Invited Presentations - University of Manitoba



Michelle Alfa

Keynote Address: “Biosafety Issues Related to Reprocessing of Medical Devices in an Ever-Changing Healthcare

Environment.” Canadian Biosafety Symposium, Winnipeg, MB, June 8, 2010.

Keynote Speaker: “Reprocessing of Implantables.” OHA Conference in Toronto, ON. March 21, 2010.

“Methicillin Resistant

Staphylcoccal aureus:

Health, Steinbach. May 18, 2010.

A Pathogen of Increased Importance in Manitoba.” South Eastman

“How important is the cleaning process for laparoscopic equipment.” Presented at Brazilian SOBECC 9 th Congress of Operating Room Nursing, Anesthesia Recovery and Material Storage and Sterilization. Sau Paulo, Brazil. July

20, 2009.

“Validation of the cleaning and sterilization process for medical instruments.” Presented at Brazilian SOBECC 9 th

Congress of Operating Room Nursing, Anesthesia Recovery and Material Storage and Sterilization. Sau Paulo,

Brazil. July 20, 2009.

Anton Andonov

Current relevance of arbovirus infections in transfusion medicine. A.Andonov; XXXIst International congress of the International Society for Blood transfusion, Berlin, June 26-July 1st, 2010.

Dengue virus as a potential threat to the safety of the blood supply in Brazil. A. Andonov, E. Grudeski, E. Levi,

M. Drebot, S. Wendel and K. Ferguson. Emerging Arboviruses: evaluating the threat to transfusion and transplantation safety. US Food and Drug Administration; December 14-15, 2009, Bethesda.

Fred Aoki

September 2-3, 2009. Antiviral Therapy. Severe H1N1 Disease: Preventing Cases, Reducing Mortality Meeting,

Winnipeg, Manitoba.

October 21, 2009. Pandemic Swine-Origin Influenza A Virus (S-OIV) [H1N1]. Respiratory Health Professionals

H1N1 Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

November 23, 2009. Influenza – H1N1. Philippines Nurses’ Association of Manitoba, Winnipeg.

March 13, 2010. Antiviral Drugs for Cold and Flu. Lecture in conjunction with Honour’s Thesis Student

Presentations, University of Winnipeg, Manitoba; Dr. M. Wiegand (Chair).

Harvey Artsob

National and international activities undertaken at the National Microbiology Laboratory, Public Health Agency of

Canada. Creative Retirement Manitoba. October 8, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2009.

Overview of activities of the PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre for Emerging and Zoonotic Diseases: Detection,

Diagnostics, Reference and Research. Canadian PAHO/WHO Collaborating Centre Workshop. October 23-24,

Ottawa, Ontario, 2009.

Addressing infectious disease threats to Canadians; a zoonotic diseases perspective. Invited presentation at

Rocky Mountain Laboratory, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID). November 19,

Hamilton, Montana, 2009.

Zoonotic Diseases reflections. Invited presentation at the Canadian Science Centre for Human and Animal Health to mark my retirement. January 13, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2010.

Laboratory studies to determine dengue virus infections. Generating knowledge on dengue prevention through eco-bio-social research Workshop. May 23-25, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2010.

Into the future: zoonotic diseases and the health of Canadians. Canadian Public Health Association Centennial

Conference. June 15, Toronto, Ontario, 2010.

Blake Ball

Coordinating Medical Research and Education in Times of Crisis Invited Talk: East-West Alliance 2010 Conference,

Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 3, 2010.

HIV-1 resistant sex workers overexpress novel antiproteases and antiviral factors in their cervical mucosa. A protective milieu against HIV Infection? Oral presentation 19 th Annual Canadian Conference on HIV/AIDS

Research, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, May 15, 2010.

Immune Quiescence: A model for protection from HIV infection at the female genital tract. Invited visiting speaker Rush University Medical Center, Chicago, Illinois April 26, 2010.

The role of Immune Quescence in protecting against HIV? Invited Talk: Collaboration for AIDS Vaccine Discovery

Annual Meeting, Miami, Florida Dec 1 – 4, 2009.

The role of CD8 T cell responses in protecting against HIV? Lessons for vaccine development? Invited talk:

International Course on Clinical and Research Applications of Flow Cytometry , Yaounde, Cameroon Oct 8-10,


Introduction to QASI: An International External Quality Assessment (EQA) Program. Invited talk: International

Course on Clinical and Research Applications of Flow Cytometry , Yaounde, Cameroon Oct 8-10, 2009.

Identification of Differentially expresses proteins in the Cervical Mucosa. Invited talk: NIH Workshop-Evaluation of Cellular Mucosal Immunity June 15-16, 2010 Potomac MD.

