Hire Form_of_Agreement excluding Cyclone Shelter

Agreement to Hire Facilities at
Principal: Mr Benjamin Gaske
4 Endeavour Street , Port Douglas 4877
Telephone: (07) 4084 3222 Facsimile: (07) 4084 3000
Email: the.principal@.portdougss.eq.edu.au
1. Name of hirer
ABN: 11 352 259 629
on this
A.B.N. (If Applicable)
2. Address
____________________________________ Postcode _________________________________________________________
3. Postal Address
____________________________________ Postcode _________________________________________________________
4. Telephone
PH: (
) ______________________ Mobile: _________________________ Email: ________________________________
5. Details of Hirer Insurance Company Details - A copy of your current Public Liability Insurance policy must be provided to us at the same time as
the completed Part 1 of this agreement. In addition we may also request to site the original document.
6. Name of Contact person from Port Douglas State School:
Benjamin Gaske
Contact details
PH: (07) 4084 3222
Email: the.principal@portdougss.eq.edu.au
7. Venue needed (Please indicate, and note conditions for use of Hall) All venues to be left clean and tidy.
Library/Other Rooms
 ________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________
Undercover Area
 ________________________________________________
Multi Purpose Courts
 ________________________________________________
 ______________________________________________ * Hall floor dry mopped - specific equipment
8. Activity venue will be used for
9. Date/s when venue is needed
Commencement Date: ________________________________ Termination Date: ________________________________
Time when venue and equipment needed (include setting up time)
Start: _____________________________________________ Finish: _____________________________________________
10. Equipment requested to use. (To be discussed individually with school, based on the activity and the facility being used)
11. Fees _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature _____________________________________ Name (Please print) _________________________________
Approval is granted to ________________________________________________________________________________________________
to use the requested Hire Facility at Port Douglas State School and at the times listed according to the conditions stated herein and subject to the
Approved by: ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________________________________________
(Port Douglas School Authority)
O Input into Notices & Events
O Photocopied, Invoice & Approval sent / Original filed
Hall Hire Booking Bond
$200.00 (returned after event – N/A for regular booking)
Hire Charges
Concessional / Special Rates
Permanent weekly bookings
Amateur / Charitable / Non-profit
12. Bond Deposit (GST Free) $200
13. Hire Fee (Incl. GST)
14.Equipment Hire (Incl. GST)
15. Other
Up to 50%
Up to 50%
Hirers are required to inform fully all persons in their organisation who will be connected with the hired facility, of the conditions agreed to and contained in the
Hire Agreement.
You must supervise and control your employees, agents, visitors, or invitees on the premises.
The Principal and/or their representatives shall have right of access and attendance at the school at any time during the period of hiring.
The person or persons named as Hirer must be over the age of 18 years to hire ANY of the premises.
You must pay the bond at the time you sign this agreement. You must pay the fee –
at least 14 days before the booking; or
at the time you sign this agreement, if you need the venue within 14 days.
Each permanent booking must be formally renewed on an annual basis.
Hirers are required to inform fully all persons in their organisation who will be connected with the hired facility, of the conditions agreed to and contained in the
Hire Agreement.
All long term hirers will be expected to pay for their booking regardless if they attend or not.
Exceptions will be if the school requires to use the facility or unless the school receives three weeks written notice that the hirer will not be using the facility.
If hire charges are in arrears by 4 weeks, use of school facilities will be suspended until outstanding amount is paid.
The Principal reserves the right to refuse hire of the premises without explanation. The use of the premises must not interfere with the ordinary work of the
school or be injurious to the land, building or furniture.
We will refund to you the bond and the fee paid if you cancel the booking at least 14 days before the booking.
We may keep the bond and the fee paid if you cancel the booking within 14 days of the booking.
We may cancel the booking and end this agreement –
if you do not pay the fee on time; or
at any time if –
(i) in our opinion the venue has become unfit or unsafe for use for the activity;
(ii) you do not keep to the conditions of this agreement;
(iii) a person whom we have refused entry to the premises enters it; or
(iv) a person whom we have directed to leave the premises fails to do so.
We will refund to you the bond and the fee paid if –
in our opinion you or your employees, agents, visitors, or invitees have not caused the venue to become unfit or
unsafe for use for the activity.
we will refund the bond to you if you have left the premises in a condition to our satisfaction and you have kept to these
The Principal and/or their representatives shall have right of access and attendance at the school at any time during the period of hiring.
The Principal reserves the right to refuse hire of the premises without explanation. The use of the premises must not interfere with the ordinary work of the
school or be injurious to the land, building or furniture.
We are not liable for any loss or damage because of any cancellation by us. School activities will take precedence over any other. The school will endeavour to
give ample notice of the intention to use the facilities to any organisation with a permanent booking except in extra-ordinary circumstances.
You and your employees, agents, visitors, and invitees must –
Seek approval from The Principal if sound system is needed
Decorations must not be attached on wall/ceiling in a fashion which damages the surface finishes. If damage (as determined by the school)
exists, then the bond will be forfeited.
