Publications as of Feb. 2014 (application/msword, 192.5 KB)


Publicerade vetenskapliga arbeten Published scientific articles.







Martin Ritzén

1. Adams-Ray J, Bloom G, Nordenstam H, Rhodin,

Ritzén M: Kromaffina celler i normal och inflamma- toriskt förändrad hud hos homo.

Nord Med 63: 441-452, 1960

2. Adams-Ray J, Bloom G, Ritzén M:

Cells with autofluoreseent granules in dermis of human skin and their correlation to degree of pigmentation.

Acta Morphol Neerl Scand 3: 131-134, 1960

Östlund E, Bloom G, Adams-Ray J, Ritzén M, Slegman

M, Nordenstam H, Lishajko F, von Euler US:

Storage and release of catecholamines and the oecurrence of a specific submicroscopie granulation in hearts - of cyclostomes.

Nature (Lond) 188: 324-325, 1960

Bloom G, Östlund E, von Euler US, Lishajko F, Ritzén M,

Adams-Ray J:

Studies on catecholamine-containing granules of specific cells in cyclostome hearts.

Acta Physiol Scand 53, Suppl 185, 1961

Bloom GD, Ritzén M:

Autofluorescent granules in cells of human dermis.

II. Histochemical observations.

Z Zellforsch 61: 841-854, 1964

Bloom GD, Ritzén EM:

Autofluorescent granules in cells of human dermis.

III. Electron microscopical observations and fluorescence characteristics.

Z Zellforsch 67: 319-337, 1965

Ritzén M, Hammarström L, Ullberg S:

Autoradiographic distribution of 5-hydroxytryptamine and

5-hydroxytryptophan in the mouse.

Biochem Pharmacol 14: 313-321, 1965

Caspersson T, Hillarp N-Å, Ritzén M:

Fluorescence microspectrophotometry of cellular catecholamines and 5-hyroxytryptamine.

Exp Cell Res 42: 415-428, 1966









Hamberger B, Ritzén M, Wersäll J:

Demonstration of catecholamines and 5-hydroxytryptamine in the human carotid body.

J Pharmaeol Exp Ther 152: 197-201, 1966

Jonsson G, Ritzén M:

Microspectrofluorometric identification of metaraminol in symphathetic adrenergic neurons.

Acta Physiol Scand 67: 505-513, 1966

Hammarström L, Ritzén M, Ullberg S:

Combined autoradiography and fluorescence microscopy.

Localization of labelled 5-hydroxytryptophan in relation to endogenous 5-hydroxytryptamine in the gastrointestinal tract.

Experentia 22:213-215, 1966

Norberg K-A, Ritzén M, Ungerstedt U:

Histochemical studies on a special catecholamine- containing cell type in sympathetic ganglia.

Acta Physiol Scand 67: 260-270, 1966

Ritzén M:

Qantitative fluorescence microspectrophotometry of catecholamine-formaldehyde products. Model experiments.

Exp Cell Res 44: 505-520, 1966

Ritzén M:

Quantitative fluorescence microspectrophotometry of 5hydroxytryptamineformaldehyde products in models and in mast cells.

Exp Cell Res 45: 178-194, 1967

Ritzén M:

A method for the autoradiographic determination of absolute specific radioactivity in cells.

Exp Cell Res 45: 250-252, 1967

Ritzén M:

Mast cells and 5-HT. Uptake of labelled 5-hydroxytryptamine

(5-HT) and 5-hydroxytryptophan in relation to storage of

5-HT in individual rat mast cells

Acta Physiol Scand 70: 42-53, 1967











Ritzén M:

Cytochemical identification and quantitation of biogenic monoamines. A microspectrofluorometric and auto- radiographic study.Thesis.

Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm 1967

Ritzén M:

A simple method for determination of absolute "specific activity" in individual cells.

Acta Histochem (Jena) Suppl VIII: 275-278, 1968

Bovallius Å, Bucht B, Caspersson T, Lundin, Ritzén M:

Metoder för påvisning av luftburna mikroorganismer.

Försvarsmedicin 4: 85-96, 1968

Fuxe K, Hökfelt T, Ritzén M, Ungerstedt U:

Studies on uptake of intraventricularly administered tritiated noradrenaline and 5-hydroxytryptamine with combined fluorescence histochemical and autoradiographic techniques.

Histochemie 16: 186-194, 1968

Ritzén M, Carlsson S-A:

Cytochemical investigations on 5-hydroxytryptamine release from rat peritoneal mast cells.

Ann Med Exp Biol Fenn 46: 466-467, 1968

Carlsson S-A, Ritzén M:

Mast cells and 5-HT. Intracellular release of 5-hydroxy tryptamine (5-HT) from storage granules during anaphylaxis or treatment with compound 48/80.

Acta Physiol Scand 77: 449-464, 1969

Björklund A, Cegrell L Falck B, Ritzén M, Rosengren E:

Dopamine-containing cells in sympathetic ganglia.

Acta Physiol Scand 78: 334-338, 1970

Giacobini E, Karjalainen K, Kerpel-Fronius S, Ritzén M:

Monoamines and monoamine oxidase in denervated sympathetie gangliga of the cat.

Neuropharmacology 9: 59-66, 1970

Bloom GD, Diamant B, Hägermark Ö, Ritzén M:

The effects of adenosine-5'-triphosphate (ATP) on structure and amine content of rat peritoneal mast cells.

Exp Cell Res 62: 61-75, 1970

Ritzén EM, Nayfeh SN, French FS, Dobbins MC:










Demonstration of androgen-binding components in rat epididymis cytosol and comparison with binding components in prostate and other tissues.

Endocrinology 89: 143-151, 1971

Ritzén M, Carlsson S

-A, Darzynkiewicz Z:

Cytochemieal evidence of nueleoproteln changes in rat adrenal cortex following hypophysectomy or dexamethasone suppression.

Exp Cell Res 70: 462-465, 1971

French FS, Ritzén EM, Nayfeh

SN, Strickland AL:

Testicular feminization: A syndrome of androgen insensitivity.

XII Int Congr Pediatr,Vienna, 1971

Almqvist S, Malmqvist E, Owman C, Ritzén M,

Sundler F, Swedin G:

Dopamine synthesis and storage, calcium-lowering activity, and thyroidal properties of chicken ultimobranchial cells.

Gen Comp Endocrinol 17: 512-525, 1971

Larsson KS, Lindsten J, Ritzén M,Tillinger K-G:

Kan syntetiska progestogena steroider under tidig graviditet orsaka hypospadi hos manliga foster?

Läkartidningen 68: 2565-2566, 1971

Ritzén EM, Nayfeh SN, French FS, Aronin PA:

Deficient nuclear uptake of testosterone in.the androgen- insensitive (Stanley-Gumbreck) pseudohermaphrodite male rat.

Endocrinology 91: 116-124, 1972

Ritzén EM:

Microfluorimetric quantitation of biogenic monoamines.

In: Fluorescence Techniques in Cell Biology (eds AA Thaer and M Sernetz)

Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg-New York, 1973, pp 183-189

French FS, Ritzén EM:

Androgen-binding protein in efferent duct fluid of rat testis.

J Reprod Fertil 32: 479-483, 1973

French FS, Ritzén EM:

A high-affinity androgen~binding protein (ABP) in rat testis: Evidence for secretion into efferent duct fluid and absorption by epididymis.

Endocrinology 93: 88-95, 1973

Ritzén EM, Dobbins MC, Tindall DJ, French FS, Nayfeh SN:

Characterization of an androgen binding protein (ABP) in








36. rat testis and epididymis.