Marissa Becker

HIV in Manitoba: an update from the Manitoba HIV Program. Presentation at the “Partners in Caring” Conference,

Winnipeg, Manitoba. March 17, 2010.

HIV Vaccines: the hope and the frustration. Department of Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, University of

Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada. February 9, 2010 (together with Dr. Keith Fowke).

Kathryn Bernard

Bacterial Culture and Identification: an Introduction. Laboratory Course for Field Epidemiologists. September 2009 at the CSCHAH Winnipeg MB.

Medically Relevant Gram Positive Rods or Coccobacilli. Jan. 6. 2010 Clinical Microbiology, MMIC 7040. Department of Medical Microbiology, Bannatyne Campus, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg MB.


: an overview. March 10, 2010. Clinical Microbiology, MMIC 7040. Dep’t Medical Microbiology,

Bannatyne Campus, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg MB.

Registered Microbiologist (RM) as defined under the new rules of the CCM with respect to the CSCHAH. Canadian

College of Microbiologists (CCM) meeting of the executive May 5, 2010.

Updated look at


species and other medically-relevant, fastidious or good-growing Gram positive

Rods, an all day workshop for the South Western Association of Clinical Microbiology (‘SWACM’) held May 21,

2010 in Arlington TX. Part One: Overview and

Gram Positive Rods. Arlington TX.


species; Part Two: Coryneforms and other

Timothy Booth

ViroNet Update. CPHLN Spring Semi-Annual meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, 28

Eric Bow

August 28, 2009 th April 2010.

Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, Pasqua Hospital, Regina, SK.

Topic of Presentation: Fungal Infections in the Immunocompromised Patient

October 18-27, 2009 Speaking Tour in Australia in conjunction with the Haematology

Society of Australia and New Zealand (HSANZ), Adelaide, Australia.

Additional presentations in Perth, Brisbane, Melbourne, Sydney.

Presentation titles:


Early therapy of invasive fungal infections in high-risk patients: Prevention, Preemption, & Empiricism … Competing Strategies or Additive Value?

Combination anti-fungal therapy of invasive fungal infection in high-risk patients.

Invasive fungal infection in high-risk patients: What should physicians know to

November 9, 2009



optimize outcome of anti-fungal chemotherapy?


Risk stratification in preventing Invasive Fungal Infection in high-risk patients: How, then shall we avoid catching our death of mould?


2009: A Pandemic Odyssey: Considerations for A/H1N1 in Cancer Patient


University of Calgary, Department of Medicine

Visiting Academic Speaker

February 9, 2010

Presentation: “Invasive Fungal Infections in High Risk Patients. What Should

Physicians Know to Optimize Outcome of Anti-fungal Chemotherapy?”

Followed by Case Presentations with ID Fellows, University of Calgary

Haematology/Oncology Regional Grand Rounds

Section of Haematology/Oncology, Department of Internal Medicine, UofM

Presentation: “2010: Pandemic Odyssey Continues...”

February 18-21, 2010 2010 Winter Congress for Korean Society for Bone Marrow Transplantation, Muju, Korea

Presentation: “Invasive Fungal Infection in Allogeneic Haematopoietic Stem Cell

Transplant Recipients: What Physicians Should Consider to Optimize Management”

March 3-5, 2010 Focus on Fungal Infections (FOFI) meeting, New Orleans, LA


Presentation: “The alimentary tract and candidiasis in neutropenic patients”


Case Presentation: “Septic shock caused by Candida albicans in a patient with acute leukemia”


Presentation: “How I treat aspergillosis in patients with acute leukemia: Any role for combination antifungal therapy?”

April 10-11, 2010 Taiwan Society of Blood and Marrow Transplantation, Taipei, Taiwan.

Presentation: Invasive Fungal Infection in high-risk patients with Haematological

Malignancies: Considerations for the systematic approach. Additional Clinical

Teaching/Grand Rounds sessions in teaching hospitals in Taipei and Taichung on “Clinical

Practice for managing potential patients with invasive fungal infections”.

