NRSG 601 9.2009 NRSG 601 Theoretical Foundations of Nursing Master of Science in Nursing Spiritual Service Spiritual Growth Personal Growth Personal Change Agent Moral Professional Growth ONU Nurse Leader Professional Life -Long Learner -1- NRSG 601 9.2009 CONTRIBUTORS The following individuals contributed to the completion of this course of study: Dr. Bonnie J. Beardsley Director, Department of Nursing Olivet Nazarene University June 2007 -2- NRSG 601 9.2009 NRSG 601 THEORETICAL FOUNDATIONS OF NURSING Statement of Faith “As an educational enterprise of the Church of the Nazarene, we pursue truth in order to glorify the God and the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ: praying for the coming of the spirit; remembering the promise of Scripture and tradition; keeping our hearts faithfully attuned to the voice of God; and being thoughtfully, acutely, and critically engaged.” 2002-2004 Catalog. Bourbonnais, IL: Olivet Nazarene University. COURSE DESCRIPTION/OVERVIEW This course provides an opportunity to explore theoretical models of practice in healthcare systems. The relationship between nursing systems models and other disciplines are examined. An emphasis is placed on developing a foundation for application of professional practice through using a systems approach. Students will be introduced to the development of a professional portfolio. COURSE LEARNING OUTCOMES Upon completion of this course, the learner will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Describe how nursing theory links to evidence based research and quality patient outcomes. Discuss historical relevance of nursing theory evolution and the significance to the advancement of nursing practice today. Evaluate nursing theories according to similarity and dissimilarity in philosophical underpinnings. Employ a personal theory that considers personal philosophy that is ethical and representative of spiritual role modeling, ethical, moral and personal values with high standards and rational decisions. Evaluate personal and professional growth reflecting on the process of beginning a Master’s Degree in Nursing and building a foundation for leadership. Reflect on the first MS nursing course, in the decision to embrace life-long learning and determine the level of personal, professional, and spiritual growth. Make a conscious choice to commit to service to humanity through embracing the theory of service to God and Humanity. -3- NRSG 601 9.2009 COURSE MATERIALS Required Textbooks: American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Chinn, P. L., & Kramer, M. K. (2008). Integrated Knowledge development in nursing (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. O’Brien, M.E. (2008). Spirituality in nursing: Standing on holy ground. (3rd. ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Parker, M. (2nd ed.). (2006) Nursing Theories and nursing practice. Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company. Courses are presented via blackboard through distance delivery. This format will enable participants to complete work in a flexible manner. Textbooks, articles, and access to blackboard will be made available to the learner. Online assignments will include discussion topics, individual assignments, and projects as outlined in the syllabus. Special Requirements: Internet Access Microsoft Office Software Completion of the Online Blackboard Training Student Classroom is required. COURSE ASSIGNMENTS/ASSESSMENTS The learning outcomes will be fostered and assessed in a variety of ways. As best practice suggests, assessment will be formative and summative and will include the application of acquired course knowledge to real world practice settings. This course will include the following: WEEKLY DISCUSSION POSTINGS WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS CUMULATIVE PORTFOLIO Assignments Discussion Postings Points 6@ 5 points 30 Written Assignment: due Wk 4 day 7 Theory: Plan Implement and Evaluated 40 Written Assignment: due Wk 6 day 3 Compare and Contrast Theorist (Portfolio assignment) 30 TOTAL COURSE POINTS 100 -4- NRSG 601 9.2009 WEEKLY WORKSHOP TOPICS WEEK 1: INTRODUCTION TO NURSING SCIENCE: SPIRITUALITY IN NURSING WEEK 2: NURSING THEORY: A SPIRITUAL HISTORY OF NURSING WEEK 3: FOUNDATIONAL THEORIES OF NURSING WEEK 4: NURSING THEORISTS AND THEIR THEORIES WEEK 5: MID-RANGE THEORIES WEEK 6: THEORY IN PRACTICE ATTENDANCE PARTICIPATION Students are required to participate in class at least three different days each week. Your initial posting is NOT a RESPONSE to classmates. Both the quantity and quality of participation are evaluated. In courses where there are team/group activities, those discussions are NOT counted as part of the discussion postings. In addition to participation, the discussion rubric provides further details on possible points according to quality of posting. Student Participation Courses are not to be considered independent study courses. Instead courses are considered to be essential shared learning communities. Therefore, it is imperative that students participate with substantive and timely postings to the online discussion board as outlined in the course syllabus. Failure to post the expected frequency and quality will result in grade reduction for the discussion. Students are not allowed to post ahead in any week. If a student posts ahead, faculty will delete the post. Faculty Participation Faculty is expected to facilitate student personal, professional, and spiritual growth through guided responses which provide critical insight, stimulate new ideas, or raise awareness. Faculty is required to be accessible to the student which is demonstrated through visibility and quality feedback on discussions and submitted assignments. It is reasonable for students to expect the faculty will be online at least once