Steroids 21: 593-607, 1973

Hansson V, Ritzén EM, French FS, Weddington SC, Nayfeh

SN, Reusch E, Attramadal A:

Demonstration of a specific binding protein for testosterone and 5

-dihydrotestosterone in rabbit serum. Separation from the corticosteroid binding globulin (CBG).

Steroids 22: 185-192, 1973

Hansson V, Reusch E, Trygstad 0, Torgersen 0, Ritzén EM,

French FS:

FSH stimulation of testictilar androgen binding protein.

Nature [New Biol] 246: 56-58, 1973

Hansson V, French FS, Weddington SC, McLean WS,

Tindall DJ, Smith AA ,

Nayfeh SN, Ritzén EM:

Androgen transport mechanisms in the testis and epididymis.

IRCS International Research Communication System,

(73-11)3-10-33, 1973

Hansson V, McLean WS, Smith AA, Tindall DJ, Nayfeh SN,

French FS,

Ritzén EM:

Androgen receptors in rat testis different from testicular androgen binding protein (ABP).

IRCS International Research Communication System,

(73-11)3-10-34, 1973

Ritzén EM, French FS:

Demonstration of an androgen binding protein (ABP) in rabbit testis: Secretion in efferent duct fluid and passage into epididymis.

J Steroid Biochem 5: 151-154, 1974

Hansson V, Ritzén EM, French FS:

Androgen transport mechanisms in the testis and epididymis.

Acta Endocrinol (Kbh) Suppl 191: 191-198, 1974

Ritzén EM, French FS,

Weddington SC, Nayfeh SN, Hansson V:

Steroid binding in polyacrylamide gels: Quantitation at steady state conditions.

J Biol Chem 249: 6597-6604, 1974

Ritzén EM, Hagenäs L, Hansson V, French FS, Nayfeh SN:

Androgen binding proteins in different testis compartments.

J Steroid Biochem 5: 849-854, 1974









French FS, McLean WS, Smith AA, Tindall DJ, Weddington

SC, Petrusz P, Sar M, Stumpf WE, Nayfeh SN,

Hansson V, Trygstad 0, Ritzén EM:

Androgen transport and receptor mechanisms in testis and epididymis. In: Hormone Binding and Target Cell Activation in the

Testis (eds ML Dufau and AR Means)

Plenum Press, New York-London, 1974, pp 265-285

Hansson V, French FS, Weddington SC, Nayfeh SN, Ritzén EM:

FSH stimulation of testicular androgen binding protein

(ABP). Androgen ”priming" increases the response to FSH.

In: Hormone Binding and Target Cell Activation in the Testis (eds M-L

Dufau and AR Means)

Plenum Press, New York-London 1974, pp. 287-290.

Hansson V, Ritzén EM, Weddington SC, McLean WS,

Tindall DJ, Nayfeh SN, French FS:

Preliminary characterization of a binding protein for androgen in rabbit serum.Comparison with the testosterone- binding globulin (TeBG) in human serum.

Endocrinonology 95: 690-700, 1974

Hansson V, McLean WS, Smith AA, Tindall DJ, Weddington

SC, Nayfeh SN , French FS, Ritzén EM:

Androgen receptors in rat testis.

Steroids 23: 823-832, 1974

Weddington SC, McLean WS, Nayfeh S.N, French

FS, Hansson V, Ritzén EM:

Androgen binding protein (ABP) in rabbit testis and epididymis.

Steroids 24: 123-134, 1974

French FS,

Nayfeh SN, Ritzén EM, Hansson V:

FSH and a testicular androgen-binding protein in the maintenance of spermatogenesis.

Res Reprod 6: 2-3, 1974

HanssonV, Trygstad 0, French FS, McLean WS,

Smith AA, Tindall DJ, Weddington SC, Petrusz P,

Nayfeh SN, Ritzén EM:

Androgen transport and receptor mechanisms in testis and epididymis. Nature (Lond) 250: 387-391, 1974

Hansson V, Djøseland 0, Attramadal A, Trygstad 0,

French FS, Stumpf WE, Sar M, McLean WS, Smith AA,

Weddington SC,

Steiner AL, Petrusz P, Nayfeh SN, Ritzén

EM, Hagenäs L:








Hormone binding and activation in the testis and epididymis.

Acta Pathol Microbiol Scand [A] Suppl 248: 75-88, 1974

Hagenäs L, Ritzén EM, Plöen L, Hansson V, French FS,

Nayfeh SN:

Sertoli cell origin of testicular androgen-binding protein (ABP).

Mol Cell Endocrinol 2: 339-350, 1975

Hagenäs L, Ritzén EM, Plöen L, Hanson V, French FS,

Nayfeh SN:

Sertoli cell origin of testicular androgen-binding protein (ABP).

Mol Cell Endocrinol 2: 339-350, 1975

HanssonV, Ritzén EM, French FS, Weddington SC,

Nayfeh SN:

Testicular androgen-binding protein (ABP): Comparison of ABP in rabbit testis and epididymis with a similar androgen-binding protein (TeBG) in rabbit serum.

Mol Cell Endocrinol 3: 1-20, 1975

Tindall DJ, Hansson V, McLean WS, Ritzén EM,

Nayfeh SN, French FS:

Androgen-binding proteins in rat epididymis:

Properties of a cytoplasmic receptor for androgen similar to the androgen receptor in ventral prostate and different from androgen-binding protein (ABP).

Mol Cell Endocrinol 3: 83-101, 1975

Hansson V, Weddington SC, McLean WS, Smith AA,

Nayfeh SN, French FS, Ritzén EM:

Regulation of seminiferous tubular function by FSH and androgen.

J Reprod Fertil 44: 363-375, 1975

Hansson V, Ritzén EM, French FS, Nayfeh SN:

Androgen transport and receptor mechanisms in testis and epididymis.

In: Handbook of Physiology, Section 7: Endocrinology,

Vol V (eds DW Hamilton and R0 Greep)

William & Wilkins Co, Baltimore 1975, pp 173-201

Weddington SC, Hansson V, Ritzén EM, Hagenäs L,

French FS, Nayfeh SN:

Sertoli cell secretory function after hypophysectomy.

Nature (Lond) 254: 145-146, 1975








Guerrero R, Ritzén EM, Purvis K, Hansson V, French FS:

Concentration of steroid hormones and androgen binding protein (ABP) in rabbi efferent duct fluid.

In: Hormonal Regulation of Spermatogenesis (eds FS French,

V Hansson, EM Ritzén and SN


Plenum Press, New York-London 1975, pp 213-221

Smith AA, McLean WS, Nayfeh SN, French FS, Hansson V,

Ritzén EM:

Androgen receptor in rat testis.

In: Hormonal.Regulation of Spermatogenesis (eds FS French,

V Hansson, EM Ritzén and SN Nayfeh)

Plenum Press, New York-London 1975, pp 257-280

Hansson V, Weddington SC, Naess 0, Attramadal A, French FS,

Kotite N, Nayfeh SN, Ritzén EM, Hagenäs L:

Testicular androgen binding protein (ABP) - A parameter of Sertoli cell secretory function.

In: Hormonal Regulation of Spermatogenesis (eds FS French,

V Hansson, EM Ritzén and SN Nayfeh)

Plenum Press, New York-London 1975, pp 323-336

Ritzén EM, Hagenäs L, Hansson V, French FS:

In vitro synthesis of testicular androgen binding protein

(ABP): Stimulation by FSH and androgen.

