
Jan. 31
Introduction to Arabic drama
Borges, “Averroes’ Search” in Labyrinths
Said, Edward, “The Scope of Orientalism,” Orientalism, pp. 31-92
Johnston, Brian, “Editorial” in Theatre Three 6 (Spring, 1989): 5-6
Allen, Roger, “Drama and Audience,” TT g: 25-64
Badawi, “Introduction,” Cambridge History of Arabic Literature, 1-23
Cachia, Pierre, An Overview of Modern Arabic Literature, Chapter 10,
“Unwritten Arabic Fiction and Drama”
Feb. 7
Medieval Arabic drama
Badawi, M.M., Early Arabic Drama, pp. 7-30
----------.”Medieval Arabic Drama: Ibn Daniyal,” Journal of Arabic
Literature 13: 82-197.
Machut-Mendecka, Ewa, “Arabic Traditional Theatre,” Africana
Bulletin (Warsaw) 42 (1994): 75-85.
Moreh, Schmuel, Live Theatre and Dramatic Literature in the Medieval
Arab World, chapter 5
----------. Live Theatre and Dramatic Literature in the Medieval Arab
World, chapter 7
Al-Wathiq, Muhammad, A History of Arabic Drama, selections
Bailey, Kenneth E. Informal Controlled Oral Tradition and the Synoptic
Gospels. Themelios 20.2 (January 1995): 4-11,
Gibson, Jeffrey B., Mon, 21 Feb 2005 11:36:18 -0600
Feb. 14
The Ta’ziyeh
Arnold, Matthew, “A Persian Passion Play,” in Essays in Criticism
Chelkowski, Peter, Ta’ziyeh, pp. 1-23, 64-74, 154-66
Chelkowski, Peter, Islam in Modern Drama and Theatre, Die Welt des
Islams, New Ser., Bd. 23, Nr. 1/4. (1984), pp. 45-69.
Polly, Lewis, The Miracle Play of Hasan and Husain, Preface, Scenes
Pettys, Rebecca Ansary, “The Ta'zieh: Ritual Enactment of Persian
Renewal,” Theatre Journal, Vol. 33, No. 3. (Oct., 1981), pp. 341-354.
Feb. 28
19th century drama in Syria and Egypt
Awad, Louis, “Ya’qub Sannu,” in The Literature of Ideas in Egypt, 68-77
Badawi, Early Arabic Drama, pp. 52-64
---------, Cambridge History of Arabic Literature, pp. 329-43
---------, “The Father of the Modern Egyptian Theatre: Ya’qub Sannu,”
Moosa, Matti, “Naqqash and the Rise of the Native Arab Theatre in
Syria,” JAL 3: 106-17
---------, “Yaqub Sanu and the Rise of Arab Drama in Egypt,”
International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 5 (1874): 401-33.
Sadgrove, P.C., The Egyptian Theatre in the Nineteenth Century, pp. 1431, 47-49, chapters 4 and 5
Allen, Roger. From An Introduction to Arabic Literature, “Beginnings in
Syria and Egypt.”
Makdisi, Ilham Theater and Radical Politics in Beirut, Cairo, and
Alexandra 1860-1914
March 7
Early twentieth century drama in Egypt and Israel
Rokem, Freddie, “Hebrew Theatre from 1889 to 1948,” in Linda Ben-Zvi,
Theater in Israel, pp. 51-84.
Abou-Saif, L., “Najib Al-Rihani: From Buffoonnery to Social Comedy,”
JAL 4:1-17.
Badawi, Early Arabic Drama, chap. 4, “The Search for Egyptian Identity”
Mahmoud, A.A., “Ahmed Shauqi’s Al-Sitt Huda,” JAL, 9:183-91.
Long, Richard, Tawfiq al-Hakim, pp. 1-30, 119-36.
Al-Hakim, Tawfiq, The Cave Dwellers (1933)
March 14
Tawfiq Al-Hakim 1947-1970
Carlson, Marvin “Editor’s Introduction,”
The Arab Oedipus: Four Plays
Al-Hakim, King Oedipus, 1947 (plus preface)
------------, The Tree Climber, 1962
------------, Fate of a Cockroach, 1966
Badawi, Modern Arabic Drama, pp. 44-49, 74-85
Cachia, Pierre, An Overview of Modern Arabic Literature, chapter 9
Semaan, Khalil I Semaan, “Drama as a Vehicle of Protest in Nasir's
Egypt,” International Journal of Middle East Studies, Vol. 10, No. 1
(Feb., 1979), pp. 49-53
Allen, Roger. “The Achievement of Tafiq Al-Hakim.” An Introduction to
Arabic Literature.
