GDR IMOPHYS 4th Annual meeting July 5-6, 2007 Centre Ifremer de Nantes Rue de l’Ile d’Yeu- 44311Nantes French group of research organized and financed by Ifremer with the support of Inra IMOPHYS : Intégration de réponses MOléculaires et PHYSiologiques aux contaminants chimiques en milieu côtier » Molecular and physiological integration responses to chemical contaminants along the coasts Scientific Contributors LEMA Université du Havre UMR 5255 Université de Bordeaux1 Université de Bretagne Occidentale Dept Biogéochimieécotoxicologie de Nantes Et laboratoire de pathologie des bivalves à La Tremblade Laboratoire Ecotoxicologie et qualité des Milieux Aquatiques Rennes Title of the 4 th annual meeting “Chemical contaminants in the aquatic environment: From molecular mechanisms to effects on populations” PROGRAMME Tuesday, 05 July 8.45 : Registration of the participants 9.00-9.35: Introduction (T. Burgeot) 9.35-11.55: SESSION 1- Ecotoxicogenomics and genetic polymorphism in natural populations (J.M. Danger & J. Laroche) 9.35-9.40 : Introduction (J.M. Danger) 9.40-10.05 : Ecotoxicogenomics of oyster Crassostrea gigas and application in natural populations (E. David) 10.05-10.30: Ecotoxicogenomics of mussels : differential expression and DNA chips (J.M. Danger) 10.30-10.45 : Discussion 10.45-11.15 : Coffee break and poster session 11.15-11.40 : Genetic polymophism and responses of flounder populations to chemical contamination (J. Laroche) 11.40-11.50 : Discussion 11.50-14.55: SESSION 2 - Physiological stress along the estuarine continuum (C. Minier et M. Auffret) 11.50-11.55 : Introduction (M. Auffret) 11.55-12.20 : Endocrine disruption in marine and freshwaters (C. Minier) 12.20-12.45 : The immune system of bivalves molluscs: a target for environmental contaminants (M. Auffret) 12.45-13.00 : Discussion 13.00-14.15: Lunch in the Ifremer restaurant 14.15-14.40: Presence and effects of pesticides along estuarine continuums in the Bay of Vilaine area (T. Caquet) 14.40-14.55 : Discussion 14.55-17.30 : SESSION 3 Genotoxicity and pathologies: from the molecular to the population level (J. Cachot & F. Akcha) 14.55-15.00 : Introduction (J. Cachot & F. Akcha) 15.00-15.25 : Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) biotransformation products as biomarkers of PAH exposure in marine flatfish: Exposure-Genotoxicity relationship.(M. Le Du) 15.25- 15.35 : Discussion 15.35-16.00 : Genotoxicity and embryotoxicity in bivalves (F. Akcha) 16.00-16.25 : Genotoxicity and embryotoxicity of PAHs in fish (J. Cachot) 16.25-16.40 : Discussion 16.40-17.15 : Coffee break and poster session 17.15-19.15 SESSION 4 Perspectives (T. Burgeot & H.Budzinski) 17.15-1.725 : Introduction (T. Burgeot) 17.25- 19.15 Session 4.1 : Impact of chemical contaminants on fish embryos (J. Cachot & F. Akcha) 17.25-17.55 : The impact of environmental contaminants on early life development of Sole (Solea solea); first test results and future plans (Edwin Foekema, Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies, Den Helder) 17.55-18.10 : Discussion 18.10 – 18.25 : Development of an integrated toxicity assay using fish embryos (L. Vicquelin) 18.25-18.45 : Long-term and transgenerational effects of POP exposure during early stages of fish development (X. Cousin) 18.45-19.15 : Discussion 19h45 : Diner on the Erdre river boat Friday, July 6 th 8.45- 13.00 SESSION 4 Perspectives (T. Burgeot & H. Budzinski) 8.45-10.15 : Session 4.2 : Modelling of the biological effects of chemical contaminants (J. Forget Leray & L . Lagadic) 8.45-9.05 : Working within a common theoretical framework for quantitative bioenergetics in AquaDEB: a short introduction to the Dynamic Energy (M. Alunno Bruscia) 9.05-9.25 : Ten reasons to use the DEB framework for the analysis of aquatic toxicity data : case-studies in freshwater invertebrates (V. Ducrot) 9.25-9.55 : An individual-based model of the copepod Eurytemora affinis : potential tool for ecotoxicological studies (Sami Souissi) 9.55- 10.15: Discussion 10.15-10.45: Coffee break and poster session 10.45-12.45 : Session 4.3 : Chemical risk and ecotoxicology (A. James & M. Marchand ) 10.45-11.05 : Introduction and reminder on effects assessment methodology (M. Marchand & A. James) 11.05-11.25 : Considering ecotoxicology data to estimate effects for chemical risk assessment (M. Marchand & A. James) 11.25-11.55 : Linking biomarker results with risk assessment procedures for produced water (S. Sanni IRIS Norway) 11.55-12.10 : Discussion 12.10-12.45 : Session 4.4. What could be the input of chemistry in ecotoxicology to access the chemical risk ?(H. Budzinski) 12.45-13.00 Wrap-up (T. Burgeot) End of the meeting 13.00: Lunch in the Ifremer restaurant Web site of IMOPHYS: