DEPARTMENT OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATION UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMME Head of the Department: Eufimia Tafa, Professor Tel.: 28310 77653, fax: 28310 77654 Deputy Head of the Department: Anna Strataridaki, Associate Professor Tel.: 28310 77664 Secretary: Eugenia Milona, tel.: 28310 77652, e-mail: Administrative staff: Sofia Sampson, tel.: 28310 77651 Evangelia Patsahaki: tel.: 28310 77650 Administration office e-mail:, fax: 28310 77654 A. Degree Awarded – Professional Prospects The Department of Preschool Education of the University of Crete awards a degree which gives the holder the opportunity to work as a preschool teacher. The graduates are then qualified to professionally engage in various social institutions such as the following: - State and private kindergartens - Schools and Institutions for people with special needs - Nurseries, Day-Care Centres and Crèches - Hotels (babysitting and children’s entertainment) - Children’s Museums and Museums with educational activities for children - Publishing companies, as contributors to the writing/editing of educational texts and children’s books. - Radio and T.V. stations in productions for children - Orphanages (e.g. “Children’s Villages S.O.S.”) - Music and art workshops - Services, organisations and other kinds of educational institutions - Centres of educational management and consultancy - Research centres for Education Sciences B. Goals of the Department The objective of the Department of Preschool Education is to: - Develop and promote the Sciences of Education by means of exemplary teaching, training and research - Provide graduates with the opportunity to develop skills necessary for an academic and/or professional career - Contribute to the improvement of education in general and meet the increasing demands of the educational services - Contribute to debates and solutions regarding current educational issues. C. Further Studies The graduates of the Department of Preschool Education meet the requirements for postgraduate studies. D. Regulations and Syllabus The objectives of this program of study are to: - Enhance the search for knowledge - Foster the spirit of team work, interdisciplinary partnerships and multicultural coexistence among academic, administrative staff and students. E. Courses and the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (= ECTS) The term “course” refers to a specific scientific content which is part of a greater subject or an area of knowledge. For example, in the subject of Philology the student may pursue a course on Children’s Literature for a semester. A course may be taught for one or more semesters. In the latter case the course gets a different code and title (e.g. PSY 101: Developmental Psychology I, PSY 102: Developmental Psychology II, MOU 100: Music and Rhythmic Education for Preschool Children I, MOU 102: Music and Rhythmic Education for Preschool Children II). The title, the type of course, the aims, the content, the suggested reading, the teaching and learning methods, the methods of assessment and the language of instruction are included in the electronic guidebook which is posted on the Department’s website. The full program (i.e. the rooms and the timetable of courses, seminars, teaching practice, fieldwork, etc.) is announced at the beginning of each semester. All undergraduate courses offered by the Department are coded as follows: each course is signalled by three letters depending on the greater subject it belongs to. PAI = Sciences of Education, PSY = Psychology, KOI = Sociology, FIL = Philology, FIS = Philosophy, IST = History, THR = Theology, MAT = Mathematics, STA = Statistics, PLI = Computer Sciences, MOU = Music, EIK = Arts and Crafts, FAN = Physical Education for Preschool Children, KSGL = Foreign Language, SPA = Seminar in Education, SPSY = Seminar in Psychology, SAE = Seminar in other disciplines, SPE = the BEd Dissertation Seminar, DAS = Teaching Practice. A three-digit number is added to the code of each course. Courses are coded with the numbers 100 and up, seminars are coded with the numbers 100-500 and the levels of teaching practice with the numbers 100, 200-201 and 300301. European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS): Each course offered is awarded with credits depending on the workload necessary for its successful completion (article 2, paragraph 1, ministerial decision F5/89656/B3, F.E.K. 1466/ 13-8-2007). The total workload per semester can be about thirty (30) credits. Students have to accumulate a total of two hundred and forty (240) credits in order to obtain their degree. The minimum number of semesters which are compulsory for the completion of undergraduate studies is eight (8). The credits are assigned to units of coursework in different proportions as shown below: Category A: 1. Compulsory courses (Except from courses in Category B) 2. Optional courses (Except from courses in Category B) 3. Seminars 4. BEd Dissertation 5. Level I Teaching Practice (4rth Semester) rd 6. Level II Teaching Practice (3 Year) 7. Level II Teaching Practice (4th Year) 4 ECTS 4 ECTS 7 ECTS 14 ECTS 7 ECTS 8 ECTS 9 ECTS Category B: Each Foreign Language course (KSGL 100-103), the course “Physical Education for Preschool Children” (FAN 100-103), the courses on Art (FA 100-104), and the courses “Music and Rhythmic Education for Preschool Children” (MOU 100-103) are awarded with 3 ECTS. Category C: The credits awarded to the BEd Dissertation are credited to the winter and spring semester of the 4th year of study in different proportions such as 10 + 4, 9 + 5, 8 + 6, 7 + 7, etc ECTS. An example of a 4-years study program appears in the following table. 