David Butler-Jones

(* Does not include speeches/presentations for H1N1, before Committee or for debates *)

July 11, 2009 - 14 th International Congress on Circumpolar Health – Keynote, Yellowknife

September 2-5, 2009 - International Conference on Severe H1N1 Disease: Preventing Cases, Reducing Mortality –

Welcoming and Closing Remarks, Winnipeg

September 11, 2009 - Federation of Canadian Municipalities Board Meeting, Collingwood

September 14, 2009 - Policy Forum on Social Determinants of Health: Federal Leadership and the Canadian

Context, Ottawa

September 21, 2009 - Canadian Academy of Health Sciences Symposium on Canada’s Strategic Role in Global

Health, Panel Discussion, Ottawa

September 22, 2009 - Heads of Federal Agencies Luncheon: "Stability in Unstable Times:Ensuring Continuity during an Influenza Pandemic", Ottawa

September 24, 2009 – Conference Board of Canada - Where Are We Today? A Pandemic Reality Check, Toronto

October 15, Health Over the Life Course Conference, London, ON

October 20, Canadian Association for Suicide Prevention, Saskatoon, SK

October 23 – Maple Leaf Food Safety Symposium, Toronto

October 27, 2009 – Deputy Ministers’ Committee on Agriculture, Ottawa

October 28, 2009 – Canadian Airports Council, Toronto

October 29, 2009 – University of Ottawa Nursing Program, Ottawa

November 12, 2009 – Canadian Club of Ottawa, Ottawa

November 17, 2009 – Canadian Teachers’ Federation Board Meeting, Ottawa

November 24, 2009 – National Aboriginal Health Organization Conference, Ottawa

November 25, 2009 – Refugee Health Conference, Toronto

December 7, 2009 – Diabetes Day on the Hill, Ottawa

December 10, 2009 – Injury Prevention Workshop, Ottawa

February 10, 2010 – Eggs & Icons Breakfast, Ottawa

February 14, 2010 – St. Andrew’s College, Winnipeg

February 17, 2010 – Manitoba Hydro H1N1 Task Force, Winnipeg

March 25, 2010 – Northern Ontario School of Medicine, Sudbury

March 30, 2010 – Ottawa University School of Health Sciences, Ottawa

April 15, 2010 – Public Service Executive Conference, Montebello, QC

April 21, 2010 – International Health Regulations Roundtable, Toronto

April 23, 2010 – Canadian Association of Radiologists Annual Scientific Meeting, Montreal

April 26, 2010 – Healthcare Leaders Innovation and Policy Forum, Toronto

May 5, 2010 – International Physical Activity Conference, Toronto

May 10, 2010 – Canadian Institutes of Health Research Public Health Policy Dinner, Ottawa

May 17, 2010 – World Health Association, Geneva

June 1, 2010 – APEX Conference, Ottawa

June 14, 2010 – Canadian Public Health Association (keynote), Toronto

June 14, 2010 – National Violence Prevention Conference, Toronto

June 17, 2010 – National Community Health Nurses Conference, Toronto

Kevin Coombs

“Omics” of influenza virus-host functions. Pandemic Preparedness Strategic Research Initiative, Toronto, July 8,


Genomics to identify host pathogenesis genes. Joint Canada U.K. International Antiviral Conference, London,

October 15, 2009.

Maryanne Crockett

M Crockett, S Fanella, P Lagace-Wiens. Gorgas on the Prairies: Clinical Cases in Parasitology and Tropical

Medicine; Medical Microbiology Seminar Series – November 19, 2009.

M Crockett, J Embree, S Fanella, P VanCaeseele, J Kettner. Pandemic (H1N1) 2009 Influenza in Children and

Youth: Clinical Experience and Lessons Learned; Pediatric Grand Rounds, University of Manitoba – October 8,


M Crockett. Vaccine Development and Evaluation and Adverse Events Following Immunization; Immunization

Competencies Course – December 4, 2009.

Michael Drebot

Drebot M. Severe H1N1 Research: Critical Questions, PHAC Meeting of “Severe H1N1 Disease: Preventing Cases,

Reducing Mortality”. Winnipeg, MB, September 2-3, 2009.

Andonov A, Grudeski, E, Levi E, Drebot M, Wendel N, Ferguson K. DENGUE VIRUS AS A POTENTIAL THREAT TO th Regional THE SAFETY OF THE BLOOD SUPPLY IN BRAZIL. International Society of Blood Transfusion, 20

Congress, Asia. Nagoya Japan, November 14-18 th , 2009.

Drebot M. Distribution and genetic relatedness of mosquito-specific flaviviruses: From Canada to California “in

Symposium 7- Newly Described Mosquito-Specific Flaviviruses: Geographic Distribution, Genetic Relatedness and

Potential Role for Augmentation of Heterologus Infections”. 58 th Annual Meeting of the American Society of

Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Washington, DC, USA. November 18-22, 2009.

Drebot MA. Diagnostic considerations when testing for antibodies to California serogroup viruses. Subcommittee on Interrelationships Among Catalogued Arboviruses. 58 th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Tropical

Medicine and Hygiene. Washington, DC, USA. November 18-22, 2009.

