ArcView project views

ArcView project views
The Coal Quality and Resource of the Former Soviet Union (FSU) ArcView project
contains 10 views. Three views contain georeferenced spatial data: the coal basins and
territories of the FSU, the coal resources of the FSU, and the surface geology of the FSU.
Four graphic views include image files that are registered with ungeoreferenced coal data
point files: the Donetsky geology and coal resource views and the Kuznetsky geology
and coal resource views. Three other views are neither georeferenced or registered: the
Ekibastuz Basin geology, the Fan-Yagnob geology, and the Tkvarchel’skoye coal
resources. All the views include different themes as shape files (extension “shp”) and
many views contain table joins and links.
The Coal Resources of the Former Soviet Union view (Tyzhnov and Molchanov,
1976) includes12 themes:
ArcView shape file
coal data point (coal_pt.shp)
political boundaries (cis.shp)
coal deposit rank(coal_dep.shp)
capital city (capitals.shp)
selected city (cities.shp)
roads (roads.shp)
railroad (rail.shp)
river (rivers.shp)
coal basin boundaries (coalbnd.shp)
coal basins (basins.shp)
ArcView joins and links
The coal data point theme table includes 4
joins using the general.dbf, std_char.dbf,
mineral.dbf, and elemcomp.dbf files and
one link with the washdata.dbf.
The coal deposit theme table contains 3
joins using the terr.dbf, dep.dbf, and
mark.dbf files.
The coal resources theme table contains 4
joins using the terr.dbf, dep.dbf, mark.dbf,
and coal_res.dbf files
inland water body (lakes.shp)
Former Republics of the Soviet Union
The Surface Geology of the Former Soviet Union (Persits, Ulmishek, and
Steinshouer, 1998) view includes 8 themes:
ArcView shape file name
political boundary (cis.shp)
coal data point (coal_pt.shp)
coal deposit rank(coal_dep.shp)
ArcView joins, links, and file type
The coal data point theme table includes 4
joins using the general.dbf, std_char.dbf,
mineral.dbf, and elemcomp.dbf files and
one link with the washdata.dbf.
The coal deposit theme table contains 3
joins using the terr.dbf, dep.dbf, and
mark.dbf files.
river (rivers.shp)
roads (roads.shp)
railroad (rail.shp)
selected city (cities.shp)
geologic age (fsu_geol.shp)
The Donetsky Coal Resources view is not georeferenced and has two themes:
ArcView file name
coal data point (point_don.shp)
Donetsky basin coal resources
ArcView joins and links
The coal data point theme is linked to the
coal washability table, washdata.dbf
Tiff image
The Donetsky Basin Geology (Kuznetsov, 1963) view is not georeferenced and
contains two themes:
ArcView file name
coal data point (point_don.shp)
Donetsky basin geology (dongeo.tif )
ArcView joins and links
The coal data point theme is linked to the
coal washability table, washdata.dbf
Tiff image
The Kuznetsky Basin Coal Resources view is not georeferenced and contains
three themes:
ArcView file name
ArcView joins and links
underground coal mine (point_suz.shp)
open pit coal mine (pit_kuz.shp)
Kuznetsky Basin Coal Resources
The underground coal mine theme is linked
to the coal washability table, washdata.dbf
The open pit coal mine theme is linked to
the coal washability table, washdata.dbf
Tiff image
The Kuznetsky Basin Geology (Ammosov, 1969) view is not georeferenced and
contains three themes:
ArcView file name
underground coal mine (point_suz.shp)
open pit coal mine (pit_kuz.shp)
Kuznetsky Basin Geology (kuzgeo.tif)
ArcView joins and links
The underground coal mine theme is linked
to the coal washability table, washdata.dbf
The open pit coal mine theme is linked to
the coal washability table, washdata.dbf
Tiff image
The Ekibastuz Geology (Bekman, V.M., 1989) view contains only ekigeo.tif, an
ungeoreferenced image file of the geologic map while the Fan-Yagnob Geology
(Goroshko, E.V., 1992) view contains only fangeo.tif, an ungeoreferenced image file of
the geologic map and the Tkvarchel’skoye Coal Resources (Chichua, B.K., 1990) view
contains only tkvgeol1.tif, an ungeoreferenced image file of the map.
The Coal Basins and Territories of the FSU view contains 7 different themes:
coal data point (coal_pt.shp)
capital city (capitals.shp)
selected city (cities.shp)
political boundary (cis.shp)
coal basins and deposits (deposit.shp)
coal basins and territories (territory.shp)
Former Republics of the Soviet Union
The coal data point theme table includes 4
joins using the general.dbf, std_char.dbf,
mineral.dbf, and elemcomp.dbf files and
one link with the washdata.dbf.
The coal basins and deposits theme
contains one join using the dep.dbf file
The coal basins and territories theme
contains one join using the terr.dbf file
There are 4 graphic cross-section pseudo views that are accessed by the cross
section pull-down menu or the cross section button: the Ekibastuz cross sections A and B
(Bekman, V.M., 1989) and Fan Yagnob cross sections A and B (Goroshko, E.V., 1992).
These pseudo views contain several different themes consisting of shape files with
associated legend files stored in the X-section and Misc directories, respectively.