Programme for diffusion of innovations Project PTT IN 10004I (1.01.98 to 30.09.99) "Test and engine fault diagnosis bench for tractors and agricultural machinery" Final report EC Contact: DG XIII, M. Thierry BOURGEOIS Co-ordinator: Isabelle ALVAREZ Cemagref Laboratoire d'Ingénierie pour the Systems Complexes Cemagref, BP 50085, 63172 F-AUBIERE CEDEX Tel.: 33.(0). Fax.: 33.(0). E-mail: Partners: Aile Perfagri S.A. Escola de Capacitacio Agraria FNAR Moulin S.A. ADEME MAHA Reminder of the context and the project goals The goal of this project is to help diffuse the innovating combination known as the BED (Test and Engine fault Diagnosis Bench for tractors) with a Maha LPS ZW-301 braking test bench connected to the Scorpio engine fault diagnosis system developed by Cemagref on the basis of the expert report by J.J. Bertrand, owner of Perfagri S.A. Three lines of action were selected to achieve the project goals: Estimation of the profitability of the product for different types of user according to the mode of utilisation; Evolution of the product from the technical and the commercial points of view; Diffusion of the product in Europe. The present report assesses the project then presents the results and any further action which could be taken. The leaflet of the project results constitutes an abstract of the present document. Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report PROJECT REPORT ............................................................................................................................................................... 4 Task n° 1: PROJECT MANAGEMENT ................................................................................................................................ 4 Task n° 2: ACTIVITY ON THE PILOT REPAIR SITE (Moulin S.A.) ................................................................................ 4 Task n° 3: ACTIVITY AT THE AGRICULTURAL ORGANISATION PILOT SITE (AILE follow-up and assistance by ADEME) ................................................................................................................................................................................ 5 Analysis of how reproducible the AILE experience could be: ........................................................................................... 5 Analysis of AILE ‘s impact on the dealer-repairers: .......................................................................................................... 6 Analysis of the farmers’ reactions ...................................................................................................................................... 6 Setting up the bench at a fixed place .................................................................................................................................. 6 Profitability of AILE .......................................................................................................................................................... 7 Task n° 4: POLLUTION CONTROL ACTIVITY................................................................................................................. 7 Acquisition of an opacimeter.............................................................................................................................................. 7 Application of the check at AILE ....................................................................................................................................... 7 Application of the check at Moulin S.A. ............................................................................................................................ 8 Task n° 5: ANALYSE and EXPLOITATION OF THE RESULTS ...................................................................................... 8 Analyse of BED results on the repairer's premises ............................................................................................................. 8 Analyse of results of pollution control ............................................................................................................................... 9 Task n° 6: NON SPECIFIC ADAPTATION OF THE SYSTEM ........................................................................................ 10 Extension of BED capabilities.......................................................................................................................................... 10 Integrating the opacimeter into the Scorpio program ................................................................................................... 10 Adaptation of BED to test motor-driven machinery other than tractors ....................................................................... 11 Rendering the system reliable and adapting it for different users .................................................................................... 11 Software modifications ................................................................................................................................................. 11 Study and development of a new measurement acquisition card integrated into the Maha electronics to replace the two existing cards. ........................................................................................................................................................ 12 Rendering the engine fault diagnosis performance reliable .............................................................................................. 12 Task n° 7: TRANSLATION................................................................................................................................................. 13 Translation of the software ............................................................................................................................................... 13 Translation of manuals and other documents ................................................................................................................... 13 Task n° 8: DEMONSTRATION-PROMOTION ................................................................................................................. 14 Demonstration and promotion in Germany (Maha, Perfagri) ........................................................................................... 14 Demonstrations and promotion in Belgium (Moulin S.A., Perfagri) ............................................................................... 15 Demonstrations and promotion in Spain (Escola de Capacitacio Agraria, Perfagri) ........................................................ 15 Demonstrations and promotion in the United Kingdom (AILE) ...................................................................................... 16 Demonstrations and promotion in France (Perfagri, AILE, ADEME) ............................................................................. 17 Support for repairers in France (FNAR)........................................................................................................................... 19 Task n° 9: DIFFUSION OF PTT PROGRAMME RESULTS ............................................................................................. 20 Task n° 10: LEGAL ASPECTS ........................................................................................................................................... 21 PROJECT RESULTS ........................................................................................................................................................... 22 1. Evaluation of BED profitability .................................................................................................................................... 22 1.1. CONDITIONS FOR USE OF THE PRODUCT FOR IT TO BE PROFITABLE ........................................................ 22 Learning how to use the BED properly ............................................................................................................................ 22 Identifying the proper scenario for return on investments ................................................................................................ 22 Agricultural assistance associations (see details in Profitability appendix) ...................................................... 23 The dealer-repairers (see details in the Profitability appendix) .................................................................................... 23 Independent repairers en France (see details in the Profitability appendix) ................................................................. 24 1.2. PROMOTION OF THE TOOL AND ITS ADVANTAGES ........................................................................................ 25 1.3. SCOPE OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMER BASE AND THEIR EXPECTATIONS ....................................................... 25 2. Evolution of the product during the project .................................................................................................................... 26 2.1. MAKING BED MORE USER FRIENDLY, RESPONSE TO USER DEMANDS ..................................................... 26 2.2. IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF ENGINE FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND ITS INTERPRETATION ........................ 26 Rendering the engine fault diagnosis reliable ................................................................................................................... 26 Assessment of the quality of analysis provided by the BED (data from Moulin S.A.) .................................................... 27 Rendering measurement more reliable ............................................................................................................................. 28 2.3. OTHER POSSIBLE USES FOR THE BED ................................................................................................................. 28 Using the BED test bench for tractor pollution checks .................................................................................................... 28 2 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report Using the BED test bench to test forage blowers ............................................................................................................. 28 2.4. PERPETUATION OF THE SERVICE ......................................................................................................................... 29 3. Distribution of the product and publicity ......................................................................................................................... 29 3.1. DEMONSTRATION AND PROMOTION IN BELGIUM .......................................................................................... 30 3.2. DEMONSTRATION AND PROMOTION IN SPAIN ................................................................................................. 30 3.3. DEMONSTRATIONS AND PROMOTION IN THE UNITED KINGDOM .............................................................. 31 3.4. DEMONSTRATIONS AND PROMOTION IN FRANCE .......................................................................................... 31 3.5. DEMONSTRATIONS AND PROMOTION IN OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES ............................................... 31 3.6. SUPPORT FOR REPAIRERS IN FRANCE ................................................................................................................ 32 4. Further action subsequent to the project by each of the partners ................................................................................. 32 5. Proposal to the authorities for further action to consider for the work linking tractor pollution levels to the use of BED.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 33 3 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report PROJECT REPORT Task n° 1: PROJECT MANAGEMENT Management of the project ran smoothly, despite a few disturbances due to the fact that acquisition of the test benches was not financed by the European Union. Existing collaboration between the partners was reinforced (ADEME, AILE; PERFAGRI, MAHA), and other collaborative bodies were created (FNAR, AILE) and contributed to the success of the project. However, a certain lack of exchange of information between the partners is to be regretted: such exchanges would have help improve work on the various aspects. The co-ordinating body itself (Cemagref) could have contributed more to this exchange, and kept each partner better informed of how the others were progressing. In order to respond to demands from rural professionals concerning the conditions for profitability of the BED, the co-ordinating body carried out an additional study (see the appendix "Profitability"). Task n° 2: ACTIVITY ON THE PILOT REPAIR SITE (Moulin S.A.) Bernard MOULIN (a company which is both dealer and repairer) acquired a Perfagri 2002 BED as part of a technical improvement scheme for its workshop and to provide good after sales service. The BED was acquired in the ‘chassis version’, and B. Moulin made its own trailer to make the BED mobile notably with a view to using it for promotion purposes among farmers at local events. The technician in charge of tests with the BED needed between two and three months training. A first technician left the MOULIN company to work at one of the competitor establishments, so the training had to be repeated for the technician who took his place. Moreover the operator was often called for other tasks in the business and was not free to spend all his time improving his skills with the BED. During the project a computer failure prompted the MOULIN company to change its computer equipment. In order to promote its breakdown analysis business using the BED, Moulin put on a large number of publicity events in the form of demonstrations (see task n° 8). There was delay in setting up the "pollution control" activity because of difficulties in choosing the opacimeter. Only simplified tests could be carried out (see task n° 4). Evaluation of the task Nearly 150 "BED" tests were carried out. However, the quality of exploitation of the engine fault diagnosis supplied by SCORPIO did not reach optimum immediately. If optimum use is to be reached quickly, it is necessary for the designated operator to spend some time right at the start-up in order to become properly familiarised with the BED functions and capable of interpreting the results for his customers. Training in use of the product, and notably in interpreting the results is essential. In the case of Moulin S.A., B. Moulin received one day's training because in fact the company had little time available to carry out the tests. Note that