1st Year of Study 2nd Year of Study 1st Semester: 6 compulsory courses + 2 courses from category B 6x4=24 ECTS 2x3=6 ECTS 2nd Semester: 6 compulsory or/and optional courses + 2 courses from category B 6x4=24 ECTS 2x3=6 ECTS 3rd Semester: 6 compulsory or/and optional + 2 courses from category B 6x4=24 ECTS 2x3=6 ECTS 4th Semester: 5 compulsory or/and optional courses + 1 from category B + teaching practice 5x4=20 ECTS 1x3=3 ECTS 7 ECTS 3rd Year of Study 4th Year of Study 5th Semester: 1 seminar + 3 compulsory or/and optional courses + 1 from category B + teaching practice 7 ECTS 3x4=12 ECTS 3 ECTS 8 ECTS 6th Semester: 1 seminar + 3 compulsory or/and optional courses + 1 from category B + teaching practice 7 ECTS 3x4=12 ECTS 3 ECTS 8 ECTS 7th Semester: 1 seminar SPE + 1 seminar + teaching practice+ 2 compulsory/optional courses 6 ECTS 7 ECTS 9 ECTS 2x4=8 ECTS 8th Semester: 1 seminar SPE + teaching practice + 3 optional courses + 2 from category B 8 ECTS 9 ECTS 3x4=12 ECTS 1x3=3 ECTS The following table contains the number of courses and the proportion of credits required to attain the degree: s/n Courses 1. Compulsory 2. 3. 4. 5. Number of Courses Credits (ECTS) Category A Category B 19 6 19x4=76 6x3=18 Category A Category B 16 2 3 1 16x4=64 2x3=6 3x7=21 14 1 2 2 1x7=7 2x8=16 2x8=16 52 240 Optional Seminars BEd Dissertation Teaching Practice 4th Semester (Level I) Level II Level III Total ECTS coordinators: Marina Tzakosta, Lecturer (member) Evanthia Synodi, Lecturer (deputy member) 2. Course categories a. Compulsory Courses Compulsory courses are mainly offered during the first two years of study because they are considered necessary for the theoretical background of the trainee preschool teacher. Students are requested to pursue these courses during the eight (8) semesters of their study in the Department. The number and content of courses offered in each semester cannot change, unless the Department makes different arrangements responding to emerging and unforeseen needs. The compulsory courses are as follows: Code PAI 100 Title Introduction to Education Tutor S. Hatzistefanidou PAI 101 PAI 102 PAI 105 PAI 107 PAI 148 PAI 149 Preschool Education Teaching Methodology I: Basic Principles Methods of psychopedagogical Research I Pedagogical Psychology Special Teaching Methodology Methodology of teaching social sciences in preschool education Oral and Written language of Preschool Children Teaching approaches in Aesthetics Education Methodological approaches in Psychomotor Education E. Synodi V. Oikonomidis G. Manolitsis M. Pourkos E. Gourgiotou V. Oikonomidis 4 4 4 4 4 4 E. Tafa 4 M. Sotiropoulou K. Trouli 4 4 M. Markodimitraki M. Markodimitraki A. Matsopoulos 4 4 4 K. Korosis A. Fountoulakis 4 4 EIK 100 Introduction to Psychology Developmental Psychology I School Psychology with an emphasis on behavior management in the classroom Introduction to Sociology Modern Greek I: Historical development – Literature Introduction to Philosophy Mathematical concepts in Preschool Education Statistics in Education I Information Technology in Education I Music and Rhythmic Education for Preschool Children I-II Arts and Crafts I FAN 100 KSGL 100-101* Physical Education for Preschool Children I Foreign Language I-II PAI 150 PAI 151 PAI 152 PSY 100 PSY 101 PSY 128 KOI 100 FIL100 FIS 100 MAT 102 STA 100 PLI 100 MOU 100-101* I. Tzavaras A. Kornilaki M. Linardakis N. Zaranis St. Zervoudakis – D. Antonakakis A. Tsoupakis – K. Christidis D. Anyfantakis Adjunct Secondary School Teacher * The mean number of the two marks in these two courses is the single final mark awarded to the student. b. Optional Courses Optional Courses are a variety of courses students can choose from. Three (3) of them can be a totally free choice, which means that students are allowed to choose three courses from any other Department of the University of Crete according to their interests. In this case, students must inform the assigned Academic Advisor of the Department (who is appointed each year by the ECTS 4 4 4 4 4 3+3 3 3 3+3 Department’s General Assembly) to obtain permission. These courses are recorded in accordance with the description and codes assigned by the generating Department. The following table presents the Optional Courses offered by the Department of Preschool Education during the academic year 2010-2011. Code ECTS PAI 111 Title Tutor Psychopaedagogy of early childhood G. Manolitsis 4 PAI 113 Aesthetic Education I: General Principles I. Tzavaras 4 PAI 118 Special Education of preschool and school children: Early support Intervention M. Kypriotaki 4 PAI 120 Sociology of Education Th. Eleftherakis 4 PAI 121 Organisation and Management in Education E. Argyropoulou 4 PAI 124 Economics and planning in Education E. Argyropoulou 4 PAI 156 Science in Preschool Education M. Kalogiannakis 4 PAI 164 Science Didactics in