MMQA + Guide Book

Maintenance Management Quality Assurance Plus
Guide Book
April 2004
Measurement Frequency
Snow and Ice - by event. Remember to record road condition 1 hour after each storm ends.
Vegetation Control - Measure 4 times in a growing season. Station supervisor selects 10 worst sections to measure for a minimum of
2 years. Each section is 0.1 mile.
Monthly Measurements:
Semi-Annual Measurements:
Shoulder Work
Litter Pickup - 5 worst sections, 0.1mile per section
Grade & Clean Ditches
Erosion Repair
Pavement Striping - 10 sections, 0.1mile per section
Pavement Markings
Curb/Gutter & Island
Rest Area
Group 1 - SNOW AND ICE
Condition 1: Bare pavement conditions maintained. Traveler rarely experiences delays.
Condition 2: Snow build-up encountered occasionally. Traveler may experience some isolated delay with roads having
patches of black ice, slush or packed snow.
Condition 3: Snow build-up encountered regularly. Traveler likely to experience some delay and slow travel with roads
having black ice or packed snow with only wheel track bare.
Condition 4: Compact snow build-up encountered regularly. Traveler will experience delays and slow travel.
Condition 5: Road closed. Not seasonal road. Temporary closure of route due to significant amounts of snow - unpassable.
3A1 - Shoulder Work
A hard surface shoulder, concrete or asphalt, displays a vertical drop of 1-inch or greater for continuous length of 10 ft. where
road meets gravel shoulder. Measurement would also include vertical drop-off between two adjacent surfaces, i.e. concrete
road & asphalt shoulder.
4A1 - Litter Pickup
Litter is counted if fist size or bigger and is visible to the rating member as he/she walks down the shoulder. This includes:
dead animals, tires, rocks (non-cut ditch), filters, pop/beer cans ... etc
4A2 - Fence Maintenance
Measure linear feet of defective UDOT maintained fence. Defective is outlined as follows:
Sagging or silted in on the bottom.
Repairs not made to standard and do not match existing fence (no farmer repairs).
Fence stays missing or in poor repair.
Missing clips, staples or brace posts.
Wire breaks when bent.
Chain link OVER stretched and not secured to all posts.
Broken or bent posts.
5A1 - Weed Control
Measure as square feet (ft2). 4 measurements will be taken in a growing season. If Right-of-Way fence does not exist, use
50 feet as the width to calculate the area (ft2). Defective measure is the length and width (ft2) of weeds.
Area(1 Dir.)
Area(2 Dir.)
5A2 - Vegetation Control (obstruction)
The objective of vegetation control is to record obstructions to signing, delineation, sight distance caused by roadside
vegetation. Record the linear feet along centerline of the obstruction, which needs to be removed. The measured defective
length is not the sight distance length. This shall include curb & gutter obstruction, which grow onto and over the curb.
5A3 - Mowing
Condition 1: Vegetation has been mowed to standard - not below 6". Signs and delineation and other highway features
mowed around to allow clear view of feature. Pedestrians and animals would be visible at shoulder of road.
Condition 2: Vegetation mowed to standard for 90% of area. Signs and delineation and other highway features mowed around
to allow clear view of feature. Pedestrians and animals would be visible at shoulder of road.
Condition 3: Vegetation mowed to standard for 80% of area. Signs and delineation and other highway features show
moderate growth around features. Pedestrians and animals would be visible at shoulder of road.
Condition 4: Vegetation mowed to standard for 70% of area. Signs and delineation and other highway features show
significant growth around features. Pedestrians and animals would be difficult to see at shoulder of road.
Condition 5: Vegetation mowed to standard for < 70% of area. Signs and delineation and other highway features show
excessive growth around features. Pedestrians and animals would NOT be visible at shoulder of road.
6A1 - Grade & Clean Ditches
Paved and Non-paved ditches that require clean-up. Including rock or sediment removal to establish proper flow. Measure as
linear feet.
6A2 - Maintain Inlets/Outlets
Measure number of inlets and outlets for defects (>25% flow). With this type of measure each pipe will have a total of 2 parts.
In case of not finding an inlet or outlet, measurement should be 1.
6B1 - Erosion Repair
Measure the fore slope - do not measure back slope. Guideline will reflect the measure to include channel widths >= 1" spaced
10 feet or less as one walks down centerline. If you have only one channel, use 10 feet as minimum.
Group 7 - Structure Maintenance
Condition 1
Deck and Sidewalks: Free of visible sand & debris.
Grates and Drains: Grates and drains free of visible sand & debris.
Unfilled Deck Cracks and/or spalling: Unfilled Spalling & cracking.