ten days had been allowed in the project work schedule for training and installing the equipment at Moulin S.A.. In the end training took place throughout the duration of the project on the occasion of a large number of visits by Perfagri S.A. to Moulin S.A.. 4 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report As a general rule three days training are given by Perfagri as and when requested, because it is invoiced in addition to the purchase. Only a few customers accept this type of training. Training for running 'public' demonstrations needed a long period for the operator to get used to using the BED and acquire a sufficient degree of confidence faced with the farmers and the competition. Moulin S.A. found that the simplified version of the anti-pollution controls were very easy to carry out, requiring little time. The same is not true for the "complete method" which it was not possible to use. Moulin S.A. made a profit out of the BED on the basis of 150 tests at 500 F per test over two years. We note that only about fifty tests were invoiced to the customers (50 were subsidised by the European project, and 50 corresponded to engine tuning of new tractors). Sixty percent of the income came from dealer business and 40 % from repair work. Profitability was essentially indirect because above all, the BED helped demonstrate the quality and reputation of the dealership by enabling new tractors to be delivered and run in, guaranteeing better after sales service and providing marketing arguments by comparing the brand sold with other brands. Sales of new tractors rose by between 30 and 40 %. It should be noted however that the arrival of a new range of products in the dealership, the good harvest in 1999 and the frequent demonstrations of the BED made by Moulin S.A. at the agricultural shows all contributed to this increase in sales. Moulin S.A. also reports that the BED enabled it to reduce the time required to repair a tractor, because a trial and error approach was no longer used for the breakdown analysis (cf. see appendix on Profitability). In order to validate the profitability elements supplied by MOULIN S.A., the project co-ordinator collected data from a French dealer, M. VIARD (see appendix on Profitability). Task n° 3: ACTIVITY AT THE AGRICULTURAL ORGANISATION PILOT SITE (AILE follow-up and assistance by ADEME) The BED was purchased by AILE (Association d'Initiatives Locales pour the Energie and the environnement – Association for Local Initiatives for Energy and the Environment) in 1997. AILE was created for investment in and management of the BED in the Brittany region. Two staff were taken on: Jean-Luc Leroy as technician for the BED and Lise Lambert (part-time) as engineer for the co-ordination of the program The purpose of the association is to make technical reports on farmers' tractors without carrying out any repairs. Part of the success of the AILE operation in the west of France is dependent on past events: S.A. Perfagri used to carry out test campaigns there, and thus helped make Breton farmers more aware of the advantages of the BED. Analysis of how reproducible the AILE experience could be: Questionnaires were sent to various organisations: for France, to regional delegations of the ADEME and interregional leaders of the CUMA network for Europe, to the SAVE energy agencies and members of the OPET network. Only 19 answers were received to the 204 questionnaires sent out. Evaluation of the task The rate of replies to the questionnaire was about 10%. The sample of 19 replies cannot be taken as a broad base for analysis, and this must be kept in mind when reading what follows. Out of the 19 answers, 50% of the people thought that the farmers in their region/country could be interested in having their tractors analysed by the test bench. 50% of them thought also that there were enough tractors in their region/country to make such an action profitable. Moreover, they thought that it would be interesting to organise the same action in their region/country and that it could be profitable for them to get a test bench. As to the kind of organisation which could obtain a test bench, 37 % said an existing public body, 21% said a public body or 5 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report association that would be created especially for that purpose (like AILE for instance) and 16% said a private organisation (dealers or repairers, for instance). Analysis of AILE ‘s impact on the dealer-repairers: 399 questionnaires were sent out to Breton dealer-repairers. Only 29 replies were received after a telephone reminder. Questionnaires were sent to the dealer-repairers in the Brittany Region where AILE carried out its1997/98 analysis campaign. Evaluation of the task The sample of 29 replies cannot considered to be a broad base for interpretation, so the analysis that follows must be interpreted with caution. It is possible, perhaps, that the low response rate to the questionnaire is connected with the fact that AILE could appear in some ways to be in competition with the repairers, meaning that the choice of the population to question could be queried. 20% of dealer-repairers from Brittany didn’t know the test bench. One out of 3 dealer-repairers was able to assess the number of customers who had used the test bench since November 1997. 85% of them didn’t have any idea of the volume of business which these customers represented. 60% of them believed that the test bench activity had no effect on their business. 50% of them thought that the engine fault diagnosis provided by SCORPIO allowed them to detect breakdowns either better or more quickly. Analysis of the farmers’ reactions Questionnaires were sent to all farmers from the Brittany Region who had their tractor analysed using the test bench during the 1997/98 campaign (670 farmers). The response rate was about 17% (113 answers). Evaluation of the task For one tractor out of 2, the BED recommended some repairs and timing adjustments. The recommendations were as follows: 31% to check the state and pressure of the injectors, 17% to check the fuel injection pump and/or the regulator 10% to check the clearance of the valves control. Two farmers out of three followed all the recommendations made by the BED and 25% followed them partially. But the advice resulted in interventions in only 50% of cases. The interventions were principally carried out by the dealer-repairers. Two farmers out of three who had their tractors repaired could asses the cost of these interventions. In 50% of cases this cost was less than 76 euros. The average cost was about 375 euros. 60% of farmers who had their tractor repaired noted a change in the running of their tractor. For 70% of them, they noted a change of power. 63% of farmers who had their tractors repaired used the engine fault diagnosis to make claims against their dealer-repairers who answered positively in 85% of cases. 50% of the farmers who had their tractors repaired believed that they had saved money by using the BED, and 23 % did not. Setting up the bench at a fixed place The test bench was acquired in January 1997 and quickly made mobile: initially using a second-hand van which proved to be rather unsuitable for the mobile test conditions (tests outdoors, daily journeys with assembly and dismantling, difficulty in particular with the time needed and quality of connections, etc); 6 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report subsequently, and after looking into the possibility of a low-bed van (too expensive), using a lowbed trailer carrying the BED and pulled by a new utility vehicle fitted out to take the computer system and BED connections (Scorpio); Evaluation of the task The separation between the office part and the trailer which carries the workshop and the bench makes the BED more reliable because: with a fixed bench located in the trailer, the reliability of the flowmeters is increased. An additional tractor fuel supply has been integrated into the van to eliminate the problem of priming the fuel and the risks of contamination in the fuel. This independent circuit also decreases the time needed for making the connections to the tractors. It also reduces the number of bad connections. This system was not used for the smoke opacity measurements in order not to introduce a bias into the results. with a separate office, the service delivered to farmers is of better quality. It is also more friendly and comfortable. It also is better to separate the electronic case from the bench because it is then less exposed to condensation and to vibrations. Profitability of AILE The AILE association made its BED business profitable (see appendix on Profitability). In order to have a better idea of the profitability of a structure similar to AILE, the co-ordinator collected information on profitability from FDCUMA Pyrénées Orientales which has had a BED for two years and made different economic operational choices for its BED from those of the AILE association (see appendix on Profitability). The profitability threshold for each of these structures is: 503 tests per year at 600 F before tax for AILE (which has 36.5% subsidies for the "test BED" activity); 270 tests per year at 400 F before tax for FDCUMA (which has 50.11% subsidies for the "test BED" activity). Task n° 4: POLLUTION CONTROL ACTIVITY Acquisition of an opacimeter There is no opacimeter suitable for the agricultural market enabling pollution measurements to be made under load, which are the conditions for the Scorpio engine fault diagnosis. The existing opacimeters are not designed to resist the temperature of the exhaust gases which can reach 800° when the motor is under load. So an opacimeter was designed for this application of ‘agricultural tractor measurements with the motor under load'. The trial protocol was defined by Perfagri S.A. and Cemagref with reference to standard 77.537, motor under load. The purpose of this procedure was to respond to user requirements (maximum time available for a test: 5’) and to ensure the measurements were presented in a manner compatible with the current standard. Application of the check at AILE AILE integrated the opacimeter into its test bench, and the result was a very considerable reduction in the measurement time, by 2 to 3 minutes, meaning it could become systematic for each test. The method is easy to learn and enables both the problems of pollution and the correlation between excessive fuel consumption and pollution to be made evident. The farmers appear to accept the opacimeter check on exhaust fumes willingly, in anticipation of mandatory inspection. 7 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report Evaluation of the task The design of a suitable opacimeter required the use of a decompression chamber to reduce the temperature of the smoke. The measurements are made by hand at different speeds: at nominal speed, at 800 rpm (power take off) and at maximum torque. The opacimeter pipes needed to be lengthened, which required the opacimeter to be made higher in order to analyse the engine tuning. AILE reports that the opacimeter sometimes functions outside the recommended pressure range (water column display exceeding 12). This problem is encountered for tractor models which have a small diameter exhaust pipe. If it proves to be impossible to use a smaller probe, ATT are prepared to make modifications to the prototype opacimeter and its measurement processing software, on site, in order to enable the measurements to be corrected. The technician in charge of the analyses and the opacity measurement has declared that the curves provided by the BED allow him to make the same pollution analysis as examination of the result supplied by the opacimeter. Consequently he thinks that the BED analysis makes it possible to say whether a tractor is polluting or not, without needing to complete the analysis by measuring the opacity of the exhaust gases. In this case, integration of the opacimeter into the BED would not appear to contribute anything new. Application of the check at Moulin S.A. The check was implemented later at Moulin S.A.. The opacimeter was not integrated into the BED. Evaluation of the task The simplified version of the anti-pollution controls were very easy to carry out, requiring little time. The complete method required some time to get used to it and took too long for it to be possible to use it. Note that the opacimeter is not well accepted by the customers. They believe that the purpose of the check on the exhaust fumes is to reduce fuel consumption and thus reduce the tractor's power (they do not understand the idea of specific consumption). The customers are only just beginning to see that the test is useful, after several explanations on the reasons for using the opacimeter. Unlike the BED engine fault diagnosis, these pollution controls are not carried out systematically for each new machine. Task n° 5: ANALYSE and EXPLOITATION OF THE RESULTS Analyse of BED results on the repairer's premises The purpose of this step taken by Cemagref was to assess how efficient the BED is as a breakdown analysis aid, and to assess the reliability and advantages of BED recommendations. To this end the analysis produced by the aid function and the analysis and opinion of the repairer were noted, together with the repair carried out using a report card. The study consisted of comparing these two types of information. Points worth noting: Collection of the data took place as part of normal operations in the workshop at Moulin S.A.. The repairs made by the repairer are prompted not only by the existence of a fault requiring correction but also by the context (specific demand from the owner of the tractor, cost considerations for the farmer, etc.). In particular the repairs recommended by the system are not carried out systematically. 