Drebot M, Grudeski, Levi E, Wendel N, Ferguson K, Andonov A. An assessment of dengue virus as a threat to the safety of the blood supply in Brazil. 4 th Asian Dengue Research Network Meeting. Singapore, December 8-11,


Drebot M. Diagnostic considerations for emerging zoonotic disease. Zoonotic Diseases Symposium, Annual

Review Meeting of the University of Nairobi STD/AIDS Collaborative Group. Nairobi, Kenya. January 26-29,


Drebot M. California serogroup viruses in Canada: an update on research and surveillance. National Non-Enteric

Zoonoses Workshop, Ottawa Ontario February 25, 2010.

Drebot MA, Mosquito-borne viruses: an update on West Nile virus and other arboviruses in Canada. University of

Manitoba, Medical Microbiology Seminar, February 22, 2010.

Drebot MA, Arbovirus Encephalides. University of Manitoba, Medicine Grand Rounds, April 23, 2010.

Drebot MA, Zoonotic Diseases: A Canadian Perspective. The Microbrial Hour, Division of Infectious Diseases,

Capital Health & QE2, Health Sciences Centre, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 9, 2010.

John Embil

Embil JM. Never a Dull Moment! Case History in Infectious Diseases. University of Manitoba Continuing Medical

Education Program for Primary Care Physicians – Flin Flon, Manitoba, October 7, 2009.

Embil JM. Staying in Control – Infection Prevention and Control. Internal Medicine Grand Rounds, University of

Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 20, 2009.

Embil JM. Germs are Everywhere. Education Event of the Manitoba Branch – The Kidney Foundation of Canada.

Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 22, 2009.

Embil JM. Woundcare. Community-Based Continuing Medical Education – Family Physician Program, University of Manitoba for Burntwood Region (Thompson), Churchill Region (Churchill), Nor-Man Region (Flin Flon), and

Nor-Man Region (The Pas). March 11, 2010.

Embil JM. Treatment of Urinary Tract Infections. Continuing Medical Education Program for Primary Care

Practitioners. Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 13, 2010.

Embil JM. Infectious Diseases Society of America Guidelines: Opening the Kimono on Simple Evidence-Based

Tips. DF Con 2010, Diabetic Foot Global Conference, Los Angeles, California March 19, 2010.

Embil JM. Infection in the Diabetic Foot: Diagnosis and Management. Winnipeg Regional Health Authority

Advanced Woundcare Education Day: Wound Infections. Winnipeg, Manitoba, March 26, 2010.

Embil JM. Round Table Discussion on Wound and Diabetic Foot Care. Manitoba Club, Winnipeg, Manitoba, April

9, 2010.

Embil JM. Update in the Diabetic Foot. Advances in Vascular Nursing Conference. St. Boniface General Hospital,

April 21, 2010.

Embil JM. Opening Address. 22 nd Annual Health Sciences Centre Volunteer Recognition Dinner. Winnipeg,

Manitoba, April 29, 2010.

Embil JM. Hot Topics in Infectious Diseases. Continuing Medical Education Program for Family Physicians:

Therapeutic Update. University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 7, 2010.

Embil JM. Amputee Symposium: Diabetic Foot Ulcers – Evaluation and Treatment. Canadian Association of

Physical Medicine Rehabilitation 58 th Annual Scientific Meeting, May 29, 2010, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

Embil JM, Blake M. Creative Solutions to Real Life Infection Prevention and Control Situations. Advanced

Practitioner Day, 2010 Education Conference. Community and Hospital Infection Control Association – Canada.

Vancouver, British Columbia, May 30, 2010.

Embil JM, Blake M. Case Scenarios. Novice Practitioner Day, 2010 Education Conference. Community and

Hospital Infection Control Association – Canada. Vancouver, British Columbia, May 30, 2010.

Joanne Embree

Pandemic H1N1 2009 Influenza (Swine flu): The Manitoba Experience. 2 nd International Symposium on Recent

Advances in Basic, Clinical and Social Medicine. Shantou, China. Nov 24-26, 2009.

Adverse effects of vaccines. 3

10-12, 2010.

SARS and Influenza H1N1. 3

10-12, 2010. rd Reunion of the Americas Meeting. World Trade Center, Mexico City, Mexico, Feb rd Reunion of the Americas Meeting. World Trade Center, Mexico City, Mexico, Feb

Impact of H1N1 on Global Health. East-West Alliance Meeting, Winnipeg, June 17-18, 2010.

H1N1: Looking back – looking forward, 87th Annual Conference Canadian Paediatric Society, Vancouver, BC, June

22-26, 2010.

Heinrich Feldmann

Molecular vaccines for filoviruses. Innovations in Molecular Approaches to Vaccine Delivery. Thirteenth Annual

Conference on Vaccine Research. National Foundation for Infectious Diseasesa. Bethesda, Maryland, United

States (2010).

