Talk English Friends: Session 1 Menu of activities The aim of this session is to identify the potential barriers faced by people who don’t speak English well or at all, to experience some of the feelings and difficulties they may experience first hand and to identify ways of communicating better. Select activities from the menu to suit you and your group and timings. Each session should be 2.5 hours including a break. NB: There are more activities than you have time for! Activity Suggestions for use Timing 1. Icebreaker: Say what you see! 15 mins 2a. Ways your learners may differ: Brainstorm Potential barriers: Learner profiles Put a large copy of the ‘Say what you see!’ worksheet on each table. As volunteers arrive, get them to work together in groups to identify the phrase. Facilitate feedback and get the volunteers to reflect on idioms- why might they be difficult for speakers of other languages? Get volunteers to brainstorm the ways learners may differ. Facilitate feedback and discuss differences in more detail. Put volunteers into groups. Give each group a learner profile and a blank table to complete about the learner. Volunteers then share knowledge about the learners country of origin, language etc and identify the potential barriers or difficulties the learner may face. Get each group to present their thoughts to the rest of the group. Give out or show pictures of different countries (for a selection of Creative Commons images from Pakistan, Bangladesh, Somalia, Afghanistan etc, see Get volunteers to brainstorm the differences (and/or similarities) between life in these countries and life in the UK, with reference to the political situation, economy and culture. Facilitate a group discussion. Get volunteers to brainstorm potential barriers to crosscultural communication. Facilitate feedback and discuss potential barriers in more detail. Cut up the ‘Other Languages: languages, scripts and countries’. Select an appropriate number of examples according to time, group and other languages spoken in a specific area. In groups, volunteers match languages to scripts and identify where the languages are spoken. Trainer facilitates feedback. Instruct the volunteers to copy words in a different script. Find out if anyone knows what language it is (Thai) and what it says (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday). Facilitate a group discussion about the experience of Talk English 2b. 2c. Life in other countries: Group discussion 2d. Barriers to crosscultural communication: Brainstorm Other Languages: Language, script and country (matching task) 3a. 3b. Other Languages: Writing in an different script 10 mins 30 mins 15 mins 15 mins 10 mins 20 mins Talk English Friends: Session 1 Activity 3c. Other Languages: Learning an unknown language (microteach) 4a. Better communication: Is it direct, straightforward or specific? 4b. Better communication: Top tips for effective communication Better communication: Role-playing effective communication 4c. Talk English 5. Learning log: What have you learned today? Suggestions for use writing in an unfamiliar script and what would have made it easier. Elicit things Friends should consider when supporting someone to write in an unfamiliar script. Deliver a microteach in a language of their choice. All instructions should be in the unknown language to echo how ESOL courses are delivered. Suggested target language for 15 minutes: Hello What’s your name? My name is… Goodbye Volunteers reflect on their experience. Put volunteers into groups and hands out 1 or 2 speech bubbles to each group. Volunteers read and discuss each example and identify why it might be confusing for people with low level language skills and suggest ways of making it simpler. Facilitate feedback by getting volunteers to informally present their example(s), identifying why it’s confusing and what would make the meaning clearer. Cut up the do’s and don’ts. Volunteers work in groups to decide which are dos or don’t. Facilitate feedback and identifies more dos and don’ts through discussion Demonstrate an example of bad communication (e.g. filling in a form with learners with low level language). Elicit why it was bad. Volunteers practise the same role-play, but modelling good communication with learners with low level language skills Elicit what volunteers have learned or got out of the session and review session outcomes. Volunteers complete a learning log at the end of the session. Timing 15 mins +5 mins reflection 20 mins 15 mins 20 mins 10 mins