March 21
Egyptian drama 1948-1965
Nu’man Ashur, Give Us Our Money Back, 1963
El Lozy, Mahmoud, “Censoring the Censor,” Theatre 3 6 (1989): 31-46
Idris, Yusuf, The Flipflops, 1964
Farag, Alfred, The Caravan, 1968
Allen, Roger, “Egyptian Drama after the Revolution, “ Edebiyat
4:1(1979), 97-134.
Brown, Irving, “The Effervescent Egyptian Theatre,” The Theatre Annual,
21 (1964), 57-68.
March 30
First Paper due (Arabic drama)
Israeli drama 1948-1970
Ben-Zvi, 9-32, 119-50
Abramson, Drama and Ideology in Modern Israel Chapter 1, The
“Enterprise,” Chapter 9, Metaphor and Mythology
Shamir, Moshe, He Walked in the Fields, 1949
Meged, Aharon, Hannah Senesh, 1958
Aloni, Nissim, The American Princess, 1963
Baumel, Judith Tydor. The Heroism of Hannah Senesz: An Exercise in
Creating Collective National Memory in the State of Israel. Journal of
Contemporary History, Vol. 31, No. 3 (Jul., 1996), pp. 521-546
April 4
Syrian and Lebanese dramas thru the 1960s
Ikhlasi, Walid, Pleasure 21, 1965
Mafuz, Isam, The China Tree, 1968
Maghoud, Hunchback Sparrow, 1967
Badawi, “Arabic Drama and Politics,” in Gesellschaftlicher Umbruch und
Historie im Zeitgenönnischen Drama der Islamischen Welt, 9-18
Gouryh, Admer, “Recent Trends in Syrian Drama,” World Literature
Today, 60:2 (Spring, 1986), 216-21
-----------, “The Sociopolitical and Cultural Ambiance of Walid Ikhlasi’s
Drama,” WLT 62, 1 (Winter, 1988), 50-55.
April 11
Israeli drama of the 1970s Bar Josef Sobel, Horowitz,
Yosef Bar-Yosef, Difficult People
Yehoshua Sobol, Night of the Twentieth, 1976
Dan Horowitz, Cherli Ka Cherli, 1978
Ben-Zvi, 32-41, 349-54
Abramson, chapter 4 “Zionism on the Stage”
April 18
Recent Syrian and Palestinian drama
Sadallah Wannous, The King is the King, 1977
Balalin Company, Darkness, 1972
Samia Bakri, The Alley, 1992
Azzam, Fateh Samih, Baggage
Folaron, Deborah, “Oral Narrating and Performing Traditions in the
History of Modern Middle Eastern and Maghrebian Theatre and
Pagan, Nicholas O. “Inside Fateh Azzam's Baggage: Monologue and
Forced Migration.” Theatre Research International, Theatre Research
International (2007), 32: 16-31 Cambridge University Press.
Udwan, Mamduh That’s Life, 1984
Ruven Snir, “Palestinian Theatre,” Contemporary Theatre Review 3/2
(1995), 29-73
Nehad Selaiha, “A Visor for a Visor,” in The Egyptian Theatre, 401-3
Schlesinger, et al. “To Palestine,” American Theatre July/August, 2003
May 2
Recent Israeli drama
Ben-Zvi, 41-48, 101-116, 151-224
Sobol, Yehoshua, Ghetto, 1984
Motti Lerner, Kastner, 1985
Levin, Hanoch, Murder, 1998
Bilsky, Leora, Judging Evil in the Trial of Kastner, Law and History
Review, University of Illinois Press for the American Society for
Legal History, Spring 2001, Vol. 19, No. 21.
May 9
Recent Egyptian drama
El-Ramly, In Plain Arabic, 1991
Farag, Marriage by Decree Nisi, 1992
El Saadawi, Twelve Women in a Cell, 1994
Nehad Selaiha, The Egyptian Theatre, pp. 107-14, 305-7, 435-45
Diyab, Mahmud, Strangers Don’t Drink Coffee 1970
El-Saadawi, Nawal. Presentation by Nawal El Saadawi: President's
Forum, M/MLA Annual Convention, November 4, 1999. The Journal
of the Midwest Modern Language Association, Vol. 33, No. 3.
(Autumn, 2000 - Winter, 2001), pp. 34-39.
Box, Laura Chakravarty. “Outrageous Behavior: Women's Public
Performance in North Africa.” Meridians: feminism, race,
transnationalism - Volume 6, Number 2, 2006, pp. 78-92.
Whittingham, Ken. Egyptian Drama. MERIP Reports, No. 52 (Nov.,
1976), pp. 13-19
May 16