Stream and Channel Bank Rip


Department Force Cherryhill Township SR 1008 Section 450

Bridge Indiana County Over Tributary to Crooked Creek


Stream and Channel Bank Rip-rap Protection Design

References: PENNDOT Design Manual, Part 4 – Chapter 7

PENNDOT BD-632M (January 21, 2003) Bridge Design Standards

No scour analysis for pipe or box culvert is required.

Refer to BD-632M for scour protection details for box culverts (DM-4, 7.2.1).

From BD-632M (January 21, 2003)

 Minimum 600 mm (2’ – 0”) thick rock protection, Class R-6 minimum [sec. 850.2 (a)]

(each end), 1500 mm (5’ – 0”) from end of apron or wingwall.

Determine size of rip-rap based on DM-4, 7.2.5

DM-4, 7.2.5 states:

 Rip-rap should be sized based on the velocity of the flow of the Q


storm or whichever

 storm velocity is the greatest. For piers, V is 1.5 times the average upstream velocity.

For abutments, V is 1.8 times the flow velocity.

Since culverts do not require scour calculations, the velocity will not be multiplied by a safety factor. The velocity will not be factored for the stream bank, either. The velocities were taken from the first cross-section directly upstream of the culvert.



= 5.08 ft/sec



= 4.51 ft/sec

Therefore, use V


because it is the greatest velocity.

From table: For V up to 12 ft/sec, use R-6 or larger.

Therefore, choose R-6 rip-rap for the project.