In: Hormonal Regulation of Spermatogenesis (eds FS French,

V Hansson, EM Ritzén and SN


Plenum Press, New York-London 1975, pp 353-366

Weddington SC, Brandtzaeg P, Sletten K, Christensen T,

Hansson V, French FS, Petrusz P, Nayfeh SN, Ritzén EM:

Purification and characterization of rabbit testicular androgen binding protein (ABP).

In: Hormonal Regulation of Spermatogenesis (eds FS French,

V Hansson, EM Ritzén and SN Nayfeh)

Plenum Press, New York-London 1975, pp 433-451

Ritzén EM, Hagenäs L, HanssonV, Weddington SC,

French FS, Nayfeh SN:

Androgen binding and transport in testis and epididymis.

Vitam Horm 33: 283-295, 1975

Hansson V, Weddington SC, Petrusz P, Ritzén EM,

Nayfeh SN, French FS:

FSH stimulation of testicular androgen binding protein

(ABP): Comparison of ABP response and ovarian augmentation.

Endocrinology 97: 469-473, 1975









Weddington SC, Brandtzaeg P, Hansson V, French FS,

Petrusz P, Nayfeh SN, Ritzén EM:

Immunological cross reactivity between testicular androgen-binding protein and serum testosterone-binding globulin.

Nature (Lond) 258: 257-259, 1975

Hansson V, Weddington SC, French FS, McLean W,

Smith A., Nayfeh SN, Ritzén EM, Hagenäs L:

Secretion and role of androgen-binding proteins in the testis and epididymis.

J Reprod Fertil, Suppl 24: 17-33, 1976

Hagenäs L, Ritzén EM:

Impaired Sertoli cell function in experimental cryptorchidism in the rat.

Mol Cell Endocrinol 4: 25-34, 1976

Hansson V, Purvis K, Calandra R, Ritzén EM, French FS:

Hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis: The mechanism and site of action of various hormones on the testis.

In: Proc. 2nd Canstein Coll, Frankfurt am Main, 1976, pp 49-75

HanssonV, Calandra R, Purvis K,

Ritzén EM, French FS:

Hormonal regulation of spermatogenesis.

Vitam Horm 34: 187-214, 1976

Takano K, Hall K, Ritzén M, Iselius L, Sievertsson H:

Somatomedin A in human serum, determined by radioreceptor assay.

Acta Endocrinol (Kbh) 82: 449-459, 1976

Weddington SC, Hansson V, Purvis K, Varaas T,

Verjans HL, Eik-Nes KB, Ryan WH, French FS,

Ritzén EM:

Biphasic effect of testosterone propionate on Sertoli cell secretory function.

Mol Cell Endocrinol 5: 137-145, 1976

Hansson V, Purvis K, Calandra R, French FS,

Kotite N, Nayfeh SN,

Ritzén EM, Hagenäs L:

The hormonal specificity of the production and secretion of testicular androgen binding protein

(ABP) from Sertoli cells.

In: Proc V Int Congr Endocrinology, Hamburg.

Excerpta Med Int Congr Series No 402









Endocrinology, 1: 410-416, 1976

Hansson V, Djöseland 0, Torgersen 0, Ritzén EM,

French FS, Nayfeh SN:

Hormones and hormonal target cells in the testis

Andrologia 8: 195-202, 1976

Hansson V, Ritzén EM, French FS:

Androgen transport and receptor proteins in the testis.

In: Human Semen and Fertility Regulation in Men

(ed ESE Hafez)

The CV Mosby Co, St Louis 1976, pp 51-61

Ritzén EM, Hagenäs L, Plöen L, French FS, Hansson V:

In vitro synthesis of rat testicular androgen-binding protein (ABP).

Mol Cell Endocrinol 8: 335-346, 1977

Hagenäs L, Plöen L, Ritzén EM, Ekwall H:

Blood-testis barrier: Maintained function of inter-Sertoli cell junctions in experimental cryptorchidism in the rat, as judged by a simple lanthanum-immersion technique.

Andrologia 9: 250-254, 1977

Ritzén EM, Hagenäs L, Purvis K, Guerrero R,

Johnsonbaugh RE, Dym M, French FS, Hansson V:

Androgens and androgen binding protein (ABP) in testicular fluids.

In: Maldescensus Testis (eds JR Bierich,

K Rager and MB Ranke)

Urban & Schwarzenberg, München-Wien-

Baltimore 1977, pp 79-87

Hagenäs L, Ritzén E M, Plöen L:

Sertoli cell function in experimental cryptorchidism in the rat.

In: Maldescnsus Testis (eds JR Bierich, K Rager and MB Ranke)

Urban & Schwarzenberg, München-Wien-

Baltimore 1977, pp 181-186

Ritzén M.:

Prenatal påverkan av könsrollen.

Läkartidningen 74: 1706-1707, 1977.

Svan H, Hall K, Ritzén M, Takano K,

Skottner A:

Somatomedin A and B in serum from neonates, their mothers and cord blood.








Acta Endocrinol (Kbh) 85: 636-643, 1977

Hansson V, Purvis K, Attramadal A, Varaas T,

Ritzén EM:

Quantitation of corticosteroid binding globulin

(CBG) by steady state polycrylamide gel electrophoresis (SS-PAGE).

J Steroid Biochem 8: 771-775, 1977

Hovmöller ML, Osuna A, Eklöf 0, Fredga K,

Hjerpe A, Lindsten J, Ritzén M, Stanescu V,

Svenningsen N:

Camptomelic dwarfism. A geneticatly determined mesenchymal disorder combined with sex reversal.

Hereditas 86: 51-62, 1977

Ritzén EM, Eneroth P, Snellman K, Westphal 0,

Eklöf 0:


(-adrenal) axis during treatment of precocious puberty with cyproterone acetate.

In: Proc XV Int Congr Pediatrics, New Delhi

- New Developments in Pediatric Research,

Vol 3 (ed 0P Ghai)

Interprint, New Delhi 1977, pp 1043-1046

Hagenäs L , Ritzén EM, Plöen L, Karpe B:

Cellular mechanisms of testicular damage in experimental cryptorchidism.

In: Proc XV Int Congr Pediatrics, New Delhi

- New Developments in Pediatric Research,

Vol 3 (ed 0P Ghai)

Interprint, New Delhi 1977, pp 1103-1110

Lindsten J, Ritzén M:

Flicka eller pojke?

Forskning och Framsteg 3: 10-18, 1977

Svensson J, Eneroth P, Gustafsson J-A,

Ritzén M, Stenberg AO:

Metabolism of androstenedione in skin and serum levels of gonadotrophins and androgens in prepubertal boys with hypospadias.

Endocrinology 76: 399-409, 1978

Hagenäs L, Plöen L, Ritzén EM:

The effect of nitrofurazone on the endocrine,








94. secretory and spermatogenic functions of the rat testis.

Andrologia 10: 107-126, 1978

Hansson V, Purvis K, Attramadal A, Torjesen P,

Andersen D, Ritzén EM:

Sertoli cell function in the androgen insensitive (TFM) rat.

Int J Androl 1: 96-104, 1978

HanssonV, Purvis K, Ritzén EM, French FS:

Hormonal regulation of Sertoli cell futiction in the rat.

Ann Biol Anim Biochem Biophys 18 (2 B):

565-572, 1978

Ritzén E M, Hansson V, French FS:

Androgen action on spermatogenesis.

Int J Androl, supplement 1: 108-115, 1976

Hagenäs L , Ritzén EM, Svensson J, Hansson V,

Purvis K:

'I'emperature dependence of Sertoli cell function.