Preschool Education M. Kalogiannakis 4 PAI 165 Introduction to Intercultural Education D. Kontogianni 4 PSY 114 Language Disorders M. Tzakosta 4 PSY 119 The Psychology of Early years Ek. Kornilaki 4 PSY 120 Counselling A. Matsopoulos 4 KOI 102 Sociology of the family K. Korosis 4 KOI 108 Political socialisation and education: theory and practice Th. Eleftherakis 4 IST 102 Greek history III A. Strataridaki 4 IST 106 History in Preschool Education A. Strataridaki 4 FIL 103 Children’s Literature M. Karaiskou 4 FIL 105 Greek Literature and Drama A. Fountoulakis 4 FIL 106 Modern Greek Literature: Representations of Childhood in Prose Fiction M. Karaiskou 4 Topics of theoretical and applied linguistics M. Tzakosta 4 FIL 108 THR 100 History and Phenomenology of religions K. Stavrianos 4 THR 101 Orthodox Patristic Theology K. Stavrianos 4 PLI 103 Applications of Information Technology in Education N. Zaranis 4 PLI 105 Information Technology in Education IV N. Zaranis 4 STA 101 Statistics in Education II M. Linardakis 4 MOU 102 Music and Rhythmic Education for St. Zervoudakis - Preschool Children III (Prerequisite: MOY 101) D. Antonakakis MOU 103 Music and Rhythmic Education for 3 St. Zervoudakis - Preschool Children IV (Prerequisite: MOY 102) D. Antonakakis 3 EIK 101 Education in Pictorial arts A. Tsoupakis 3 EIK 102 Arts and Crafts III (in two groups) A. TsoupakisK. Christidis EIK 103 FAN 101 Arts and Crafts IV (in two groups) Physical education for preschool children II 3 A. TsoupakisK. Christidis 3 D. Anyfantakis 3 (prerequisite: FPSA 100 FAN 100) (in three groups) KSGL 102 Foreign Language III Adjunct Secondary School teachers 3 KSGL 103 Foreign Language IV Adjunct Secondary School teachers 3 The list of Optional Courses also includes the “Interdepartmental” Course titled: “Scientist-Citizen” (EP). 3. Course Levels Courses in the Department of Preschool Education are classified into four (4) levels: Lectures, Seminars, Teaching Practice and the BEd Dissertation Seminar. In Lectures and Seminars registration to students of other Departments is also permitted. Priority is given to students of the Department of Preschool Education. Lectures and Seminars are taught for three (3) hours per week. It is at the tutor’s discretion to exceed the three teaching hours during Teaching Practice and this is due to the special nature of the teaching subject. 3a. Lectures Lectures are courses in which a subject is analyzed theoretically and/or practically and then presented to a large group of students. Foreign Language (KSGL) For the Foreign Language, which is taught as a compulsory course over two semesters (KSGL 100-101) a single mark is awarded at the end of the second semester. This is calculated as the mean number of the marks students obtain in the exams of each semester (e.g. A semester: 7, B semester: 9. These two marks add up to 16 (7+9) and the mean number is 8 (16:2). In case students choose to continue over the third or the fourth semester (which equals to the third and the fourth course of Foreign Language i.e. KSGL 102 and KSGL 103) they obtain a separate mark for each semester/course. Marks for the courses in Music Education (MOU 100-101) are calculated in the same manner. That is, the mark awarded will be the mean of the marks obtained over the first two courses. Therefore, there will be a single mark for both courses. 3b. Seminars (S) Seminars are courses in the context of which students work on an essay. An oral presentation of this essay, which can be team-based or a product of individual work, is compulsory for each student. A student who has already passed at least one course from the relevant subject area (Education, Psychology, or other disciplines) has the right to enroll in a seminar. Priority is given to students who have passed a second or a third relevant course. Priority is also determined by the number of semesters the student has completed (i.e. students who have completed more semesters and progressed over the final years of their study come first). First year students are not permitted to enroll in a seminar. The number of students enrolled in a seminar cannot be more than 15 and less than 5. However, if the department encounters any emergent problems the number of students can be increased up to 20. If necessary, the seminar can be offered again in the following semester. The four seminars students are required to undertake during their study are the following: SPA 100-199 Seminar on Education SPSY 200-299 Seminar on Psychology SAE 300-399 Seminar on other disciplines: sociology, philology, theology, history, aesthetic education etc. SPΕ 400-500 BEd Dissertation Seminar From the academic year 2007-2008 onwards, courses of practical study are offered as workshops (SPΑ or SPSΥ or SΑΕ). Workshops are different from seminars as they have a more practical component and mainly deal with implementation. 