APPLICATION FORM Please refer to the ‘2015 Guidance for Applicants’ before completing this application form. The application form is split over four sections. It is up to you to decide the content and length of each section, but your application must not exceed three pages in total (excluding the cover pages). Please ensure that your application covers the key criteria that we are looking for and is effectively presented. Any questions relating to your application or the submission process should be directed to or 0131 474 9275. The deadline for submission of entries is 5pm on Friday 24 October 2014. Submitting Your Application Form Please use our online application portal to submit this application form. COSLA EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2015 APPLICATON FORM 02 PLEASE PROVIDE SOME DETAILS ABOUT YOUR APPLICATION: CATEGORY APPLIED FOR Achieving Better Outcomes PROJECT NAME (as you wish to see it published) Angus Commonwealth Games Fund LEAD ORGANISATION Angus Council DEPARTMENT/TEAM Economic Development Local Businesses Elected Members Local Community Groups Angus Commonwealth Games Steering Group (multi agency) PARTICIPANT NAMES OR PARTNER ORGANISATIONS CONTACT NAME Shelley Hague CONTACT DETAILS CAN WE PUBLISH THIS APPLICATION FORM ON OUR WEBSITE? YES COSLA EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2015 APPLICATON FORM 03 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In one short paragraph please describe this project is about, what it has achieved, and why it is delivering excellence. Activity carried out by Angus Council’s Economic Development team aims to fulfil the community planning vision of “Angus is a place where a first class quality of life can be enjoyed by all” and in line with this the economic strategy priority of supporting communities is at the heart of this submission. The aim of this project was to provide a targeted local Angus Commonwealth Games Fund to encourage local groups, businesses and communities to carry out sporting events, dress their business’ windows, organise festivals, support employment/training and hold events to promote and provide a legacy of the Commonwealth Games. PLANNING What is your project about, and why is it important? What are you aiming to achieve, and how does this fit with the bigger picture? Does it tackle the issues that matter most to your community or your organisation? This project aimed to get more people in Angus involved in their community, and work towards our community planning vision and single outcome agreement priorities by capitalising on the Commonwealth Games agenda and creating a legacy for communities. Working within the framework of cross partner activity for the Commonwealth Games and recognising the opportunity to build on the fact that Angus was a proud host venue of the shooting events, it was identified that by offering seed corn funding (max £2,000) through a Commonwealth Games Fund, communities and businesses could be encouraged to embrace opportunities to come together in community focused activity, raise community and civic pride, empower communities, generate jobs, support disadvantaged communities and leave a lasting legacy. With a successful track record of delivering a community grant scheme, Angus Council was well placed to utilise expertise and processes to deliver a customer focused and easy to access Fund. The planning and development phase was supported by the Angus Commonwealth Games Board and Steering Group who worked with economic development staff to pull together criteria and eligibility to shape a programme that would achieve maximum impact with the monies available. The assessment process adopted aimed to be as quick as possible to ensure applicants were able to plan and implement their projects quickly. Decisions were delegated to the Commonwealth Games Board to ensure alignment with Commonwealth Games activity in Angus and ensure there was no overlap or duplication with other planned activities. A marketing plan was devised in conjunction with Angus Council’s communications and marketing teams. A new and innovative monitoring mechanism was developed to ensure that lasting impact was recognised and retained by avoiding typical monitoring report styles and focusing on greater use of IT, media and social media with successful applicants encouraged to submit video clips, photos, social media content etc. which was published on a public Angus Commonwealth Games website and will be used in future legacy work. DELIVERING T How have you carried out your project? How did you ensure that this was done effectively? What are you doing to continue to improve? The programme launched in May 2014 with final applications submitted prior to the Commonwealth Games in July 2014 although projects could be delivered up to December 2014. A programme of publicity and promotion was implemented including distribution of publicity materials, use of local advertising, social media campaigns, websites, newsletters etc. most of which was at little or no cost. Initial activity was followed up by Angus Council’s External Funding Team across Angus, attending community council, voluntary group meetings etc. and generally promoting the Commonwealth Games message and what could be achieved through the Fund. Community Planning partners were briefed and contributed to the overall marketing effort. From these sessions a number of applicants came forward with innovative and dynamic projects for example employability pipeline supporting employment opportunities for the Games which has COSLA EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2015 APPLICATON FORM 04 led to 8 long term unemployed individuals gaining sustainable employment following the events. The continued communication with groups through the application process ensured they were well informed and supported and has led to them seeking other funding and capacity building to continue their activity into the future. A programme of weekly approval sessions was programmed to allow for quick decision making. Due to detailed planning at the start we ensured that the funding was distributed quickly and efficiently so as to offer the most impact and in a timely fashion. Successful applicants were asked to provide feedback and report on the success of their project by providing photos, films, social media updates etc. This way we have a record of activity, a legacy of the engagement and material that can be used and shared with communities as good practice. Budget spend was monitored monthly, and unused monies recycled into the Fund for further use. To date 80% of activity has been carried out with 340 community leaders at the core of activity. As this Fund has proved successful, plans are already in place to target funds to complement other proposed local and national themes e.g. 2015 is Scotland’s Year of Food and Drink - a key priority of the Angus