Campaign Getting Started - Jefferson Chamber of Commerce

Getting Started
 Know why companies join: to network, make more sales, to learn more about running
their companies, and for the credibility of association with the community’s leading
 Know the product: take time to familiarize yourself with the Chamber’s programs.
 Identify a prospect: consider the benefits that are most likely to answer the question
“What’s in it for me?”
Determine who in the company has the authority to join the Chamber.
Introduce yourself and your company as a Chamber volunteer.
Ask questions about your prospect’s business needs. What are their challenges? What
are their marketing goals? What are their business development plans?
Share how the Chamber’s programs match up with the prospect’s needs, and issue an
invitation to join.
Prospecting Tips
Check your prospect against the list of Chamber members provided to you to confirm the
membership status.
The best prospects are:
— Companies with which you do business personally.
— Your own clients and customers.
— Your competitors.
— Your company’s vendors (ask purchasing manager or accountant for a list).
— Other companies in your office building or complex.
— Relatives, neighbors and friends.
— Your “personal accounts payable” list (your doctor, dentist, dry cleaners, vet, lawyers,
— Referrals—you should ask everyone—companies you’ve just sold memberships,
people you know
who are already members, friends, family, co-workers, other companies’ vendors, etc.
— Professional organizations.
— Special interest associations.
Other sources of prospects:
— List of the places you visit and the people you call each day.
— Directories—trade associations, industrial parks, professional associations.
— Newspaper business sections.
— Civic club membership lists.
— Advertising—billboards, newspapers, local magazines, radio and television.
— Telephone Yellow Pages.
— New business listings. Prospecting by driving around—new construction, grand
openings, etc.
Sample New Membership Letter
Print letter on your letterhead, and send to your prospects who are not Chamber
members. Then follow up with a phone call to set up a time to meet.
Dear NAME:
I am writing to you as a volunteer with the Jefferson Chamber of Commerce’s Membership Campaign. This
campaign is a concentrated initiative to build the Chamber into a stronger and even more effective advocate
for your business.
I want to personally invite you and your business to join over 1000 Jefferson Parish business leaders to build
a better environment in which to do business. I would also like to ask you to take advantage of the numerous
Chamber programs and activities that can directly benefit your business.
I have enclosed a brochure that outlines benefits of Chamber membership. After reviewing this information,
you will see that the Jefferson Chamber of Commerce has much to offer you and your company.
I will contact you in the next few days to personally discuss Chamber membership with you.
Best Regards,
Jefferson Chamber of Commerce
Campaign Volunteer