November 2015: Monthly Planning Guidelines for Religious Education Ordinary Time Advent 'Eternal rest, grant unto them O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.' November is the month when we remember those who have died. 'Remember Them' and 'The Cloud's Veil' are appropriate songs for this time of year. Resources to help with planning including the Termly Overview, prayer postcards, prayer powerpoints and other resources are available on Prayers to be taught/sent Class Lessons Theme home Seasonal Lesson: In November, we remember Theme 2, Lesson 3: We can care for the world (including prayer Junior service) Infants Theme 3, Lesson 1: God gives us good news Theme 3, Lesson 2: We get ready to welcome Jesus Seasonal Lesson: We remember Theme 2, Lesson 4: We can pray to God (including prayer Senior service) Infants Theme 3, Lesson 1: Advent Light Theme 3, Lesson 2: Mary says ‘yes’! We Remember Our World Advent and Christmas We Remember We Belong Advent and Christmas Glory Be Prayer to the Guardian Angel May they rest in peace Our Father Hail Mary (with gestures) 1st Class T1, L6 We Remember Together Revise the following: We Remember T1, L7 In Jesus' Time (with particular reference to The Passover) The Person of Jesus T 1, L10 Jesus - Sharer of Bread T 1, L12 Jesus – Teacher 2nd Class T1, L6 The Feast of All Saints Revise the following: T1, L7 Jesus - The One Who Calls T1, L10 Jesus – Telling Parables (Luke 15:4-6,8-10) T1, L11 Jesus - Healing We Remember The Person of Jesus 3rd Class Prayer Service for All Saints and Commemoration of the Faithful Departed p. 370 T1, L7 Christianity Comes to Our Country (2) T1, L8 What's the Story? (2): The Sea of Galilee, Mark 4: 35-41, Matthew 8: 23-27, Luke 8: 22-25 (2 weeks) T1, L9 Mary Wonders – Who is the One who is Coming? Ave Maria dance St. Patrick’s Breastplate Mass responses to: ‘A Reading from the Holy We Remember Gospel according to...’ ‘Glory The Reign of God (Parts to you, Lord' One and Two) 'The Gospel of the Lord’ Advent ‘Praise to you Lord Jesus Christ' Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof…. 4th Class Prayer Service for All Saints and Commemoration of the Faithful Departed p.359 T1, L8 God Sent the Holy Spirit to Nourish Us T1, L9 Happy Ever After T1, L10 Loving God T1, L11 Loving My Neighbour Nourished by the Trinity Death and Eternal Life Scripture (New Testament: Commandments of Jesus) Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord... Prayer to the Holy Spirit Care for me Lord 5th Class T1, T1, T1, T1, Mary and The Saints Salvation Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord... Chríost Liom Chríost Romham Ar n'Athair The Kingdom of God Sacraments and Sacramentality Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord... Act Of Hope: O my God, I put my hope in you... 6th Class L8 The Saints - St. Laurence O'Toole (Feast Day 14th Nov) L9 The Garden Story L10 Commandments (1) L11 Commandments (2) T3, L8 In the Kingdom - Forever (Eternal Life) Luke 14: 1-24 T1, L8 Symbol T1, L9 Conversations and Stories T1, L10 Sacramentality May they rest in peace Our Father Blessed be God forever May they rest in peace Prayer to Jesus Our Father (with gestures) Sacred Space In addition to the basic elements on your sacred space, this month you may wish to include: memoriam cards, photos of loved ones no longer with us et cetera, a book of names and/or prayers remembering those who have died. Calendar 1st November 2nd November 6th November 14th November All Saints The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls) All the Saints of Ireland St. Laurence O'Toole 21st November 22rd November 29th November The Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (Christ the King) First Sunday of Advent Upcoming...... The Season of Advent 6th December St. Nicholas 8th December The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary