WORD - Anglican Diocese of Edmonton

January 1 to April 30, 2016
“I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of
my prayers…” Philippians 1.3
Fri 1 Naming of Jesus St. Faith,
Edmonton: Canon Travis Enright, Rector;
Adenike Yesufu, Deacon; Armand Mercier
(s. Carol Anne) and Linda Whittle (s. Jim),
Honorary Assistants; Arthur Dyck (s. Joy),
Community Liaison. Buyé Diocese,
Mwendo Parish: Archdeacon Frederic
Miburo, Rector. Paul First Nation .
Sat 2 St. George, Edmonton: Alex Meek (s.
Scott Sharman), Rector; Scott Sharman (s.
Alex Meek), Associate Priest; Matthew
Neugebauer, Theological Student. Buyé
Diocese, Kayanza (St. Martin) Parish: Amos
Mutezimana, Rector. Saddle Lake Cree
Sun 3 Epiphany Diocese of Moosonee;
the Most Rev. Colin Johnson, Bishop;
the Rt. Rev. Thomas Corston, Assisting
Bishop. Military chaplains: Maj. the
Rev. Hope Winfield; Maj. the Rev.
Marion Korzieniowski; Capt. the Rev.
Rebecca Bates; Capt. the Rev. William
Hubbard; Lt(N) Elisabeth Duggan; the
Rev. Ellis Jagoe. Buyé Diocese,
Kabanga Parish: Archdeacon Simeon
Ntirandekura, Rector. Kehewin Cree
Mon 4 St. John the Evangelist, Edmonton:
Don Aellen (s. Carolyn), Rector; Madeleine
Urion (s. Quinn Strikwerda), Assistant
Priest; Fred George (s. Annette), Matthew
Oliver (s. Bev), and Quinn Strikwerda (s.
Madeleine Urion), Honorary Assistants;
Sara Hendricks, Youth Pastor; Sandy Cels,
Parish Life Coordinator. Buyé Diocese,
Kabanga Parish: Archdeacon Simeon
Ntirandekura, Rector. Samson Cree Nation.
Tues 5 St. Luke, Edmonton: Richard King
(s. Shelly), Rector; Stuart Ravnsborg (s.
Sharleen), Honorary Assistant. Buyé
Diocese, Rusengo Parish: Sylvere
Ndururutse, Rector. Whitefish Lake First
Wed 6 Epiphany of the Lord St.
Margaret, Edmonton: Tim Chesterton (s.
Marci), Rector. Buyé Synod Office: Bishop
Sixbert Macumi, Bishop; Dominique Ciza,
Diocesan Secretary; Leonidas Nizigiyimana,
Treasurer, Archdeacon of Buyé; Jean
Berchmans Mweningoma, Development
Officer. All our First Nations people of
Treaty 6.
Thurs 7 St. Mark-Jieng, Dinka community:
Akon Lual Akon (s. Elizabeth) and John
Ayuen, Priests. Buyé Synod Office: Amos
Mutezimana, Evangelism, Peace and
Reconciliation Officer; Simion Kinono,
Health and Christian Education Coordinator.
Métis Nation of Alberta.
Fri 8 St. Mary, Edmonton: Interim
Ministry; John Gee, Vocational Deacon;
Eileen Conway, Honorary Assistant. Buyé
Diocese, Gakana Parish: Emmanuel
Habindemyi, Rector. Alexander First
Sat 9 St. Matthias, Edmonton: David
Tiessen (s. Leanne), Rector; Aaron ParsallMyler, Deacon; Paul Bachman (s. Anne
Marie), Honorary Assistant; Johnny Pooten,
Priest-in-Mission. Buyé Diocese,
Buringanire Parish: Oscar Murengerantwari,
Rector. Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation.
Fri 15 St. Stephen the Martyr, Edmonton:
Travis Enright, Priest-in-Charge; Armand
Mercier (s. Carol Anne), Honorary
Assistant; Arthur Dyck (s. Joy), Community
Liaison. Buyé Diocese, Giteranyi Parish:
Archdeacon Casmir Ndereyimana, Rector.
Kehewin Cree Nation.
Sun 10 Baptism of the Lord Diocese
of New Westminster; the Rt. Rev.
Melissa Skelton, Bishop.
Examining chaplains, theological
students, and postulants for ordination.
Buyé Diocese Bible School: Daniel
Bizimana, Director; Damascene
Bagirubwira, Professor. Alfred
Uwimanihaye, Theological Student.
Louis Bull Tribe.
Sat 16 St. Timothy, Edmonton: Maureen
Crerar, Interim Priest; Regula Brandle,
Associate Priest; Sally Harrison, Deacon;
Penny Bruce and Martin Hattersley (s.
Florence), Honorary Assistants; Sydney
Caron, Youth Leader. Buyé Diocese, Kigina
Parish: Emmanuel Ntakarutimana, Rector.
Louis Bull Tribe.
Mon 11 The Holy Innocents St. Michael
and All Angels, Edmonton: Colleen
Sanderson, Rector. Buyé Diocese, Kigufi
Parish: Archdeacon Frederic Miburo,
Rector. Cold Lake First Nations.
Sun 17 Epiphany 2 Diocese of Niagara;
the Rt. Rev. Michael Bird, Bishop. Youth
pastors, Alpha Ministry, Diocesan Summer
Camps, and the children’s and young
peoples’ ministries throughout the diocese.
Buyé Diocese Rev. Audace Kwizera, Youth
Coordinator. Montana First Nation.
Tues 12 St. Patrick, Edmonton: Kevin
Kraglund (s. Brenda), Rector; Mark Vigrass
(s. Manny Penera), Vocational Deacon;
Joanne Chambers (s. Don), Carl Bergstrom
(s. Pat), and Canon Susan Storey, Honorary
Assistants. Buyé Diocese, Kobero (St.
Steven): Archdeacon Casmir Ndereyimana,
Rector. Enoch Cree Nation.
Mon 18 Confession of St. Peter the
Apostle Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Trinity Mar Thoma Church, Edmonton: Anil
Abraham Annamma, Rector. Buyé Diocese,
Canika Parish: Archdeacon Evariste
Nsabimana, Rector. Montana First Nation.
Wed 13 St. Paul, Edmonton: Michael
Williamson (s. Janet), Rector; Lori Calkins,
Associate Priest; Sydney Caron, Youth
Leader. Buyé Diocese, Nyamabuye Parish:
Gregoire Ntirenganya, Rector. Ermineskin
Cree Nation.
Tues 19 St. Catherine, Edson and St.
Columba, McLeod Valley: Ann Salmon (s.
Carl Rausch), Rector. Buyé Diocese,
Murehe Parish: Alexis Nzoyisaba, Rector.
Paul First Nation .
Thurs 14 St. Peter, Edmonton: Robyn
King, Rector; Alison Ward-Westervelt,
Vocational Deacon; Joyce Mellor, Honorary
Assistant; Kathy Hutchinson, Parish
Evangelist. Buyé Diocese, Vumbi Parish:
Innocent Ntiyankundiye, Rector. Frog Lake
First Nation.
Wed 20 St. George, Fort Saskatchewan:
Joyce Mellor, Interim Priest-in-Charge.
Buyé Diocese, Giheta Parish: Audace
Gahungu, Rector. Saddle Lake Cree Nation.
Thurs 21 St. Mary and St. George, Jasper:
Keith Marsh, Rector; David Prowse,
Honorary Assistant. Buyé Diocese, Kirima
Parish: Etienne Kajekaremerwa, Rector.
Samson Cree Nation.
Wed 27 St. Matthew, St. Albert:
Archdeacon Lee Bezanson (s. Bernadine),
Rector. Buyé Diocese, Kibonde Parish: Jean
de Dieu Nzobarinda, Rector. Alexis Nakota
Sioux Nation.
Fri 22 St. Paul, Leduc: Susan Ormsbee (s.
Charles), Rector. Maralyn Benay (s. Bryan),
Vocational Deacon. Buyé Diocese, Bigombo
Parish: Archdeacon Simeon Ntirandekura,
Rector. Whitefish Lake First Nation.
Thurs 28 St. Mary the Virgin, Sangudo;
Charles Mortimer (s. Lois), Rector. Buyé
Diocese, Ngozi (St. John) Parish: Noel
Ntamavukiro, Rector. Cold Lake First
Sat 23 St. John the Divine, Onoway: Barry
Rose (s. Sharon Foster), Interim Deacon-inCharge. Buyé Diocese, All Saints’
Cathedral: Audace Kwizera, Rector. All our
First Nations people of Treaty 6.
Fri 29 St. John, Sedgewick: Rick
Laurendeau (s. Susan), Priest-in-Charge;
Richard Conrad, Honorary Assistant. Buyé
Diocese, Murama Parish: Archdeacon
Evariste Nsabimana, Rector. Enoch Cree
Sun 24 Epiphany 3 Diocese of Nova
Scotia & Prince Edward Island; the Rt. Rev.
Ronald Cutler, Bishop. Indigenous Ministry:
Canon Travis Enright, Canon Missioner for
Indigenous Minsitry; Sharon Pasula,
Oskâpêwis/Aboriginal Cultural and
Educational Helper; Fiona Brownlee (s.
Hugh), Aboriginal and Rural Communities
Liaison. Buyé Diocese, Rusengo Parish:
Sylvere Ndururutse, Rector. Paul First
Sat 30 St. Thomas, Sherwood Park:
Stephen London (s. Stephanie), Rector;
Stephanie London (s. Stephen), Priest of
Family Ministries; Bruce Aylard (s. Audrey)
and Canon Anne Wightman (s. Peter),
Honorary Assistant. Buyé Diocese, Gisitwe
Parish: Isaie Pascal Sindayigaya, Rector.
Ermineskin Cree Nation.
Sun 31 Epiphany 4 Diocese of Ontario;
the Rt. Rev. Michael Oulton, Bishop.
Social Support Ministries: Rick
Chapman (s. Bernedene), Chaplain for
Inner City Pastoral Ministry; Quinn
Strikwerda (s. Madeleine Urion),
Chaplain for the Edmonton Remand
Centre; Michael VanBoom, Housing
Ambassador; Our House Addiction
Recovery Centre and all outreach
ministries. Buyé Diocese, Gakana
Mon 25 Conversion of St. Paul the
Apostle St. Mary, Ponoka: Donna Willer,
Rector; Marty Tuer, Honorary Assistant.
Buyé Diocese, Mwumba Parish: Kinono
Simion, Rector. Métis Nation of Alberta.
Tues 26 St. Aidan and St. Hilda, Rexboro
and St. Matthew, Viking: Interim Ministry.
Buyé Diocese, Gashikanwa (St. Paul)
Parish: Archdeacon Deo Nkunzimana,
Rector. Alexander First Nation.