per day and to be reasonably accessible to students by providing contact information in their biography link. Students are required to utilize the Olivet email address when communicating. The use of personal email addresses is not allowed. Faculty are to return the student assignments within 7 days of due date. The returned assignment should reflect appropriate comments using the course grading rubric. Further, the student can expect the faculty will provide comments that facilitate personal and professional development in the academic setting. Faculty is expected to respond to questioning and student emails within 48 hours except on holidays and weekends. If the response requires additional time the faculty should communicate this to the student. Student Attendance Students are expected to communicate directly with the course instructor regarding any circumstance that may result in absence of course participation. Course participation is met through discussion postings and submission of assignments by the required due date. -5- NRSG 601 9.2009 School of Graduate and Continuing Studies – Attendance Policy One absence (and only one) may be excused without the grade being affected provided make-up work is satisfactory completed: o The learner must contact the instructor. o The absence must be the result of unavoidable circumstances. o Make-up work is satisfactory completed before the start of the following workshop. If the first absence is unexcused, the following scale will be used for grade reduction: o For courses with 7, 8, or 9 workshops/sessions: 1st absence will result in a final course grade no higher than a “B” 2nd absence will result in a final course grade no higher than a “C” 3rd absence will result in a final course grade of “F” o For courses with 4, 5, or 6 workshops/sessions: 1st absence will result in a final course grade no higher than a “C” 2nd absence will result in a final course grade of “F”) All subsequent absences (if first absence is excused) will result in an automatic grade reduction. The number of absences relative to grade reduction will reflect number of workshops in the course (assuming one absence is excused based on the approved criteria listed above): o For courses with 7, 8, or 9 workshops/sessions: 2nd absence will result in a final course grade no higher than a “B” 3rd absence will result in a final course grade no higher than a “C” 4th absence will result in a final course grade of “F” o For courses with 4, 5, or 6 workshops/sessions: 2nd absence will result in a final course grade no higher than a “C” 3rd absence will result in a final course grade of “F” o For courses with 2 or 3 workshops/sessions An alternative cohort must be found so learner can attend the course in total Grades will be monitored with final attendance. Grades must reflect absence – no exceptions. If the first absence is not excused or the learner does not complete the necessary make-up work, the grade will be reduced beginning with the first absence. Instructors will address tardiness on an individual basis. Learners are expected to arrive for class on time and remain for the entire four hour period. -6- NRSG 601 9.2009 Attendance – Online Courses Learners in online courses must post at least one, substantive online message per course week to be considered in attendance. Failure to log in and post at least once per week will result in an absence. Participation is not the same as attendance. Participation requirements are determined by the instructor and will be thoroughly explained in the course syllabus. EVALUATION PROCEDURE AND GRADING SYSTEM 95 – 100 A 92 – 94.9 A89 – 91.9 B+ 86 – 88.9 B 83 – 85.9 B80 – 82.9 C+ 77 – 79.9 C_____________________________________ 74 – 76.9 CNon-passing scores 71 – 73.9 D+ 68 – 70.9 D 65 – 67.9 DThe student will receive credit for the assignments in the following ways: ASSIGNMENTS Points will be given based on the assignment and the Rubric provided. Each week the course guide will provide the student with the required assignment. The grading rubric for the assignment should be utilized by the learner as a guide for formulating written objectives. Faculty will add the grading rubric, their comments, and final points received for each student when returning student assignments. A student with an unexcused absence will receive an automatic 50% grade reduction for any assignment submitted during that week. DISCUSSIONS Participation points will be given based on the Discussion Posting Requirements and the Rubric provided. See the link for grading Rubric. To ensure all members of the learning community have sufficient time to respond to discussions, you are expected to adhere to the following guide for discussion posting: Post your initial activity no later than the third day of each week by 11:59 p.m. Respond to three of your colleagues’ initial postings during each week on three different days. Provide colleagues with reflective thoughts, personal experience, resources, or general thoughts regarding their insight to the activity or topic. Posting after the required date will result in a grade reduction as stated in the rubric. Each week the student will respond to the discussion objective as directed. The discussion posting is a large part of learning in an online environment. The grading for discussion activities is outlined in the course grading rubric. Students are required to support their -7- NRSG 601 9.2009 discussions with citations, write using APA format and provide a reference list at the bottom of their posting. ** An example of a discussion posting is provided at the end of this syllabus. ** LATE WORK POLICY No late papers/assignments will be accepted after the date and time stated in the syllabus or otherwise stated by the professor. In extreme circumstances exceptions may be made (i.e. illness). However, this