New Mexico Historic Preservation Division NOTICE OF GRANT AVAILABILITY 2014 Certified Local Governments Historic Preservation Grants Our Joint Mission Goals and Objectives NMHPD and the Certified Local Governments’ mission is to identify, study, and protect New Mexico’s unique cultural resources, including its archaeological sites, architectural and engineering achievements, cultural landscapes and diverse heritage. Through the Certified Local Government Grant Program, New Mexico’s communities and the NMHPD support a variety of preservation projects statewide. Previously funded projects include the development of preservation plans, surveys of historic districts, the preparation of nominations to the State Register of Cultural Properties and the National Register of Historic Places, HABS/HAER documentation, walking tours, workshops and other public events to promote historic preservation. In 2014, NMHPD will give consideration to projects that closely meet the following but will accept other preservation oriented projects: Funding Categories Projects in the following categories are eligible: Historic and Archaeological Research Survey and Inventory Cultural Resource Documentation Preservation Planning Training and Educational Activities Interpretation National and State Register Nominations Projects to allow CLG communities to integrate local architectural and archaeological documentation, particularly of threatened cultural resources, into the New Mexico Cultural Resource Information System. Programs to educate local preservation commission members in topics including, but not limited to, preservation law and public education and outreach. Projects, including websites, which foster public awareness and dialogue about historic markers, landmarks and as yet unrecognized places significant to the history and culture of New Mexico’s diverse peoples. Educational programs or workshops related to the technology of building conservation such as stone and brick masonry, adobe construction or window restoration. Projects that pursue new surveys, including unmarked cemeteries, cultural landscapes and thematic surveys, leading to future nominations and/or amended nominations in communities. Activities, programs, publications or exhibits that help a local government establish and manage its ordinances, design guidelines, compliance, planning, education and funding as it relates to local archaeological resources and the built environment. Informational workshops for owners of historic Please note that restoration, stabilization, and mitigation projects are not eligible activities of the CLG grant program. commercial and/or residential properties regarding NMHPD’s tax credit program. Funding Availability The total amount expected to be available to NM CLG communities is an estimated $165,000. Grant projects exceeding a total budget of $20,000 must demonstrate the existence of an acceptable financial management and accounting system. Grants awards in excess of $25,000 require special National Park Service approval. The grant period is from February 1, 2014 to September 30, 2014. All awards will be paid on a reimbursable basis only. NMHPD will seek to ensure a reasonable distribution of grants between urban and rural areas in the State. Funds available for the Certified Local Government Grant Program are contingent upon NMHPD’s annual National Park Service, Historic Preservation Fund federal appropriation. Applicants Applications for NMHPD Certified Local Government funding are open to Certified Local Government (CLG) communities located in the State of New Mexico. Silver City Technical Training Workshops funded in 2013 Grant Schedule Grant Applications Due Grant Selection and Award Contracts Signed November 15, 2013 November 27, 2013 January 15, 2014 Contract Period February 1, 2014 – September 30, 2014 Information and Application For an application form visit the Historic Preservation Division Website: Deming Downtown Historic District Nomination funded in 2012 Grant Awards Grants are awarded on a competitive basis. NMHPD will fund up to fifty percent of the total project costs. The applicant will be responsible for a fifty percent, or dollar for dollar match to be in-kind or other nonfederal cash match. No more than three (3) applications may be submitted by the same organization, individual, or community. For questions contact: New Mexico Historic Preservation Division Bataan Memorial Building 407 Galisteo Street, Suite 236 Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 Barbara Zook Tel: 505.827.6320 E-mail: Fax: 505.827.6338