Int J Androl, supplement 2: 449-458, 1978

Hagenäs L, Ritzén EM, Suginami H:

Hormonal milieu of the seminiferous tubules in the normal and cryptorchid rat.

Int J Androl 1: 477-484, 1978

Van Damme M-P, Robertson DM, Marana R,

Ritzén EM, Diczfalusy E:

A sensitive and specific in vitro bioassay method for the measurement of follicle- stimulating hormone activity.

Acta Endocrinol (Kbh) 91: 224-237, 1979

Svensson J, Eneroth P, Gustafsson JÅ,

Ritzén M, Stenberg Å:

Reduction of androstendione by skin in vitro and serum levels of gonadotrophins and androgens in men with hypospadias

J Endocrinol 82: 395-401, 1979

Iselius L, Lambert B, Lindsten J, Tippett P,

Gavin J, Daniels G, Yates A, Ritzén M,

Sandstedt B:







Unusual XX/XY chimerism

Ann Hum Genet 43: 89-96, 1979

Ritzén E.M, Hagenäs L, Karpe B, Plöen L,

Hansson V:

Sertoli cell function in experimental cryptorchidism in the rat.

Pediatr Adoles Endocrinol 6: 88-96, 1979

Van Damme MP, Robertson D, M, Marana R,

Ritzén EM, Diczfalusy E:

Aromatization of androgens by Sertoli cells: A sensitive and specific bioassay for FSH activity. In: Testicular Development, Structure, and Function (eds A Steinberger, E Steinberger)

Raven Press, New York 1980, pp 169-175

Parvinen M, Marana R, Robertson DM,

Hansson V, Ritzén EM:

Functional cycle of rat Sertoli cells: Differential binding and action of follicle-stimulating hormone at various stages of the spermatogenic cycle.

In: Testicular Development, Structure, and

Function (eds A Steinberger, E Steinberger)

Raven Press, New York 1980, pp 425-432

Hall K, Sara V, Ritzén EM, Enberg G, Svan H,

Takano K:

Serum levels of somatomedin A throughout development. In: Growth Hormone and Other

BiologicallyActive Peptides (eds A Pecile,

EE Müller)

Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam-Oxford-Princeton

1980, pp 122-132

Hall K, Enberg G, Ritzén M, Svan H, Fryklund L,

Takano K: Somatomedin A levels in serum from healthy children and from children with growth hormone deficiency or delayed puberty.

Acta Endocrinol (Kbh) 94: 155-165, 1980

Iselius L, Ritzén M, Bui

Case report.

T-H, Olsson K, Eklöf 0:

Ring chromosome 14 in a mentally retarded girl.

Acta Paediatr Scand 69: 803-806, 1980










Ritzén EM, Parvinen M, Hansson V, French FS,

Feldman M:

Role of Sertoli cells in spermatogenesis.

Proc VI Int Congr Endocrinol 1980 in Melbourne

Karpe B, Plöen L, Hagenäs L, Ritzén EM:

Recovery of testicular functions after surgical treatment of experimental cryptorchidism in the rat.

Int J Androl 4: 145-160, 1981

Hagenäs L, Plöen, Ekwall H, Osman DI, Ritzén EM:

Differentiation of the rat seminiferous tubules between 13 and 19 days of age.

Int J Androl 4: 257-264, 1981

Ritzén EM, Svensson J:

Androgenic hormones: Specific stimuli for male sex differentiation. In: The Biology of Normal Human Growth

(Eds M Ritzén, A Aperia, K Hall, A Larsson, A Zetterberg,

R Zetterström)

Raven Press, New York, 1981, pp 151-155

Boitani C, Ritzén EM, Parvinen M:

Inhibition of rat Sertoli cell aromatase by factor(s) secreted specifically at spermatogenic stages VII and VIII.

Mol Cell Endocrinol 23: 11-22, 1981

Bricarelli FD, Fraccaro M, Lindsten J, Müller U,

Baggio P, Lamba Carbone LD, Hjerpe A, Lindgren F,

Mayerovová A, Ringertz H, Ritzén EM, Rovetta DC,

Sicchero C, Wolf U:

Sex-revesed XY females with campomelic dysplasia are H-Y negative.

Hum Genet 57, 15-22, 1981

Ritzén EM, Van Damme MP, Fröysa B, Reuter C,

De La Torre B, Diczfalusy E:

Identification of estradiol produced by Sertoli cell enriched cultures during incubation with testosterone.

J Steroid Biochem 14, 533-535, 1981

Ritzén EM, Mahler H, Alveryd A:

Transitory congenital hypothyroidism and maternal thyroiditis. Case report.

Acta Paediatr Scand 70, 765-766, 1981

Hall K, Sarra V, Enberg G, Ritzén M:










In: The Biology of Normal Human Growth (Eds M Ritzén,

A Aperia, K Hall, A Larsson, A Zetterberg, R Zetterström)

Raven Press, New York, 1981, pp 275-284

Ritzén EM, Hansson V, French FS:

The Sertoli cell. In: The Testis (Eds H Burger,

D de Kretser)

Raven Press, New York 1981, pp 171-194

Parvinen M, Ritzén EM, HanssonV, Ruokonen A:

Testosterone and follicle stimulating hormone have different preferential sites of acton during the spermatogenic cycle in the rat. In: Development and Function of Reproductive

Organs. (Eds AG Byskov, H Peters)

Excerpta Medica Int Congress, Series 559, Amsterdam

Oxford-Princeton 1981, pp 199-205

Ritzén EM, Boitani C, Parvinen M, French FC, Feldman M:

Stage-dependent secretion of ABP by rat seminiferous tubules.

Mol Cell Endocrinol 25: 25-33, 1982

Ritzén M:

Vilka kortvuxna barn behöver tillväxthormon?

Läkartidningen 79: 723-724, 1982

Karpe B, Hagenäs L, Plöen L, Ritzén EM:

Studies on the scrotal testis in unilateral experimental cryptorchidism in rat and quinea pig.

Int J Androl 5: 59-73, 1982

Ritzén EM, Fröysa B, Gustavsson B, Westerholm G,

Diczfalusi E:

Improved in vitro bioassay of follitropin.

Hormone Res 16: 42-48, 1982

Ritzén M, Karpe B:

Retentio testis - när ska det behandlas, och hur?

Läkartidningen 79: 2695-2696, 1982 de la Torre B, Norén S, Hedman M, Ritzen M,

Diczfalusy E:

Intratesticular and plasma steroid profiles in fertile and infertile men.

Int J Androl 5: 367-378, 1982

Afzelius BA, Johnsonbaugh RE, Kim JW, Plöen L, Ritzén


Spermiogenesis and spermatozoa of the Olive baboon









(Papio Anubis) as studied by electron microscopy.

J Submicrosc Cytol 14(4): 627-639, 1982

Anniko M, Backlund E-0, Lundqvist P-G, Samuelsson K,

Ritzén M, Tribukait B, Wersäll J:

Pituitary tumor producing only thyrotropin. A case report.

ORL J Oto-Rhino-Laryngol and its related specialities

44(3): 134-141, 1982

Karpe B, Fredricsson B, Svensson J, Ritzén EM:

Testosterone concentration within the tunica vaginalis of boys and adult men.

Int J Androl 5: 549-556, 1982

Fraccaro M, Mayerovà A, Wolf U, Bühler E, Gebauer J,

Gilgenkrantz S, Lindsten J, Lo Curto F, Ritzén EM:

Correlation between the number of sex chromosomes and the H-Y antigen titer.