8 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report The BED was put into use in the workshop very progressively for many reasons (training, change of technician, changes in the way the BED was used, etc.). The repairer himself underlined that the way the BED was used changed during the project. This resulted in problems with the data quality and heterogeneity. In particular it was impossible to make a reliable quantitative comparison with the situation beforehand. However, the report cards were very precious as a source of information. A software program processing the BED analyses and the report sheets together was developed, but the heterogeneity of the data and the interpretation required for the report cards resulted in each case being studied separately and the results being grouped afterwards. Evaluation of the task The pilot repair-site carried out approximately 150 tests during the course of the project, but only about one hundred (over 14 months) could be used, of which thirty were complete tests (report card, test before repair, test after repair). It turned out that learning to use the BED properly was more complicated than expected. The Moulin repair-site data enable the connection between the farmers' expectations, the recommendations of the BED and the repairer's actions to be studied . On the contrary, it was not possible to make a study by type of fault diagnosis due to the size of the sample. Points worth noting: A considerable proportion of the tests concern new tractors (30%). The BED is used to supply the customer with the tractor he expects: well tuned, or tuned to the demands of the customer and run-in for 3 hours. The repairer was satisfied with the BED engine fault diagnosis in every case (except one). The recommendations for adjusting the injection pump, which are reliable, were almost never followed. The reason for this is that independently of the OCDE tests, normal practice in the profession encourages the farmers to take the maximum value of the power range for their tractor into account, and not the power given in the corresponding OCDE test. The compression check analysis appeared too often. Analyse of results of pollution control The purpose of this was to collect information concerning the advantages of the BED as a tool for fighting pollution. Points worth noting: Both pilot-sites (AILE and Moulin S.A.) used the opacimeter. The exhaust fume opacity measurements were integrated without any problem into the test procedure on the agricultural organisation pilot-site (AILE). However, they were difficult to integrate into normal operations in the Moulin S.A. workshop (customers unwilling). The agricultural association pilot-site put the opacimeter to use with tremendous efficiency, enabling a very generous database to be built up. Even though not all the measurements could be used (for reasons concerning data homogeneity), the usable database is very considerable. There were two protocols for carrying out the pollution measurements: a simplified and a "complete" one. The usable data were mostly collected using the simplified procedure. 9 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report Evaluation of the task Data analysis turned out to be more complicated than expected, because the connections between opacity of the exhaust fumes and specific fuel consumption were not evident with the raw data, despite the opinion of the operator at the agricultural association pilot-site. Considerable work was needed to elucidate this paradox. A further study is under way. (If the cut-out point is not properly adjusted, this has a considerable effect on the value of the specific fuel consumption relative to its reference position at certain speeds, even if the mean value remains relatively unchanged) Points worth noting: "Polluting" tractors (for which the exhaust fume opacity is above a certain threshold) almost always have a specific fuel consumption above the reference value. The great majority of tractors are not "polluting" (over 85 % of the tractors with the simplified procedure, which is on the pessimistic side relative to standard 77.537). Progress in terms of reducing motor pollution have rendered this standard obsolete. As far as future work on the subject is concerned, in addition to the more detailed study of the links between the measurements and the mean position of the specific fuel consumption, the operator noticed that the type of fuel influences the measurement (at comparable specific fuel consumption). He also reported that the measurements were affected by the temperature of the exhaust gases and the position of the probe. Task n° 6: NON SPECIFIC ADAPTATION OF THE SYSTEM Extension of BED capabilities Reducing noise levels Following remarks by partners in the project and purchaser of the BED concerning excessive noise levels when the BED is in operation, and in order to be able to carrying out demonstrations under better conditions, Maha developed a noise-reducing kit sold as an option for the BED. Maha has also modified the multiple gear drive by changing the transmission belt in order to reduce the whistling noise it creates. The optional noise-reducing kit is quite expensive. It is always possible, however, for the operator using the BED to use appropriate headwear to protect his hearing. Integrating the opacimeter into the Scorpio program This can only be done on the basis of recent standards, according to Perfagri S.A. At present for tractors there is only a standard dating from 1977 which covers the opacity alone. It is obvious that this is going to change, given that in Europe the engine manufacturers have to supply tractor makers with engines to level 1 standards as from April 2000, level 2 for 2001-2004 and level 3 for 2006-2008 and other pollution elements will be added. Furthermore analysis of the "pollution control" data clearly demonstrates that the 1977 standard is obsolete. In this context it would be unwise to work on integration on the current bases. However, with Scorpio it is possible to record the measurements according to the protocol defined in the databases and the test sheet handed to the farmer. For AILE, which decided from the outset to integrate the opacimeter into the BED, this integration did not seem necessary after the event, in that according to the technician charged with engine fault diagnosis, excessive production of fumes can be diagnosed on the basis of analysis of the curves produced by the BED alone. 10 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report Adaptation of BED to test motor-driven machinery other than tractors Studies have been carried out in order to adapt the BED to test forage blowers, including notably a survey of attempts made to use a test bench to test forage blowers. AILE and Perfagri S.A. have decided to assess all aspects of the problem. Evaluation of the task Adaptation to forage blowers and combine harvesters was not carried out for technical reasons connected with the performances of the BED, safety constraints for the users, the costs involved to produce the transmissions, and the problem of how to raise the BED to the level of the machine movement output. It must be stressed that the power of these machines is constantly increasing (and in a very few years will exceed 600 hp). It would consequently not be reasonable for simple safety reasons to try to test these machines using a mobile test bench. Solutions could be sought but it appears that the demand is very localised, in Brittany. Further information needs to be collected to assess the market potential. It should be noted however that until recently the BED did not allow very powerful engines to be tested. Maha has therefore decided to make changes to its test bench to respond to this increasing demand. The version of the bench which enables powerful tractors to be tested should be available early in the year 2000. This evolution proved necessary, in fact, because the competitor test benches to the BED (AW, EGGERS) perform better in terms of mechanical tests, even if they do not have the engine fault diagnosis system and consequently cannot really be compared to the BED. Rendering the system reliable and adapting it for different users Software modifications The breakdown analysis assistance system comprises three programs: A program for running the tests; A program for communications with the electronic card; An engine fault diagnosis program; The programs for running the tests and for fault diagnosis which the BED uses were initially designed to run in a DOS environment. In particular the engine fault diagnosis system was developed from a professional software program which used a branded system of memory management. So it was planned as part of the project to check that these program operated correctly in the DOS partitions of recent computers equipped with a Pentium II and on which Windows 95 or Windows NT had been installed in the factory (with a DOS emulation version which differs considerably from earlier generations). This relatively easy check was carried out by Cemagref at the beginning of the project. However all the partners and particularly the users felt that operation under DOS was a considerable constraint because it requires the computer to be rebooted if it has been used under Windows for other jobs. Consequently the decision was made during a seminary at the beginning of the project to look into ways to boot the analysis system from the Windows 95 operating system using a DOS emulation. To do this it was necessary to recompile the Scorpio development software program sources using a Windows 95 compatible version of the basic programming language. The diagnosis assistance system is Windows compatible off-line (not connected to the test bench). In addition Perfagri has produced a tractor test management program compatible for use by the repairers whereas the existing program was only designed for the "engine" fault diagnosis system (see appendix on Evolution). This program has limited capabilities (see appendix on Evolution). 11 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report Evaluation of the task The program for communications with the electronic card is not yet compatible with Windows. It should be rendered so during the first half of 2000. Study and development of a new measurement acquisition card integrated into the Maha electronics to replace the two existing cards. The matter in question here is to reduce the measurement chain error rate. At present there are two electronic cards dedicated to data transmission (one at the test bench output, the other on the Scorpio input). The former transmits the data in digital form to a series port while the latter handles it in analog form: as a consequence the two cards have to be connected by a converter. At the beginning of the project it was not obviously profitable in economic terms for Maha to make considerable investments in the BED operation by modifying the characteristics of its test bench (which is also sold without Scorpio) in order to make it more suitable to use with Scorpio. Evaluation of the task In February 2000 Maha carried out a comparative check into torque and running condition measurements on a BED. This check was made by the Frankfurt DLG (Deutsche Landwirtschaft Geselschaft) which has an official test bench and is responsible for carrying out OCDE tests in Germany. The goal was to check and validate the torque and engine speed measurement chain for calculation of the power, comparing it with an official testing centre test. It would then be possible to tell BED customers how it performs and to give them the calibration protocol if needed. Initially it was planned to have a single electronic card to replace the two existing cards. However two cards will be kept, in order to simplify maintenance. Maha and Perfagri are aiming to ensure that the two cards together present an error rate of about 1 %: in order to improve precision of measurement transmission, Maha is modifying its measurement card and software program so that the torque and rotation speed signal are sent in digital instead of analog form to a series port to cater for a change in the power of the BED (1er quarter 2000). Perfagri will modify the data acquisition card and notably the torque and running conditions, from analog to digital form as soon as the modification has been validated by Maha. The feasibility study has already been completed. Recognition is due here of the effort Maha have consented for investments to adapt its test bench for improved operation with SCORPIO, even if these investments came right at the end of the project. Rendering the engine fault diagnosis performance reliable The purpose of this action was to find and test means of increasing the reliability of the BED engine fault diagnosis by using the pilot-site results. The goal was to produce an analysis system based on learning from the available data and using them to improve performance of the present system. Points worth noting: In their present condition the pilot-site databases did not prove to be very suitable for constructing an analysis system based on learning. In fact, the project is too short in time to be able to collect sufficient data: o There is abundant data collected by the agricultural association pilot-site but it is not confirmed (the analysis was not validated by an expert or a repairer). In order to be able to use it without confirmation, it would be necessary to have several trials spaced out in time for each tractor or type of tractor. o The data collected by the repairer pilot-site is validated, but there is not very much available. 