresponding change in prediction.
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3. If mining has been completed, provide the following information.
Has the pool stabilized? Yes No
If yes, provide elevation (feet); indicate if final level was higher or lower than predicted level; and attach representative sample results indicating mine pool quality.
Are there any post-mining discharges (including discharges from adjacent mines)?
If yes, provide location, volume and representative discharge quality of the discharges.
Yes No
I. Permit Actions
As subsequent permit revisions and renewals are received, provide below a chronological listing of permit actions that require updated Cumulative Hydrologic Impact Assessments. Attach, as an addendum to this form, a discussion regarding the potential for adverse hydrologic impacts associated with each permit action. Include other information as deemed necessary to support each hydrologic impact assessment.
Permit Action Date of Issuance Addendum # Reviewer’s Initials
J. Additional Comments
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