Human Genet 61: 135-140, 1982

Biro J, Ritzén EM, Hall K, Eneroth P:

Effects of hysterectomy and uterine extracts on growth hormone, somatomedin, prolactin, thyrotrophin and thyroid hormones in adult rats.

Acta Endocrinol 103: 172-179, 1983

Engfeldt B, Bui T-H, Eklöf 0, Hjerpe A,Reinholt FP,

Ritzén EM, Wikström B:

Dyggve-Melchior-Clausen Dysplasia, morphological and biochemical findings in cartilage growth zones.

Acta Paediatr Scand 72: 269-274, 1983

Ritzén EM:

Ritzén EM: neighbouring cells.

Pediatrics 72(3): 416-419, 1983

J Steroid Biochem 19: 499-504, 1983

Blombäck M, Hall K, Ritzén EM:

Regulation (Eds G Benagiano, E Diczfalusy)

Raven Press, New York, 1983, pp 195-201

Chemical messengers between Sertoli cells and

Estrogen treatment of tall girls - risk of thrombosis?

Steps in male reproductive endocrinology susceptible to regulation. In: Endocrine Mechanisms in Fertility





Hall K, Ritzén EM, Johnsonbaugh RE, Parvinen M:

Pubertal rise of immunoreactive somatomedin and its eventual source

In: Insulin-like growth factors/somatomedins. Ed: EM

Spencer, de Gruyter & Co, Berlin - New York, 1983 pp 611-614


Karpe B, Eneroth P, Ritzé EM:

LHRH treatment in unilateral cryptorchidism: Effect on testicular descent and hormonal response

J Pediatr 103(6):892-897, 1983


Plöen L, Ritzén EM:

Fine structural features of Sertoli cells.

In: Ultrastructure of reproduction. Eds Van Blerkom J,

Motta PM. Martinus Nijhoffs Publishers, Boston, The

Hauge, Dordrecht, Lancaster, 1984, pp 67-74

131. Biro J, Ritzén EM, Hall K, Eneroth P:

Effects of hysterectomy and uterine extracts on the endocrine system of adult, nonpregnant rats.

J Steroid Biochem 20:343-345, 1984

Jahnsen T, Karpe B, Attramadal H, Ritzén M, Hansson V:

Changes in isoproterenol-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity in rat testicular tissue during cryptorchidism and after orchidopexy.

J Reprod Fertil 70:443-448, 1984

Karpe B, Plöen L, Ritzén EM:

Maturation of the juvenile rat testis after surgical treatment of cryptorchidism

Int J Androl 7:154-166 1984

Biro J, Eneroth P, Ritzén EM:

J Endocr 101:243-248, 1984

Effects of hysterectomy and in-vivo treatment with uterine extracts on plasma concentrations of growth hormone, thyrotropin and thyroid hormones in rats: a kinetic study.



Zahran M, Ritzén M, Eklöf O:

Arthro-osteo-renal dysplasia. Report of a case.

Acta Radiol Diagn 25:39-43, 1984

Karlsson FA, Dahlberg PA, Ritzén EM:

Thyroid blocking antibodies in thyroiditis

Acta Med Scand 215:461-466, 1984











Ritzén EM:

Syndromes of androgen insensitivity

In: Regulation of target cell responsiveness, vol.2

Ed KW McKerns. Plenum Press 1984, pp 529-539

Cekan SZ, Xing S, Ritzén M:

On the binding of steroid sulfates to albumin.

Experientia 40: 949-951, 1984

Bergh A, Damber J-E, Ritzén M:

Early signs of Sertoli and Leydig cell dysfunction in the abdominal testes of immature unilaterally chryptorchid rats

Int J Androl 7:398-408, 1984

Shah GV, Ritzén EM:

Validiation of a bioassay for follitropin in urine samples.

J Endocrinol Invest, vol 7 (suppl 3):59-66, 1984

Ritzén EM, Syed V:

Differentiation and maturation of Sertoli cells:

Biochemical aspects.

In: Recent progress in cellular Endocrinology of the testis, Inserm 1984, Ed: JM Saez, MG Forest, A Dazord,

J Bertrand, Vol 123, pp 141-156, 1984

Fredriksson B, Carlström K, Kjessler B, Lindstedt J,

Plöen L, Ritzén M, de la Torre B:

Incomplete androgen insensitivity: Assymmetry in morphology and steroid profile and metabolism of the gonads. An analysis of a case

Acta Endocrinol 110:564-571, 1985

Müller J, Skakkebaek NE, Ritzén M, Plöen L, Petersen KE:

Carcinoma-in-situ testis in children with 45,X/46,XY gonadal dysgenesis.

J Pediatr 106:431-436, 1985

Ritzén EM:

Pojke eller flicka? Vad styr könsutvecklingen?

In: Mannen, Ed E. Bylund, CEWE-förlaget Bjästa, 1985 pp 53-59

Ritzén EM, Wettrell G, Davies G, Grant DB:

Management of pituitary gigantism: The role of bromocriptene and radiotherapy

Acta Paediatr Scand 74:807-814, 1985

Syed V, Khan S, Ritzén EM:








Stage specific inhibition of interstitial cell testosterone secretion by rat seminiferous tubules in vitro

Mol Cell Endocrinol 40, 257-264, 1985

Anniko M, Ritzén EM:

Pituitary tumor causing gigantism. Morphology and in vitro hormone secretion. O.R.L.J. Otorhinolaryngol. Relat

Spec. 48,180-190, 1986

Kohan S, Fröysa B, Cederlund E, Fairwell T,

Lerner R, Johansson J, Khan S, Ritzén M,

Jörnvall H, Cekan S, Diczfalusy E:

Peptides of postulated inhibin activity. Lack of in vitro inhibin activity of a 94-residue peptide isolated from human seminal plasma, and of a synthetic replicate of its

C-terminal 28-residue segment.

FEBS Lett 199, 242-248, 1986

Thorén M, Rähn T, Hallengren B, Kaad PH, Nilsson KO, Ravn

H, Ritzén M, Petersen KE, Aarskog D:

Treatment of Cushings disease in childhood and adolescence by stereotactic pituitary irradiation.

Acta Paediatr Scand 75, 388-395, 1986.

Zachmann M, Prader A, Sobel EH, Crigler JF, Ritzén EM,

Atarés M, Ferrandez A:

Pubertal growth in patients with androgen insensitivity:

Indirect evidence for the importance of estrogens in pubertal growth of girls.

J Pediatr 108,694-697, 1986

Lundberg B, Nergårdh A, Ritzén EM, Samuelsson K:

Influence of valproic acid on the gonadotropin-releasing hormone test in puberty.

Acta Paediatr Scand 75,787-792, 1986

Syed V, Karpe B, Plöen L, Ritzén EM:

Regulation of interstitial cell function by seminiferous tubules in intact and cryptorchid rats

Int J Androl, 9, 271-284, 1986

Syed V, Khan S, Karpe B, Plöen L, Ritzén EM:

Regulation of interstitial cell function by seminiferous tubules in intact and cryptorchid rats.

In: Molecular and cellular endocrinology of the testis.

Eds M. Stefanini et al, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.

1986, pp 43-47







Ritzén EM:

Evidence for paracrine factors in the regulation of spermatogenesis

In: Pathophysiology of puberty. Eds C Bergada, M


Ritzén EM:

Precocious puberty in boys.

In: Pathophysiology of puberty. Eds C Bergada, M


Jahnsen T, Attramadal H, Karpe B, Ritzén M, Hansson V:

Changes in germ cell adenylate cyclase and protein carboxyl methylase activities in rat testicular tissue during bilateral cryptorchidism and after orchidopexy.