Sun 7 Epiphany 5 Diocese of Ottawa; the
Rt. Rev. John Chapman, Bishop. Our
Archdeacons: Lee Bezanson, Chris Pappas,
Alan Perry and Joanne Webster. The
Archdeacons of the Diocese of Buyé: Jean
Berchmans Mweningoma, Evariste
Nsabimana, Casmir Ndereyimana, Frederic
Miburo, Simeon Ntirandekura, and Leonidas
Nizigiyimana. Samson Cree Nation.
Parish: Emmanuel Habindemyi, Rector.
Saddle Lake Cree Nation.
Mon 1 St. Augustine Parkland, Spruce
Grove: Archdeacon Joanne Webster (s.
Jeremy), Rector; Mike Lynch (s. Coleen),
Assistant Curate; Lesley Hand (s. Charles)
and John Rushton (s. Elizabeth), Honorary
Assistants. Buyé Diocese, Kabataha Parish:
Miburo Fabien, Rector. Frog Lake First
Mon 8 Immanuel, Wetaskiwin: Hugh
Matheson (s. Fiona Brownlee), Rector. Buyé
Diocese, Ruyenzi (St. Emmanuel) Parish:
Papias Masengesho Samson Cree Nation.
Tues 2 Presentation of the Lord Holy
Trinity, Tofield: Laureta Blondin (s.
Clarence), Priest-in-Charge. Buyé Diocese,
Gitobe Parish: Joseph Hakizimana, Rector.
Kehewin Cree Nation.
Tues 9 St. Patrick, Whitecourt: Rita Milne,
Deacon-in-Charge. Buyé Diocese, Kigina
Parish: the Rev. Emmanuel Ntakirutimana.
Whitefish Lake First Nation.
Wed 10 The Diocesan Cursillo Secretariat.
Buyé Diocese, Kabanga Parish: Archdeacon
Simeon Ntirandekura, Rector. All our First
Nations people of Treaty 6.
Wed 3 St. Mary, Vegreville: Eileen
Conway, Interim Priest-in-Charge. Buyé
Diocese, Mubanga Parish: Jean Bosco
Nyankimbona, Rector. Louis Bull Tribe.
Thurs 11 Hospital Chaplaincy: Lee
Bezanson, Jonathan Connell, Travis Enright,
Kevin Kraglund and Michael Rolph,
Chaplains; and Alex Meek, Chaplain and the
Coordinator of Hospital Visitors. Buyé
Hospital Chaplaincy: Dominique Ciza,
Chaplain. Métis Nation of Alberta.
Thurs 4 St. Saviour, Vermilion: Mark
Murray, Rector. Buyé Diocese, Mwendo
Parish: Archdeacon Frederic Miburo,
Rector. Montana First Nation.
Fri 5 St. Saviour, Wabamun: Coleen Lynch
(s. Mike), Priest-in-Charge. Buyé Diocese,
Gatukuza Parish: Jean Berchmans
Mweningoma, Rector; Manasse
Ntirandekura, Assistant Pastor. Paul First
Nation .
Fri 12 Educational Chaplains: Scott
Sharman (s. Alex Meek), Ruth Bott, and
Nick (s. Stephanie) Trussell. Chaplain at
Buyé High School: Archdeacon Jean
Berchmans Mweningoma. Alexander First
Sat 6 St. Philip, Westlock: Peter Yeung (s.
Helena), Rector. Buyé Diocese, Kayanza
(St. Martin) Parish: Amos Mutezimana,
Rector. Saddle Lake Cree Nation.
Sat 13 Military chaplains: Maj. the Rev.
Hope Winfield; Maj. the Rev. Marion
Korzieniowski; Capt. the Rev. Rebecca
Bates; Capt. the Rev. William Hubbard;
Lt(N) Elisabeth Duggan; the Rev. Ellis
Jagoe. Buyé Diocese, Kabanga Parish:
Archdeacon Simeon Ntirandekura, Rector.
Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation.
Sylvere Ndururutse, Rector. Ermineskin
Cree Nation.
Thurs 18 Social Support Ministries: Rick
Chapman (s. Bernedene), Chaplain for Inner
City Pastoral Ministry; Quinn Strikwerda (s.
Madeleine Urion), Chaplain for the
Edmonton Remand Centre; Michael Van
Boom, Housing Ambassador; Our House
Addiction Recovery Centre and all outreach
ministries. Buyé Diocese, Gakana Parish:
Emmanuel Habindemyi, Rector. Frog Lake
First Nation.
Sun 14 Lent Diocese of Qu’Appelle; the
Rt. Rev. Rob Hardwick, Bishop. Our
Regional Deans: Cameron Burns (Battle
River); Michael Williamson (Edmonton
West); and David Tiessen (Whitemud).
Buyé Diocese, Buringanire Parish: Oscar
Murengerantwari, Rector Whitefish Lake
First Nation.
Fri 19 Our Archdeacons: Lee Bezanson,
Chris Pappas, Alan Perry and Joanne
Webster. The Archdeacons of the Diocese of
Buyé: Jean Berchmans Mweningoma,
Evariste Nsabimana, Casmir Ndereyimana,
Frederic Miburo, Simeon Ntirandekura, and
Leonidas Nizigiyimana. Kehewin Cree
Mon 15 Examining chaplains, theological
students, and postulants for ordination. Buyé
Diocese Bible School: Daniel Bizimana,
Director; Damascene Bagirubwira,
Professor. Alfred Uwimanihaye,
Theological Student. Cold Lake First
Sat 20 Our Regional Deans: Cameron
Burns (Battle River); Michael Williamson
(Edmonton West); and David Tiessen
(Whitemud). Buyé Diocese, Buringanire
Parish: Oscar Murengerantwari, Rector
Louis Bull Tribe.