Pre- and postexposure vaccination for viral hemorrhagic fevers. Global COE Seminar, Hokkaido University,

Sapporo, Japan (2010)

Postexposure vaccination for filoviruses. 5th International Symposium on Filoviruses, Tokyo, Japan (2010)

Laboratory response to emerging exotic viral diseases. University of Montana, Missoula, Montana, United Sates


Filovirus glycoproteins - biology, pathogenesis and immunogenicity. Department of Microbiology and

Immunology, Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Yeshiva University, Bronx, New York, United States (2010)

Marburg and Ebola viruses. University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, United States (2010)

Marburg and Ebola Viruses: pre- and post-exposure vaccination. Sealy Center for Vaccine Development

Symposium, Galveston, texas, USA (2009)

Pre- and post-exposure vaccination for viral hemorrhagic fevers. Infection of the Endothelium, 1 st International

Symposium, Dresden, Germany (2009)

Response to viral hemorrhagic fevers: on-site diagnostic and vaccines. Bernhard-Nocht-Institut, Hamburg,

Germany (2009)

Filoviruses: pathogenesis and host response. Microbiology & Molecular Genetics Program, MMG Student

Symposium, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA (2009)

Function of Ebola virus glycoproteins in pathogenesis and immune response. Technische Universitaet, Dresden,

Germany (2009)

Function of Ebola Virus Glycoproteins in Pathogenesis and Immune Response. University of Montana, Division of

Biological Science. Montana Biotechnology Center. Missoula, Montana, USA (2009)

Ebola and Marburg Viruses: Epidemiology, Ecology and Host Adaptation. Zoonoses: Diseases from nature. Yale

School of Public Health. New Haven, CT, USA (2009)

Keith Fowke

“Conducting research and training in the heart of the HIV pandemic” East/West Alliance 2010 Conference.

Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 3-4, 2010.

“Resisting HIV infection through Immune Quiescence” Prairie Infectious Immunology Network. Saskatoon,

Saskatchewan, June 16-18 2010.

“Career Development and Future Career Prospects”. Second Immunology Mentorship Program. Winnipeg,

Manitoba. June 23 rd

Matthew Gilmour


2009. NARMS – National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System (CDC, FDA, USDA); Annual Meeting and

Interagency Laboratory Working Groups. Invited lecture in “High Throughput Genome Sequencing for Outbreak

Response”, August 5-7, 2009, Rockville, MD, USA

2009. Federal Food Safety and Nutrition Research Meeting 2009. High-Throughput Genome Sequencing of Two

Listeria monocytogenes

Clinical Isolates During a Large Foodborne Outbreak. November 4-5, 2009. Ottawa, ON.

2010. Annual Strategic Planning Meetings of the Bureau of Microbial Hazards, Health Canada. Overview of the

Enteric Diseases Program. January 29 th , 2010. Ottawa, ON.

Morag Graham

National Bioscience Educators Conference Delegation, St. Boniface Research Centre, Winnipeg, MB, Feb 17,

2010: “Genomics in public health”.

Daryl Hoban

Aug 26-27/09 – Invited speaker, Abbott Symposium, Singapore

Aug 29-30/09 – Invited speaker, Abbott Symposium, Vietnam

June 4/10 – Invited speaker, Merck Asia Pacific SMART Investigators Meeting, Singapore

June 5-6/10 – Invited speaker, Merck Asia Pacific ID Speaker’s Forum, Philippines

Alan Jackson

Insights into the pathogenesis of rabies. Platform presentation at the Manitoba Neuroscience Network Conference in Winnipeg, Manitoba on June 14, 2010.

Tomy Joseph

Swine Influenza: Emergence of new viruses. Manitoba Swine Seminar. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. February 3-

4, 2010

Joshua Kimani

Identifying research priorities for HIV prevention in MSM in Africa” 26 February 2010, 8.30 – 4 pm, KEMRI –

Wellcome Trust, Kilifi

Research Workshop for Innova P2 – Melbourne March 24-26, 2010.

Guest speaker on; "Aids, Malaria, Tuberculosis – How Pharmaceutical Innovation fails the Poor."

David Knox

Prion biology: The Quest for the Test. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona. June 2010.

Identification of urine based biomarkers using 2D-DIGE. PrP 2010 Satellite Meeting, Ottawa, Ontario, March 2010

Comparative Proteomics: Searching for Surrogate markers. PrP 2010, Ottawa, Ontario, March 2010.

Prion Pathogenesis. Pharmacology Department, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, January 2010.