J Reprod Fertil 77, 317-320, 1986

Ritzén M:

Prader-Willis syndrom - fetma med genetisk bakgrund

Läkartidningen (84) 15, 1271-1272, 1987

Biro J, Ritzén EM, Eneroth P:

Effects of hysterectomy and uterine extracts on the gonadotrophic hormones and the weight of endocrine organs of female rats.

Exp Clin Endocrinol 89:1, 23-30, 1987



Khan SA, Söder O, Syed V, Gustafsson K, Lind M,

Ritzén EM:

The rat testis produces large amounts of an interleukin-1-like factor

Int J Androl 10, 495-503, 1987

Syed V, Khan SA, Lindh M, Ritzén EM:

Ontogeny and cellular origin of a rat seminiferous tubule factor(s) that inhibits LH-dependent testosterone production by interstitial cells in vitro

Int J Androl 10, 711-720, 1987

Syed V, Khan SA, Lindh M, Ritzén EM:

Mechanism of action of the factor(s) secreted by rat seminiferous tubules and inhibiting interstitial cell testosterone production in vitro

Acta Endocrinol (Copenh) 119, 427-434, 1988








Syed V, Söder O, Arver S, Lindh M, Khan S, Ritzén EM:

Ontogeny and cellular origin of an interleukin-1-like factor in the reproductive tract of the male rat

Int J Androl 11, 437-447, 1988

Gustafsson K, Söder O, Pöllänen P, Ritzén EM:

Isolation and partial characterization of an interleukin-1-like factor from rat testis interstitial fluid

J Reprod Immunol 14, 139-150, 1988

Ritzén EM, Haglund-Stengler B, Dorobek MDW, Luthman H:

Clinical forms of congenital adrenal hyperplasia:

Restriction length polymorphism patterns in the CYP21 gene

Acta Endocrinol Japonica 30: 99-104, 1988

Ritzén EM:

Chairman's concluding remarks.

In: Proceedings of an ESPE Symposium on Cryptorchidism.

Eds Sharpe RM, Mller J and Skakkebaek NE.

Hormon Res 30, 212-231, 1988

Ritzén EM, Haglund-Stengler B, Dorobek MDW, Luthman H:

Restriction length polymorphism patterns in 21-hydroxylase deficiency in relation to clinical presentation.

In: Progress in Endocrinology.

Eds Imura H et al.

Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, pp 489-494, 1988

Söder O, Syed V, Pöllänen P, Gustafsson K, Granholm K,

Khan S, Arver S, Holst M, von Euler M, Ritzén EM:

Testicular interleukin-1-like factor.

In: The Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology of the Testis

Eds Cooke BA and Sharpe RM.

Serono Symposia Publications, Vol. 50.

Raven Press, New York, pp 325-332, 1988

Johansson O, Vaalasti A, Hilliges M, Ljungberg A, Nordlind

K, Lidén S, Arver S, Söder O, Ritzén M, Luthman J,

Ahlström U, Kvint S:

Somatostatin-like immunoreactivity in human dendritic cells with special reference to Langerhans cells of the skin.

In: The Langerhans Cell.

Eds Thivolet J, Schmitt D.

Colloque INSERM/John Libbey Eurotext Ltd, Vol 172, pp

261-271, 1988





Albertsson-Wikland K, Aronson S, Nilsson KO, Ritzén M,

Tuvemo T, Westgren U, Westphal O, Perheentupa J, Sipilä I,

Wilton P:

Recombinant somatropin in treatment of growth hormone deficient children in Sweden and Finland.

Acta Pediatr Scand (Suppl) 347, 176-179, 1988

Goonewardena P, Dahl N, Ritzén M, van Ommen GJB,

Pettersson U:

Molecular Xp deletion in a male: Suggestion of a locus for hypogonadotropic hypogonadism distal to the glycerol kinase and adrenal hypoplasia loci.

Clin Genet 35, 5-12, 1989

Ritzén M:

Meeting report - Summary of the 10th NIH-sponsored testis workshop held in Baltimore, MD, USA, December 8-11, 1988.

Mol Cell Endocrin 64, 1-3, 1989

Söder O, Pöllänen P, Syed V, Holst M, Granholm K, Arver S,

Euler M, Gustafsson K, Fr"ysa B, Parvinen M, Ritz‚n EM:

Mitogenic factors in the testis.

In:Perspectives in Andrology.

Ed Serio M

Raven Press, New York, pp 215-225, 1989





Ritzén EM, Hansson V, French FS:

The Sertoli cell.

In: The Testis (Second edition).

Eds Burger H, de Kretser D

Raven Press, New York, pp 269-302, 1989

Jansson J-O, Oscarsson J, Mode A, Ritzén EM:

Plasma growth hormone pattern and androgens influence the levels of corticosteroid-binding globulin in rat serum.

J Endocrinol 122, 725-732, 1989

Syed V, Lindh M, Khan SA, Ritzén EM:

Hormonal regulation of a rat seminiferous tubule factor which inhibits LH action on interstitial cells.

Int J Androl 12, 464-472, 1989

Ritzén EM, Albertsson-Wikland, K (Eds):

Growth Hormone Treatment of Short Stature -

State-of-the-Art in 1989.

Proceedings of a meeting held in Stockholm October 19-20,





Acta Paediatr Scand, Suppl. 362, 1989 von Euler M, Söder O, Pöllänen P, Arver S, Ritzén EM:

Human chorionic gonadotropin stimulates production and secretion of rat testicular interleukin-1-like activity.

In: IVth International Congress of Andrology, Florence,

May 14-18, 1989

Ed Moduzzi SpA, Bologna, pp. 289-293, 1989

Haglund-Stengler B, Ritzén EM, Luthman H:

21-Hydroxylase deficiency: Disease-causing mutations categorized by densitometry of 21-hydroxylase-specific deoxyribonucleic acid fragments.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab 70, 43-48, 1990

Albertsson-Wikland K, Ritzén M:

Tillväxthormonbehandling av kortvuxenhet ger barnet väsentliga psykologiska vinster.

Läkartidningen 87, 1495-1496, 1990

Ritzén, EM:

Testicular relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).

J Reprod Immunol 18, 117-121, 1990






Persson H, Ayer-Le Lievre C, Söder O, Villar MJ, Metsis M,

Olson L, Ritzén M, Hökfelt T:

Expression of á-nerve growth factor receptor mRNA in

Sertoli cells downregulated by testosterone.

Science 247, 704-707, 1990

Persson H, Pelto-Huikko M, Metsis M, Söder O, Bren‚ S,

Skog S, Hökfelt T, Ritzén EM:

Expression of the neurotransmitter-synthesizing enzyme glutamic acid decarboxylase in male germ cells.

Mol Cell Biol 10, 4701-4711, 1990

Haglund-Stengler B, Ritzén EM, Gustafsson J, Luthman H:

Haplotypes of the steroid 21-hydroxylase gene region encoding mild steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency.

Proc Natl Acad Sci 88, 8352-8356, 1991

Parvinen M, Kangasniemi M, Kaipia A, Mali P, Söder O,

Pöllänen P, Toppari J, Huhtaniemi I, Ritzén M:

Local regulation of seminiferous epithelium: The role of cytokines.









Bull Assoc Anat 75, 163-165, 1991

Karlberg J, Albertsson-Wikland K, Nilsson KO, Ritzén EM,

Westphal O:

Growth in infancy and childhood in girls with Turner's syndrome.

