
Taylor, 1e

PRAXIS Exam 2: Legal and Society Issues

1. The Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL-142) is the most significant piece of legislation related to special education and mandates all of the following EXCEPT a. use of nondiscriminatory evaluation. b. implementation of due-process procedures. c. implementation of an individualized transition plan by age 16. d. education of the student in the least restrictive environment (LRE). e. right of parental participation.

Answer: c

Page: 21

II. Legal and Societal Issues,

A. Federal laws and landmark legal cases related to special education

2. Jeremy is an emotionally disturbed child whose frequent disruptive behavior is related to his disability. Jeremy’s teacher is conducting research about acceptable ways to discipline students with disabilities. The landmark case, Honig v. Doe (1988) resulted in which of the following policies regarding the discipline of students with disabilities? a. A student whose misbehavior is related to his disability cannot be denied a public school education. b. A student who misbehaves, regardless of disability, can be suspended indefinitely until the behavior is managed in an appropriate way. c. A student whose misbehavior is related to his disability can be expelled if that misbehavior threatens the safety of other students. d. Such students will automatically be placed in an interim educational placement for a minimum of 45 school days. e. Schools will show such students “zero tolerance” and will automatically result in disciplinary action that prevents their communication with children in the “general student population.”

Answer: a

Page: 22

II. Legal and Societal Issues

A. Federal laws and landmark legal cases related to special education

3. Eric is autistic and his parents are concerned that he is not receiving adequate special education services. According to IDEA 04, Eric’s parents have which of the following rights? a. They can examine all records relating to Eric. b. They can participate in meetings involving the identification, evaluation, and educational placement of Eric. c. They can obtain an independent educational evaluation if they so choose. d. All the answers are correct. e. None of the answers are correct; Eric’s education records and related information is confidential and not accessible to parents.

Answer: d

Page: 25

II. Legal and Societal Issues

B. Issues related to school, family, and/or community

4. PL 94-142 and IDEA 04 require “free appropriate public education (FAPE)” for students with disabilities. FAPE does not mean “optimal” education, however. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates FAPE, as distinguished from optimal education? a. Robert has a mild learning disability and would benefit from having a personal laptop computer. b. Tanya has a severe writing disability and uses a computer in order to participate in the general curriculum program. c. Sammy has an emotional disorder and his teacher sets lower academic expectations for him to prevent undue emotional stress. d. Theresa has a severe visual impairment but she does not yet have access to assistive technology so that she can read material independently. e. Ming Li, a student with AD/HD, is highly artistic and musical. His family wants him to have access to a visual and performing arts program offered by their local museum.

Answer: b

Page: 24

II. Legal and Societal Issues

A. Federal laws and landmark legal cases related to special education

5. In the landmark case Irving Independent School District v. Tatro (1984) , the court ruled that school districts are required to provide and pay for supportive services for a child with disabilities, including health services. Specifically, which of the following was determined to be a “related service”? a. glasses or contacts b. administration of insulin shots to diabetics c. administration of medication d. breathing treatments for asthmatics e. clean intermittent catheterization

Answer: e

Page: 22

II. Legal and Societal Issues

A. Federal laws and landmark legal cases related to special education

6. Although Sara has a visual impairment, she does not receive any special education or related services. Which of the following provides a reason for her lack of services? a. Sara’s school district views autism and AD/HD as more serious disabilities and allocates its special education money to students with these conditions. b. Visual impairment is not one of the specific types of disabilities identified by IDEA 04. c. Sara’s visual impairment is solved through wearing glasses and she has no particular difficulties academically, so she does not qualify for IDEA 04 funding and services. d. Sara has multiple disabilities and the others must be treated first as mandated by IDEA 04. e. Sara’s school district does not provide orientation and mobility services.