Gary Kobinger

Tokyo, April 2010

Quebec, June 2010

Public Security S&T Summer Symposium 2010, Ottawa, June 2010

Filovirus Medical Countermeasures (MCM) Workshop, Gaithersburg Maryland, June 2010

Anand Kumar

H1N1 Infection in ICU. Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Meeting: H1N1 Outbreak Research Response (Toronto,

ON) July 8, 2009

Severe H1N1 In Manitoba ICUs. Canadian Pandemic Preparedness Meeting: H1N1 Outbreak Research Response

(Toronto, ON) July 8, 2009

Antimicrobial Use in the ICU. Multiprofessional Critical Care Review Course 2009 (San Francisco, CA) July 15,


Multi-resistant Infections. Multiprofessional Critical Care Review Course 2009 (San Francisco, CA) July 15, 2009

Infections in AIDS, Transplant Patients and other Immunocompromised Hosts. Multiprofessional Critical Care

Review Course 2009 (San Francisco, CA) July 16, 2009

Lessons from the ICU: The Winnipeg H1N1 Outbreak. Ottawa CME Telecast/Manitoba TeleHealth Service

(Winnipeg, MB) July 29, 2009

Severe Disease Epidemic Narratives: Description of Clinical Management and Challenges Experienced in Winnipeg

ICUs. PHAC Conference: Severe H1N1 Disease: Preventing Cases, Reducing Mortality. (Winnipeg, MB) Sept 2,


Adjunctive therapies –what do you have left when oseltamivir fail. PHAC Conference: Severe H1N1 Disease:

Preventing Cases, Reducing Mortality. (Winnipeg, MB) Sept 3, 2009

Severe H1N1 Infection in the ICU. H1N1 Mini-symposium. Weimar Sepsis Update: Sepsis Goes Public. 4 th

International Congress on Sepsis and Mult-iorgan Dysfunction. (Weimar, Germany) Sept 9, 2009

Strategies to prevent antibiotic delays. Rationale use of antibiotics in sepsis. Weimar Sepsis Update: Sepsis Goes

Public. 4 th International Congress on Sepsis and Multi-organ Dysfunction. (Weimar, Germany) Sept 10, 2009

H1N1: Description of Clinical Management and Challenges Experienced in Winnipeg ICUs. Primera Pandemia de

Gripe en UCIs, Sociedad Espanola de Medicina Intensiva, Critica y Unidades Coronarias (Madrid, Spain) Oct 5,


Severe H1N1 Infection in Canada. Primera Pandemia de Gripe en UCIs, Sociedad Espanola de Medicina

Intensiva, Critica y Unidades Coronarias (Madrid, Spain) Oct 5, 2009

Speed is Life: Optimizing Antimicrobial Management of Septic Shock. Critical Care Grand Rounds, Servicio de

Medicina Intensiva y Crítica Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII (Tarragona, Spain) October 6, 2009

H1N1: Description of Clinical Management and Challenges Experienced in Winnipet ICUs, Servicio de Medicina

Intensiva y Crítica Hospital Universitari de Tarragona Joan XXIII (Tarragona, Spain) October 7, 2009

ICU Management of Severe H1N1 Infection. WHO Consultation on Clinical Aspects of Pandemic (H1N1) 2009

Influenza (Washington, DC) October 14, 2009

Epidemiology of Septic Shock in Canada. Critical Care Canada Forum (Toronto, ON) October 26, 2009

Fungal Septic Shock. Critical Care Canada Forum (Toronto, ON) October 26, 2009

Diagnosis and Management of Fungal Sepsis. Critical Care Canada Forum (Toronto, ON) October 26, 2009

Pathology of Severe H1N1 Infection. Critical Care Canada Forum (Toronto, ON) October 27, 2009

Fungal Sepsis and Septic Shock. Critical Care Canada Forum (Toronto, ON) October 27, 2009

The Right Antibiotic at the Right Time. Brazilian Congress of Critical Care Medicine (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Nov 11,


Current Evidence: Monotherapy vs Combination Therapy in Septic Shock. Brazilian Congress of Critical Care

Medicine (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Nov 11, 2009

Myocardial Dysfunction in Sepsis and Septic Shock: Diagnosis and Treatment. Brazilian Congress of Critical Care

Medicine (Sao Paulo, Brazil) Nov 12, 2009

Speed is Life: Lessons from the Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock (CATSS) Database. St.