Acta Paediatr Scand 80, 1158-1165, 1991

Nilsson KO, Wattsgård C, Albertsson-Wikland K, Aronson S,

Gustafsson J, Hagenäs L, Häger A, Ivarsson SA, Moell C,

Ritzén M, Tuvemo T, Westgren U, Westphal O:

In: Turner Syndrome: Growth Promoting Therapies.

Proceedings of a Workshop on turner Syndrome,

Frankfurt/Main 25-26 May 1990.

Eds Ranke MB, Rosenfeld RG

Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, pp 215-219, 1991

Ritzén EM, Bolme P, Hall K:

Endocrine physiology and therapy in Prader-Willi syndrome.

In: Prader-Willi Syndrome

Ed Cassidy SB

Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 153-169, 1992

Ritzén M, Anvret M:

Prader-Willis syndrom eller Angelmans syndrom? En fråga om mammas eller pappas kromosom 15.

Läkartidningen 89, 1985-1986, 1992

Parvinen M, Pelto-Huikko M, Söder O, Schultz R, Kaipia A,

Mali P, Toppari J, Hakovirta H, Lönnerberg P, Ritzén EM,

Ebendal T, Olson L, Hökfelt T, Persson H:

Expression of

-nerve growth factor and its receptor in rat seminiferous epithelium: Specific function at the onset of meiosis.

J Cell Biol 117, 629-641, 1992

Ritzén EM:

Adrenogenital syndrome.

Curr Opinion Pediatr 4, 661-667, 1992

Lönnerberg P, Söder O, Parvinen M, Ritzén EM, Persson H:

-Nerve growth factor influences the expression of androgen-binding protein messenger ribonucleic acid in the rat testis.

Biol Reprod 47, 381-388, 1992

Wedell A, Ritzén EM, Haglund-Stengler B, Luthman H:

Steroid 21-hydroxylase deficiency: Three additional mutated alleles and establishment of phenotype-genotype relationships of common mutations.







Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 89, 7232-7236, 1992

Ritzén M:

Pubertal growth in genetic disorders of sex hormone action and secretion.

Acta Paediatr, Suppl. 383:22-25, 1992

Söder O, Parvinen M, Bang P, Persson H, Ritzén EM:

Regulation of germ cell proliferation by growth factors.

In: Molecular and Cellular Biology of Reproduction

(Serono Symposia Publications, volume 90).

Eds Spera G, Fabbrini A, Gnessi L, Bardin CW

Raven Press, New York, pp 109-113, 1992

Helleday J, Siwers B, Ritzén EM, Carlström K:

Subnormal androgen and elevated progesterone levels in women treated for congenital virilizing 21-hydroxylase deficiency.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab 76:933-936, 1993


Nilsson KO, Albertsson-Wikland K, Aronson S, Gustafsson J,

Hagenäs L, Häger A, Ivarsson SA, Karlberg J, Kriström B,

Moell Ch, Ritzén M, Tuvemo T, Wattsgård C, Westgren U,

Westphal O, Åman J:

Long-term results of combination treatment with growth hormone, oxandrolone and ethinyl estradiol in girls with

Turner syndrome.

In: Basic and Clinical Approach to Turner Syndrome.

Eds Hibi I, Takano K

Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, pp 303-310, 1993

Helleday J, Edman G, Ritzén EM, Siwers B:

Personality characteristics and platelet MAO activity in women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).

Psychoneuroendocrinology 18:343-354, 1993

Ritzén EM, Czernichow P, Preece M, Ranke M, Wit JM:

Safety of human growth hormone therapy.

Horm Res 39, 92-93, 1993

Ritzén EM:

Does growth hormone increase the risk of malignancies?

Horm Res 39, 99-101, 1993










Ritzén EM:

Inside the testis: Endocrinology and paracrinology (The

Andrea Prader Lecture).

Clin Cxourier 11, 23-24, 1993

Albertsson-Wikland K, Aronson S, Nilsson K, ritzén M,

Tuvemo T, Westgren U, Westphal O, Perheentupa J, Sipilä I,

Wilton P:

Recombinant somatropin in treatment of growth hormone deficient children in Sweden and Finland.

Acta Paediatr Scand (Suppl) 347, 176-179, 1988

Albertsson-Wikland K, Aronson S, Gustafsson J, Hagenäs L,

Häger A, Ivarsson S, Moell C, Nilsson K, Ritzén M, Tuvemo

T, Westgren U, Westphal O:

”State-of-the-art”-konferens om tillväxthormonbehandling av kortvuxenhet.

Läkartidningen 87(17), 1495-1499, 1990

Ritzén M:

Closing remarks - Summary of the 9th International

Symposium on Growth and Growth Disorders, Edinburgh

Acta Paediatr Scand (Suppl) 34, 109-110, 1990

Karlberg J, Albertsson-Wikland K, Nilsson K, Ritzén M,

Westphal O:

Growth in infancy and childhood in girls with Turner's syndrome.

Acta Paediatr Scand 80:1158-1165, 1991

Parvinen M, Söder O, Mali P, Fröysa B, Ritzén EM:

In vitro stimulation of stage-specific deoxyribonucleic acid synthesis in rat seminiferous tubule segments by interleukin-1


Endocrinology 129:1614-1620, 1991

Helleday J, Bartfai A, Ritzén EM, Forsman M:

General intelligence and congnitive profile in women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).

Psychoneuroendocrinology 19, 343-356, 1994

Helleday J, Siwers B, Ritzén EM, Hugdahl K:

Normal lateralization for handedness and ear advantage in a verbal dichotic listening task in women with congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).

Neuropsychologia 32, 875-880, 1994

Wedell A, Thilén A, Ritzén EM, Stengler B, Luthman H:









Mutational spectrum of the steroid 21-hydroxylase gene in

Sweden: Implications for genetic diagnosis and association with disease manifestation.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab 78, 1145-1152, 1994

Svan H, Ritzén EM, Hall K, Johansson L:

Estrogen treatment of tall girls: Dose dependency of effects on subsequent growth and IGF-I levels in blood.

Acta Paediatr Scand 80, 328-332, 1991

Friedman E, Bale AE, Carson E, Boson WL, Nordenskjöld M,

Ritzén M, Ferreira PC, Jammal A, De Marco L:

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus: An X chromosome-linked dominant inheritance pattern with a vasopressin type 2 receptor gene that is structurally normal.

Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 91, 8457-8461, 1994

Ritzén M:

6. Somatisk pubertetsutveckling.

I: Andrologi.

Eds Fredricsson B, Pousette 

Almqvist & Wiksell Medicin, Stockholm, pp52-61, 1994

Gustavson K-H, Ritzén M:

2. Genetisk och somatisk könsdifferentiering.

I: Sexologi.

Ed Lundberg PO

Almqvist & Wiksell Medicin, Stockholm, pp 17-28, 1994

Winqvist O, Gebre-Medhin G, Gustafsson J, Ritzén EM,

Lundkvist Ö, Karlsson FA, Kämpe O:

Identification of the main gonadal autoantigens in patients with adrenal insufficiency and associated ovarian failure.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab 80, 1717-1723, 1995

Ritzén EM:

18. Reproductive endocrinology - The testis.

I: Clinical Paediatric Endocrinology (Third edition).

Ed Brook C-GD

Blackkwell Science, Oxford, pp 298-309, 1995

Setchell BP, Granholm T, Ritzén EM:

Failure of thyroid allografts to function in the testes of cynomolgous monkeys. Brief communication.

