Solar MN Meeting Notes Meeting date: Solar Minnesota 26 July 2010 10 AM to 12 Noon Hosted by: Minnesota Renewable Energy Society For information about the Solar MN meeting and to suggest agenda items for Solar MN, please contact: Rebecca Lundberg James Dontje Next meeting: (note that we will be continuing at the new location) Monday, 27 September 2010 10 AM to 12 Noon St. Paul College Customized Training and Consulting Center 60 East Plato Boulevard Suite 150 Saint Paul, Minnesota 55107 Due to the move of the Customized Training and Consulting Center to a new location, were not able to video record or webcast this meeting. We hope to restore this capacity in the future. Announcements of upcoming classes and meetings St. Paul College (Darryl Thayer) will be doing a solar review class for people preparing for the September NABCEP exams. Date to be determined. Contact St. Paul College for more information. Minnesota Solar Energy Industries Association (MNSEIA) will host an Aug. 4 meeting at the union training facility at the Ford Plant to discuss how the Xcel Solar Rewards program will work with the Minnesota Made incentive program. Target audience will be potential installers. Contact MNSEIA ( for more information. The Minnesota Renewable Energy Society (MRES) and its International Committee will be hosting a course on DIY 60 Watt solar PV systems for developing country applications. John Burke of Maine Solar will be presenting. Tentative date Oct. 9 and 10. See for more information. Fall continuing ed courses at Century college Oct. 9 ( search on solar energy at SW High School Community ED class introducing PV and solar thermal. $15 cost. Details and online registration available at on August 30. Minnesota Renewable Energy Society Updates (Laura Cina, Managing Director) Nineteen boats at Solar Boat regatta in May—a very good event Solar Area at the State Fair EcoExperience State Fair is being managed by MRES. There will be an enhanced outdoor area and a Green Street exhibit in place of the single house display. MRES looking for more sponsorship partners and volunteer partners. Interested volunteers (free fair admission!) can sign up at Solar Tour will be October 2. Potential site hosts should go to Notes from discussion: Volunteers can help out if homeowner is gone. Sign up deadline is flexible. Success of this event is related to local publicity effort. Will be sponsoring T-shirts for volunteers. Solar Hot Water bulk buy program underway ( ) Writing grants for support Modeled after Solarize Portland Century College students will do first review of site Then contracted independent site assessor will complete assessment on feasible sites Standardizing packages to reduce confusion and time Planning installers meeting St. Paul and Minneapolis residents eligible Update on State Programs and Solar Cities (Stacy Miller from the Office of Energy Security) 600 KW system on the Minneapolis Convention Center finally got approval from PUC. Project moving forward this year. Permitting update: St. Paul and Mpls working on streamlined PV permitting (eliminate structural engineering in some cases). MPLS has adopted, St. Paul considering, Application and guidelines will be available at city office and online. Question about MN structural engineer requirement versus pre-stamped design from out of state. Solar Cities pushing acceptance of standard designs. Darryl Thayer says that by law general contractor should be able to do structural engineering for residential work (but not for commercial). May be based on size. See Chapter 1800.59.00 in Architecture Rules. Note from Gerardo Ruiz of Solarflow that some new commercial buildings being built to 35 lbs/sq. ft roof loading standard which causes problems for solar. Central light rail corridor activity. Solar on public buildings along the corridor-$3 million dollars--going out to bid over the next two years. 5-7 projects in PV and solar thermal. Must comply with Buy America provisions of stimulus money, as well Davis Bacon prevailing wage, historic preservation, and waste management provisions. Solar on light rail stop has not yet been a priority for Metro Transit. Solar Works is new marketing campaign by Solar Cities. Logo Solar Works! in <location> Yard signs 18" x 24" 150 for each city. Can buy signs for other locations. Other forms (plaques or window cling) may be possible. Installers can use for job signs and on websites. Logo will be clickable with link to OES info page. Contact Stacy for access. Possibilities of ordering in bulk discussed. Update on state rebate program. Funds available for solar thermal (air and water). Can hold through September or a bit later, but some may be released to PV. Have 400 KW waiting in queue on PV. Possible incremental. Discussion of why space heating not included: Solar thermal for DHW effective, but psychologically, tackling only a part of the NG load discouraging. State is moving slowly as expertise in this area is not widespread in state. . About $400K left in solar thermal fund. 25 applications so far versus 329 for PV. Funded 237 as of June 30. Represents near doubling of PV in state from 2 MW to 4 MW Reminder of project proposals for school projects due next Friday August 4th. Extended discussion of deadline interacting with school funding and summer scheduling challenges. MNSEIA will spearhead an effort to discuss extension to deadline (up to 6 months). Otherwise money will probably be shifted to efficiency programs. Darryl Thayer discussed small demo projects on schools and how they can be effective with parallel outreach. Mention of Real Estate event on building efficiency/renewable energy 11-11:45 panel on Friday, July 30. Minnesota Solar Energy Industries update on policy work (Lynn Hinkle) Federal legislative issues: Energy bill: unclear if will have any carbon component; carbon cap would help federal renewable energy effort. Bernie Sanders has 100 million solar roofs initiative; adds rebate to tax credit and accelerated depreciation ( PACE issues: problem caused by federal mortgage entities (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) not willing to take secondary position relative to PACE lien; legislation in pipeline to eliminate conflict; Standard practice (this mechanism already finances sidewalks, streets and sewer improvements) will probably push back attempt to resist PACE. State level A state-level PACE steering committee (Office of Energy Security, Economic Development officials, county reps and others) working on framework for enhanced legislation to speed deployment of PACE; Plan by MNSEIA to convene (Nov-Dec) stakeholders to discuss what state policy should look like. Possibly trying to develop a solar “carve-out” modeled after work in other states to increase renewable portfolio standards with “carve-out” provisions (ex. 3% for solar in PA, distributed energy in CO) Feed-In-Tariff on table Manufacturing incentives; MN close to being marginalized due to lack of targeted policies and incentives. Discussion of local content and buy local issues; need more information from the state There will be a policy information session at September MRES board meeting (5:30 PM, September 9—see later in August for details) in September with a state legislator. Suggestion of petition or letter writing campaign at events like Ecoexperience or Solar Tour Policy discussion on how to lobby effectively, including participating in media discussion (editorials). Problem of time and coordination.