must be agreed upon by the student and professor prior to the due date. INCOMPLETE GRADES Students are given an incomplete for a course at the discretion of the instructor and the Associate Director of Nursing. Normally this is granted for a period of no more than one week beyond the end of a course. The student must have 85% of the course work completed. No opportunity is offered to make up any missing discussion postings. Points for discussion activities are provided according to the rubric. POLICIES ON PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is defined as use of intellectual material produced by another person without acknowledging its course. For example: Wholesale copying of passages from works of others into an assignment, paper, posting, or thesis without acknowledgement. Using the views, opinions, or insights of another without acknowledgement. Paraphrasing another person’s characteristic or original phraseology, metaphor, or other literary device without acknowledgment. Faculty will monitor for evidence of plagiarism. All work must be submitted through the correct blackboard process to be assessed for evidence of plagiarism. Self-plagiarism is the use of the learner’s work from a previous class and is highly discouraged. Should the learner’s previous work be used, it must be cited as such. For further information on Olivet Nazarene University Conduct and Responsibilities see the Catalog at the course link (ONU Bulletin). Students suspected of plagiarism require faculty to contact the Chair, Director of Nursing Department at ONU directly. Disability Support Services It is the policy of Olivet Nazarene University to accommodate students with disabilities in accordance with federal and state laws. Any student with a disability who needs accommodation, for example in arranging seating, extended time for examinations, tutors or note-takers, should present faculty teaching courses where accommodation is appropriate a Notice of Approval for Accommodation from the Learning Development Center. If you, as a student with a disability, have difficulty accessing any part of the course materials or activities for this class, please notify the instructor immediately. Accommodations for test-taking must be -8- NRSG 601 9.2009 arranged at least 5 business days in advance. All students seeking test accommodations must take their exams in the Learning Development Center. Students may apply for accommodations or services by clicking on the Learning Center Services link on the main page of Blackboard. OVERVIEW WEEK 1 “Practice involves processes, dynamics, and interactions that can only be fully understood when science, ethics, aesthetics, and personal knowing come together. Each kind of knowledge is important for practice, and the best practices depend on integrating all together to form a whole.” (Chinn & Kramer, 2004) Nursing is a practice discipline that incorporates scientific and nonscientific knowledge originating from scholarly inquiry. To understand nursing one must understand the concepts, theories, and laws that are constant and evolving. This understanding will inform practice. This week you will begin to explore how theory and knowledge have developed. As you explore the patterns consider how you might apply some of them to your own practice. RESOURCES WEEK 1 Devotion READING ASSIGNMENT WEEK 1 Chinn, P.L., & Kramer, M. K. (2008). Integrated Knowledge development in nursing (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Preface In the Preface, Chinn and Kramer (2008) explain that multiple patterns of knowing are critical to nursing knowledge. Chapter 1 - “Nursing’s Fundamental Patterns of Knowing” Chapter 3 - “Emancipatory Knowledge Development” Chapter 7 - “Empiric Knowledge Development: Conceptualizing and Structuring” O’Brien, M.E. (2008). Spirituality in nursing: Standing on holy ground. (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Chapter 1- Pages 1-10 Reflect on your practice setting with a specific theory in mind. Determine how this theory informs your practice. Consider the Spiritual Ministry and role of the holistic nurse. -9- NRSG 601 9.2009 WEBSITES WEEK 1 This website provides a great APA source for quick reference. This web site provides a wealth of links to multiple nursing theorists and theories OTHER RESOURCES WEEK 1 Begin to look at the supporting websites at the various theorists and their theories. DISCUSSION ACTIVITY WEEK 1 According to Chinn and Kramer (2008) “Empiric theory is inadequate to represent the complexity of the practice world…A shift to balance in knowledge development to reflect each of the patterns of knowing in nursing holds potential to bring the realm of knowledge development and the realm of practice together.” To further explore this concept, you will apply the four patterns of knowing to a situation from your own practice. In preparation for the activity: 1. Reflect on a situation from your practice. 2. Review this situation from the perspective of the four patterns of knowing: empirics, ethics, personal knowing, and aesthetics. How was each pattern reflected in your response to the situation? How did the aspect of spiritual ministry apply to your situation? 3. Post your situation and your response to the situation on the discussion board. Conclude your posting with thoughts on how things may have been different had you applied the patterns of knowing. 4. Read all of your colleagues’ postings. 5. Respond to at least three of your colleagues’ initial postings. *Be sure to support your posting with citations from this week’s readings. Refer to the APA Publication Manual to assure your citations in the text and reference list are correct. ASSIGNMENT WEEK 1 Note: This assignment will be due at the end of Week 4 submitted as directed through blackboard features. Preparation: - 10 - NRSG 601 9.2009 1. Select one theory that is useful to your practice setting. 