George’s Hospital (South London, England) Dec 14, 2009

Speed is Life: Lessons from the Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock (CATSS) Database. British

Intensive Care Society Annual Meeting (London, England) Dec 14, 2009

Optimizing Outcomes in Septic Shock: Lessons from the Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock

(CATSS) Database. Sheffield Hallam Teaching Hospital (Sheffield, England) Dec 15, 2009

Speed is Life: Lessons from the Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock (CATSS) Database. Aberdeen

Royal Infirmary (Aberdeen, Scotland) Dec 16, 2009

Optimizing Outcomes in Septic Shock: Lessons from the Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock

(CATSS) Database. University of Glasgow Medical School (Glasgow, Scotland) Dec 16, 2009

Speed is Life: Lessons from the Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock (CATSS) Database. University

College (London) Hospital (London, England) Dec 17, 2009

Optimizing Outcomes in Septic Shock: Lessons from the Cooperative Antimicrobial Therapy of Septic Shock

(CATSS) Database. King’s College Hospital (London, England) Dec 17, 2009

How research is driving clinical outcomes / tales from the front lines of the H1N1 epidemic. Manitoba Health

Research Council Presentation. Manitoba Legislature (Winnipeg, MB) Feb 16, 2010

Lessons from the frontlines of the H1N1 pandemic. American Thoracic Society State of the Art Review Course.

(Miami, FL) Feb 26, 2010

My experience with H1N1. 30 th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine. (Brussels,

Belgium) March 9, 2010

ECMO in H1N1-associated respiratory failure. 30 th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency

Medicine. (Brussels, Belgium) March 10, 2010

Antimicrobials in septic shock. 30 th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine.

(Brussels, Belgium) March 10, 2010

Antibiotic therapy: Optimal timing. 30 th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine.

(Brussels, Belgium) March 11, 2010

Improving sepsis management: Speed is life. 30

Medicine. (Brussels, Belgium) March 11, 2010 th International Symposium on Intensive Care and Emergency

Unilateral Withdrawal: An 11th Commandment? Canadian Critical Care Conference (Whistler, BC) March 18, 2010

Panelist. Lessons from the H1N1 Pandemic in Canada. Canadian College of Health Service Executives/Health

Professional’s Roundtable for Strategy Meeting. (New York, NY) April 15, 2010

Lessons from the Manitoba H1N1 Epidemic. The Critical Eye Nursing Conference. McPhillips Street Station.

(Winnipeg, MB) April 19, 2010

Lessons from the Manitoba H1N1 epidemic. Roche Medical Advisory Board Meeting (Toronto, ON) April 19, 2010

Pandemic H1N1: From the front lines of the Winnipeg ICUs. Pan-infORM Workshop: The First Influenza

Pandemic of the 21st Century: Canada's Response, Lessons Learned, and Challenges Ahead. National

Biodiagnostics Institute (Winnipeg, MB) April 19, 2010

Speed is life: The role of rapid, appropriate antimicrobial therapy in outcome of septic shock. XLV Congresio

Nationale de la SEMICYUC 2010. SEMICYUC:Spanish National Critical Care Society (Malaga, Spain) June 14,


Speed is life but a sledgehammer helps too: The importance of early pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic optimization in outcome of septic shock . XLV Congresio Nationale de la SEMICYUC 2010. SEMICYUC:Spanish

National Critical Care Society (Malaga, Spain) June 14, 2010.

Pandemic H1N1: Lessons learned in the ICU. XLV Congresio Nationale de la SEMICYUC 2010.

SEMICYUC:Spanish National Critical Care Society (Malaga, Spain) June 15, 2010.

Philippe Lagace-Wiens

Optimizing Blood Culture Collection: Given to Misericordia Urgent Care, Saint-Boniface Hospital Nursing Units.

February 2, 3, 10, 11, 17, 23 and 25, May 28 and June 1, 2010.

Optimizing Wound Swab Collection: Given to Misericordia Urgent Care, Saint-Boniface Hospital Nursing Units.

February 10 and 17, 2010.

Interpretation of Peritoneal Dialysis Cultures: Given to Peritoneal Dialysis Unit and Medicine wards. March 29,


Confessions of a Mosquito: Given to the Manitoba Travel Health Network Conference. April 22, 2010.

It’s Raining bats and Dogs: Given to the Manitoba Travel Health Network Conference. April 23, 2010.

Parasitology for technologists: Given to Red River College. June 4, 2010.

Linda Larcombe

Presentations on Housing and tuberculosis to:


Northlands Denesuline First Nation and National Grand Chief Atleo,


Assembly of Northern Manitoba Chiefs,


Manitoba Chiefs Task Force on Health


Southeast Tribal Council


First Nation Inuit and Health Branch

Richard Lester

Canadian Pediatric Society: Vancouver, June 2010. “Congenital Syphilis: A Lingering Menace”

Yan Li

“Identification of novel swine H1N1 influenza virus”. Capital Institute of Pediatrics, Beijing, China (August 27,


“Detection of novel swine-origin H1N1 influenza virus from Mexican samples”. Beijing Centre for Disease

Prevention and Control (September 3, 2009).