economy. Ring fencing funding to generate activity related to this will ensure that communities are engaged in Angus economic activity and in turn we can support them to develop events and activities, attract other funds, and grow their projects. Our communities are now well equipped to plan, organise and carry out local events and projects which can be replicated in other areas keen to start providing local services. Event Organisers in Angus are already supported through an active network which encourages mutual learning, best practice sharing and best value through sharing of services. This network has been boosted by new members who were able to source funding through the Commonwealth Games Fund. The External Funding team are keen to continue their programme of engagement to support this. On the horizon we also have The Open returning to Angus in 2018, and the development of the V&A in Dundee and increased cultural tourism in the East of Scotland so we are keen to continue to tailor our support so it is efficient and effective in supporting local groups and businesses and contributing to legacy across Scotland. INNOVATION & LEADING PRACTICE Why is your project innovative? How is it helping to prepare for the future? What is happening to help other organisations benefit from your approach? Our project was innovative as it allowed groups and businesses the flexibility and creativity required to deliver successful events, projects and activity in their local communities for the greater good of Angus and indeed Scotland. Targeting funding through the Commonwealth Games Fund has given us a good evidence base that legacy can be achieved if local communities are engaged and supported. There are now plans to target resources at the Year of Food and Drink, The Open in Carnoustie in 2018 and the cultural tourism linked to the V&A opening in Dundee. . So often local funding has so many strings attached, and excludes many active groups and in particular businesses who have some really innovative ideas on service delivery and providing support to disadvantaged groups. We have just completed a review of our project and have sent it to Scottish Government to share with other areas. The report will be tabled at local partnerships and national groups for example SLAED and the Scottish Local Authority External Funding Officers Group (SLOG). Sharing of this good practice will be really important across Scotland and indeed within our own area where we hope that the third sector will benefit and take on the principles of the targeted approach. RESULTS & IMPACT What impact are you having, or expect to have? How are you measuring this, and what does this tell you? Are you delivering what you set out to achieve? In total it is estimated that over 5,000 local people have been engaged through the various events, projects and activity including many who had never taken part in sporting activity. This included 400 people at a bowling event which engaged young people in the sport of bowling and was COSLA EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2015 APPLICATON FORM 05 supported by local gold medal winning bowler Darren Burnett. The St Thomas’ Swimming events/tournament encouraged 40 participants and over 350 people attended the fun day. DEAP (employability provider) have supported over 50 local job seekers with 8 individuals finding sustainable employment. The East Haven 800 Festival was funded through the project and given ongoing support to develop their series of community events. The Commonwealth Games baton relay passed through this area generating a lot of excitement and since being awarded funding, the group has been successful in obtaining over £80,000 from other funders as well in kind support and donations. They have achieved international interest in their work and developed their community garden on the Beechgrove Garden and just recently won a VisitScotland Tourism Award and been shortlisted for the Herald Society Awards for “Community of the Year”. Just Play was a project funded under the initiative and worked to support parents, who were struggling to engage effectively with their children, through sporting activities and this has been one of the most successful schemes. Results have noted that through active play the fathers are now a lot more involved in their children's lives with the long term goal of supporting them fully. This increased their confidence, encouraged interaction between families and is increasing their quality of life. St Thomas’ Swimming Club, who received funding, said “After a wonderfully exciting Commonwealth Games in Glasgow we, as a club, were determined to promote the legacy the Games within our local community and surrounding area and the award we received effectively allowed us to achieve this and simultaneously kick start a fresh enthusiasm all round” Enabling local groups and communities and providing the initial support can lead to significant achievements which will be felt by communities into the future. Through providing an initial source of funding, it was calculated that for every pound invested by Angus Council £3.20 has been levered in through other funding bids and donations. This is still growing on a daily basis as activity is scheduled up to the end of 2014. In terms of those gaining employment, this has provided a benefit saving of over £27,000 per year (purely including JSA). Initial analysis and feedback has identified that through the project, local groups have an increased sense of empowerment, are planning on continuing with events/activity for 2015 and beyond and that they found this support very valuable. Businesses felt more linked in to their community. At the start of the project development in early 2014, the main aim was to engage communities by using the Commonwealth Games. Through local engagement, it is felt that the communities in Angus are much more active and empowered to put in funding bids to enhance local people’s lives. We anticipated a lot from the limited funding available however the results have far outweighed our expectations and it is believed that this is due to the flexible, proactive and supportive programme that was put in place. Please limit your application to 3 pages or less and use font size 11or greater COSLA EXCELLENCE AWARDS 2015 APPLICATON FORM 06 NEXT STEPS Have you answered the criteria set out in the guidance? Is your application form 3 pages or less. (Anything more, including appendices, will be automatically rejected) Has your application form been authorised by an appropriate person? Have you indicated whether you wish the application form to be published? Have you provided details for someone we can contact about your application? SUBMITTING YOUR APPLICATION PLEASE SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION BY 24 OCTOBER 2014 USING OUR ONLINE APPLICATIONS PORTAL: CLICK HERE TO SUBMIT YOUR APPLICATION FORM