J Reprod Immunol 28, 75-80, 1995

Thilén A, Woods KA, Perry LA, Savage MO, Wedell A, Ritzén










Early growth is not increased in untreated moderately severe 21-hydroxylase deficiency.

Acta Paediatr 84, 894-898, 1995

Ohlsson R, Hall K, Ritzén M (Eds):

Genomic Imprinting - Causes and Consequences.

Cambridge University Press, 1995, 374 p

Nilsson KO, Albertsson-Wikland K, Alm J, Aronson S,

Gustafsson J, Hagenäs L, Häger A, Ivarsson SA, Karlberg J,

Kriström B, Marcus C, Moell C, Ritzén M, Tuvemo T,

Wattsgård C, Westgren U, Westphal O, Åman J:

Improved final height in girls with Turner's syndrome treated with growth hormone and oxandrolone.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab 81, 635-640, 1996

Van Wyk JJ,Gunther DF, Ritzén EM, Wedell A, Cutler Jr GB,

Migeon CJ, New, MI:

Therapeutic controversies - The use of adrenalectomy as a treatment for congenital adrenal hyperplasia.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab 81, 3180-3190, 1996

Lindgren AC, Grandell U, Ritzén EM, Anvret M:

Diagnosis of the Prader-Willi syndrome by proving the absence of the unmethylated PW71 DNA fragment.

Acta Paediatr 85, 195-198, 1996

Gunther DF, Bukowski TP, Ritzén, Wedell A, Van Wyk JJ:

Prophylactic adrenalectomy of a three-year-old girl with congenital adrenal hyperplasia: Pre- and postoperative studies.

J Clin Endocrinol Metab 82, 3324-3327, 1997

Lajic S, Bui T-H, Holst M, Ritzén M, Wedell A:

Prenatal diagnostik och behandling av adrenogenitalt syndrom - Förhindra virilisering av flickfoster.

Läkartidningen 94: 4781-4786, 1997

Ritzén EM:

Growth, body composition, and GH treatment in Prader-Willi syndrome. Comment.

Curr Med Literature 12: 98-104, 1997

Lindgren AC, Hagenäs L, Müller J, Blichfeldt S, Rosenborg M,

Brismar T, Ritzén EM:

Growth hormone treatment of children with Prader-Willi syndrome affects linear growth and body composition favourably.

Acta Paediatr 87: 28-31, 1998











Lundberg Y, Ritzén EM, Harlin J, Wedell A:

Novel Missense Mutation (P131R) in the HMG Box of SRY in XY Sex Reversal

Mutation Notes. 328-329, 1998.

Brismar T, Lindgren A-C, Ringertz H, Rosenborg M, Ritzén EM:

Total body bone mineral measurements in children with Prader-Willi syndrome: the influence of the skull´s bone mineral content per area (BMA) and of height.

Pediatr Radiol 28: 38-42, 1998

Lindgren A-C, Hagenäs L, Müller J, Blichfeldt S, Rosenborg M, Brismar T,

Ritzén EM:

Effects of growth hormone treatment on growth and body composition in Prader-

Willi syndrome: a preliminary report.

Acta Paediatr Suppl 423: 60-62, 1997.

Hagenäs L, Öystein A, Eklöf O, Hertel T, Kaitila I, Mohnike K,

Perhentuupa J, Ritzén EM, Sipilä I, Müller J.

Growth hormone treatment in achondroplasia: 2 years results of a dose-response study.

Clin Pediatr Endocrinol 6 (suppl 10): 93-98, 1997.

Ritzén M: Androgenokänslighetssyndrom.

Socialstyrelsens kanskapsdatabas om små och mindre kända handikappgrupper,


Ritzén, EM:

Prenatal treatment o congenital adrenal hyperplasia: A commentary.

Trends in Endocr Metab 9: 293-295, 1998.

Lajic S, Wedell A, The-Hung B, Ritzén EM, Holst M.

Long-term Somatic Follow-up of Prenatally Treated Children with Congenital

Adrenal Hyperplasia.

J Clin Endocr Metab 83: 3872-3880, 1998.

Albertsson-Wikland K, Aronsson S, Gustafsson J, Hagenäs L, Häger A, Ivarsson

S, Kriström B, Marcus C, Moëll C, Nilsson KO, Ritzén EM, Tuvemo T, Westgren

U, Westphal O, Åman J:

Effect of grwoth normone (GH) during puberty in GH-deficient children: preliminary results from an ongoing randomized trial with different dose regemens.

Acta Paediatr suppl. 423:80-4, 1999.

Ritzén EM:

Growth hormone treatment of children with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) as reported to the KIGS database. First year growth response. In: Ranke and Wilton, eds: ”10 years of KIGS”. J and J Verlag, Mannheim 1998, p. 000-000.

Mazhitova Z, Jensen S, Ritzen EM, Zetterström R:









Chlorinated contaminants, growth and thyroid function in schoolchildren from the

Aral Sea region in Kazakhstan.

Acta Paediatr.:87:991-5, 1998.

Setchell BP, Plöen L, Ritzén EM:

Reduction in fluid secretion by rat testis by drugs that block potassium channels.

J Reprod Fertil. 1998 Jan;112(1):87-94.

Bjorses P, Aaltonen J, Vikman A, Perheentupa J, Ben-Zion G, Chiumello G,

Dahl N, Heideman P, Hoorweg-Nijman JJ, Mathivon L, Mullis PE, Pohl M,

Ritzen M, Romeo G, Shapiro MS, Smith CS, Solyom J, Zlotogora J, Peltonen L

Genetic homogeneity of autoimmune polyglandular disease type I.

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Ritzen M. Pubertetens endokrinologi. Svensk Medicin nr 75, 51-56, 2005

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EM Ritzén (ed.), A Bergh, R Bjerknes, P Christiansen, D Cortes, SE Haugen, N

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Ritzén, EM. Editorial: Undescended testicles – how, when and where? Acta

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Ritzén EM. Mikropenis. Pediatrisk Endokrinologi 2006;20:14-20














Hirvikoski T, Nordenstrom A, Lindholm T, Lindblad F, Ritzen EM, Wedell A,

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Kollin C, Karpe B, Hesser U, Granholm T, Ritzén EM. Surgical treatment of unilaterally undescended testes: testicular growth after randomization to orchiopexy at age 9 months or 3 years. J Urol. 2007 Oct;178(4 Pt 2):1589-93

Ritzén EM, Kollin C. Mangement of undescended testes: How and When?

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Ekström K, Carlsson-Skwirut C, Ritzén EM, Bang P. Insulin-like growth factor-I and insulin-like growth factor binding protein-3 cotreatment versus insulin-like growth factor-I alone in two brothers with growth hormone insensitivity syndrome: effects on insulin sensitivity, body composition and linear growth.

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Ritzén EM.Undescended testes: a consensus on management. Eur J Endocrinol.

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Bermon S, Ritzén M, Hirschberg AL, Murray TH. Are the new policies on hyperandrogenism in elite female athletes really out of bounds? Response to "out of bounds? A critique of the new policies on hyperandrogenism in elite female athletes". Am J Bioeth. 2013;13(5):63-5.

Jarrett O, Ayoola O, Jonsson B, Albertsson-Wikland K, Ritzén M. Penile size in healthy Nigerian newborns: country-based reference values and international comparisons. Acta Paediatr 2013 Dec 2.

Ritzén M. Prader Willi Syndrome - The first 50 years. In: Höybye “Prader Willi

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Kollin C, Granholm T, Nordenskjöld A, Ritzén EM. Growth of spontaneously descended and surgically treated testes during early childhood. Pediatrics. 2013