Tues 16 Youth pastors, Alpha Ministry,
Diocesan Summer Camps, and the
children’s and young peoples’ ministries
throughout the diocese. Rev. Audace
Kwizera, Youth Coordinator. Enoch Cree
Sun 21 Lent 2 Diocese of Quebec; the
Rt. Rev. Dennis Drainwille, Bishop; the
Ven. Bruce Myers, Co-adjutor Bishopelect. All ministries, initiatives and
committees in the diocese, and all their
coordinators, directors, committee chairs
and officers. Buyé Diocese: the Rev.
Nehemie Mbonyimpano, Diocesan
Typist. All our First Nations people of
Treaty 6.
Wed 17 Indigenous Ministry: Canon Travis
Enright, Canon Missioner for Indigenous
Minsitry; Sharon Pasula,
Oskâpêwis/Aboriginal Cultural and
Educational Helper; Fiona Brownlee (s.
Hugh), Aboriginal and Rural Communities
Liaison. Buyé Diocese, Rusengo Parish:
Mon 22 All ministries, initiatives and
committees in the diocese, and all their
coordinators, directors, committee chairs
and officers. Buyé Diocese: the Rev.
Nehemie Mbonyimpano, Diocesan Typist.
Montana First Nation.
McKnight (s. Ivy). Buyé Diocese, Kobero
(St. Steven): Archdeacon Casmir
Ndereyimana, Rector. Whitefish Lake First
Sat 27 The retired clergy of the diocese:
Brian Melbourne (s. Gillian); Joyce Mellor;
Don Moore; Charles Mortimer (s. Lois);
William Patterson; Bob Peel (s. Patricia);
Fred Peirce; Jim Plambeck (s. Olga); David
Prowse; Stuart Ravnsborg (s. Sharleen);
Tom Rayment (s. Shirley); Paul Robinson
(s. Pat); Michael Rolph (s. Cora); John
Rushton (s. Elizabeth); Doreen Scott. Buyé
Diocese, Murehe Parish: Alexis Nzoyisaba,
Rector. All our First Nations people of
Treaty 6.
Tues 23 The Anglican Church Women:
Sandra Arbeau, Diocesan President. The
Diocese of Buyé Mothers’ Union: Canon
Bibiane Nsengiyuma, Secretary; Desiderata
Niyiragira, Josephine Kezakimana and
Clementine Ujeneza, Trainers. Paul First
Nation .
Weds 24 All lay people in parishes
throughout our diocese. All lay people in
parishes through the Diocese of Buyé.
Saddle Lake Cree Nation.
Sun 28 Lent 3 Diocese of Rupert’s Land;
the Rt. Rev. Don Phillips, Bishop. The
Anglican Church Women: Sandra Arbeau,
Diocesan President. The Diocese of Buyé
Mothers’ Union: Canon Bibiane
Nsengiyuma, Secretary; Desiderata
Niyiragira, Josephine Kezakimana and
Clementine Ujeneza, Trainers. Métis Nation
of Alberta.
Thurs 25 Our Canon Pastor for the retired
clergy and clergy widows/widowers: Gwen
Bright; the retired clergy of the diocese: Dan
Ash (s. Barbara); Carl Bergstrom (s. Pat);
Allan Bonertz (s. Marg); Kathy Bowman (s.
David Kinloch); Gwen Bright; Carol and
Ray Canton; Joanne Chambers (s. Don);
Richard Conrad; Eileen Conway; Canon
Bruce Cowley; Canon Maureen Crerar; Will
Drake; Terry Dunn (s. Joanne). The retired
pastors of Buyé: Joel Minani, Joseph
Ahishakiye, Osee Niyibizi. Samson Cree
Mon 29 The retired clergy of the diocese:
Nancy Selwood; Canon Susan Storey;
Michael Sung (s. Agnes); Pauline Tiffen;
Canon Dan Van Alstine (s. Carolyn
Skinner); Robin Walker (s. Joanne); Ralph
Warnock (s. Shelley); Linda Whittle (s.
Jim); Canon Anne Wightman (s. Peter);
Mary Charlotte Wilcox; Robert Wild; Frank
Wilson (s. Dorothy). Buyé Diocese, Giheta
Parish: Audace Gahungu, Rector. Métis
Nation of Alberta.
Fri 26 The retired clergy of the diocese:
Peter Dyck (s. Mary); Ted Eden (s. Pamela);
René Faille (s. Ruby); Bishop Ken Genge (s.
Ruth); Donald Gray; Sheila Hagan-Bloxham
(s. John Bloxham); Martin Hattersley (s.
Florence); Peter Heritage (s. Lois); Patricia
Hill; Canon Andrew Irving (s. Audrey);
Victor Kerr; Ed Kostyk (s. Gloria); Tom
Development Facilitator; Paul Nahirney,
Canon for Missional Development; Michael
Van Boom, Housing Ambassador; Sharon
Pasula, Oskâpêwis/Aboriginal Cultural and
Educational Helper; Nick Trussell (s.
Stephanie), and Lori Calkins, Priests-inMission. Buyé Synod Office: Amos
Mutezimana, Evangelism, Peace and
Reconciliation Officer; Simion Kinono,
Health and Christian Education Coordinator.
Ermineskin Cree Nation.
Tues 1 Clergy widows and widowers: Dona
Armstrong; Audrey Aylard; Norma Beaver;
Beth-Anne Exham; Kathleen Gale; Peggy
Gibbons; Shirley Hanes; Diane Howes; Joan
Ivany; Alisa Ketchum-Walker; Ted
McClung; Cynthia Morris; Betty Myles;
Janice Roderick; Lois Rumsey; Roberta
Shell; Ruth Starr; Pauline Tiffen. Buyé
Diocese, Mwumba Parish: Kinono Simion,
Rector. Alexander First Nation.