3c. Teaching Practice (DAS) Teaching practice involves observation of, and teaching in preschool classes. It is compulsory for all students. It takes place in local preschool classes and spreads over three levels. Level I spreads over one semester in contrast to the other two levels (II and III) which spread over two semesters each. They are organized in the following way: At Level I teaching practice takes place one day per week for one semester. Students split in two equal groups and each group does its practice for one semester (Autumn or Spring). At this level teaching practice consists of observation in local nurseries and meetings/workshops at the University at the end of the day where students and tutors discuss the outcomes of observation and reflect on several teaching issues. At Level II, in the third year of study, teaching practice is organized for one day per week over two semesters. During Autumn semester students teach five times for half a school day each. In the Sring term students teach twice for a whole school day each. At Level III, in the fourth year of study, students teach twice per semester for four whole school days each (that is a total of 8 whole school days per semester) and attend workshops once a week. A student has to pass each level of Teaching Practice in order to move on to the next. Students are assessed every semester. The mean number of the marks obtained in each semester at Levels II and III is the mark awarded for each level (if the mark in the winter semester of Level II is 8 and the mark in the spring semester of Level II is 10, then the mark awarded for Level II is 9). Accordingly, students get three marks for the 5 semesters of their teaching practice. Staff members who specialize in the subject area of Education share the responsibility of supervision and assessment of students and form a committee for the management of Teaching Practice. The committee’s work and management decisions are subject to the approval of the Department’s General Assembly, responsible for the development of the liaison and partnership with other educational authorities regarding the implementation of teaching practice. The Head of the Teaching Practice Committee is the coordinator. 3d. BEd Dissertation Seminar (SPE) Each student prepares a dissertation within a maximum of three academic years and orally defends it after submission. Starting at the seventh semester of their study students attend a special seminar three hours a week in which up to twelve students are accepted. Attendance is compulsory. Students are assigned to a particular dissertation seminar according to their preference. In case there is a surplus of student interest for a specific dissertation seminar, students are selected by draw in which the students’ year of study and a list of preferences are taken into account. Subject to the tutor’s approval, a student can be enrolled in a dissertation seminar without attending it. This is possible only if the student has attended and passed a seminar offered by the same tutor and wants to develop the seminar’s essay work into a dissertation. In this case, the student is required to submit an application accompanied by the tutor’s written consent to the Secretary of the Department. This procedure presupposes that students start their dissertation work no earlier than their seventh semester of study. There is a library of undergraduate and postgraduate dissertations named ‘Georgios Krassanakis Library’ which has been available for consultation since the academic year 2006-2007. The lending service is facilitated by Ms Elissavet Chlapana, who belongs to the research support staff (ETEP) of the Department (tel. no. 28310-77696). 4. Third Examination Period According to the circular B1/54/24—1-1995 of the Ministry of Education, students in their final year are entitled to a second repeat exam (within the winter exam period of January / February), in addition to the standard autumn repeat exam organized for the 7th and 8th semester. To take advantage of this opportunity, students should include the courses for which they need a repeat exam in the ‘course attendance’ form they submit to the Secretary upon re-registration. 5. Life Long Learning Program / Erasmus Students who wish to visit foreign countries as part of an educational exchange program (Erasmus, Socrates etc) can do so at any semester. They have a choice to attend courses and/or teaching placements/practice. Students who sit and succeed in exams and/or practice abroad can apply to transfer their marks and therefore be exempt from attendance and exams in courses which are deemed to be the equivalent in the Preschool Department of the University of Crete. Students who wish to participate in exchange programs should make arrangements before leaving (a) with the Department’s representative in the University’s PR unit and (b) with the teaching practice supervisor for frequent feedback and assessment in their absence. E. Departmental Laboratories Laboratory of Pedagogical Research and Applications (FEK 131 / 296-99, v. A) Tel. no: 28310 77696, fax: 28310–77891, e-mail: Director: Eufimia Tafa, tel. no.: 28310–77661, e-mail: Unit of Teaching and Educational Research Head: Vassilios Oikonomidis, tel. no.: 28310-77657, e-mail: Unit of Psychopedagogical Research and Assessment Head: Georgios Manolitsis, tel. no.: 28310-77665, e-mail: The Laboratory meets research and teaching needs (teaching programs, teaching approaches, teaching methodology, preschool curricula, language development, multi-agent cooperation in education and the development of psychomotor, mathematical, aesthetic, music and drama resources). Laboratory of Research