2. Research the literature for referred journal articles that discuss the use of the theory in practice. 3. Critically review the theory and develop a plan for how you would utilize this theory in your practice drawing on holistic spiritual nursing. 4. In a 6-8 page APA paper: a. Provide an overview of the theory b. Discuss the rationale for selection of this theory c. Develop a plan to implement the theory d. Describe barriers and challenges e. Present the critique f. Provide examples from theorist’s work that are relevant. OVERVIEW WEEK 2 This week you will begin to embrace the idea of nursing theory and how it provides a direction for practice. You will notice there are many different ways to classify nursing theories. This week you will begin to look closely at how nursing theory provides direction for practice. You will examine concepts and principles used in to develop theories. The basic principles are explained for selected theorists and the use of relevant theories to nursing practice. RESOURCES WEEK 2 Devotion READING ASSIGNMENT WEEK 2 No doubt in your undergraduate studies you reviewed a variety of nursing theorists. You more than likely have one that you follow in your practice today. Keep your personal theory in mind as you read this week’s assignment. O’Brien, M.E. (2008). Spirituality in nursing: Standing on holy ground. (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Chapter 2 - Pages 25-32. Parker, M. E. (Ed.). (2006). Nursing theories & nursing practice (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company. Chapter 1 - “Introduction to Nursing Theory” Chapter 2 - “Studying Nursing Theory: Choosing, Analyzing, and Evaluating” Chapter 3 - “Guides for Study of Theories for Practice and Administration” Chapter 4 - “Evaluating Nursing Theory Resources” - 11 - NRSG 601 9.2009 Chinn, P.L., & Kramer, M. K. (2008). Integrated Knowledge development in nursing (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Chapter 4 - “Ethical Knowledge Development” Chapter 9 - “Validating and Confirming Empiric Knowledge Using Research” Chapter 10-“Utilizing and Validating Empiric Knowledge in Practice” WEBSITES WEEK 2 University of San Diego: Hahn School of Nursing and Health Science The Nursing Theory Page The Nightingale Institute for Health & the Environment OTHER RESOURCES WEEK 2 Look for additional websites noted in your textbook. DISCUSSION ACTIVITY WEEK 2 Nurses are guided by theory in making decisions and taking responsibility for informed choices. As you evaluate theories determine the one that is best suited to your personal values and your area of specialization and practice. Ask yourself, “What is the purpose of nursing?” How does nursing theory impact nurse roles? How can your personal values and beliefs exemplify spiritual care? With these thoughts in mind: 1. Reflect on your ideas of how theories impact nursing practice. 2. Discuss how the history of Christianity has framed the spiritual dimensions of nursing theory. 3. Post your personal perspective how nursing theory can guide your practice and how your insight might impact your future actions as a nurse leader. 4. Read all of your colleagues’ postings. 5. Respond to at least three of your colleagues’ initial postings. *Be sure to support your posting with citations from this week’s readings. Refer to the APA Publication Manual to assure your citations in the text and reference list are correct. ASSIGNMENT WEEK 2 Note: There is no written assignment this week. OVERVIEW WEEK 3 - 12 - NRSG 601 9.2009 This week you will synthesize the nursing philosophies of Florence Nightingale, Virginia Henderson, and Hildegard Peplau. This group of nursing philosophies has over generations informed nursing practice. Nurses draw from the fundamental principles of these theories sharing core beliefs and values rooted in the early fundamental ideas about nursing. You will analyze selected beliefs and compare the principles from early and contemporary nursing theories. LOOKING FORWARD As you begin to synthesize the nursing theories this week, begin to consider a theory that you will choose for an upcoming assignment in Week 4. Consider the theory that is most relevant to your personal values and to your practice setting. If you would like to see the instructions for the assignment look ahead to the Week 4 assignment. In Week 6 you will be asked to compare and contrast one set of theorists below. Your assignment will focus on how the two are similar, dissimilar, philosophically alike or different .You will also compare your findings to theories that are similar or related to each the set you have presented. Parse and Watson Rogers and Roy M. Newman and Paterson/Zderad Leininger and B. Neuman RESOURCES WEEK 3 Devotion READING ASSIGNMENT WEEK 3 O’Brien, M.E. (2008). Spirituality in nursing: Standing on holy ground. (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Chapter 6 - pages 137-145. Parker, M. E. (Ed.). (2006). Nursing theories & nursing practice (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company. Chapter 5 - “Florence Nightingale's Legacy of Caring and Its Applications” Chapter 6 - “Hildegard E. Peplau's Process of Practice-based Theory Development and Its Application” - 13 - NRSG 601 9.2009 Chapter 7 - “Twentieth-Century Nursing: Weidenbach, Henderson, and Orlando's Theories” Chapter 16, Parts I & II - "Imogene King's Theory of Goal Attainment" Chinn, P.L., & Kramer, M. K. (2008). Integrated Knowledge development in nursing (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Chapter 2 - “The History of Knowledge Development in Nursing” Chapter 5 - “Personal Knowledge Development” Chapter 6 - “Aesthetic Knowledge Development” WEBSITES WEEK 3 The Nursing Theory Page OTHER RESOURCES WEEK 3 There are no additional resources this week refer to ongoing websites. DISCUSSION ACTIVITY WEEK 3 Florence Nightingale and Virginia Henderson, and King and Peplau provide us with theories that were well ahead of their times. These theories hold relevance to nursing today. Global conceptual frameworks define nursing practice and continue to inform theorists today who have expanded on their theories. Because theorists have been so influential to nursing practice it is imperative that we look closely at the relevance of their ideas to nursing practice today. Consider as you reflect on the readings how these theories inform you as you expand on your role as a nursing leader. 