Sun 6 Lent 4 Diocese of Saskatchewan; the
Rt. Rev. Michael Hawkins, Bishop; the Rt.
Rev. Adam Halkett, Bishop of Missinipi. All
lay people in parishes throughout our
diocese. All lay people in parishes through
the Diocese of Buyé. Alexander First
Wed 2 The clergy on a leave of absence
and the Interim Ministry Team. Clergy on
leave in the Diocese of Buyé: Deo
Nkunzimana. Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation.
Thurs 3 The Most Rev. Greg Kerr-Wilson,
our Metropolitan. Buyé Diocese, Gisitwe
Parish: Isaie Pascal Sindayigaya, Rector.
Cold Lake First Nations.
Mon 7 St. Mary Abbots, Barrhead and St.
Peter, Lac La Nonne: John Tyrrell, Priest-inCharge; Charles Mortimer (s. Lois),
Honorary Assistant. Buyé Diocese, Kigufi
Parish: Archdeacon Frederic Miburo,
Rector. Frog Lake First Nation.
Fri 4 World Day of Prayer The staff of the
Diocesan Synod Office: the Rt. Rev. Jane
Alexander, Bishop; Alan Perry, Executive
Archdeacon; Jeannette Madill, Treasurer;
Charis St. Pierre, Bishop’s Assistant;
Margaret Marschall, Director of
Communications; Rochelle Nieuwenhuis,
Administrative Assistant; Karen Simons,
Centennial Writer-in-Residence. Buyé
Synod Office: Bishop Sixbert Macumi,
Bishop; Dominique Ciza, Diocesan
Secretary; Leonidas Nizigiyimana,
Treasurer, Archdeacon of Buyé; Jean
Berchmans Mweningoma, Development
Officer. Enoch Cree Nation.
Tues 8 St. Columba, Beaumont: Interim
Ministry. Buyé Diocese, Nyamabuye Parish:
Gregoire Ntirenganya, Rector. Kehewin
Cree Nation.
Wed 9 Holy Trinity, Bon Accord;
Emmanuel, Gibbons and St. Mary,
Redwater: Ronald Hörst (s. Maude ParsonsHörst), Rector. Buyé Diocese, Vumbi
Parish: Innocent Ntiyankundiye, Rector.
Louis Bull Tribe.
Sat 5 The outreach staff of the Diocesan
Synod Office: Amy Croy, Alpha
Coordinator; John Gee, Community
Thurs 10 St. Andrew, Camrose: Jacques
Vaillancourt (s. Bobbi), Rector; Daryle Kerr
(s. Kathy), Honorary Assistant. Buyé
Diocese, Giteranyi Parish: Archdeacon
Casmir Ndereyimana, Rector. Montana First
Tues 15 St. Mary, Edgerton and St.
Thomas, Wainwright: Ann Marie Nicklin (s.
Owen), Rector; Ellis Jagoe, Honorary
Assistant. Buyé Diocese, Bigombo Parish:
Archdeacon Simeon Ntirandekura, Rector.
Whitefish Lake First Nation.
Fri 11 St. John the Evangelist, Cold Lake
and St. John the Baptist, St. Paul: Donna
Gauthier (s. Ken), Theological Student-inCharge; William Patterson and Doug Giles,
Honorary Assistants. Buyé Diocese, Kigina
Parish: Emmanuel Ntakarutimana, Rector.
Paul First Nation .
Wed 16 All Saints’ Cathedral, Edmonton;
Neil Gordon (s. Susan Bercov), Dean and
Rector; Sarah Holmström, Interim Assistant
Priest; Canon Travis Enright, Indigenous
Ministry; Cheryl Boulet (s. Robert), Deacon;
Chris Pilon, Community Engagement
Worker; Canon Robin Gibbons,
International Ecumenical Canon; Canon
Gwen Bright, Terry Dunn (s. Joanne),
Donald Gray, Alan Perry (s. Noel Yuen);
Honorary Assistants. Buyé Diocese, All
Saints’ Cathedral: Audace Kwizera, Rector.
All our First Nations people of Treaty 6.
Sat 12 St. George, Devon: Christian
Gordon (s. Lisa), Rector. Buyé Diocese,
Canika Parish: Archdeacon Evariste
Nsabimana, Rector. Saddle Lake Cree
Sun 13 Lent 5 Diocese of Saskatoon; the
Rt. Rev. David Irving, Bishop. Our Canon
Pastor for the retired clergy and clergy
widows/widowers: Gwen Bright; the retired
clergy of the diocese: Dan Ash (s. Barbara);
Carl Bergstrom (s. Pat); Allan Bonertz (s.
Marg); Kathy Bowman (s. David Kinloch);
Gwen Bright; Carol and Ray Canton; Joanne
Chambers (s. Don); Richard Conrad; Eileen
Conway; Canon Bruce Cowley; Canon
Maureen Crerar; Will Drake; Terry Dunn (s.
Joanne). The retired pastors of Buyé: Joel
Minani, Joseph Ahishakiye, Osee Niyibizi.
Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation.