12 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report It was possible to compensate for the insufficiencies of the pilot-site databases by using the Mobile Test bench (BEM) database: o o Evaluation of reliability of the BED results compared to the expert report. Possibility of constructing diagnosis based on learning system Based on the assessment of the BED results (relative to the expert), two possibilities were investigated in order to improve the engine fault diagnosis quality: qualify the BED analysis by an error rate; use the BED analysis jointly with the diagnosis by a system based on learning. Evaluation of the task Assessment of the BED results based on the BEM data is not the ideal solution (it would have been better to have suitably detailed data from the repairer sites which will be possible in the future). But it did enable difficult situations for the engine fault diagnosis system to be detected. The study concentrated on these situations: problem of compressions (false alarms concerning this diagnosis are too frequent); problem of valves control (diagnosis difficult to establish). Points worth noting: Modification of the engine fault diagnosis system can be easy in some cases (threshold modification), and preferable to any other technique. It is not that easy to construct an analysis system by learning with the data, when the system needs to be intelligible to an expert. The choice of techniques available is restricted. The technique chosen for the project is that based on decision trees. Note that for faults which are less frequent, the analysis by learning techniques are still difficult to exploit and their validation will necessarily take a long time. Qualification of the result for each engine fault diagnosis system by its sensitivity makes it possible to make the diagnosis more reliable. Task n° 7: TRANSLATION Translation of the software The Scorpio DOS software does not include a multilingual system automatically, but the programs for running the tests and for printing operate in German, English, Spanish, French. The rules for examination and for the expert system are in German and French. The tractor reference files are in German, English, Spanish and French. Translation of manuals and other documents Translation of the user manuals and training documents: available in French and in Spanish. The BED presentation brochure is available in: French English Spanish German 13 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report Evaluation of the task The task of translation has not been completed, but the intention is to react according to demand. So there should be no problem with this task. Note however that the "awakening" of the Spanish market will need the expert investigation rules and environment for the expert system to be translated into Spanish very soon. This was scheduled in fact in the programme of tasks in this project. Task n° 8: DEMONSTRATION-PROMOTION Analysis of the innovation and what the partners have to say stresses the fact that the BED is a tool which needs demonstration without fail before it can be diffused. The only way to show what an innovation it represents is to demonstrate it and show the advantages compared with the competition. May we underline in passing the unsophisticated design of the Perfagri S.A. presentation documents, even if their technical content is appropriate and far more comprehensive than that of the competition. Demonstration and promotion in Germany (Maha, Perfagri) The BED comprises two products (the Maha LPS ZW-301 test bench and the Perfagri SCORPIO software program). Here it is the system as a whole which is innovating in character. Promoting it in Germany is not an easy matter because the Maha test bench already sells very well on its own, meaning that Maha took a financial risk by accepting to promote the two products together (undertaking promotion costs without any certainty of any profitability) while also engaging its credibility for a product for which it is not in complete control of the manufacture. It should be noted here that Maha manufactures all the components in its test bench in a factory which has ISO 9001 certification. The demonstration in Germany was therefore organised at the end of the project when Maha was better able to assess the risk it ran. Evaluation of the task The demonstration was organised in Germany by MAHA. The public targeted were the German manufacturers. Only two major manufacturers were able to attend (John Deere & AGCO (also representing Fendt/MasseyFerguson)) but they do represent 45 % of the German market. The demonstration was organised at the end of the programme and it is thus difficult to gauge the real impact on the German market although Perfagri S.A. received a request for a quotation from a German dealer. The two manufacturers who attended stated they were very interested by the product and each envisaged acquiring a unit in order to be able to assess the potential more precisely (see the section on "Further action subsequent to the project by Maha). In addition to the possibility of using it as a preventive maintenance tool and/or for breakdown analysis, they mentioned the possibility of using it as a means of improving the quality of products delivered (tractors properly tuned) and as an information support for their dealers concerning the specifications of the tractors delivered (manufacturer's information sheet giving reference trial, history of the tractor, etc) rather than giving this information in paper form. They felt the latter point was an excellent means of tracking the tractor using a single tool. They appreciated the user friendly aspect of the product. The AGCO representative for Germany underlined the fact that overall marketing of the product still remains to be achieved: promotion of the bench and the engine fault diagnosis system in the same "package". It is true that this promotion was not the method chosen by Maha which distributed its bench "alone" for the duration of the project. Compromise solutions were found to enable the distribution of the BED (see the section of "Further action"). The manufacturers also wanted the increased test capabilities in terms of the bench power. This request was taken into account by Maha and a more powerful bench should be offered on the market at the beginning of 2000. 14 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report A brochure on the BED has been prepared in English and German. The software has been translated into German by the Cemagref. Demonstrations and promotion in Belgium (Moulin S.A., Perfagri) It was quite difficult to get into the Belgian market because a lot of people thought that the BED would not be capable of giving a reliable engine fault diagnosis and was more of a means of promoting tractor sales rather than a repair and/or preventive maintenance assistance system. Starting in March 1999, Moulin S.A. carried out several publicity campaigns, new machine power checks and checks on repairs of all brands of tractors. Demonstrations took place every week-end throughout July, August and September. As a result the farmers began to be interested in the BED and more particularly in SCORPIO. The demonstrations run by the dealer took place either on the occasion of local fairs or agricultural events where the BED was one of the attractions, with the goal of making the farmers aware of performance measurements and engine tuning. One demonstration was held for the dealers alone. Over 200 were invited, but only about fifteen took part. Evaluation of the task Promotion of the BED by Moulin S.A. at the local fairs enabled it to increase its market share by winning customers from the competition. B. Moulin considers that the BED is becoming a «tool» for marketing and engine tuning. The farmers who were satisfied with Moulin S.A. services spread the word about the tests to their dealers. As for the demonstration to the dealers, 200 invitations were sent to the dealers for the major brands (John Deere, Case-IH, Fendt, Deutz, New Holland, Massey-Ferguson). The demonstration took place on 25/09/99 at Leuze (Southern Belgium). It met with the approval of the fifteen or so dealers who attended, but they expressed reserves about the price of the complete unit. The demonstration period was not the best because it was the potato harvesting season, with after sales service to be provided for the customers. There is also the language difficulty in Belgium. The information has gone over successfully; two sales were made in Bernard Moulin's sector during the last quarter of 1999. Contacts with prospects are continuing. The effect of this kind of promotion cannot really be appreciated in the short term, however. Demonstrations and promotion in Spain (Escola de Capacitacio Agraria, Perfagri) To begin with the Escola de Capacitacio Agraria planned only 2 demonstrations in Spain, both in Catalonia. The first one was to take place in the Escola de Capacitació Agrària Mas Bové in Tarragona province and the second one in the Escola de Capacitació Agrària d’Alfarràs in Lleida province. For each occasion the Escola de Capacitacio Agraria had envisaged two demonstrations, one for farmers and co-operatives and another for professionals from machinery repair workshops and machinery importers or distributors. But, in order to promote the project in other parts of Spain, in co-ordination with Perfagri and Cemagref, the Escola de Capacitacio Agraria Mas Bové contacted the agricultural school of Marchamalo (ECA Marchamalo) in Guadalajara, near Madrid, which agreed to hold an additional demonstration. The Mas Bové school co-ordinated all demonstrations, sending the information to the main agricultural machinery dealer and repair workshops, inviting them to the demonstrations, and the ECA d’Alfarràs and the ECA de Marchamalo did the same for farmers and professional organisation near these schools. Contacts made by the Escola de Capacitacio Agraria with media taken can be grouped in three categories: Spanish professional magazines, to which the ECA Mas Bové sent all information about the PTT-BED project, giving them a draft of an article to make the job easier for the journalists. This took place prior to and after the demonstrations. Four articles were published, in “Agricultura. Revista agropecuaria. Nov.1998”; in “Vida Rural. Mars 1999 ; in “Agrotécnia.” in April 1999 ; in “Catalunya Rural i Agrària. April 1998”. 15 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report Regional newspapers, to which the schools of Mas Bové and Alfarràs sent information about the project and the most important journals such as “La Mañana” in Lleida and “Diari de Tarragona” in Tarragona covered the demonstrations. Regional TV channels, to which the Mas Bové school sent information on the demonstration in order to be covered. In Mas Bové the regional TV channel “TV3” and the local TV Reus were present. Another task that the ECA Mas Bové undertook was to promote the project among the farmers and technicians who had followed training courses in Mas Bové and other places in Tarragona province. These courses are organised by our school and the information was given by photocopies and describing the BED orally. In addition the Escola de Capacitacio Agraria issued some information to students of other secondary schools in Tarragona province when visiting Mas Bové. In fact, four presentations of the BED were made in Spain: One during the Salon International Feria de Zaragoza (Spain) [by Perfagri and Maha Spain]; Three others in the Escola de Capacitacio Agraria, Mas Bové in Tarragona province, in the Escola de Capacitacio Agraria d'Alfarras in Lleida province and in the Agricultural School of Marchamalo in Guadalajara near Madrid [by Perfagri and Escola de Capacitacio Agraria]. Evaluation of the task Preparing the demonstrations in Catalonia was not difficult at all because the Escola de Capacitacio Agraria is in contact with all people potentially interested in demonstrations (Agricultural Department, farmer associations, machinery repair workshops and the media) and it has frequent contacts with the school of Alfarràs. In other regions of Spain it was not so easy, firstly to find a partner to organise the demonstration and secondly to follow up the action and the results. In the case of the demonstration in Central Spain, the Escola de Capacitacio Agraria Mas Bové contacted the Escuela de Capacitación Agraria de Marchamalo (Guadalajara). They accepted to be hold the 3rd demonstration in Spain and even to send the invitations to farmer organisations and machinery repair workshops or distributors near the school and to the regional press. The Escola de Capacitacio Agraria Mas Bové assumes they did their best. More than 1,000 letters were sent, together with telephone and personal contacts. Perfagri S.A. was contacted by Maha Spain in order to respond to requests for information and for quotations from several Universities, agricultural colleges and the Ministry for Agriculture for the Cadiz region, following a call for tender. No sales have been made as yet. Requests for information concerning the engine fault diagnosis software program have recently been received at Cemagref. Perfagri has been requested for a quotation for the analysis system on its own; because the potential customer already has a Froment test bench. Perfagri S.A. does not wish to distribute its engine fault diagnosis system without the test bench which is designed for it, because even if it is just possible to link up to another test bench, this would not be at all easy and in fact has never been done yet. The additional work needed to connect the test bench electronics to the analysis assistance system and to validate the quality of the connection made has not been defined yet and would seem to be very considerable. In order for Maha Spain to respond to requests for demonstrations and quotations, it would be desirable for them to have a BED on loan from the parent factory. Demonstrations and promotion in the United Kingdom (AILE) AILE made two demonstrations in the United Kingdom: 6th May 99, Broomfield College, Derbyshire (UK), Promotion of the BED, 30 visitors, Article in the national press (Farmers Guardian); 3-4th May 99, Duchy College, Cornwall (UK), 50 visitors, Article in the national press (Farmers Guardian); 16 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report Evaluation of the task However, the two demonstrations carried out by AILE and the ADEME in the United Kingdom did not meet with the success expected. AILE and ADEME's local partners were unable to mobilise the farmers, dealer-traders and technicians on new topics like the BED. The local partners need to have a distribution network like the CUMA network in Brittany in order to spread the information efficiently. The BED and engine fault diagnosis system are unknown in the United Kingdom and it was very difficult to find local partners willing to host the demonstrations. These demonstrations were organised by AILE, with the help of Perfagri S.A. concerning who to invite. The two demonstrations took place outside and the bad weather probably explains the small number of spectators present. In addition the British purchase almost exclusively British power benches (manufactured by Froment) and are relatively wary when a product which is part French and part German is announced. Furthermore, when reading the article which appeared in the Farmers Guardian dated 21.05.1999 (see appendix on Diffusion) after the demonstrations made by AILE, it is obvious that the presentation of the BED by AILE was not fully understood. In the conclusion to the article, only two subsidiary advantages of the BED were mentioned: the fact on the one hand of being able to check the power of the tractor and on the other hand, of reducing fuel consumption by up to one litre per hour, if the tractor is properly tuned. The latter argument is not very important in the United Kingdom where the price of tractor fuel is half that in France. The particular advantage of the BED, which is to check the performance of the tractor compared to its reference and thus tune it more easily, was not understood. It is also worth noting that during the demonstrations, although the AILE brochure was available in English, the same was not true for the engine fault diagnosis software program. In addition because J.J. Bertrand (Perfagri S.A.) encountered some difficulty in expressing himself in English he was unable to take part in the presentations which were made by AILE. After the demonstrations run in Great Britain by AILE, no contacts have been forthcoming with Perfagri and/or Maha. Demonstrations