1. 2. 3. 4. Select either Nightingale and Henderson or King and Peplau theories. Compare and contrast two primary elements of each theory. Provide examples related to your practice. Discuss how each theory links nursing theory and spiritual care when providing interventions and suggesting resources for patient care. 5. Post your activity to discussion board for Week 3. 6. Read all of your colleagues’ postings. 7. Respond to at least three of your colleagues’ initial postings. *Be sure to support your posting with citations from this week’s readings. Refer to the APA Publication Manual to assure your citations in the text and reference list are correct. ASSIGNMENT WEEK 3 Note: There is no written assignment this week. - 14 - NRSG 601 9.2009 OVERVIEW WEEK 4 This week you will examine the theories of Dorothea Orem, Sister Callista Roy, Imogene King, Betty Neuman, Margaret Newman, and Martha Rogers. You may be familiar with some of these theories already. Keep in mind you will be selecting a theory that you can evaluate and implement into practice. As you read, begin to analyze the implementation of Orem’s, King’s, Roy’s, B. Neuman’s, M. Newman’s, and M. Rogers’ theories into practice. Consider how you would evaluate their application to practice. RESOURCES WEEK 4 Devotion READING ASSIGNMENT WEEK 4 Parker, M. E. (Ed.). (2006). Nursing theories & nursing practice (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company. Chapter 12 - Parts One and Two Chapter 17 - “Sister Callista Roy's Adaptation Model and Its Applications” Chapter 18 - “Betty Neuman: The Neuman Systems Model and Global Applications” Chapter 13 - Parts One and Two Chapter 15 - “Margaret A. Newman's Theory of Health as Expanding Consciousness and Its Applications” WEBSITES WEEK 4 Nursing Theory Link Page OTHER RESOURCES WEEK 4 Continue with your review of various theory websites. DISCUSSION ACTIVITY WEEK 4 Orem, King, Roy, B. Neuman, M. Newman, and M. Rogers’s theories have been reviewed in your readings. You are to delve deeply into each theory and consider how it has been reflected in your own practice experience. What are the pros and cons of the theories? Reflect on your readings further and consider whether this theory guides practice today. What experiences have you had with any of these theories? What frustrations have you had applying this theory to practice? Are there any practice situations that lend to the theories? What situations do not lend - 15 - NRSG 601 9.2009 to the theory? 1. Select one theory from your readings this week. 2. Locate one research article that describes its application to nursing practice. (Be sure to upload your article file or attach a link to your posting.) 3. Provide your thoughts on the relevance of the theory to your practice by providing examples. 4. Discuss how each theory links nursing theory and spiritual care when providing interventions and suggesting resources for patient care. 5. Address any deficiencies you see in the theory and any frustrations you have had. 6. What situations is this theory best suited for? Least suited? 7. Read all of your colleagues’ postings. 8. Respond to at least three of your colleagues’ initial postings. *Be sure to support your posting with citations from this week’s readings. Refer to the APA Publication Manual to assure your citations in the text and reference list are correct. ASSIGNMENT WEEK 4 – Due Day 7 Preparation: 1. Select one theory that is useful to your practice setting. 2. Research the literature for referred journal articles that discuss the use of the theory in practice. 3. Critically review the theory and develop a plan for how you would utilize this theory in your practice drawing on holistic spiritual nursing. 4. In a 6-8 page APA paper: a. Provide an overview of the theory b. Discuss the rationale for selection of this theory c. Develop a plan to implement the theory d. Describe barriers and challenges e. Present the critique f. Provide examples from theorist’s work that are relevant. OVERVIEW WEEK 5 Theories help make sense of phenomenon by providing order and perspective from which to view practice. Nursing theories are not new they reflect insight from the past, nuances, knowledge, and realities that guide and impact the profession today. Let’s take a look at contemporary theorists this week. As you proceed consider how these contemporary theories reflect tenets of early theories. Evaluate the relevance of nursing today and these contemporary theories. Consider which theory you might find as relevant to your practice. As you read compare and contrast key points with the following pairs of theorists: - 16 - NRSG 601 9.2009 Rogers, Leininger Watson, Paterson/Zderad M. Newman and Boykin/Schoenhofer RESOURCES WEEK 5 Devotion READING ASSIGNMENT WEEK 5 O’Brien, M.E. (2008). Spirituality in nursing: Standing on holy ground. (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Chapter 1 - pages 12-21 Parker, M. E. (Ed.). (2006). Nursing theories & nursing practice (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. Davis Company. Chapter 11 - “Josephine Paterson and Loretta Zderad's Humanistic Nursing Theory and Its Clinical Applications” Chapter 14 - Parts One and Two Chapter 19 - Parts One and Two Chapter 21 - “Anne Boykin and Savina O. Schoenhofer's Nursing As Caring Theory” WEBSITES WEEK 5 Welcome to the International Consortium of Parse Scholars’ Home Page! OTHER RESOURCES WEEK 5 Make sure to visit the theories of phenomenological researchers. DISCUSSION ACTIVITY WEEK 5 1. Review theories of Watson and Boykin/Schoenhofer. Summarize what caring means to you, based on the theories. 2. Which theory is most closely aligned with your personal and professional values and practice? 3. Review theories of Parse and Paterson/Zderad. Explain the qualitative meaning of “patients’ lived experiences.” What does this mean and how does it apply to patient care? Provide support from at least one research article related to live experiences. 4. Include the Dimensions of Caring as they related to spiritual care. - 17 - NRSG 601 9.2009 5. Post your response to the discussion board for Week 5 discussion. 6. Read all of your colleagues’ postings. 7. Respond to at least three of your colleagues’ initial postings. *Be sure to support your posting with citations from this week’s readings. Refer to the APA Publication Manual to assure your citations in the text and reference list are correct. ASSIGNMENT WEEK 5 In a 6-8 page APA paper compare and contrast one of the sets of theorists: This assignment is due Day 3 of Week 6 and is also your portfolio assignment. Parse and Watson Rogers and Roy M. Newman and Paterson/Zderad Leininger and B. Neuman As you craft your paper consider the following: A. B. C. D. How are these theories similar? What aspects of the theories are philosophically alike? What aspects of the theories are dissimilar? What other theories are related to each of them? *Be sure to support your posting with citations from this week’s readings. Refer to the APA Publication Manual to assure your citations in the text and reference list are correct. OVERVIEW WEEK 6 Grand theories emphasize a broad perspective of nursing practice. Mid-range theories typically encompass fewer concepts and variables, and tend to focus on ideas related to specific areas of practice. As such, mid-range theories have strong relationship with research and serve to link theory to clinically based nursing practice. This week you will take a look at the key features of mid-range theories in general and research a mid-range theory that has relevance to your own practice. RESOURCES WEEK 6 Devotion READING ASSIGNMENT WEEK 6 Parker, M. E. (Ed.). (2006). Nursing theories & nursing practice (2nd ed.). Philadelphia: F. A. - 18 - NRSG 601 9.2009 Davis Company. Chapter 20 - Parts One and Two Chapter 22 - “Kristen M. Swanson: A Program of Research on Caring” WEBSITES WEEK 6 What is a Mid-Range Theory? Criteria for Mid-Range Theory NurseScribe: Nursing Theory Page OTHER RESOURCES WEEK 6 This week the additional websites will provide much insight into theories of caring. You might ponder the definition of caring and how it is measured in caring theories. DISCUSSION ACTIVITY WEEK 6 Mid range theories tend to focus on practical concerns of nurses, not with the totality of the discipline. Because mid-range theories help identify key observables in a particular setting, they have a more limited scope and relationship with a specific aspect of practice. For the final Week 6 Discussion select one of the following options: 1. Summarize Leininger’s Theory of Culture and provide an example of this theory as an application to practice. 2. Or select and research a mid-range theory that has relevance to your own practice. Consider how it informs or is reflected in your work environment. Look at the origins of this theory and how it has been implemented in practice. 3. Review the mid-range theory criteria at: and consider how these criteria apply to this theory in the context of your own practice area and your own personal spiritual journey. 4. Post your response to the discussion board for Week 6 discussion. 5. Read all of your colleagues’ postings. 6. Respond to at least three of your colleagues’ initial postings. ASSIGNMENT WEEK 6 – Due Day 3 In a 6-8 page APA paper compare and contrast one of the sets of theorists: - 19 - NRSG 601 9.2009 Parse and Watson Rogers and Roy M. Newman and Paterson/Zderad Leininger and B. Neuman As you craft your paper consider the following: A. B. C. D. How are these theories similar? What aspects of the theories are philosophically alike? What aspects of the theories are dissimilar? What other theories are related to each of them? *Be sure to support your posting with citations from this week’s readings. Refer to the APA Publication Manual to assure your citations in the text and reference list are correct. This assignment is to be used in your portfolio. FINAL COURSE REMINDERS! CHECK THE PORTFOLIO GUIDELINE FOR ARTIFACTS REQUIRED FOR THIS COURSE. REMEMBER TO COMPLETE THE ONLINE COURSE ASSESSMENT. - 20 - NRSG 601 9.2009 References American Psychological Association. (2001). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Boykin, A., & Schoenhofer, S. O. (2001). Nursing as caring: A model for transforming practice. Boston: Jones and Bartlett. Carper, B. (1978). Fundamental patterns of knowing in nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 1(1), 13–23. Chinn, P. L., & Kramer, M. K. (2008). Integrated knowledge development in nursing (7th ed.). St Louis, MO: Mosby. Cody, W. (2003). Nursing theory as a guide to practice. Nursing Science Quarterly, 16(3), 225– 231. Meleis, A. (1997). Theoretical nursing: Development and progress. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott. O’Brien, M.E. (2008). Spirituality in nursing: Standing on holy ground. (3rd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett. Parker, M. E. (2nd ed.). (2006). Nursing theories & nursing practice (2nd ed.).Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company. Parse, R. (1999). Nursing science: The transformation of practice. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 30(6), 1383–1387. Parse, R. R. (1998). The human becoming school of thought: A perspective for nurses and other health professionals. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. - 21 - NRSG 601 9.2009 GRADING RUBRICS WEEK 4: Theory: Plan, Implementation, and Evaluation (40 POINTS) In order to effectively guide practice, it is essential that nurses understand and critique different theories to effectively evaluate them for use in practice. In a 6-8 page paper consider these areas as you develop your paper: CONTENT Overview , purpose and rationale for selecting the theory Plan for Implementing Theory to Practice Potential Barriers/ challenges to implementation Evaluation Criteria for plan. Critique of theory Results of your evaluation which includes examples from the theorist’s work that support assertions and relevant examples from the practice setting Follows appropriate spelling and grammar. Utilizes at least five appropriate scholarly sources. Follows appropriate APA format. Total Points POSSIBLE POINTS 5 POINTS RECEIVED FACULTY COMMENTS 8 5 8 8 3 3 40 Received Support your work with citations from Journal articles, textbook assigned readings, and other scholarly references utilized throughout the course. - 22 - NRSG 601 9.2009 Week 6: Compare and Contrast Selected Theorists (30 points) CONTENT Purpose, Rationale Similarities of Two Theories Dissimilarities or Two Theories Philosophical Similarities Description of two other theories related to the comparison of those discussed in the assignment. Follows appropriate APA. Follows appropriate spelling and grammar. Utilizes at least five appropriate scholarly sources. Total Points POSSIBLE POINTS 3 4.5 POINTS RECEIVED FACULTY COMMENTS 4.5 8.5 5 2.25 2.25 30 Received Support your work with citations from Journal articles, textbook assigned readings, and other scholarly references utilized throughout the course. - 23 - NRSG 601 9.2009 Discussion Requirements and Rubric Up to 1 point can be deducted for APA and/ or grammar. 5 Points (Exemplary) Discussion postings and responses are responsive to the requirements of the Discussion instructions and are posted by the due date. Discussion postings and responses significantly contribute to the quality of interaction by providing rich and relevant examples, applicable research support, discerning ideas, and/or stimulating thoughts/probes, and are respectful when offering suggestions, constructive feedback, or opposing viewpoints. Discussion postings and responses demonstrate an in-depth understanding of concepts and issues presented in the course (e. g., insightful interpretations or analyses, accurate and perceptive parallels, and well-supported opinions), and are well supported, when appropriate, by pertinent research. Discussion postings and responses provide evidence that the student has read and considered a sampling of colleagues' postings and synthesized key comments and ideas, as applicable. 4 Points (Proficient) Discussion postings and responses are responsive to the requirements of the Discussion instructions and are posted by the due date. Discussion postings and responses contribute to the quality of interaction by providing examples, research support when appropriate, ideas, and/or thoughts/probes, and are respectful when offering suggestions, constructive feedback, or opposing viewpoints. Discussion postings and responses demonstrate some depth of understanding of the issues and show that the student has absorbed the general principles and ideas presented in the course, although viewpoints and interpretations are not always thoroughly supported. Discussion postings and responses provide evidence that the student has considered at least some colleagues' postings and synthesized some key comments and ideas, as applicable. 3 Points (Sufficient) Discussion postings and responses are posted by the due date but are not always responsive to the requirements of the Discussion instructions. Discussion postings and responses do little to contribute to the quality of interaction or to stimulate thinking and learning. Discussion postings and responses demonstrate a minimal understanding of concepts presented, tend to address peripheral issues, and, while generally accurate, display some omissions and/or errors. Discussion postings and responses do not provide evidence that the student has - 24 - NRSG 601 9.2009 considered at least some colleagues' postings or synthesized at least some key comments and ideas, as applicable. 2 or Less Points (Developing) Discussion postings and responses are posted past the late deadline, defined as 11:59 p.m. on the due date, and/or do not address the requirements of the Discussion instructions. Discussion postings and responses do not contribute to the quality of interaction or stimulate thinking and learning. Discussion postings and responses do not demonstrate an understanding of the concepts presented in the course, and/or do not address relevant issues, and/or are inaccurate and contain many omissions and/or errors. Discussion postings and responses do not provide evidence that the student has read or considered colleagues' postings, as applicable. - 25 - NRSG 601 9.2009 Discussion posting example Instructions for the discussion posting Focus on how your selected theorist informs your practice today, or has informed it in the past. Include in your postings your own thoughts about the relevance and usefulness of the theory in practice by providing examples. Address any deficiencies you see in the theory and any frustrations you have had. . . What situation is this theory best and least suited for? Student posting