Thurs 17 Christ Church, Edmonton: Susan
Oliver (s. Stephen Martin), Rector; Nick
Trussell (s. Stephanie), Associate Priest;
Scott Sharman (s. Alex Meek), Ascension
House Spiritual Director; Martin GarberConrad and Keith Denman (s. Bev
Middleton), Honorary Assistants; Arlene
Young, Vocational Deacon; Pat Hill,
Honorary Deacon Assistant; Graham Ward,
Youth Leader. Buyé Diocese, Gashikanwa
(St. Paul) Parish: Archdeacon Deo
Nkunzimana, Rector. Métis Nation of
Fri 18 Good Shepherd, Edmonton:
Jonathan Connell (s. Fiona), Rector; Lauren
VanderHout (s. Adrian), Youth Worker.
Buyé Diocese, Kibonde Parish: Jean de Dieu
Nzobarinda, Rector. Alexander First Nation.
Mon 14 All Saints’, Drayton Valley:
Miranda Sutherland, Interim Priest-inCharge. Buyé Diocese, Kirima Parish:
Etienne Kajekaremerwa, Rector. Samson
Cree Nation.
Sat 19 St. Joseph of Nazareth Holy
Trinity, Edmonton: Archdeacon Chris
Pappas (s. Elisabeth Thompson), Rector;
Heather Liddell, Assistant Curate; Wayne
Masliuk (s. Diane), Vocational Deacon;
Allan Bonertz (s. Marg) and Robin Walker
(s. Joanne), Honorary Assistants; Stephen
Gallard, Youth Worker. Buyé Diocese,
Ngozi (St. John) Parish: Noel Ntamavukiro,
Rector. Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation.
Wed 23 St. David, Edmonton: Cameron
Burns (s. Andrea), Rector; Kathy Bowman
(s. David Kinloch) and Dan Van Alstine (s.
Carolyn Skinner), Honorary Assistants.
Buyé Diocese, Mubanga Parish: Jean Bosco
Nyankimbona, Rector. Ermineskin Cree
Thurs 24 Maundy Thursday St. Faith,
Edmonton: Canon Travis Enright, Rector;
Adenike Yesufu, Deacon; Armand Mercier
(s. Carol Anne) and Linda Whittle (s. Jim),
Honorary Assistants; Arthur Dyck (s. Joy),
Community Liaison. Buyé Diocese,
Mwendo Parish: Archdeacon Frederic
Miburo, Rector. Frog Lake First Nation.
Sun 20 Palm Sunday Diocese of Toronto;
the Most Rev. Colin Johnson, Archbishop;
the Rt. Rev. Linda Nicholls, the Rt. Rev.
Peter Fenty, the Rt. Rev. Philip Poole, and
the Rt. Rev. Patrick Yu, Suffragan Bishops.
The retired clergy of the diocese: Peter Dyck
(s. Mary); Ted Eden (s. Pamela); René Faille
(s. Ruby); Bishop Ken Genge (s. Ruth);
Donald Gray; Sheila Hagan-Bloxham (s.
John Bloxham); Martin Hattersley (s.
Florence); Peter Heritage (s. Lois); Patricia
Hill; Canon Andrew Irving (s. Audrey);
Victor Kerr; Ed Kostyk (s. Gloria); Tom
McKnight (s. Ivy). Buyé Diocese, Kobero
(St. Steven): Archdeacon Casmir
Ndereyimana, Rector. Cold Lake First
Fri 25 Good Friday St. George,
Edmonton: Alex Meek (s. Scott Sharman),
Rector; Scott Sharman (s. Alex Meek),
Associate Priest; Matthew Neugebauer,
Theological Student. Buyé Diocese,
Kayanza (St. Martin) Parish: Amos
Mutezimana, Rector. Kehewin Cree Nation.
Sat 26 Holy Saturday St. John the
Evangelist, Edmonton: Don Aellen (s.
Carolyn), Rector; Madeleine Urion (s.
Quinn Strikwerda), Assistant Priest; Fred
George (s. Annette), Matthew Oliver (s.
Bev), and Quinn Strikwerda (s. Madeleine
Urion), Honorary Assistants; Sara
Hendricks, Youth Pastor; Sandy Cels, Parish
Life Coordinator. Buyé Diocese, Kabanga
Parish: Archdeacon Simeon Ntirandekura,
Rector. Louis Bull Tribe.
Mon 21 Holy Week Holy Trinity,
Riverbend: Dan Wold (s. Daphne), Interim
Deacon-in-Charge; Elisabeth Thompson (s.
Chris Pappas), Honorary Assistant. Buyé
Diocese, Murama Parish: Archdeacon
Evariste Nsabimana, Rector. Cold Lake First
Tues 22 St. Augustine of Canterbury,
Edmonton: Jonathan Crane (s. Megan),
Rector. Buyé Diocese, Gitobe Parish: Joseph
Hakizimana, Rector. Enoch Cree Nation.
Sun 27 Easter Day Diocese of Western
Newfoundland; the Most Rev. Percy Coffin,
Archbishop. The retired clergy of the
diocese: Brian Melbourne (s. Gillian); Joyce
Mellor; Don Moore; Charles Mortimer (s.
Lois); William Patterson; Bob Peel (s.
Patricia); Fred Peirce; Jim Plambeck (s.
Olga); David Prowse; Stuart Ravnsborg (s.
Sharleen); Tom Rayment (s. Shirley); Paul
Robinson (s. Pat); Michael Rolph (s. Cora);
John Rushton (s. Elizabeth); Doreen Scott.
Buyé Diocese, Murehe Parish: Alexis
Nzoyisaba, Rector. Enoch Cree Nation.
Diocese, Gakana Parish: Emmanuel
Habindemyi, Rector. Samson Cree Nation.