in Psychology (FEK 131 / 29-6-99, v. A) Tel. no.: 28310 –77948, fax: 28310-77894, e-mail: Unit of Ecological Psychology and Experiential, Heuristic and Dialogic/Communicative Psychopaedagogy Head: Marios Pourkos, tel. no.: 28310–77666, e-mail: Unit of School Psychology Head: Anastasios Matsopoulos, tel. no.: 28310–77673, e-mail: Unit of Developmental Psychology Head: Maria Markodimitraki, tel. no.: 28310-77693, e-mail: The Laboratory meets the research and teaching needs within the subject areas of Psychology with an emphasis on early years (i.e. General Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Early Childhood Psychology, Educational Psychology, Special Early Childhood Educational Psychology, Developmental Psychology of infants and toddles, Social Psychology, Psychology of Learning, Psychology of Personality etc). Drama and Visual Arts Laboratory (FEK 213/13-9-2002, v. A) Tel. no.: 28310-77885, fax: 28310 77895 Director: Andreas Fountoulakis, tel. no.: 28310–77672, e-mail: The Laboratory meets the research and teaching needs in the subject area of Drama, Painting, or Arts and Crafts. Special attention is paid to various dramatic forms of expression such as theatre play, dramatization, puppet theatre and shadow theatre as well as the painting, plastic arts and artscraft for preschool children. Laboratory of Music and Psychomotor Education (FEK 213/13-92002, v. A) Tel. no.: 28310–77698, fax: 28310-77892 Unit of Aesthetic Education Applications Director: Marina Zorbala, tel. no.: 28310-77662, e-mail: The Laboratory meets the research and teaching needs within the subject areas of Music, Rhythm and Psychomotor Education. Special attention is paid to the Music and Rhythmic Education as well as the Movement Education of children in early years. F. Teaching Rooms Room of Arts and Crafts: Office of Audio-visual resources: New Technologies Room: Music Room: Teaching Practice Room: Phone numbers (city code 28310) 77682 77889 77890 fax: 77896 77678 77681 Research & Teaching Staff Phone numbers E-mail Address Professors Pourkos Marios Tafa Eufimia Tzavaras Ioannis 77666 77661 77658 Associate Professors Fountoulakis Andreas Strataridaki Anna 77659 77664 Assistant Professors Chatzistephanidou Sophia Kornilaki Aikaterini Korossis Konstantinos Manolitsis Georgios Matsopoulos Anastasios Oikonomidis Vassilios 77708 77692 77660 77665 77656 77667 Stavrianos Kyriakos Sotiropoulou – Zorbala Marina Zaranis Nikolaos 77673 77662 77671 Lecturers Ampartzaki Maria Argyropoulou Eleftheria Eleftherakis Theodoros Gourgiotou Efthymia 77704 77684 77655 77674 Karaiskou Maria Kontogianni Dionisia Kypriotaki Maria Linardakis Michael (to be appointed) Markodimitraki Maria Synodi Evanthia Tzakosta Marina Trouli Kalliopi Kaloyiannakis Michalis (to be appointed) Adjunct Professors Antonakakis Dimitrios Kalaitzaki Argiroula 77694 77672 77691 77703 77693 77695 77668 77702 77889 77701 77655 Specialists and Laboratory Teaching Staff Anyfantakis Dimitrios 77700 Tsoupakis Antonios 77671 Zervoudakis Stylianos 77669 Laboratory Technical Staff Chlapana Elissavet Nyktaris Konstantinos 77696 77888 Adjunct Preschool Teachers Giannakou Vassiliki Dionysopoulou Alexia Kefalaki Maria Klironomou Fotini Kosta Athanasia Makratzi Anastasia Skatzouraki Georgia 77680 77680 77680 77680 77680 77680 77680 Adjunct Secondary School Teachers Mania Pagona 77655 Christidis Konstantinos 77700 The Institute of Preschool Teachers’ In-Service Education of Crete A. Establishment – Objectives – Attendance – Degree awarded The Institute of Preschool Teachers’ In-service Education of Crete is part of the Department of Preschool Education. It has been established since the academic year 1998-99 (Presidential Order 128/6.5.1998, FEK 104/15.5.1998). The Institute aims to provide further training and guidance towards specialism in preschool teaching. According to law 2327/95 teachers can apply for admission at the Institute only if they have served in the public or the private sector for more than five (5) and less than twenty five (25) years. The years a teacher has served on a temporary contract are considered as part of that teaching experience. The Ministry of Education is responsible for the selection of teachers who are also obliged to sit for a written exam. Attendance at the Institute is compulsory. The teachers attending the in-service program of study at the Institute are released from their teaching duties for the full period of their studies (two years). Upon successful completion of the in-service program of study the Institute awards the Diploma of Further Training in Education. The holders of this degree have rights equivalent to those who hold a Bachelor’s degree in Education. B. Statutory Framework and the Program Content The Institute offers training programs in the subject areas of General Education and the Special Needs Education. The General Education program of study includes twenty-eight (28) courses (seven (7) taught three hours per week in each semester). Teaching should not exceed the twenty one (21) hours per week. The Special Education program of study also includes twenty-eight (28) courses, which are divided in groups of seven (7) courses per semester. However it includes practical training which may require an extra input of teaching hours. The