1) Learn to play percussion instruments
2) Learn how to read music
3) Learn about music theory
4) Learn about great musicians of the past and present
5) Perform for family and friends
1) Practice at home at least 20 minutes a day (2 hours per week)
1) Provide Mr. McGhee with SMART music assignments by the specified due date
2) Bring music, sticks and practice pad to class every day
3) Be seated and ready to rehearse 2 minutes after the tardy bell
4) Learn and test off on all your music
5) Put your sticks and your music in the place assigned
6) Be supportive of fellow musicians at all times
1) Talk while instruction or rehearsal is taking place
2) Play your instrument until asked
3) Eat or chew gum
4) Touch another person’s instrument
5) Use foul language
6) Be negative toward others in class
SEVERE CLAUSE: (automatic referral and possible dismissal from band)
1) Defiance of director’s directions
2) Running in the band room
3) Detrimental conduct which negatively affects the entire ensemble
4) Causing harm to anyone in the band room
5) Touching the chalk board, podium, or Mr. McGhee’s desk without expressed permission
6) Cause a substitute to report your behavior as inappropriate
7) Touching another student’s belongings
HOW YOU ARE GRADED: Academic – one grade deducted after 4 marks from below
1) Missed SMART Music submission of weekly practice homework assignments
2) Not having music memorized by assigned date (both exercises and performance music)
3) Not having instrument, music, or pencil during class
4) Being tardy
5) Not having instrument or music in proper place after class
Percussion Class Fact Sheet for Parents
Your student has registered to be a part of San Elijo’s Percussion Class and
Drumline for the 2011-12 school year. As a member of this band, your student will not only be growing musically, he or she will have the opportunity to experience the finer points of performance, attend adjudicated festivals and attend other field trips, such as Universal Studios.
Our field trips and adjudicated festivals will be discussed in more detail at the
Drumline parent meeting, which is scheduled for (October) in the band room. This fact sheet; however, outlines some of the additional expenses associated with
Drumline for the year, so that you may plan accordingly.
Band Donation: $100.
See Band Donation sheet enclosed.
Transportation Costs : Per District policy, The San Marcos Unified School
District’s Transportation requires the Band to use their yellow school buses to attend our off-campus events. The $45 fee should be paid online via the Webstore on the front page of the SEMS website or you may pay cash or by check made payable to “SMUSD” in the front office between the hours of 7:00am – 7:45am during the school week. This transportation fee will cover all of the Drumline’s trips for this school year, regardless of how many bands your student is in. This is a
District fee.
Additional Percussion costs:
Costumes: We typically charge a $100 costume fee to each Drumline student (Pit & Battery). The student will be able to keep the costume.
Knotts Berry Farm (May, 2012) - approximately $60.00 for admission to the park. We will collect this fee in April. The Golden Eagle Band will be performing at an adjudicated festival close to Knott’s Berry Farm. The Drumline will accompany the Golden Eagle Band to this performance and then they will travel together to
Knott’s Berry Farm to enjoy the park for the remainder of the day! This is an optional field trip.
Band T-shirt - $12. A Band t-shirt is needed for field trips (after performances) and band picture day on October 13, 2010. If you have a band t-shirt that still fits from a previous year, you do not need to purchase a new shirt.
If you have further questions regarding the requirements for Percussion Class, please call us at 290-2800 ext. 3502. Thank you! SEMS Band Boosters
As a member of the Percussion Class at San Elijo Middle School for the 2011-12 school year:
I will come prepared for class with my music, sticks/mallets and practice pad. I will practice
(using a music stand) at least 10 minutes at home daily.
I understand that my Percussion Class student will be part of the SEMS Drumline. My student will attend the after school practices on Tuesday and Thursday from 2:30pm – 4:30pm. These practices will run from October thru May. My student will also commit to all of the scheduled
Drumline performances to be discussed at the Drumline parent meeting in October.
A s a member of the Drumline, I am responsible for paying the District’s transportation fee of
San Elijo Middle School Percussion students will attend two formal performances this year:
Fall Concert (held at SEMS) on November 16, 2010 and Spring Concert (held at California
Center for the Arts in Escondido) on June 4, 2011 .
A Note on Etiquette
As a member of the audience, you can enhance your student’s educational experience by adhering to these guidelines. Your student will also be taught these guidelines during class.
Do turn off pagers and cell phones
Do plan to attend the entire concert (approximately two hours). There are 5 different bands in the program and it benefits your student to hear each performance.
Do make arrangements for younger children. It may be hard for them to sit for a 2 hour performance
Do applaud only
. Don’t hoot, holler, or call out your student’s name. While appropriate at a football game, doing so at a formal concert detracts from the enjoyment of others and may embarrass your student. If you are overwhelmingly moved, lead a standing ovation.
If it becomes absolutely necessary to leave the audience PLEASE DON’T LEAVE
I have read and will adhere to the Percussion Class Band Member Agreement
Signed __________________________________________Date_______________
Signed __________________________________________Date________________
(parent or guardian)
Parent Email __________________________________________________________
(Please print clearly as we send out announcements and reminders via email)
We are so pleased to welcome you to Band and are looking forward to a spectacular year!! This letter explains how our award-winning band program at San Elijo Middle School is funded. It costs about $100.00 per student to cover basic band program operating costs for a single school year (festival and travel expenses are additional). Funding the Band program is done primarily through parent donations, fundraisers and by donations from local businesses for particular items needed. Although our band director is paid by the District, the remaining band program
expenses are NOT subsidized or funded by our school district. The
Band Boosters will work diligently to raise a portion of the money for the band, but we also need your help to reach our annual funding goal!
Basic Band operating expenses include: instrument purchases and repairs, professional coaching, concert expenses, festival competition fees, music licensing and copy fees, office supplies, and the SMART Music tool.
About SMART Music:
The licensed SMART Music tool benefits our band students and program greatly. Each band student receives a SMART Music CD and a microphone for use on his/her home computer (we also have computer stations available in the band room for all students to use). Through the program, students receive assignments from Mr. McGhee, practice required music and send in their weekly assignments. The program provides students with immediate feedback on their practice progress, and allows Mr. McGhee to hear firsthand how your individual student is progressing and provide his personal feedback. Using the program, Mr.
McGhee is also able to communicate important dates and information to you and your student, so we can go paperless in the band room – no more practice records!
In order to keep offering this remarkable band program at San Elijo Middle
School, we are asking all our music program families to make a voluntary tax deductible donation to SEMS Band Boosters to assist us in meeting our annual goal.
The Band Boosters ask for a $100 donation from each band student’s family to keep the Band program going each year. Of course, we are happy to accept a larger donation if you would like to further support this exceptional program.
Please fill out the section below. If you are including money, please send this form and your check in a sealed envelope labeled with the student’s name, grade, band period, and amount enclosed . For security purposes DO NOT SEND CASH WITH YOUR STUDENT. Please make checks payable to:
“SEMS Band Boosters ”. All donations are 100% tax deductible.
The SEMS Band Booster Tax Identification # is: 20-1360655
____ I am donating $10 0.00 to help cover the cost of the band’s basic operation.
____ I would like to donate more to support this excellent program. Please accept my donation of $_____________
Check #_________
Credit Card # __________________________________________________
Expiration date _____________________ 3 digit code on back __________
Name as it appears on Card ______________________________________
Billing Address _________________________________________________
Signature _________________________________________________
____ My company offers a matching donation program.
____ My business would like to make a donation in the amount of $_________
Student Name (Print) ___________________________________
Parent/Guardian (Print) __________________________________
Band Period ______________ Grade _______________________
Phone number _________________________
E-mail address _________________________
(Please print clearly!)