Fri 1 St. Matthias, Edmonton: David
Tiessen (s. Leanne), Rector; Aaron ParsallMyler, Deacon; Paul Bachman (s. Anne
Marie), Honorary Assistant; Johnny Pooten,
Priest-in-Mission. Buyé Diocese,
Buringanire Parish: Oscar Murengerantwari,
Rector. Whitefish Lake First Nation.
Sat 2 St. Michael and All Angels,
Edmonton: Colleen Sanderson, Rector. Buyé
Diocese, Kigufi Parish: Archdeacon
Frederic Miburo, Rector. All our First
Nations people of Treaty 6.
Mon 28 Easter Week St. Luke, Edmonton:
Richard King (s. Shelly), Rector; Stuart
Ravnsborg (s. Sharleen), Honorary
Assistant. Buyé Diocese, Rusengo Parish:
Sylvere Ndururutse, Rector. Montana First
Sun 3 Easter 2 Diocese of Yukon; the Rt.
Rev. Larry Robertson, Bishop. The retired
clergy of the diocese: Nancy Selwood;
Canon Susan Storey; Michael Sung (s.
Agnes); Pauline Tiffen; Canon Dan Van
Alstine (s. Carolyn Skinner); Robin Walker
(s. Joanne); Ralph Warnock (s. Shelley);
Linda Whittle (s. Jim); Canon Anne
Wightman (s. Peter); Mary Charlotte
Wilcox; Robert Wild; Frank Wilson (s.
Dorothy). Buyé Diocese, Giheta Parish:
Audace Gahungu, Rector. Ermineskin Cree
Tues 29 St. Margaret, Edmonton: Tim
Chesterton (s. Marci), Rector. Buyé Synod
Office: Bishop Sixbert Macumi, Bishop;
Dominique Ciza, Diocesan Secretary;
Leonidas Nizigiyimana, Treasurer,
Archdeacon of Buyé; Jean Berchmans
Mweningoma, Development Officer. Paul
First Nation .
Wed 30 St. Mark-Jieng, Dinka community:
Akon Lual Akon (s. Elizabeth) and John
Ayuen, Priests. Buyé Synod Office: Amos
Mutezimana, Evangelism, Peace and
Reconciliation Officer; Simion Kinono,
Health and Christian Education Coordinator.
Saddle Lake Cree Nation.
Mon 4 Annunciation of the Lord to the
Blessed Virgin Mary St. Patrick,
Edmonton: Kevin Kraglund (s. Brenda),
Rector; Mark Vigrass (s. Manny Penera),
Vocational Deacon; Joanne Chambers (s.
Don), Carl Bergstrom (s. Pat), and Canon
Susan Storey, Honorary Assistants. Buyé
Diocese, Kobero (St. Steven): Archdeacon
Thurs 31 St. Mary, Edmonton: Interim
Ministry; John Gee, Vocational Deacon;
Eileen Conway, Honorary Assistant. Buyé
Casmir Ndereyimana, Rector. Métis Nation
of Alberta.
Sun 10 Easter 3 The National Indigenous
Anglican Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Mark
MacDonald. Clergy widows and widowers:
Dona Armstrong; Audrey Aylard; Norma
Beaver; Beth-Anne Exham; Kathleen Gale;
Peggy Gibbons; Shirley Hanes; Diane
Howes; Joan Ivany; Alisa Ketchum-Walker;
Ted McClung; Cynthia Morris; Betty Myles;
Janice Roderick; Lois Rumsey; Roberta
Shell; Ruth Starr; Pauline Tiffen. Buyé
Diocese, Mwumba Parish: Kinono Simion,
Rector. Frog Lake First Nation.
Tues 5 St. Paul, Edmonton: Michael
Williamson (s. Janet), Rector; Lori Calkins,
Associate Priest; Sydney Caron, Youth
Leader. Buyé Diocese, Nyamabuye Parish:
Gregoire Ntirenganya, Rector. Alexander
First Nation.
Wed 6 St. Peter, Edmonton: Robyn King,
Rector; Alison Ward-Westervelt, Vocational
Deacon; Joyce Mellor, Honorary Assistant;
Kathy Hutchinson, Parish Evangelist. Buyé
Diocese, Vumbi Parish: Innocent
Ntiyankundiye, Rector. Alexis Nakota Sioux
Mon 11 St. Catherine, Edson and St.
Columba, McLeod Valley: Ann Salmon (s.
Carl Rausch), Rector. Buyé Diocese,
Murehe Parish: Alexis Nzoyisaba, Rector.
Frog Lake First Nation.
Thurs 7 St. Stephen the Martyr, Edmonton:
Travis Enright, Priest-in-Charge; Armand
Mercier (s. Carol Anne), Honoary Assistant;
Arthur Dyck (s. Joy), Community Liaison.
Buyé Diocese, Giteranyi Parish: Archdeacon
Casmir Ndereyimana, Rector. Cold Lake
First Nations.
Tues 12 St. George, Fort Saskatchewan:
Joyce Mellor, Interim Priest-in-Charge.
Buyé Diocese, Giheta Parish: Audace
Gahungu, Rector. Kehewin Cree Nation.
Weds 13 St. Mary and St. George, Jasper:
Keith Marsh, Rector; David Prowse,
Honorary Assistant. Buyé Diocese, Kirima
Parish: Etienne Kajekaremerwa, Rector.
Louis Bull Tribe.
Fri 8 St. Timothy, Edmonton: Maureen
Crerar, Interim Priest; Regula Brandle,
Associate Priest; Sally Harrison, Deacon;
Penny Bruce and Martin Hattersley (s.
Florence), Honorary Assistants; Sydney
Caron, Youth Leader. Buyé Diocese, Kigina
Parish: Emmanuel Ntakarutimana, Rector.