program content is approved each year by the General Assembly of the Department of Preschool Education and is modified according to the trainees’ needs and suggestions. There are compulsory and optional courses. An optional course must be attended by a minimum of seven (7) trainees. An optional course becomes unavailable once the minimum requirement of 7 enrollments is not satisfied. The trainees are then asked to transfer to another course of their choice. The teaching staff of the Institute is appointed by the General Assembly of the Department of Preschool Education. Attendance is compulsory. The trainee attendance is monitored by the teaching staff, who keep the managing board of the Institute updated. The managing board of the Institute, supported by the Secretary, is responsible for the monitoring of the trainees’ presence as well as for their leave of absence according to art. 8 of the Ministerial Order G3/26 (FEK 123 B/18.2.1998). The Diploma of In-Service Training in Education is awarded to those who attend and successfully complete the two year training program. Structure – Function – Management The Institute’s management and structure are prescribed by the law 2327/95. The duration of the training program is four (4) semesters. The Institute is managed by: 1. The General Assembly of the Department of Preschool Education of the University of Crete 2. The Managing Board 3. The Director and two Deputy Directors During the academic year 2010-2011 the Managing Board of the Institute is comprised by: Director: Eufimia Tafa, Professor Tel. no. (code 28310-) 77653 Deputy Directors: Anna Strataridaki, Associate Professor Andreas Fountoulakis, Associate Professor 77664 77672 Representative of the teaching staff: N. Zaranis, Assistant Professor 77657 Representatives of the trainees: Secretary: Alexia Dionysopoulou, Adjunct Preschool Teacher 77706 5.1. SCIENCE OF EDUCATION Program Director: Prof. Dr. Eufimia Tafa Contact information: Department’s Secretariat Tel.: 28310 77650-2 e-mail: URL: I. PROGRAMME OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES 1. General arrangements The Department of Preschool Education (P.T.P.E.) organizes a Program of Graduate Studies ((P.M.S.) entitled “Sciences of Education” which functions since the academic year 2009-2010 as a modified form of a previous Graduate Program which operated during the academic years 1994-2000 under the Ministerial Decision Β7/36/17-12-1993 (F.E.K. 942/30-12-1993 vol. Β΄), during the academic years 2001-2006 under the Ministerial Decision Β7/255/19-7-2000 (F.E.K. 999/9-8-2000 vol. Β΄) as well as during the academic years 2007-2009 under the Ministerial Decision Β7/69856/24-10-2006 (F.E.K. 1663/14-11-2006 vol. Β΄). The modified Program of Graduate Studies functions according to the arrangements of the Ministerial Decision as well as the arrangements of articles 14 of Law 3685/2008. 2. Aims - Subjects The aim of the Program of Graduate Studies is the promotion of the Sciences of Education through deep research in specialized and promoted scientific fields and the promotion of new researchers and scientists in specialties of the Sciences of Education. The scope of the Program of Graduate Studies is the peripheral scientific fields which belong to the field of the Sciences of Education. 3. Diplomas The Program of Graduate Studies awards a Master’s diploma in the Sciences of Education with the following sections and specialties: A) Section: Pedagogics and Didactics in Preschool Education 1) Specialty: Theory and Practice in Preschool Education 2) Specialty: Language and Literacy in Preschool Education Β) Section: Applications of Psychology in Education 1) Specialty: Ecological and Psychopedagogic Approaches Socio-cultural Psychology: Alternative 2) Specialty: Psychopedagogic Interventions for Preschool and Primary School Children During the academic year 2010-2011 the Program of Graduate Studies of the Section Applications of Psychology in Education with the specialty ‘Psychopedagogic Interventions for Preschool and Primary School Children’ will be continued and completed. Moreover, the section Pedagogics and Didactics in Preschool Education with the specialty ‘Language and Literacy in Preschool Education’ will be activated. 4. Duration of Studies The duration of studies for the title award is defined in four (4) academic semesters for the Master’s Diploma with the possibility of extending the studies for three (3) additional semesters. 5. Categories of Graduates The Program of Graduate Studies accepts graduates of: (a) Pedagogical Departments, Departments of Philosophy, Pedagogics and Psychology of Greek Universities and of equivalent departments abroad, (b) other University Departments as long as candidates have been successfully examined in at east five courses of the Sciences of Education, (c) Departments of Speech Therapy, Nursery Departments, Departments of Social Labor of Greek Universities as well as of equivalent departments abroad. Candidates are asked to submit an application, CV, copies of diplomas, analytic certificate of Undergraduate Studies (in which all successfully attended graded courses are cited) as well as existing diplomas of foreign languages to the Department’s Secretariat. Diplomas obtained abroad need to be acknowledged and certified by DO.A.T.A.P. or DI.K.A.T.S.A as equivalent to those awarded by Greek Universities. 