and promotion in France (Perfagri, AILE, ADEME) In addition to daily promotion of the product it sells, Perfagri S.A. made eight demonstrations of the BED in France: International Agricultural Machinery Show (SIMA, France) [Perfagri] Regional Show, Salon de la paille (58) FRCUMA Centre/Bourgogne and the journal France Agricole [Perfagri] The Bouéxières (35), Rodez (12), St Georges de Noisné (79) [Perfagri, FNAR] Demonstration for Froment, test bench manufacturers and distributors (GB) [ Perfagri] Demonstration with the journal Cultivar and manufacturers Valtra Valmet, JCB (80) [ Perfagri] AILE, with the contribution of ADEME (especially for the presentation of the AILE experience with the BED at the Regional Conference on the Environment organised on 9th September 1999 in Rennes by the Regional Council of Brittany), has made a number of demonstrations in France: Date 21 September 99 Place Pollutec Goals Number of participants Awarding of the Trophée des Technologies Economes and Propres Unknown at the time of writing 1-4 September SAFIR (40,000 visitors) 99 Promotion of the BED About 4,000 visitors 28 February 99 SPACE (250,000 visitors), to 4 March 99 stand Entraid-Fncuma Promotion of the BED About 20,000 visitors Media coverage Unknown at the time of writing 17 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report 1 December 98 Ecole d’Agronomie, Rennes Press breakfast to present results of the engine fault diagnosis campaign 1997/98 30 participants Articles in the national press (agricultural revues like Entraid’ and La France Agricole) and in the regional press (general press such as Ouest France and Télégramme de Brest and agricultural press such as Paysan Morbihannais, Espace Ouest and Paysan Breton) 13-22 October 98 Auvergne (Agonges, Beissay sur Allier, Isserpont, Tence, Valprivas, Roche en Reigner and Saint Front) Analyses carried out for farmers from another French region in order to introduce them to the advantages of the BED 50 people Article in the national press (agricultural revue such as Entraid’) 16-19 September 98 SPACE, Rennes Presentation of the BED to the farmers and agricultural organisations of the Western part of France 20% of SPACE visitors, about 22,000 people 29 July 97 CUMA de La Vallée d’Yaigne near Rennes Press conference to present 50 visitors the BED to the farmers and agricultural organisations of the Western part of France Articles in the national press (agricultural revues such as Matériel Agricole, CLER Infos, Entraid’ and La France Agricole) and in the regional press (general press such as Ouest France and agricultural press such as Paysan Morbihannais, Espace Ouest and Paysan Breton) Evaluation of the task The large number of demonstrations and actions to spread information concerning either the BED, or the engine fault diagnosis system have borne fruit. The action by AILE, Perfagri and FNAR, their participation in regional, national and international shows have made a considerable contribution to making those concerned in France more aware of the products. AILE points out that the leaflets on the BED were not easy to produce because analysis of engine performance is a very technical and specialised subject. Globally the leaflets received a good reception from the public (non-experts, farmers and technicians). The information for the press was given good coverage. The people reached by way of press, exhibitions and contributions to demonstration days were very interested by the operation of the engine fault diagnosis tool and they discovered the BED tool. Certain difficult points need to be noted, however, concerning communications and promotion within the framework of the project: o First of all there is the name of the test bench: Perfagri S.A. calls it the Perfagri 2002, Maha calls it the LPS 301; the AILE association calls it the BED (as does the Cemagref) but the articles about it use the words "the AILE test bench", "the Breton test bench" or simply "a bench". o AILE communications centre on its structure and the services it provides. Its philosophy is mainly concerned with pollution problems. So it does not actually promote the tool, and does not specify that the test bench it uses is distributed by Perfagri S.A. This is fair enough given its field of action but can sometimes constitute a hindrance to the distribution of the BED in that it is above all identified as part of the service offered by AILE using "its bench". (see a number of articles in the appendix) o No article really stresses the existence of the expert system (apart from the article in the Officiel de l'Artisanat Rural, Oct/Nov/Dec 1998) even if the fact is mentioned that the bench compares the data recorded with the OCDE standards; no article really stresses the special nature of the BED compared with the competition, who do not have such a system. 18 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report Sales of the BED have been lost in France because the braking bench lacks sufficient power. (Cf Task n°6) Support for repairers in France (FNAR) The national federation of tradesmen and small businesses in rural areas (F.N.A.R.) is the main professional organisation representing rural business at national level. The membership comprises heads of small manufacturing or production businesses which: are registered with the Registry of Trades; work alone, with their spouse, or have up to 15 employees; are installed in a rural area or a small or medium-sized town; work notably in trades connected with the repair and distribution of tractors and agricultural machinery. This sector counted some 5,400 businesses as of 01/01/1998 (Source: Trades Administration). The purpose of the work carried out by the F.N.A.R. was: to spread information concerning the BED to small rural tractor repairers, either by its normal communications (newspaper reports, SIMA stand, local meetings etc), or by mailing invitations to demonstrations which it organised; to present the BED in a working situation to those companies who were interested, and make them aware of the goals, a performance and opportunities afforded by this equipment; to confirm the advantages for agricultural repair businesses of using the BED, by means of the evaluation survey, and in this context give their assessment of the product and the developments which they would like to see. to bring about a movement in favour of the creation of groups for shared purchase and operation, which is a new factor in the rural trades professional sector, based on the BED product. Evaluation of the task With respect to the demonstrations, the results of operations were as follows: 3 inter-regional operations took place representing a total of 8 sessions or half days of activity; 2,819 businesses in 27 "départements" were told about the BED and invited to see it in operation; 129 businesses took part in the demonstration sessions, meaning 40% of the initial corrected goal which reckoned on the presence of 320 participants at 8 sessions; 73 businesses declared they were interested in the BED but were unable to take part in the demonstrations on the dates set because they were not free; about a hundred assessment questionnaires make it possible to determine what rural businesses are liable to find interesting in the BED; 40% of the answers say it is above all a tool for broadening knowledge and skills; 35% say in it a way to improve the image of the business with the customers. The demonstration sessions also enabled the following: to reveal the shortcomings of the method used to organise demonstration operations given the subject itself, and the population concerned. As a consequence of this, future sessions should: be decentralised at departement (county) level to make it easier for people interested to come to them; be limited to about fifteen participants to be more efficient in getting the message over; be organised as half-days, not as a specific event but as part of meetings or events with a wider scope, in order to make the journey and the presence of those interested worthwhile. to survey the questions which rural professionals, as users, are liable to ask concerning the BED, its technical performances, use, market and potential; to go still further into questions concerning purchase and maintenance costs for the equipment, which 45% of participants considered very expensive for an average sized business. 19 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report However, over and above the question of the cost, it is the return for investment that raises queries. In other words, given that at present there is no legislation concerning inspection of tractor engines, and given that for a voluntary procedure there will be no campaign in the world of agriculture to raise awareness and encourage farmers to go for it (apart from a few, rare regional initiatives of the Aile Brittany type), rural trades people wonder what commercial impact a particularly, perhaps excessively, high performance test bench would have, given the needs of the market at the moment, being moreover expensive and in fact, difficult to "sell" to the customer farmer; to set up a partnership project in Brittany, between AILE and the Regional Federation of Rural Tradesmen. With respect to the possibility of providing support for repairers for a project for joint purchase and use of a BED, the work carried out did not result in a conclusion within the time scale of the European project. Nevertheless, a certain number of obstacles have been surmounted. The BED project has achieved the following: encouraged the desire of rural trades people to set up a local group around a project for joint purchase of one test bench. In addition to the test département in Lot et Garonne, 6 other group projects have seen the day in the Brittany region and the Vendée, Deux-Sèvres, Indre et Loire, Aveyron and Drôme départements; convinced businesses interested in group projects to choose the BED. In this respect the demonstrations made exchanges between the people interested and PERFAGRI easier, and gave the BED a definite advantage, well-deserved according to the trades people, notably when they make the technical comparison with the competition. However, the questions concerning the rules governing these groups and how they would run on a day-to-day basis (management of rotation, administration, etc) do not interest them much for the moment, being consider as of secondary importance. The questions that do emerge as essential are those of how to finance the investment and maintenance of the equipment and these explain the delay the experimental group experienced with respect to the BED option. Seen from the point of view of purchase price, the comparison was not in favour of the BED but rather for the competition, which, however, only distributes "simple" test benches, with no comparison in real time of engine function with respect to the four fundamental curves, without any parameters for correction which would avoid the bench having to be recalibrated after each move to a new site, with no breakdown analysis nor assistance for tuning (or repair). Those interested in the experimental group, just like the other participants at the demonstration sessions, clearly expressed their doubts as to the possibility of amortising the purchase and maintenance costs of the BED, given the number of tests they are liable to carry out each year, the price at which the test would be invoiced, and the current needs of local markets with respect to analysis of tractor engines. A study of the «profitability» question was carried out by Cemagref to give tangible elements on which the rural trades people can base their decision. However, the experimental group finished by taking a decision on a technological basis in favour of the BED, and declares it is ready to commit itself to purchase of the equipment, for a sum up to 50% of the investment it represents (not including options) and the balance will have to be funded from other sources. Task n° 9: DIFFUSION OF PTT PROGRAMME RESULTS 3000 French leaflet of project results presentation has been realised and will be distributed by each partner to their network. The coordinator has send 400 leaflets to interested people who were identified during the first part of the project. An English version of the leaflet has been realised and will be distributed by Maha. The complete results are published on the Cemagref- LISC Website ( and the sites of partners who have one. 20 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report Evaluation of the task The Escola de Capacitacio Agraria Mas Bové plan to inform the press, farmer organisations and machinery repair workshops of Catalonia about the results of the project, as soon we receive these. A request for information about the project has been recently received from the Estación de Mecánica Agrícola of the Spanish region of Castilla la Mancha, where they are working with a Froment-BED carrying out checks of tractors without cost for farmers. In Spain only two regions (Andalucia and Castilla the Mancha) are continuing with this program, started a few years ago. The Cemagref will produce the following: a technical report on the BED; scientific and technical articles concerning the engine fault diagnosis; publications concerning the results of pollution controls; articles on diffusion of the innovation. Task n° 10: LEGAL ASPECTS A technology transfer agreement has been signed between Cemagref and Perfagri S.A. with respect to the SCORPIO system. The databases and software are registered with the Software Protection Agency. The problem of a name for the test bench and engine fault diagnosis software only came up at the end of the project. It seems necessary to use just one, well identified name for the BED or at least the innovating part (the engine fault diagnosis program). It is up to Perfagri S.A. to take steps to settle this point, which is essential if the communications strategy for the BED is to be workable, for example by registering the engine fault diagnosis software which could even be renamed, for example, the "BED software". 21 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report PROJECT RESULTS The project concerns the question of bringing the BED into more widespread use and a question linked with this, but for which the results are also clearly a concern for the authorities: pollution due to tractors. This point is discussed as part of the presentation on the evolutions in use of the tool, and a proposal for the authorities (point 5. in this section). The results concerning distribution of the BED are presented here under three headings: the profitability of the BED, its evolution during the project, the diffusion and promotion of the product. The project results are the subject of a brochure (see the appendix on Diffusion). 