Enoch Cree Nation.
Thurs 14 St. Paul, Leduc: Susan Ormsbee
(s. Charles), Rector. Maralyn Benay (s.
Bryan), Vocational Deacon. Buyé Diocese,
Bigombo Parish: Archdeacon Simeon
Ntirandekura, Rector. Montana First Nation.
Sat 9 Trinity Mar Thoma Church,
Edmonton: Anil Abraham Annamma,
Rector. Buyé Diocese, Canika Parish:
Archdeacon Evariste Nsabimana, Rector.
Ermineskin Cree Nation.
Fri 15 St. John the Divine, Onoway: Barry
Rose (s. Sharon Foster), Interim Deacon-inCharge. Buyé Diocese, All Saints’
Cathedral: Audace Kwizera, Rector. Paul
First Nation .
Sat 16 St. Mary, Ponoka: Donna Willer,
Rector; Marty Tuer, Honorary Assistant.
Buyé Diocese, Mwumba Parish: Kinono
Simion, Rector. Saddle Lake Cree Nation.
Honorary Assistant. Buyé Diocese, Gisitwe
Parish: Isaie Pascal Sindayigaya, Rector.
Alexander First Nation.
Sat 23 St. Augustine Parkland, Spruce
Grove: Archdeacon Joanne Webster (s.
Jeremy), Rector; Mike Lynch (s. Coleen),
Assistant Curate; Lesley Hand (s. Charles)
and John Rushton (s. Elizabeth), Honorary
Assistants. Buyé Diocese, Kabataha Parish:
Miburo Fabien, Rector. Alexis Nakota Sioux
Sun 17 Easter 4 The Most Rev. Fred Hiltz,
Primate of Anglican Church of Canada. The
clergy on a leave of absence and the Interim
Ministry Team. Clergy on leave in the
Diocese of Buyé: Deo Nkunzimana.
Kehewin Cree Nation.
Mon 18 St. Aidan and St. Hilda, Rexboro
and St. Matthew, Viking: Interim Ministry.
Buyé Diocese, Gashikanwa (St. Paul)
Parish: Archdeacon Deo Nkunzimana,
Rector. Samson Cree Nation.
Sun 24 Easter 5 The Most Rev. Greg KerrWilson, our Metropolitan. The staff of the
Diocesan Synod Office: the Rt. Rev. Jane
Alexander, Bishop; Alan Perry, Executive
Archdeacon; Jeannette Madill, Treasurer;
Charis St. Pierre, Bishop’s Assistant;
Margaret Marschall, Director of
Communications; Rochelle Nieuwenhuis,
Administrative Assistant; Karen Simons,
Centennial Writer-in-Residence. Buyé
Synod Office: Bishop Sixbert Macumi,
Bishop; Dominique Ciza, Diocesan
Secretary; Leonidas Nizigiyimana,
Treasurer, Archdeacon of Buyé; Jean
Berchmans Mweningoma, Development
Tues 19 St. Matthew, St. Albert:
Archdeacon Lee Bezanson (s. Bernadine),
Rector. Buyé Diocese, Kibonde Parish: Jean
de Dieu Nzobarinda, Rector. Whitefish Lake
First Nation.
Wed 20 St. Mary the Virgin, Sangudo;
Charles Mortimer (s. Lois), Rector. Buyé
Diocese, Ngozi (St. John) Parish: Noel
Ntamavukiro, Rector. All our First Nations
people of Treaty 6.
Thurs 21 St. John, Sedgewick: Rick
Laurendeau (s. Susan), Priest-in-Charge;
Richard Conrad, Honorary Assistant. Buyé
Diocese, Murama Parish: Archdeacon
Evariste Nsabimana, Rector. Métis Nation
of Alberta.
Mon 25 St. Mark the Evangelist Holy
Trinity, Tofield: Laureta Blondin (s.
Clarence), Interim Priest-in-Charge. Buyé
Diocese, Gitobe Parish: Joseph Hakizimana,
Rector. Cold Lake First Nations.
Tues 26 St. Mary, Vegreville: Eileen
Conway, Interim Associate Priest. Buyé
Diocese, Mubanga Parish: Jean Bosco
Nyankimbona, Rector. Enoch Cree Nation.
Fri 22 St. Thomas, Sherwood Park:
Stephen London (s. Stephanie), Rector;
Stephanie London (s. Stephen), Priest of
Family Ministries; Bruce Aylard (s. Audrey)
and Canon Anne Wightman (s. Peter),
Weds 27 St. Saviour, Vermilion: Mark
Murray, Rector. Buyé Diocese, Mwendo
Parish: Archdeacon Frederic Miburo,
Rector. Ermineskin Cree Nation.
Fri 29 St. Philip, Westlock: Peter Yeung (s.
Helena), Rector. Buyé Diocese, Kayanza
(St. Martin) Parish: Amos Mutezimana,
Rector. Kehewin Cree Nation.
Thurs 28 St. Saviour, Wabamun: Coleen
Lynch (s. Mike), Priest-in-Charge. Buyé
Diocese, Gatukuza Parish: Jean Berchmans
Mweningoma, Rector; Manasse
Ntirandekura, Assistant Pastor. Frog Lake
First Nation.
Sat 30 Immanuel, Wetaskiwin: Hugh
Matheson (s. Fiona Brownlee), Rector. Buyé
Diocese, Ruyenzi (St. Emmanuel) Parish:
Papias Masengesho Louis Bull Tribe.
The names and situations in this cycle are always changing. Please alert the Synod Office
(churched@edmonton.anglican.ca) to any changes in time for the next publication.