6. Number of Accepted Students The number of the students accepted to the Program of Graduate Studies is defined to maximally twenty (20) candidates per year for both Sections, among whom one (1) needs to be a fellow of the Greek State’s Scholarships Foundation (I.K.Y) and one (1) outlander who is a fellow of the Greek State. The number of fellows can be increased after the decision of the General Assembly of the Department. 7. Selection of Accepted Students The selection of successful candidates for the Program of Graduate Studies takes place according to the arrangements of article 12, Law 2083/92. For the selection of successful students, candidates have to (a) sit written exams in a topic relevant to each announced specialty, (b) sit written exams in the thematic area ‘Research Methodology – Elements of Statistics’, (c) be interviewed in front of the selection committee. An essential condition of success is the achievement of the base grade ‘5’ in two of the examined courses. The success grade of each candidate results from the consideration of the following criteria: The diploma grade, The grade of two undergraduate courses related to the announced specialty, The grade of the B.ed. thesis, wherever it applies, The potential research activity of the applicant, The grade of the written exams, The grade of the interview Relevant professional experience Greek graduates need to proficiently speak one foreign language: English, French or German. To test this knowledge, candidates have to sit a written exam. From this exam are dispensed: (a) candidates who have obtained the Certificate of Proficiency in English (CPE) and equivalent certificates in French (Sorbonne II) and German (Kleines Sprachdiplom), or (b) the National Diploma of Proficiency in Second Languages, or (c) a university diploma legitimately certified by DO.A.T.A.P. (former DI.K.A.T.S.A.) which has been obtained abroad in one of the above languages. Subjects of foreign countries need to have proficient knowledge of Greek which is tested with written exams. 8. Course Program The courses and the research activities being part of the graduate studies are as follows: (a) Courses are weekly and last 3 hours per lecture; they take the form of seminars and are distinguished in two categories: obligatory courses and optional courses. (b) Each course is credited with ECTS ‘depending on the working load needed for the successful examination of the course’ (article 2, §1, ministerial decision Φ5/89656/Β3, F.E.K. 1466/13-8-2007). The total working load per semester is evaluated with a maximum of 30 ECTS. - Obligatory courses are credited with 17 ECTS - Optional courses are credited with 13 ECTS - The M.A. thesis is credited with 4 ECTS on level Ι (research design) and with 17 ECTS on level ΙΙ (writing and completion) M.A. diplomas are obtained with the completion of 120 ECTS (c) Students are obliged to attend and be successfully examined in at least 7 graduate courses which correspond to 99 ECTS and write up an M.A. thesis which corresponds to 21 ECTS. Students of both scientific sections are obliged to successfully attend 2 obligatory courses (2 Χ 17 ECTS = 34 ECTS) and 5 optional courses (5 X 13 ECTS = 65 ECTS). At least 3 out of 5 optional courses that students have to choose need to be part of the courses that their scientific specialization offers. (d) After the end of the second semester students are obliged to undertake the design and completion of a M.A. thesis under the supervision of a faculty member. This thesis must be interrelated with the subject of the section and the specialty the student has attended. Offered courses can shift to different semesters according to the teaching needs of the Department of Preschool Education and according to the ECTS system. ECTS coordinators: Marina Tzakosta (regular member) Evanthia Synodi (acting member) Studies advisors: all faculty members of the Department Indicative Program of Graduate Studies 1st semester: 1 obligatory course (17 ECTS) + 1 optional course (13 ECTS) 2nd semester: 1 obligatory course (17 ECTS) + 1 optional course (13 ECTS) 3rd semester: 2 optional courses (13+13 = 26 ECTS) + M.A. thesis — Level Ι (4 ECTS) 4th semester: 1 optional course (13 ECTS) + M.A. thesis — Level ΙΙ (17 ECTS) 9. Course Attendance Course attendance is obligatory during graduate studies. The Faculty of the department can proceed to the cancellation of the student from the departmental records in case of undue absences. Students failing in a course after two examination periods are referred to the Faculty with the question of cancellation from the records of the Department. The Faculty can also enforce the student to attend courses of undergraduate level in case they believe that his or hers knowledge in the section is insufficient. 10. M.A. Diploma Award The M.A. thesis is supported in front of a three-member committee consisting of Faculty members appointed by the Department. After successful support of the thesis the candidate is obliged to submit three copies of the thesis in printed and electronic version (diskette or CD) to the Department Secretariat. 