1. Evaluation of BED profitability The BED represents a considerable investment important. Its profitability depends to a very large extent on: How it is used, whether in terms of the purpose, "what do we want from it?", or the way to use it "how do you use it?"; The promotion of the tool and its advantages; The numbers of potential customers and their expectations. The studies carried out under the European project PTT BED IN 10004I have made it possible to define the conditions under which the BED would be profitable more closely although not entirely comprehensively (see also appendix on Profitability). 1.1. CONDITIONS FOR USE OF THE PRODUCT FOR IT TO BE PROFITABLE Learning how to use the BED properly The two main advantages of the BED, from the repairer and/or dealer's point of view, are the boost to his technical and commercial reputation and the time saved in repairing a tractor (saving for the repairer and the dealer). So it is necessary that the full potential of the tool be appreciated in order for the technician to be in a position to combine his own expertise with that supplied by the system. To this end, training seems essential. The interpretation of the performance curves, the comparison with the reference and the assessment of the fault diagnosis have to be learnt, even if at first sight the user-friendly aspect of the interface tends to mask the issue. The training is offered by Perfagri as an option and takes place over three days. It should be stressed here how important training is in interpretation of the engine fault diagnosis, and this has already been underlined in the innovation analysis made when preparing for the present project. Moulin S.A.'s experience, who had a change of BED operator during the project and did not opt at the outset for long training in using the tool, shows how necessary it is to make a real investment in terms of "time" and "learning" for the technician who is to use the BED. This is the essential condition for the BED to make a really useful contribution to the repairer's business. Today Perfagri often offer one days training to any BED purchaser as part of its commercial strategy. However, Perfagri recommend 3 days training and the innovation analysis quoted above recommended 5: in view of this, it would probably be preferable to offer a discount on the price of the BED for anyone signing up for the training. This could then really take three days and ensure best advantage is taken of the software. Identifying the proper scenario for return on investments When preparing the European project PTT BED IN 10004I three types of potential customers for the BED were distinguished: associations offering assistance to farmers, dealer-repairers, repairers. 22 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report The expectations in terms of profitability with respect to the BED are not quite the same for each of these three categories, some using the BED more for tests to prevent tractor breakdowns whereas others consider it is a breakdown assistance tool, although these two purposes can exist simultaneously. Agricultural assistance associations (see details in Profitability appendix) The goal here is to enable the farmers to benefit from BED testing for their tractor so that they can assess the reliability of their work tool better. A non-profit-making pilot association, AILE, was set up for the Brittany region in France. The profitability of its BED activities depends on the number of tests to be carried out at a given price for each test, in order to cover: the costs connected with amortisation of the BED, maintenance of the BED; costs connected with maintenance and amortisation of the vehicle adapted to make the BED mobile; the salary and charges for the technician who uses the BED. The number of tractors in the Brittany region is among the highest for any region in France, so there is no lack of customers, but they are often scattered geographically meaning the BED needs to be mobile. During the project, AILE maintained its financial stability by balancing out with 503 tests at 600 FF (before tax) per test, with a subsidy level of 36.5%. Now it carries out nearly 1,000 tests per year (788 tests in 1998). The FDCUMA in the Pyrénées-Orientales département gave us information concerning the profitability of its BED activity: it reached financial equilibrium with 270 tests at 400 F per test, with an annual subsidy rate of 50 %. We should like to thank M. MARTIN for this information, supplied at no cost to us. Based on these two examples, it can be seen that BED analysis by means of an association or similar type of structure can be profitable. Moreover, ADEME intends to encourage and propagate the idea of other associations of the AILE type in France. The dealer-repairers (see details in the Profitability appendix) In this case the question of financial equilibrium connected with the BED needs to be looked into not solely in terms of the number and price of the tests. Many quality questions such as the dealer's reputation, the fact that the test bench will result in him testing and repairing tractors of other brands than those he sells, and the customer's satisfaction are also involved. Quantity factors such as the time saved in making a repair and better spare part stock management also exist. The financial structure of Moulin S.A. in terms of its profits are of the type where 60 % are connected with the dealership and 40 % with the repair business (in terms of profits). Note that Moulin S.A. carried out 150 tests including the SCORPIO analysis over two years. These tests were not invoiced separately (their price was included in the calculation of the profit margin on the sales of a new tractor, for example, or paid by the European Union as part of the present project). The price of a test including engine fault diagnosis at Moulin S.A. is about 500 FF. After a period promoting the BED and its engine fault diagnosis system by regular presentations at agricultural shows – a period which was necessary to make the farmers aware of the advantages of the tool, Moulin S.A., (a Belgian dealer-repairer, partner in the project) experienced a considerable rise in its reputation. It is now regularly asked to carry out BED tests and the sales volume of new tractors has risen (by 30 to 40 % extra, although the arrival of a new range of tractors and a good crop in 1999 also contributed to this increase). It uses the BED test results to promote the brand it sells. For Moulin, the BED means it is sure of delivering properly tuned new machines which have undergone preventive running-in thanks to the test bench. As for tractors for repair, the BED means it is possible to be more confident that the correct repair has been made. Two other dealers in the neighbourhood of Moulin S.A. have acquired a BED, this purchase being prompted by Moulin's example, and the reports these dealers received from customers concerning the work Moulin S.A. did with the BED. 23 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report Viard S.A., a French dealer-repairer and member of FNAR, with a far higher business turnover than Moulin S.A., accepted to supply us with information on the way the BED is used in its business for no charge, for which we thank it. The company confirms the information from Moulin S.A.. So use of the BED is profitable for both of these dealer-repairers. The BED seems to be a reasonably easy tool to amortise in this highly competitive business sector, where the guarantee of quality service can be enough to "make the difference". We also note that: tractor sales are increasing overall in Europe; tractor performance is an important factor for the farmer (increase in sales of more powerful tractors compared to less powerful ones); 40 % of the tests carried out by AILE were on tractors with less than 1,200 hours on the clock (52 % at Moulin S.A.). It can thus be seen that owning a BED is an important economic advantage for a dealer-repairer and that it can enable him to respond to customer demands and improve his reputation at the same time. Independent repairers en France (see details in the Profitability appendix) As for the independent repairers, at first sight there is only the survey made by the FNAR on which to assess the expectations of independent repairers concerning the BED: for 40 % of them it is above all a tool for developing knowledge and skills for 35 %, it is also a means for improving the business' reputation with its customers. The question of profitability remains important, because no real group of independent repairers with common interests has emerged and real data is thus unavailable. The seven local projects for a BED joint purchase group wonder if the BED will give a sufficient return on the investment, even though they recognise its technological advantages. In order to try to find a reply for these rural trades people, a more detailed study was carried out by the project co-ordinator (see the Profitability appendix, of which an extract appears below). From this study, it appears that the threshold for profitability is reached with a number between 100 and 150 tractors serviced annually, with a price in the 850 F to 1000 F range, per test with engine fault diagnosis, if half the tractors serviced undergo a test. This base may seem excessive but when the facts are examined, this is not so: Let us suppose that the number of tractors tested is 50 % of the total. According to the AILE survey of farmers, their primary motivation in having their tractor tested is to check on the performance. It must be borne in mind that a tractor costs between 2,000 and 2,500 FF per unit of horsepower, depending on the options and that according to AILE (based on the data collected from 1,200 engine tuning analyses): o 10 % of tractors lack power; o 35 % have fuel combustion problems; o 20 % need to have the injectors checked; o 60 % of tractors have different settings on the injection pump to the standard ones, which increases the risk of damage. A test price between 850 and 1,000 F is not excessive and indeed, appears quite competitive. Indeed, these are the prices already applied by the dealer repairers on the one hand, and on the other, when comparing it with the test price plus engine fault diagnosis used by AILE, at 600 FF before tax, it must be remembered that AILE does not do any tuning nor repairs, that testing a tractor means immobilising it for a half-day, and that a person needs to be sent with it and be present during the test. Note also that the AILE test campaigns take place on fixed dates and that the AILE dates are not always the most convenient for the farmer. The survey carried out by the FNAR indicates that 30 % of the people interviewed service over 100 tractors a year (data for repairers and dealer-repairers taken together). There are other elements which also need to be taken into account: the BED enables time to be saved on breakdown analysis and the repair of engine problems. If a repairer is often confronted with this type of problem 24 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report and he tends to be under-staffed, it can be better financially to purchase a BED rather than take on an extra person, bearing mind that the BED will boost the repairer's reputation and his quality image. Note that a big price differential between testing with and without engine fault diagnosis is not an advantage: the threshold for profitability will be reached less quickly. In addition, it does not help spread the word about engine fault diagnosis, when in fact it is more profitable to make tests including the engine fault diagnosis, which enables the profitability threshold to be reached more quickly. Furthermore, the test including engine fault diagnosis provides useful information and enables time to be saved on any repair needed (for example, adjusting the flowrate for the injection pump can be achieved in three hours, when without the BED it could take up to three days without being sure of the optimum result). It should also be remembered that the threshold for profitability is reached by testing just 35 % of 150 tractors serviced, at 950 F per test. 1.2. PROMOTION OF THE TOOL AND ITS ADVANTAGES The BED is an innovation. Not all farmers are aware yet of the advantages which its engine fault diagnosis can provide. Consequently it is necessary to publicise the tool and its analysis to make potential customers aware of it, before any hope of making the product profitable. AILE therefore started and is continuing to publicise its structure and the BED by means of: a brochure (available in French and in English); on the World Wide Web (in French and English:\aile\BED\bed.html and\europe\larem\English\case33.cfm); presenting the product a large number of times to local partners, farmers at shows, exhibitions, etc Moulin S.A. demonstrated the BED at many local shows in order to publicise its "BED" activity. The FNAR ran three inter-regional events with demonstrations of the BED, which were attended by 129 businesses and which enabled the existence of the BED to be brought to the attention of 2,819 businesses. 1.3. SCOPE OF POTENTIAL CUSTOMER BASE AND THEIR EXPECTATIONS Recent tractors (less than 1,200 h) are maintained in better condition that older ones, and sales of tractors in Europe are increasing overall (see the appendix on Profitability). Purchases tend to be in favour of powerful tractors: 72 % of the tractors purchased in 1999 rated 80 horsepower (DIN), and 44 % at least 100 horsepower (DIN) (source: Matériel Agricole journal n° 40, February 2000). So farmers expect a great deal from their new or recent tractors for which they want to use the full range of performance. Their older tractors (on average in France there are three tractors on each farm, with the average age of tractors in France being 12 years – 1995 data) are less well maintained and are used for jobs demanding less power. For a structure which only offers the test, the profitability threshold is between 270 and 800 tests with diagnosis. For structure offering repairs, this threshold is reached when the number of tractors serviced lies between 100 and 150. The latter figure can also be considered as appropriate for a dealership, if the number of tractors serviced includes new tractors which are run in and one or two tests with diagnosis during this running in (before and after tuning). It can be taken that the profitability threshold is more or less identical in all European countries. However, the context varies and needs to be taken into account when examining the profitability. For example more attention should be paid to the past history of agricultural equipment and the present situation with respect to maintenance. For example, in Spain there was a programme aimed at organising a free inspection service for tractor engines using test benches, but only two Spanish regions still apply this programme (Andalucia and Castilla la Mancha). The marketing of BED tests in these regions would be realistic only if the service with free inspection was reduced. 