AMHERST NEWS News No 14 Friday 5th December 2008 01732 452577 Christmas Bazaar Tomorrow! The Bazaar opens at 2.00pm and the Grand Draw will take place at 3.45pm CAKES & MINCE PIES If you have any cakes or mince pies for the stalls, please drop them in tomorrow morning from 9.00am. The school will be open from 9.00am tomorrow morning for stall holders to set up if necessary. Parking and all subsequent games will be 15 minutes earlier than scheduled on your fixture list. Christmas Carol Service The two nights for the performance at St Mary’s Church, Riverhead, are Tuesday 16th and Wednesday 17th December at 7.00pm. The dress rehearsal will take place on Tuesday 16th December at 1.45pm. Parents with young children will be welcome to attend the rehearsal Christmas Dinner This takes place on Wednesday 17th December. Children who normally have a packed lunch are invited to have a school dinner if they wish on that day. If this is the case, please inform the school office in writing by next Wednesday (10th Dec.) enclosing £1.80. (Menu to follow next week) Parking space is available at Riverhead Infants School. If you are parking in the roads near the school, please do not obstruct driveways or park in the narrow section of Barnfield Common where it joins Chipstead Lane. CAKE SALE Tickets for the Grand Draw If you have any tickets you have been unable to sell for the Grand Draw, please bring them with you to the Bazaar and we can sell them during the afternoon. Off By Heart Congratulations to Anna Drapper in 4S, who won the competition on Monday in Assembly. The finalists, one from each class, performed their poem in front of the whole school and the standard was amazingly high. They were an inspiration to us all and we will repeat the event next year. Thank you to all the children in the school for making the effort to ensure the success of the event. The competition is organised by the BBC, and Anna will now represent the school in the regional finals. We will let you have more details when they have been published. Absences Often in the mornings the school phone lines can be very busy. If you are phoning to report your child’s absence for that day, you can now e-mail us if it is easier (before 9am please) on AMHERST JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB The club will re-locate to Wildernesse Astro tomorrow as the grass pitches are unfit. The first games will start at 9.15am Maya Lemire, Emily Law, Madeleine Brooks-Reed, Emily Barrington and Helena Brewster would like to thank everyone who supported their cake sale on Tuesday. They raised £60 for “The Last Chance Animal Sanctuary” Parent Reading Helpers The timetable for next week is changing on a daily basis to accommodate preparations for our Christmas Production. If there are any changes that affect reading times we will attempt to contact you the day before. Thank you to all parents who give their valuable time for our children Future Term Dates Future Term dates and all news items are available from the News Monitor on the Website. Forthcoming Events 06.12.08 16.12.08 17.12.08 18.12.08 19.12.08 Christmas Bazaar 2.00pm Dress Rehearsal 1.45pm Christmas Production 7.00pm St Mary’s Church Christmas Dinner Christmas Production 7.00pm St Mary’s Church Whole School to ‘Peter Pan’ Fairfield Hall, Croydon End of term