Use the venue and the equipment for the activity on the date and between the times specified
Not use the premises for any illegal purpose or, in our opinion, objectionable purpose;
Not cause a nuisance, or interfere with the reasonable peace, comfort, or privacy of other users of the premises or neighbours of the premises;
Not use the premises other than the venue and routes of access to and from it;
Enter and exit the venue through the openings or gates and on the paths;
Not park on the premises;
Not smoke anywhere on the premises as school grounds are a non-smoking site;
Not alter or make improvements to the premises;
Not move or remove any fixture or fitting of the venue;
Not bring animals on the premises;
Keep to any other conditions of use signed on the premises;
The premises shall not be hired for any purpose which involves the serving or eating of food or alcohol.
Hirers of facilities are required to restrict their group to the immediate area of the hire agreement (identified below) not allowing accompanying persons to
wander or play around the school. Noise associated with any activity is to be kept at a reasonable level, particularly after 10pm.
Library/Other Rooms
Undercover Area
Multi Purpose Courts
Cyclone Shelter
 ________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________
 ________________________________________________
We will give you a key for each lock to gain access to the venue. You must return all keys to us at the end of the booking. One set of keys will be issued to each
Hirer. Signing for keys is necessary. The key holder’s signature is an acknowledgement of acceptance of the conditions of key issue.
Facilities shall only be available at the time specified. The school accepts no responsibility for any equipment or other material brought to or left at the premises
by the Hirer.
You must at the end of the booking –
close and lock the venue’s gates, windows and doors; and
switch off the venue’s lights, fans, air conditioners, and other electrical equipment used.
Things to be left clean and tidy
You must leave the premises and the equipment in a clean and tidy condition, and in the same condition they were in at the start of the booking. We may
arrange for the cleaning of the premises and the equipment at your cost if you do not clean them.
Furniture and equipment on or in the venue must not be moved, unless, before the booking, you have received our approval to do so. If we give our
approval, you must put the furniture and equipment back to its original position at the end of the booking.
You must remove from the premises all things, including rubbish, brought onto the premises because of this agreement, at the end of the booking. We
may arrange for the things to be removed at your cost if you do not remove them.
You must not use rubbish bins on the premises.
Please find below the cleaning instructions:1.
Remove all rubbish
All decorations to be taken down and disposed of.
Sweep/mop/vacuum the floors
Collect and stack all chairs and place them as found.
If not paying cleaning fee: Toilet bowls and seats are to be cleaned as are benches and mirrors (must use own chemicals).
Outside areas and if necessary in school grounds to be left free of bottle tops, rubbish and cigarette butts – hose down concreted areas.
Responsibility for damage etc.
You are responsible for –
damage, loss, or injury to any person or property; and
the cost of any security or emergency call-out to the premises; arising from the activity and use of the venue and equipment.
You will indemnify us, our employees, and agents against all claims for damages, loss, costs, or injury arising from the activity and the use of the venue or
You must pay, within the time set by us –
for any damage to or loss of our property arising from the activity and use of the venue or equipment;
the charges that we decide if –
(i) you or your employees, agents, visitors, or invitees use any part of the premises other than the venue;
(ii) you or your employees, agents, visitors, or invitees use the premises outside the booking.
No advertising material is to be erected or displayed on the premises unless you have received our written approval to do so before the booking.
Advertising to promote the activity at the venue must not be used unless you have received our written approval to do so before the booking.
As a guide, we will not approve advertising that –
is of a nature that might imply that we are involved with or endorse the thing advertised;
refers to the premises other than to show the location of the venue;
is in our opinion objectionable.
We do not warrant that the venue and the equipment are fit, suitable, or adequate for the activity and all warranties able to be excluded by law are
You warrant that –
you have satisfied yourself that the venue and the equipment are fit for the activity;
the venue and the equipment are in good condition; and
you have been given adequate information about the venue and the equipment to ensure its use without risk to any
You must not rehire the venue or give the benefit of this agreement to someone else without our written approval.
This agreement only comes into effect if –
we approve your application in writing; and
the parents and citizens association has approved in writing –
(i) the activity;
(ii) the conditions of this agreement.
We will promptly let you know in writing whether –
we have approved your application; and
if applicable, the parents and citizens association has approved application
A copy of your current Public Liability Insurance policy must be provided to us at the same time as the completed Part 1 of this agreement. The Hirer
is responsible for Public Liability Insurance, a copy of which is to be given to the school annually. The school accepts no responsibility for any injury caused to
any member of the hirer’s group by any defect in the school facilities.
The key is not to be copied;
The key is not to be used by any person other than the person the key is issued to;
Report any loss of the key to school authorities immediately;
The key holder accepts liability for the loss of a key if due to negligence;
The key holder is to take responsibility for the security of the facility;
The Hirer will need to pay for changing of locks if the key is lost.