25 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report 2. Evolution of the product during the project 2.1. MAKING BED MORE USER FRIENDLY, RESPONSE TO USER DEMANDS Action was taken during the project to respond to user demands and remarks: Noise: a noise reducing kit was developed by MAHA. This enables the noise level to be reduced to 15 dB; the BED gear drive was modified to reduce the whistling noise it produced. The engine fault diagnosis help system is Windows compatible off line (when not connected to the test bench). The software program for communications with the electronic card has not yet been rendered compatible but should be so very shortly. Translations: the software program for running the test and for the printer runs in German, English, Spanish and French; the rules for examination and the expert system environment run in German and French; the tractor reference files are in German, English, Spanish and French. Increase in test bench power: In France sales for the BED have been lost because of insufficient power and not because of the performance as an engine tuning assistance system. The upper power limit is crucial on the French market compared with the two competitors, who distribute test benches which can test even the most powerful engines. Maha will modify its test bench accordingly during the first half of the year 2000. Development of a user-friendly test management program for test bench users. Generally speaking, Maha and Perfagri are in a better position at the end of the project to work together and in agreement on the BED product to make it evolve so that it corresponds better to market requirements. In addition AILE has described the changes which could be made, and which it feels are particularly important: The BED needs to measure and calculate other parameters such as turbo power and advance speed (of the injection pump). It is also necessary to improve soundproofing of the BED or to reduce the noise made by the bench, because the analysis phase (when the bench is braking) produces a lot of noise. The BED controls need to be more adaptable: it would be better and more suitable to have a knob or button (with a potentiometer) than a digital keyboard. The SCORPIO software needs to work under Windows to allow importation of databases (in order to be able to produce invoices using the same customer files). 2.2. IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF ENGINE FAULT DIAGNOSIS AND ITS INTERPRETATION Rendering the engine fault diagnosis reliable It now appears that a good way of using the data available and confirmed by the expert is to make the results more reliable by exploiting the error rate. The use of systems constructed on a learning process can be useful, if there is sufficient data. We note below the main results concerning qualification by the error rate (see the detailed study in the appendix on «evolution»): The recommendations to tune the injection pump are very close to those of the expert, and are very precise thanks to the use of official settings. It is easy to confirm using the test curves and the reference. The recommendations to check the injectors should be followed in full confidence. The potential saving for the repairer is extremely important here. There are few errors with the BED (false alarms) although this is a very frequent problem and the repairer can learn to confirm the analysis using the test curves. 26 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report The recommendations to check the pump timing have potential advantages. Examination of the curves, which is easier than when balancing the injectors, should make it relatively easy to discard incorrect recommendations. The recommendations concerning the automatic advance system should be examined carefully. In case of any doubt, the repairer can repeat the test, adjusting the procedure to this specific situation and examining the changes in the curves. The recommendations to check the compression values should only be followed once the relative values of the specific fuel consumption and the flowrate of the injection pump have been compared to the reference. Examination of the test curves enables inappropriate recommendations to be discarded The recommendations concerning valves control should be examined extremely carefully. The curves must be scrutinised closely to eliminate any risk of error (in most cases analysis of the curves concerns more specifically analysis of the situation in the region of the cut-out point). Note that making the analysis more reliable depends on special attention being paid to interpretation of the performance curves and comparing them to the reference, in order to check the analysis proposed by the BED. This point is stressed more particularly below, in the section on assessment of quality of the analysis for a repairer, in a repair workshop: in other words, analysis under normal working conditions. Assessment of the quality of analysis provided by the BED (data from Moulin S.A.) The repairer was satisfied with the BED, and he was able to use the curves displayed during the tests to refine the engine fault diagnosis proposed by the BED. It must be remembered that the engine fault diagnosis proposed by the BED is based mainly on automatic comparison of the performance curves for the tractor with those of the OCDE reference. Some analyses can be confirmed easily by rapid examination of these curves. Other analyses need more detailed examination and greater familiarity with the tests. Training in use of the BED engine fault diagnosis system is essential, therefore, in order to get maximum benefit from it. In every case the repairer can draw tremendous profit from the combination of performance curves / proposals for engine tuning by the BED. The BED engine fault diagnosis draws the attention in any case to problems which can sometimes be very difficult to diagnose without dismantling the engine. Examination of the curves (and the reference) will enable the analysis to be confirmed or not, and to act on it or not as the case may be. For example: The recommendation concerning the injection pump setting is very reliable and easy to confirm for the repairer using the performance curves. Examination of these curves will enable him to decide on a sure and certain basis not to adjust an engine which has an excessively high flowrate but which is properly transformed. Conversely, engine fault diagnosis supplies the official settings, and display of the reference values enables a check to be made as to whether the pump settings are correct. The repairer was able to identify certain diagnoses that concluded inappropriately, such as for the compressions. The fact is in this case that the threshold in the analysis rules is set too low. Examination of the tractor performance curves and the reference makes it possible to confirm or reject the analysis proposed, by disregarding the diagnosis for tractors with a specific fuel consumption which is not "bad" enough relative to the reference. The repairer noted that certain diagnoses (injectors) are sensitive to deviation of the curves relative to the reference. For considerable deviations, it is true that the flowrate problem masks any other engine problems. Observation of the curves relative to the reference should enable the repairer to understand the way the engine fault diagnosis functions. So the BED can be considered to be reliable in terms of the results it gives the repairer, that is, the engine fault diagnosis and the measured and reference curves. The repairer's skill is still primordial and indeed, he needs to have received training in how to interpret the curves provided by the system. This training is included with that for 27 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report use of the BED, and is indispensable for the tool to be used to the full and enable optimum advantage to be taken of it (see the detailed study in the appendix on «evolution»). Rendering measurement more reliable The error rate connected with transmission of the data between the MAHA test bench and the SCORPIO system will drop; the studies, prototypes and steps taken to eliminate the converter between the two cards to make them compatible are due to reach their conclusion during the first quarter of the year 2000. 2.3. OTHER POSSIBLE USES FOR THE BED Using the BED test bench for tractor pollution checks Standard 77.537 does not apply in the case of a repair workshop because it is too strict. It is difficult to apply, but the reduced procedure seems to correspond to what the repairers need and gives significant results. AILE states that this procedure is well understood and considers that integrating the opacimeter in the BED is well accepted by the farmers, in anticipation of mandatory checks. It also notes that the simplified procedure allows pollution problems to be revealed together with the correlation between excessive fuel consumption and pollution. The technician in charge of the tests thinks that the pollution level can be deduced directly from analysis of the curves supplied by the BED; he thinks they give information which confirms that provided by the opacimeter. The "pollution" database constructed during the project is available in a form which does not permit identification of the model of tractor tested. Points worth noting arising from analysis of the data collected (see detailed study in the appendix on «evolution»): The "polluting" tractors (for which the exhaust fume opacity measurement is above a certain threshold) all have specific consumption above the reference value. The thresholds of standard 77.537 are not suitable for recent tractors. Using the BED test bench to test forage blowers Other tests could be envisaged with the BED such as engines on their own, forage blowers or combine harvesters, but not with the present configuration. The reasons: In its present form the BED is limited in power 1 - (220kW at 1,000rpm power take off 263kW at 2,200rpm) 2 - (220kW at 1,000rpm power take off and 263kW at 2200rpm) . Forage blower engines reach 440kW at 2,200rpm or 360kW at 1,000rpm, with non standardised connections, and power take-offs at varying levels. The engine power problem is a restriction, but it would be possible to produce a BED capable of these performances, but the cost would be very high in view of the number of potential customers. Technical obstacles: The safety limit for the transmissions: the supplier, Walterscheid, refuses to manufacture transmissions capable of the limits requested for safety reasons, given the context of these tests using the BED. How to bring the BED up to a suitable height for connection to the machine (the transmission must be perfectly horizontal). 28 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report Specific equipment is needed for connection the machine to the BED transmission, according to the brands and sometimes the models too. The lack of official or standard tests for some of the machines limits use of any fault diagnosis system. It is however possible to create a reference base using new equipment in order to monitor the evolution of a given machine in time. It must be underlined that the manufacturers do not recommend any particular test method, so a procedure and connection between test bench and machine needs to improvised each time. Users of test benches claim that these tests are always very dangerous to carry out with standard test benches, but they do use them under the pressure of their customers. Installation of a fixed post unit would be the best technical answer to the safety and environmental requirements, but would limit the number of tests considerably given the scattered geographical location of the machines, and that they are not often easy to move from one place to another. The power of forage blower engines is constantly increasing, today reaching 450kW (600ch), and will certainly reach 700ch eventually. A mobile test bench could not cater for this in total safety. PERFAGRI are not planning at the present time to continue with studies into adapting the BED for testing forage blowers, given that its partner Maha does not manufacture any test benches capable of reaching the desired power at the present. This type of test will still be dangerous, even if the customers want it to be done. Having received many requests from farmers on this subject, AILE would like to continue with the study and within the next two years intends to acquire a more powerful bench capable of testing forage blowers. 2.4. PERPETUATION OF THE SERVICE Greater involvement by MAHA Germany in the promotion and the distribution of the BED product means that it can be continued, which provides a greater guarantee that the product will be developed further. As far as the maintenance aspect is concerned, those BEDs distributed by Perfagri S.A. and which are test benches with no expert system, were purchased from Maha France. Maha France and Perfagri S.A. have made a mutual exchange of shares in order to become minority shareholders in each other. This mutual shareholding provides a kind of guarantee for co-ordination of the maintenance and after sales service for the BED, carried out by Maha France and Perfagri S.A.. In addition, a special agreement has been made with Maha Spain for the latter to distribute the BED by purchasing the basic test bench from Maha Germany and the engine fault diagnosis system from Perfagri S.A. 3. Distribution of the product and publicity One of the most important elements for this was Maha's involvement in the distribution and the international promotion of the whole BED product and not just the test bench without the engine fault diagnosis system. This also contributed to the perpetuation of the BED and quality of maintenance. The initial results of the European distribution project, the fruitful nature of the exchanges between Maha and Perfagri (exchange of shares with the French subsidiary of Maha) and the positive response to the demonstration by German manufacturers convinced Maha International to take part in distribution of the engine fault diagnosis assistance system coupled with its test bench. To this end it will distribute a limited version of the software to its dealers and possibly to its test bench customers. It will then be up to Perfagri S.A. to contact dealers and customers for promotion and sales of its product. Perfagri S.A. is quite free, as it was with Maha Spain, to come to particular agreements with the dealers in order to bear the cost of demonstration and distribution of the product. Note too the exchange of shares between Perfagri S.A. and Maha France which perpetuates the distribution and after sales service for the BED in France. The interest shown by German tractor manufacturers John Deere and ACGO will perhaps "snowball" and manufacturers such as the French, who were reticent about the BED despite the many, fruitful distribution efforts carried out in France, could perhaps become interested. 29 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report As the demonstration in Germany only took place towards the end of the project, we are not in a position here to report on its actual impact, except for the involvement of Maha International in the distribution and adaptation of its test bench to the engine fault diagnosis system. To help with distribution of the product, the following have been produced: Presentation brochures (multilingual) (AILE, Perfagri); Presentations and demonstrations (all the partners except for Cemagref); Surveys (FNAR, AILE). Also of note are the reports from the FNAR and PERFAGRI, and also the efforts by MOULIN S.A. for promotion of the BED by means of demonstrations. All underline the importance of demonstrating the equipment, and in particular the SCORPIO software which is far more effective when demonstrated than any written word in showing just how innovating the test bench is and what a contribution it makes, at the same time explaining why it is more expensive than rival benches. It would be a good idea for the MAHA dealers concerned by sales of the test bench to be given a demonstration of this equipment, and also have it available to demonstrate it to any customers. Sales: 12 BED were sold over the period 1997/1999 at a rate of four each year. So no increase in sales can be reported at present, although three of the sales made in 1999 can be directly linked to the activities carried out under this project. 3.1. DEMONSTRATION AND PROMOTION IN BELGIUM Belgium, like Germany, is a country where tractor power test benches are already well accepted. However, the dealers and repairers are equipped with test benches with no engine fault diagnosis system and consider that the latter is reserved more for the repair workshops, where it is needed for their reputation rather than as a breakdown analysis assistance tool Promotion of the BED tool which is more expensive than a test bench on its own, was thus a challenge, and all the more so in that the Maha test bench on its own is already not the least expensive on the market. The BED demonstrations to farmers carried out by Moulin S.A. and the quality of its service whether for good tuning of new tractors delivered or the quality of maintenance and repairs carried out with tractors in service, made a strong contribution to make everyone aware of the advantages of BED engine fault diagnosis in an area where the BED was totally unknown. Note that two BEDs were sold in Belgium during the last quarter of 1999. Even this awareness is only really effective in a relatively small area around Moulin S.A., but it is reasonable to expect that the information should spread further by word of mouth and the international shows together with the Maha network. Indeed Perfagri have received two requests for information via the Belgian Maha dealers who, being in a distribution network above all involved with cars, experience real difficulty in supplying information on products destined for agricultural machinery (even though they distribute them). 3.2. DEMONSTRATION AND PROMOTION IN SPAIN Spain is another place where the BED was totally unknown at the beginning of the project. Perfagri S.A. were contacted by Maha Spain to respond to requests for information and quotations for several Universities, agricultural colleges and the Ministry of Agriculture for the Cadiz region, after a call for tender. No sales have yet been made. The Escola de Capacitacio Agrario reports on its action in Spain as follows: By the media. In general it was well covered throughout Spain by the two most important agricultural machinery magazines, Agricultura and Agrotécnia. In Catalonia there was more information thanks to articles in the regional press. It could be they did not fully recognise the advantages of the BED compared with the existing test benches. 30 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report By demonstration (for repair workshop professionals and farmer' organisations). This was not effective because too few people came to the demonstration. We must assume that these firms are not yet interested in promoting the BED in their workshops. By mailing to farmers, co-operatives and machinery repair workshops and distributors and by presentation of the project in training courses by the Mas Bové school. The information reached many people, but we have not received any reaction or requests. 3.3. DEMONSTRATIONS AND PROMOTION IN THE UNITED KINGDOM The demonstrations did not really make any impact. The information concerning the advantages of BED engine fault diagnosis has not yet been assimilated. However the English manufacturer Froment which has 70 to 80 % of the English market share for power test benches showed interest for the engine fault diagnosis system on the occasion of a demonstration of the BED at the SIMA in Paris. 3.4. DEMONSTRATIONS AND PROMOTION IN FRANCE The farmers, small repairers and dealer-repairers have become well aware and they all perceive the engine fault diagnosis provided by Scorpio as being more than just useful. However, purchase and maintenance of the BED remains too costly for small repair structures to undertake without financial help from elsewhere. The data supplied by Moulin S.A. show that the bench can be made profitable for a dealership. The profitability factors supplied by AILE and the FDCUMA Pyrénées-Orientales show that between 270 and 500 tests are necessary to render the bench profitable on the basis of the "test" activity alone, when the activity is subsidised by between 26 and 50%. The conditions for profitability with the BED for a structure of associated repairers has yet to be checked empirically, although the study carried out by Cemagref gives an idea of the factors involved. Concerning distribution of the engine fault diagnosis itself, seven test structures of the same type as AILE have been selected by ADEME and should obtain the support of the latter for setting them up. ADEME has presented the BED experience which won an award at the "Trophée des Technologies Economes et Propres" (Economic and Clean Technology Trophy) which took place on 21 st September 1999. Each year, AILE publishes a document summarising the results of its work with BED, and ADEME disseminates this to other regional agencies for their information. ADEME systematically introduces the BED experience and the BED data on the occasion of its various contacts and meetings with farming organisations,. 3.5. DEMONSTRATIONS AND PROMOTION IN OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES The other countries in Europe have not been involved in the distribution of information connected with the project apart from the questionnaire produced by AILE which met with a very low response rate. The difficulties encountered during this programme for the promotion and diffusion of the BED in countries which have not yet been made aware of it reveal just how important the investment is that is required to promote the product in countries in the European Union which were not involved in the project, and the need for in-depth knowledge of the market and existing culture. Portugal has the most tractors in Europe and will need a special programme for distribution of information. The groundwork carried out by Maha in its network, and the participation of Perfagri S.A. in a large number of international shows should however gradually enable the innovation to be spread more widely. Note also that the BED is on the internet on the following sites: 31 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report 3.6. SUPPORT FOR REPAIRERS IN FRANCE As the BED project draws to a close, we feel that it is possible to give 4 results concerning the distribution of the product to small traders-repairers: the BED project has enabled the existence and the potential of the BED to be drawn to the attention of nearly 40% of small French businesses working with agricultural machinery. the BED project has enabled the expectations and opinions of businesses concerned by the product to be surveyed. the BED project has resulted in the emergence of 7 local projects for joint purchase of a BED. the BED project has fostered contacts between the association AILE and the Regional Federation of Rural Tradesmen (F.R.A.R.) in the Brittany region, with a view to negotiating a partnership for shared use of a BED in order to increase engine fault diagnosis actions in the field. As results stand at present, only those concerning the demonstration and assessment surveys (points and above), as given in the report, are available and can be used as they are. For its part, the F.N.A.R. will use them in its communication supports and expects to add to them by means of future demonstration operations. Concerning the operations involving group and partnership projects (points and above), these can be announced as development opportunities arising from the project, but the details must remain confidential until they have been brought to fruition. 4. Further action subsequent to the project by each of the partners AILE is continuing its tractor performance analysis activity and in two years time plans to purchase a more powerful bench in order to carry out tests on forage blowers and to renew the present test bench. It feels it would be a particular advantage to produce brochures presenting the results of the tests carried out by the project pilot sites, complete with interviews with farmer's and technicians. This brochure could be distributed throughout Europe. ADEME is ready to support the establishment of an association similar to AILE in another region of France. It continues to follow the AILE association. F.N.A.R., in view of the interest shown by rural businesses in the BED, will continue its action in favour of making the equipment more well-known in the sector, using the 3 types of operation which follow: Conduct further demonstration operations in geographical areas which were not covered by the BED project; Support the work carried out between AILE-F.R.A.R. Britttany to establish and implement a partnership agreement. Complete organisation of a joint group for the purchase and use of the BED, by contributing regional funds as part of the support that the State intends to give to protection of the environment in agriculture under the Planning Contracts between State and Region (2000-2007), currently being negotiated. In order to help those people mounting a group project to find this kind of support, the F.N.A.R. will produce a standard framework for the procedure for them to use, which can be used from one region to another, and as far as possible will encourage the Chambers of Trades for operational and administrative support locally. The Escola de Capacitacio Agraria plans to publish the results of the project in Spanish technical magazines. It feels that the same results ought to be publicised throughout Europe through the European Commission. An important campaign to draw attention to control of pollution and reducing tractor maintenance costs, using the BED around the country (Spain) could be interesting. We can envisage the 32 12/02/16 Project PTT BED IN 10004I (1.01.98 au 30.09.99) Final report collaboration of the Agriculture Department of every Spanish region and the Environment Ministry. Of course, a stricter policy concerning pollution implemented by the Administration would oblige machinery repair workshops and machinery distributors to accept this check. Moulin S.A. is continuing to use and promote its test bench. Cemagref will publish the work carried out under this project in various scientific articles, or articles aimed at the general public, in particular the results concerning the improvements to engine fault diagnosis by the BED and the pollution checks. Perfagri - the main lines for investigation revealed and the problems which have not been solved at the end of the project are as follows: Production of a new measurement acquisition card (digital inputs) Production of a test bench over 600hp for the forage blowers with Scorpio for Windows. Finalise the changeover for Scorpio (Dos) in complete form under Windows. Look into protection for the name for the engine fault diagnosis system Monitor the evolution in standards for pollution controls and offer an integrated module (opacity and possibly measurement of all 4 gases ). Produce a demonstration version or a limited version of the engine fault diagnosis system so that Maha can distribute it to its dealers and customers. Maha France and Perfagri also have a project in common aimed at developing an engine fault diagnosis system similar to that of the BED but designed for lorries. This would be coupled to a Maha test bench. MAHA – Plans include: checking and validating the torque measurement chain and the engine speed for calculation of the power, by means of a test carried out in an official test centre; improving the accuracy of measurement transmission by modifying the measurement card and its software in order to transmit the torque and speed signals to a series port in digital and no longer in analog form to respond to a change in the power of the BED (1st quarter 2000). participating in the spread of the BED by distributing a limited version of the software program to Maha dealers and extending this free distribution possibly to customers of the LPS test bench. 5. Proposal to the authorities for further action to consider for the work linking tractor pollution levels to the use of BED "Polluting" tractors always have a bad specific fuel consumption compared to their reference. Since farmers are interested to have their tractor tested with the BED, this could be an indirect (but well perceived) way to decrease the number of polluting tractors. A tractor which has been tuned following a BED test and for which the settings have been checked by a further BED test, does not pollute. Unlike a pollution control as for cars, the farmer's benefit is direct, since its tractor is well tuned. 33 12/02/16