SPECIATION 1.3 Genome: d (i) Phylogenetics and molecular clocks From the Arrangements (i) Phylogenetics and molecular clocks The use of sequence data to study the evolutionary relatedness among groups of organisms. Sequence divergence is used to estimate time sinc e lineages diverged. For example, comparison of sequences provides evidence for three main domains (bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes). The use of sequence data and fossil evidence to determine the main sequence of events in the evolution of life: cells, last universal ancestor, photosynthesis, eukaryotes, multicellularity, animals, land plants, vertebrates. Teacher’s notes There are three activities in this section. Each activity has its own set of learning objectives. When going over these activities remember to refer back to the learning objectives in order to clarify what may be required for assessment. If possible start this section with solving the mystery of the Neanderthals; this will put the second exercise into context for students , making the summary questions more relevant. 1. Solving the mystery of the Neanderthals This web-based activity can be delivered via an overhead projector and the interactive web pages (slides) talked through or given to students to work through on their own. In either case, familiarise yourself with the background information (page 2). Open the web address and work through the activity. There is a commentary with the handout on p age 2 but the activity is self-explanatory. When students are looking for mutations it is important to emphasise the need for computers in analysing sequence information. In pairs, get students to discuss the ‘What to do’ section on page 3 before making their notes. You may also get them to read through the information card (page 5). UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 1 SPECIATION 2. Summary questions A straightforward exercise: students read over the information card (page 5) and answer the ten questions. If this is carried out straight after ‘Solving the mystery of the Neanderthals’ you may notice there is a mistake in the fir st activity. In the early slides the human/chimpanzee common ancestor has been given an age equivalent of 56 mutations (1.2 million years), but this is corrected on the second last slide. The students may not even notice this. 3. Web-based research activity A series of questions: the first seven can be easily answered from simple Google searches or even Wikipedia. The last set of questions, 8– 16, is based on the Wellcome Trust’s interactive ‘Tree of Life’ website (an excellent resource). Start off by watching the video. At any point you can pause the video and enter the interactive tree of life. Explore the tree and pick up the video where you paused it. There is also a set of student worksheets and a Teacher’s Guide on the website. 2 UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 SPECIATION Student activities Solving the mystery of the Neanderthals Learning objectives You will be able to compare DNA sequences from two different species and look for single nucleotide point mutations. You will appreciate why computers are used to analyse and compare genomes. You will learn how a molecular clock can be calibrated using DNA sequence differences. You will learn how this information can be used to make a phylogenetic tree . Background information Neanderthals first appeared in Europe about 175 000 years ago and became extinct about 27 000 years ago. In other words they coexisted with modern humans both in time and place. This activity explores the theories that Neanderthals either may be the direct ancestor of humans or may be descendents of a common ancestor who lived before the last common ancestor of all modern humans. By looking at the single nucleotide mutations in mitochondrial DNA and tying these into fossil records a molecular clock has been calibrated to estimate the time of divergence of all modern humans from their common ancestor. The same type of analysis is used to estimate the time of divergence of Neanderthals from their common ancestor and a human – Neanderthal comparison made. Google: solving the mystery of the Neanderthals Open the link: http://www.geneticorigins.org/mito/media2.html Slide 1 The first slide very simply and elegantly outlines how a molecular clock works by comparing human and chimpanzee descendants from a common ancestor. UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 3 SPECIATION Slide 2 This shows a 379 base pair nucleotide sequence from a human lined up alongside the same region from a chimpanzee. The task is to count how many differences there are between the two sequences. There are four options to choose from if counting the sequences is too tedious. This emphasises the need for computers to analyse and compare sequence data. Slide 3 Similar to the first slide but summarises the number of mutations between humans and chimpanzees. Slides 4, 5 and 6 Does the same exercise but compares the sequences from two humans , estimating that humans are descended from a common ancestor about 150 000 years ago. Slide 7 Introduces the Neanderthals and their extinction at about 30 000 years ago. Slide 8 Shows a map of where Neanderthals coexisted with Cro Magnon – the direct ancestor of humans. Slide 9 Poses the question, ‘Were Neanderthals the direct ancestor of modern humans or a “dead end” in hominid evolution?’ There are two phylogenetic trees and options to say which model is correct. Slide 10 Introduces the German scientist and mitochondrial DNA analysis . Slide 11 Compares the 379 base pair regions from a human and Neandert hal and asks how many differences there are. 4 UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 SPECIATION Slides 12 and 13 By using the molecular clock it is possible to estimate the time divergence between humans and Neanderthals. Slides 14 and 15 Shows the same two phylogenetic trees as in slide 9 and asks which model is correct: What to do Go through this exercise and make notes on how the molecular clock was calibrated. Using the data in the presentation, how long ago did humans diverge from their common ancestor (look at the second last slide)? What evidence do you think would prove the existence of an early common ancestor to chimpanzees and humans? Draw a phylogenetic diagram showing the relationship between the common primate ancestor, common human ancestor, modern humans and Neanderthals. Make sure you use a suitable scale to represent time , ie the longer the time, the longer the line (look at the last slide and the stick diagram on this page for some help). UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 5 SPECIATION Summary questions Learning objectives By completing these questions you will understand how a molecular clock can be used to estimate when two species diverged from a common ancestor. You will learn that molecular clocks rely on mutations occurring over time and the time can be quantified against a known dated event from the fossil record. The more differences between organisms the longer i t has been since they diverged from a common ancestor. You will understand how this information can be represented in a phylogenetic tree. You will understand why mitochondrial DNA is often the preferred source for this type of sequence analysis. Use the information card to help you answer these questions : 1. When a new species is formed what will it continue to accumulate and pass on to its offspring? 2. What two pieces of information are needed to calibrate a molecular clock? 3. What three assumptions are made when calibrating a molecular clock? 4. If the rate of mutations was five per 100 000 years and two species had an average difference of 15 mutations, how long ago did they diverge from a common ancestor? 5. Using evidence from the phylogenetic tree explain where modern humans first appeared. 6. When did our relative Homo habilis become extinct? 7. Roughly, how genetically different were Homo habilis and Homo erectus from modern humans? 8. Place in age order the three species mentioned in question 7. 6 UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 SPECIATION 9. Why is mitochondrial DNA often used for sequence comparisons in phylogenetic studies? 10. How does the mitochondrial genome differ from that of a typical eukaryote? UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 7 SPECIATION Information card Molecular clocks Evolutionary biologists have revolutionised their field using a combination of DNA sequencing and bioinformatics. By comparing inherited DNA substitution mutations, or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), it is possible to establish relationships between different population groups within the same species or between different closely related species. When two new species develop from a common ancestor each will inherit and continue to accumulate a unique set of random mutations. Assuming the mutations accumulate at a constant rate, the number of mutations will be prop ortional to the length of time that two groups have been separated. In other words the number of mutations will be equivalent to a set period of time – a molecular clock. Knowing the rate at which the changes occur and the number of differences between two organisms allows you to estimate when the separation from the common ancestor occurred. Before using the clock, it has to be calibrated. For example, by extrapolating from fossil evidence and DNA sequences from other primates it is thought that chimpanzees and humans diverged from a last common ancestor about 5 to 6 million years ago. By measuring the number of sequence differences between chimpanzees and humans it is possible to set the clock. However, this is a controversial process, for example it reli es on having fossil evidence which can be accurately dated and the assumption that the average rate of mutation will be the same in all regions of the genome and for different organisms. Once the clock has been calibrated it is then possible to determine when other events in human evolution occurred, for example fossils of our own species, Homo sapiens, have been found throughout the old world dating to 100 000 years ago but molecular clock analysis suggest s that humans have been around for 150 000 years. Could there still be fossils waiting to be discovered? Phylogenetic tree showing the evolution of humans (from Wikipedia) . 8 UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 SPECIATION Molecular clock analysis can be used to build up a phylogenetic tree , as in the above example. A timescale in millions of years is provided along with a genetic distance: this shows that humans and chimp anzees have DNA sequence differences of about 2%. Which part of the genome to use? Two regions of DNA which are routinely used in this sort of phylogenetic analysis can be found on the male Y chromosome or on the mitochondrial DNA. This allows the molecular clock to be traced through the male or female ancestral lines. (When a sperm fertilises an egg, only the egg’s mitochondria are present in the zygote, so the mitochondria are derived from the mother.) One advantage of using mitochondrial DNA is the simplicity of a single small chromosome, a haploid genome, which does not have a matching homologous partner with different alleles or crossing over events to complicate the sequence. Mitochondrial chromosomes also have very little non-coding DNA, with genes tightly packed together and with few introns. This is in contrast to normal eukaryote genes, which are usually widely dispersed on a linear chromosome and have numerous introns. UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 9 SPECIATION Web-based research activity Learning objectives You should find out about the main sequence of events in the evolution of life. You should know there are three main domains of life, each originating from the last universal common ancestor. You should be able to figure out why green plants are fundamental to life on Earth. Know that the only record of many creatures is to be found in fossils. 1. What is meant by a ‘niche’? 2. What are the three phylogenetic domains in the classification of life? 3. What sequence data was used to divide life into three domains and why do you think this was chosen? 4. What is meant by the last universal ancestor? 5. Sketch a simplified phylogenetic tree showing the three domains originating from a common ancestor and some of the kingdoms branching from each domain. 6. In which environments would you expect to find members of the archaea? 7. Describe the differences between generalised prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. Google ‘tree of life’ and click on the following link: http://www.wellcometreeoflife.org/?gclid=CKrxmsmInqYCFY9O4Qod Wj79Xw Watch the short video then go to the interactive link. It is possible to skip between the video and the interactive tree of life without losing your place in the video. 8. Look at the tree in two dimensions with no scaling (the red cube is to the left of the box at the bottom of the screen). What do you notice about the numbers of organisms as time has elapsed since the first signs of life? 10 UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 SPECIATION 9. When did life first appear? It is easier to navigate through the tree if you collapse it. This shows the branches but does not give any information about time. Hover your cursor over a node or line end to find out relevant information. 10. Find the three main domains originating from life on Earth. When do green plants appear on the tree relative to reptiles? 11. Which type of green plants was first on the scene? ( Click on the nodes land plants and green plants then the blue sub tree symbol to zoom in on a section of the tree.) 12. Why do you think green plants were important for life on Earth? 13. When did the first armoured creatures appear on the land? 14. When did the amphibians first appear? 15. What happened to many creatures about 65 million years ago and how do we know they existed? 16. Which two types of land vertebrates capitalised on the vacant niches? UNIT 1, PART (III) GENOME (H, BIOLOGY) © Learning and Teaching Scotland 2011 11