Answer: c

Page: 4

II. Legal and Societal Issues

A. Federal laws and landmark legal cases related to special education

7. During the 17th through 19th centuries, individuals with disabilities were treated ________, while the mid-late 20th century was marked by ________ for individuals with disabilities. a. inhumanely; advocacy b. with experimental medications; experimental surgeries c. with care; forced sterilization d. as physical miracles; forced sterilization e. as equals in the community; prejudice

Answer: a

Pages: 16-17

II. Legal and Societal Issues

B. Issues related to school, family, and/or community

8. Mrs. Williams is a fourth-grade teacher who works to develop student self-advocacy in setting goals, developing IEPs, and implementing the plans outlined therein. To help students feel more competent participating in these areas, Mrs. Williams should do all of the following EXCEPT a. provide background knowledge regarding the IEP process. b. focus on student strengths, gifts, and talents. c. ensure parents know the child is invited to attend and participate in IEP meetings. d. focus on skill and knowledge deficits so the student knows which areas to improve. e. increase student responsibility for developing and implementing their IEPs.

Answer: d

Page: 73-74

II. Legal and Societal Issues

B. Issues related to school, family, and/or community

9. Max has multiple disabilities and his family is involved in developing an effective educational program for him. Max’s family members are directly involved in identifying goals, analyzing effective instructional strategies, program implementation, and analysis of progress. Max’s family is in which of the following levels of family participation, as identified by Fiedler,

Simpson, and Clark (2007)? a. awareness, attendance, and basic participation b. ongoing communication, information sharing, and basic program involvement c. advocacy and collaborative program involvement d. collaboration and partnership participation e. None of the answers are correct.

Answer: c

Page: 75

II. Legal and Societal Issues

B. Issues related to school, family, and/or community

10. Jamie McNeil is a white, middle-class teacher and the majority of her students come from migratory families that speak languages other than English. She is concerned about meeting with many of these families and being able to communicate effectively with them about their

children’s special education needs. In order to establish a collaborative relationship with the diverse families in her class, Jamie should a. include advocates in IEP meetings who are familiar with each family’s language and culture. b. have a teacher more familiar with a family’s language and culture attend and lead the IEP meeting instead. c. use the family’s children as translators during IEP meetings. d. emphasize white, middle-class culture in the classroom so that students and families can more effectively assimilate. e. All the answers are correct.

Answer: a

Page: 77

II. Legal and Societal Issues

B. Issues related to school, family, and/or community

11. Emily has received special education services for her intellectual disorder since she was a young child. Now that she is 16, Emily also receives services that include planning for postsecondary education, employment, and independent living, among others. Under IDEA, these services are known as

a. related services. b. full-service special education. c. transition services. d. alternative teaching. e. advocacy services.

Answer: c

Page: 87

II. Legal and Societal Issues

A. Federal laws and landmark legal cases related to special education

12. One disability affects over 45% of all students receiving services under IDEA 04 and is defined as: “A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or in using language or in doing mathematical calculations.” This is the definition of a. intellectual disability. b. emotional disorder. c. communication disorder. d. learning disability. e. autism.

Answer: d

Pages: 96-97

II. Legal and Societal Issues

A. Federal laws and landmark legal cases related to special education

13. One controversial aspect of the IDEA 04 definition of emotional disturbance and qualification for services is the requirement that the disorder adversely affect educational performance. Which of the following scenarios best illustrates this controversy?

a. Anh Li is a shy, introverted child with few friends and is performing average in school and does not qualify for services under IDEA 04. b. Sophie is severely depressed and has poor peer relationships but is performing average in school and does not qualify for services under IDEA 04. c. Maggie is severely depressed and is performing below average in school. She receives counseling and tutorial services. d. Jared frequently displays antisocial behavior and aggression and performs below average in school. He qualifies for special education services. e. Terrance is an African-American boy who has few friends and performs above average in school and does not qualify for special education services.

Answer: b

Page: 178

II. Legal and Societal Issues

A. Federal laws and landmark legal cases related to special education

14. Which of the following was first considered a disability under IDEA in 1990 and is marked by behavioral deficits in social interaction and communication, and restrictive/repetitive behaviors? a. attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder b. emotional disturbance c. communication disorder d. intellectual disorder e. autism

Answer: e

Page: 361

II. Legal and Societal Issues

A. Federal laws and landmark legal cases related to special education

15. All of the following are considered “related services” under IDEA 04 EXCEPT a. transportation. b. interpreting services. c. social work services. d. parent counseling and training. e. All of these are related services.

Answer: e

Page: 12

II. Legal and Societal Issues

A. Federal laws and landmark legal cases related to special education