Expansion/Relief Joints: Free of dirt, rock and other debris.
Slope Protection: >95% Sealed Joints & Cracks or 95% area free of erosion.
Condition 2
Deck and Sidewalks: 10% of surface area covered with sand/debris.
Grates and Drains: <5% of Grates & Drains blocked or partially blocked.
Unfilled Deck Cracks and/or spalling: 10% of surface area has unfilled/malfunctioning cracks and/or spalling.
Expansion/Relief Joints: <5% of joint filled with dirt, rock, or debris.
Slope Protection: 90% Sealed Joints & cracks or 90% area free of erosion.
Condition 3
Deck and Sidewalks: 20% of surface area covered with sand/debris.
Grates and Drains: < 10% of Grates & Drains blocked or partially plugged.
Unfilled Deck Cracks and/or spalling: 20% of surface area has unfilled/malfunctioning cracks and/or spalling.
Expansion/Relief Joints: <10% of joint filled with dirt, rock, or debris.
Slope Protection: 80% Sealed joints & Cracks or 80% area free of erosion.
Condition 4
Deck and Sidewalks: 40% of surface area covered with sand/debris.
Grates and Drains: < 20% of Grates & Drains blocked or partially blocked.
Unfilled Deck Cracks and/or spalling: 40% of surface area has unfilled/malfunctioning cracks and/or spalling.
Expansion/Relief Joints: <15% of joint filled with dirt, rock, or debris.
Slope Protection: 70% Sealed joints & Cracks or 70% area free of erosion.
Condition 5
Deck and Sidewalks: >40% of surface area covered with sand/debris.
Grates and Drains: >20% of Grates and drains blocked or partially blocked. Water ponding on bridge deck.
Unfilled Deck Cracks and/or spalling: >40% of surface area has unfilled/malfunctioning cracks and/or spalling.
Expansion/Relief Joints: >15% of joint filled with dirt, rock, or debris.
Slope Protection: <70% Sealed joints & Cracks or <70% area free of erosion.
8A1 - Pavement Striping
MMQA+ measures total all lines as if they are solid. Defective includes worn/missing beads within a 5-foot-length, or paint
chipping, fading, or worn. Defective also includes crack sealing has covered the paint/beads, asphalt overlay and painting has
not been completed.
No. of Lines
8A2 - Pavement Markings
This includes all pavement messages. Current measurements separate the message into its components. Example, STOP is 4
letters, crosswalk is 2 paint lines, Stop bar is 1, each bar in a crosswalk are counted as each, & turn arrows as one. Also, the
program understands that if, for example the S in STOP was defective ... STOP as a whole would be painted, not only the S
which would lead to varying reflectivity across one message. Defective paint markings are determined the same way as paint
striping ... missing/worn beads, worn paint, etc.
8A3 - Repair & Replace Signs
Evaluate only UDOT maintained signs. Signs are classified as defective for insufficient reflectivity, worn or missing characters
in message, incorrect sign height, incorrect sign lateral clearance (Rural, approx. >6 feet from edge shoulder Urban, 2 feet
minimum offset from face of curb to edge of sign), missing hardware, broken posts, post(s) out of plumb more than a 1-inch
per foot of post height. Repair all down signs immediately.
8A4 - Repair and Replace Delineation
DO NOT MEASURE object markers. Defective delineators are defined as delineation which is missing more than 25% of the
reflective tape/button, out of plumb more than ½” per linear [post] foot, less than 48-inches above the near pavement, incorrect
lateral placement, and not meeting the UDOT Standard Drawings.
8A5 - Guardrail Maintenance
Measure vegetation obstruction to guardrail or barrier...DO NOT measure under mowing or noxious weed. Measure as linear
feet of mowing/obstruction as defective. Each single run should function as intended. All posts, offset blocks, panels and
connection hardware shall be in place. Proper height should also be included in the inspection of the guardrail. Any section
which is 2 inches above or 1 inch below the proper height, as outline in the standard, for a continuous 15 ft. is measured as
defective. Installations vary from roadway to roadway because of design standard changes and should be evaluated using the
appropriate design standard. Evaluation DOES NOT include reflective markers installed on guardrail or concrete barrier.
Concrete barrier is measured on the same premise as guardrail. Defective units should include the length of the piece (run)
which will need to be replaced, not only the section which may fall into a defective state. Measure concrete barrier and
guardrail as one system if both are in sample section.
8A8 - Sweeping
Defective measure includes length along centerline where an accumulation of 3/8-inch or greater for more than 10 continuous
feet in traveled roadway - including shoulders and asphalt medians, or for curb and gutter which exceed 3/8-inch in depth for
more than ten continuous feet.