11. Offered Courses during the Academic Year 2010-2011 The courses offered during the academic year 2010-2011 are the following: Section: Applications of Psychology in Education Specialty: Psychopedagogic Interventions for Preschool and Primary School Children Specialty Instructor: Anastasios Matsopoulos 3th Semester — Winter Code Instructor ECTS Title MPSY 115 Child Development Theories and their Applications in Preschool Education E. Kornilaki 13 ΜPSY 113 Contemporary Intervention Programs For Kindergarten and Primary Schools M. Markodimitraki 13 M.A. Thesis — Level Ι 4th Semester — Spring Code 4 Instructor ECTS Title ΜPSY 114 Assessment and Intervention based on games during Preschool age A. Matsopoulos 13 M.A. Thesis — Level ΙΙ 17 Section: Pedagocigs and Didactics in Preschool Education Specialty: Language and Literacy in Preschool Education Specialty Instructor: Eufimia Tafa 1th Semester — Winter Code Instructor ECTS Title ΜPA 102 Quantitative Research Methods: Advanced Level C G. Manolitsis 13 ΜPA 109 Emergent literacy: Research and teaching strategies E. Tafa 2th Semester — Spring Code 13 Instructor ECTS Title ΜPA 120 Language Development M. Tzakosta 13 ΜST Μ. Linardakis 13 100 Statistics in Education II. Elaboration of Ph.D. Thesis 1. Objectives – Aims The Department of Preschool Education of the University of Crete awards Ph.D. specialized in Education. The aim of the Ph.D. thesis is to promote the Sciences of Education through the deeper research in specialized fields and the appointment of new researchers and scientists in specializations of Education. More specifically, the Ph.D. thesis aims at the contribution of the training of scientists and researchers who are capable of promoting research in University Education in general and in the field of Education in particular. 2. Ph.D. Candidates For the design, elaboration and completion of a Ph.D. thesis holders of M.A. diplomas of Universities (A.E.I.) or Technical Schools (A.T.E.I.) of Greece or of Universities abroad acknowledged by the Greek authorities are accepted. The elaboration of the thesis does not demand course attendance. However, an exception can be made in the case of specific courses, if the Faculty of the Department decides so. Candidates who wish to be accepted in the Ph.D. program are asked to submit their application and CV, a detailed design of the Ph.D. thesis, copies of University or other diplomas, a detailed certificate of M.A. studies, and second language degrees to the Department Secretariat. Diplomas obtained abroad have to be acknowledged by D.O.A.T.A.P. or DI.K.A.T.S.A. as diplomas equivalent to those awarded by Greek University Departments. 3. Languages of the written theses The Ph.D. candidate has to display excellent knowledge of a second language. Official languages of the Ph.D. theses are Greek and English. 4. Duration The minimum duration of studies for the completion of a Ph.D. cannot be less than 3 complete diary years from the day of the definition of the threemember advisory committee. The maximum duration for the obtainment of the Ph.D. title is 6 complete diary years from the day of the definition of the threemember advisory committee. Any extension of the maximum period of the Ph.D. studies has to be approved by the Faculty after the relevant proposal of the candidate’s advisory committee. Abeyance of the completion of the Ph.D. thesis is granted after the relevant proposal of the coordination committee and the decision of the faculty for exceptionally serious reasons. 5. Procedure of the Supervision of the Ph.D. Candidate The Ph.D candidate has to be in close contact with his/her supervisor and to compile an annual written report of progress of the passing academic year. The advisory committee examines and evaluates the candidate’s report and submits a relevant conclusion to the department Secretariat. After two subsequent evaluations of the Ph.D. candidate’s progress as non-satisfactory or if 3 years pass after the entrusting of the Ph.D. subject with the supervisor having no evidence for the progress of the thesis, the candidate is relegated to the faculty with the question of cancelation. 6. Research Activities and Assistantship of the Ph.D. candidates Ph.D. candidates offer their research and assistant services to the Department’s labs, conferences etc. These services are particularized by the faculty and are rewarded by the University of Crete budget. Ph.D. candidates can also participate in educational programs of Greek and foreign Universities, collaborate with Universities, research institutions etc. in Greece and abroad. For this reason, candidates can be financially supported by the University of Crete – under the approval of the faculty – or any other medium for their transportation and residence in cities of Greece or abroad. 7. Obtainment of the Ph.D. Diploma The final evaluation and examination of the PhD. thesis is made according to the arrangement of § 4α & 4β, article 9, Law 3685/2008. After the successful defense of the Ph.D. thesis the candidate is obliged to submit to the Department Secretariat three copies of his thesis in printed and electronic version (diskette or CD). 8. Remaining arrangements Anything anticipated or stemming from the above arrangements, other applying arrangements and legislation is determined by the Faculty of the Department.