Martha Rogers' concept of unitary person was introduced some 30 years ago and would be considered deductive yet complex. Her theory draws upon knowledge accessed from various other disciplines: psychology, sociology, astronomy, religion, philosophy, biology, physics, etc. Rogers' theoretical framework was based on scientific principles interrelating matter and energy patterns. She felt the universe was made up of open systems in which the unitary man and environmental fields interacted infinitely. Rogers based her theoretical concepts on a non-linear plane with time and space having no constraints. She defines "wave patterns" in human and environmental fields that continuously change and as the wave changes the energy field becomes more and more complex. These energy fields were also characterized by a non-repeating rhythm ---that is nothing will ever repeat itself nor be the same as it is at this precise moment. According to McMurray and Vitale (2006) "Rogers introduced to nursing the quantum reality that the whole person is physical and energetic and nursing interventions need to incorporate the energetic person and environment” (p. xx). The purpose of nursing is to aid individuals in achieving their fullest well-being through the utilization of scientific knowledge and the art of caring. Chinn and Kramer (2008) noted "humans are more than and different from the sum of their parts” (p. xx). Rogers' principles of homeodynamic, according to Malinski (2006) "convey the dynamic ever changing nature of life and world” (p. xx). Rogers' theory informs my practice in a general sense. A few ways in which this author utilizes Rogerian theory in practice today deals with the mind-body-soul working together simultaneously not one then another. Prior to embarking a patient on the journey of chemotherapy, their current ways of dealing with nausea/vomiting, pain/discomfort and emotional ups and downs are discussed. Patients are taught imagery---how to find their happy place and encourage them to participate in meditation or tai chi classes (both offered at the institution). We work on capitalizing that which has aided them in the past. Another way in which this author has incorporated some of Rogers' concepts into practice has been through the use of touch in interactions with patients as well as families. Touch has a calming effect on most depending on their culture. Relevance can be seen in Rogers' conceptual framework in that it has taught us that the whole person is physical and energetic. Health is viewed as a life process and is defined differently among the cultures. Rogers defines caring in a scientific manner to promote the belief in health care. Her theory views patients as developing in a predictable pattern. Per Chinn and Kramer (2008) Rogers defines "(5) unifying assumptions about life process" and "(4) concepts to derive principles that postulate how human beings develop" (p. xx). Malinski (2006) provides examples of her work from theories related to children with attention deficit disorders to the process of aging. - 26 - NRSG 601 9.2009 I will admit that I am more of a "black and white" sort and had many difficulties initially grasping Rogers' theoretical framework. I struggled reading her work; actually my ability to grasp it initially was rather slow and laborious. Again I do not do well with the "abstract" (even in art history I found the abstract artists difficult to relate with) and because of that I had to really concentrate on the conceptual relationships at great length in order to understand them. Although her conceptual definitions are well defined throughout our resources, I found it difficult to ascertain any operational definitions. I also believe one must know a little bit about a variety of disciplines in an effort to utilize her work. I was taught cause and effect since childhood and currently am teaching the same to my children. Because I had difficulty synthesizing the "hand in hand" concept from the "either-or" I attempted to find use with my two children (9 & 11) without success. Rogers has many pertinent views for the future of nursing and for this reason her theory will be suited for many situations. Rogers emphasizes nursing services as indispensable to public safety and health. Parker (2006) notes Rogers' belief that nurses need to "provide community based not hospital based care" (p. xx) Ongoing development of her theory will demonstrate an increase in non-invasive therapeutic modalities like therapeutic touch and meditation. Rogers' model would not be best suited for "adaptation" theories since the premise of her conceptual framework supports change happening simultaneously not a change in one element (patient or environment) proceeding a change in the other. You would not find "nursing process and unitary model" in the same writing. Butcher (2006) notes “nursing process and nursing diagnosis are not consistent with her scientific system" (p. xx) Butcher (2006) continues to elaborate by stating "nursing diagnoses are particularistic and reductionist labels describing cause and effect relationships inconsistent with a non-linear domain without spatial or temporal attributes” (p. xx). References Butcher, H. K. (2006). Application of Rogers Science of Unitary Human Beings. In Parker, M. E. (Ed.), Nursing theories & nursing practice (pp. 167-186). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company. Chinn, P. L., & Kramer, M. K. (2008). Integrated Knowledge Development in Nursing (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby. Malinski, V. M. (2006) Martha E. Rogers Science of Unitary Human Beings. In Parker, M. E. (Ed.). Nursing theories & nursing practice (pp.160-167). Philadelphia: F.A. Davis Company. McMurray, S. & Vitale, A. (2006). Is Nursing in a State of Disconnect? Advance for Nurses, 34, 46. - 27 -