8A9 - Curb/Gutter & Island
Back of curb measures: aggregate breaking up as defective. Moderate spalling/flaking is not necessarily defective. Evaluation
shall NOT include sweeping of Curb & Gutter. Defective curb is the curb that does not allow drainage due to up heaving, missalignment, or cracked and allowing water to drain behind curb or underneath roadway. The defective measure includes the
section that will require replacement.
Group 10 - Rest Area Maintenance
Condition 1
Janitorial Services: Rest rooms are clean. Room smells fresh. No graffiti or litter is visible. Soap & paper supplies are
adequate. Trash containers are less than 2/3 full.
Building & utilities: Building in mostly good repair; i.e., some repairs under $500 remaining. All partitions, doors,
dispensers & hand dryers are in place and functioning. All mechanical & electrical systems are fully operational.
Site: Landscape planting healthy & free of weeds. Lawns mowed in the previous week. Sidewalks, picnic areas & site
areas clean & free of litter. All site lighting functioning. Trash containers are less than 2/3 full. Facilities are in good
repair; i.e., no repairs under $500 remaining.
Operations: Rest area is open 24 hours a day, with no closures. Attendant is on site 100% of the contract time.
Condition 2
Janitorial Services: Rest rooms are mostly clean room has slight undesirable odor. Minor amount of graffiti &/or litter
is visible. Soap & paper supplies are mostly adequate. Trash containers are less than 2/3 full.
Building & utilities: Building in average repair; i.e., several repairs under $500 remaining. One partition, door,
dispenser or hand dryer missing, not functioning or with a temporary replacement. Minor mechanical &/or electrical
systems are malfunctions
Site: Landscape planting healthy with a few weeds. Lawns mowed in the previous week. Sidewalks, picnic areas & site
areas mostly clean with some litter. Most site lighting functioning. Trash containers are less than 2/3 full. Facilities are
in mostly good repair; i.e., some repairs under $500 remaining.
Operations: Rest area is open 24 hours a day & attendant is on site 95% of the time.
Condition 3
Janitorial Services: Rest rooms are acceptably clean. Slight undesirable odor is present. A minor amount of graffiti
&/or litter visible. Soap & paper supplies about half used. Trash containers are less than 2/3 full.
Building & utilities: Building in poor repair; i.e., many repairs under $500 remaining. More than one partition, door,
dispenser or hand dryer missing, not functioning or with a temporary replacement. Major mechanical &/or electrical
systems malfunctions.
Site: Landscape planting exhibits some stress with moderate weeds. Some trees damaged or with dying branches.
Lawns not mowed in the previous week. Sidewalks, picnic areas & site areas average clean with moderate amounts of
litter. Significant amount of site lighting is not functioning. Trash containers are less than 2/3 full. Facilities are in
average repair; i.e., several repairs under $500 remaining.
Operations: Rest area is open 24 hours a day & attendant is on site 90% of the time.
Condition 4
Janitorial Services: Rest rooms are noticeably dirty. Significant undesirable odor is present. A significant amount of
graffiti &/or litter is visible. Soap & paper supplies nearing empty. Trash containers are more than 2/3 full.
Building & utilities: Building in poor repair; i.e., many repairs under $500 remaining. More than one partition, door,
dispenser or hand dryer missing, not functioning or with a temporary replacement. Major mechanical &/or electrical
systems malfunctions.
Site: Landscape planting exhibits severe stress with noticeable weeds. Several trees damaged or with dying branches.
Lawns not mowed in the previous week. Sidewalks, picnic areas & site areas noticeably dirty with significant amounts
of litter. Significant amount of site lighting is not functioning. Trash containers are more than 2/3 full. Facilities are in
poor repair; i.e., many repairs under $500 remaining.
Operations: Rest area is open 24 hours a day & attendant is on site 85% of the time.
Condition 5
Janitorial Services: Rest rooms are extremely dirty. Noxious odors are present. Excessive graffiti &/or litter is visible.
Soap & paper supplies are empty. Trash containers are full &/or overflowing.
Building & utilities: Building in disrepair; i.e., numerous repairs under $500 remaining or building closed. All
partitions, doors, dispensers or hand dryer missing, not functioning or with a temporary replacement. Major
mechanical &/or electrical systems are failures.
Site: Landscape planting exhibits severe stress with significant weeds. Most trees damaged or with dying branches.
Lawns dead. Sidewalks, picnic areas & site areas extremely dirty with excessive amounts of litter. Most site lighting is
not functioning. Trash containers are full &/or overflowing. Facilities are in disrepair; i.e., numerous repairs under
$500 remaining.
Operations: During normal operating period, rest area is open 24 hours a day <85% of the time.