“Monitoring the evolution of the 2009 pandemic H1N1” at the 8 th Beijing Forum on Public Health – 2009

Influenza A (H1N1) Prevention and Control Symposium, Beijing, China (January 25-27, 2010).

Stephen Moses

Invited speaker, South Asia Regional Knowledge Forum: Sharing Lessons Learned from Community Innovations

Reducing Stigma and Other Barriers to HIV Prevention, New Delhi, India, March 15-16, 2010. “Responding to violence in the context of HIV prevention programming in Karnataka”.

Invited speaker, Washington Global Health Alliance Discovery Series, Seattle, Washington, USA, May 29, 2010.

“Male circumcision for HIV prevention: science and policy”.

Invited lecturer, University of Washington Department of Global Health, Implementation Science in Health course

(GH 590B), Seattle, Washington, USA, May 20, 2010. “Male circumcision”.

Invited lecturer, University of Washington, HIV/STI Prevention Research Methods course (GH 563/EPI 549),

Seattle, Washington, USA, May 17, 2010. “Scaling up a focused HIV prevention program for high risk groups in

India: assessing impact in the absence of a randomized trial design”.

Invited Lecturer, University of Toronto, Academic Research day, Department of Microbiology and Infectious

Disease, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, June 15, 2010. “Male circumcision for HIV prevention: the science and scaleup in Africa.

Michael Mulvey

Invited Speaker. Medical Rounds. Emerging Antimicrobial Resistance in Canada. August 6, 2009, University of


Clostridium difficile

. Symposium on Infectious Diseases, the Invited Speaker. Epidemiological Surveillance on

Research Center in Tropical Diseases of the University of Costa Rica. March 1-4, 2010, Costa Rica.

Lindsay Nicolle

Invited speaker/panelist. “Asymptomatic vs symptomatic UTI’s. Evidence based definitions, diagnosis, clinical course, management, implications”. Mini-conference on genitourinary infections. Groton, CT. June 29, 2009.

Invited speaker: “When is a UTI a UTI? Interpreting the Quantitative Urine Culture”, Sept 13, 2009.

Co-moderator Symposia:

“Emerging Clinical Issues in the Management of UTI’s” 13 Sept.

“New Issues in Managing STI’s that Every Clinician Should Consider” 14 Sept.

49 th ICAAC San Francisco September 12-15, 2009

Invited speaker:

Forum: Infection Control in Long Term Care “What are the Main Challenges for Infection Control in Long Term

Care Facilities. Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong, October 15, 2009.

Workshop: Infection Control in Long Term Care Facilities, Hong Kong, October 16, 17, 2009. “Prevention of

Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infection: Key Issues in New HICPAC Guidelines”.

“Common Infections and Diagnostic Issues in LTCF’s”.

Invited Speaker: “Healthy Aging: Preventing infections in the elderly.” Bug Day, Winnipeg October 20, 2009.

Invited Speaker: “Research priorities in non-acute care settings” in Symposium “Infection Prevention and Control

Challenges in Non-Acute Care Settings” at Fifth Decennial International Conference on Healthcare-Associated

Infections, Atlanta, Georgia March 19, 2010.

Invited Speaker: “New developments and changing concepts for urinary tract infections” at 32

Infectious Diseases Symposium, Swiss Society for Infectious Diseases, Lucerne April 22, 2010. nd Annual

Rosanna Peeling

Jul 2009 “Malaria Diagnostics”. Global Fund Consultation on Quality Assurance, Geneva,


Aug 2009 “Keynote address - challenges of promoting global health and need for POC tests” (San

Ping Wang Memorial Lecture).

“Diagnostics to Improve Global Health: Promises and Challenges” presented at the First

Annual Global Health Diagnostics Course: Advanced Didactic and Laboratory Training for

Global Health, University of Washington, USA.

Nov 2009 “Results and progress of evaluation studies on commercially available dengue diagnostic tests: Implications on WHO recommendations and quality assurance of dengue diagnostic tests”. Second WHO WPRO Regional Dengue Programme Manager Meeting,

Hanoi, Vietnam.

Nov 2009 “Overview: current status of CD4 technologies” Meeting on Laboratory-Based Treatment

Monitoring: Current Status of Technology, Research and Application/Best Uses, Office of the Global AIDS Coordinator, Washington, USA.

Nov 2009

Feb 2010

“STD Update: Can we move beyond Syndromic Treatment?” and “Rapid diagnostic tools in theory and practice” (co-chair)

American Society for Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, Washington, USA

“How do we measure the impact of diagnostics?” WHO TDR Diagnostics Evaluation

Expert Panel Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland

Mar 2010 “Challenges and Opportunities for Diagnostics and Assays” (moderator). Symposium on development, evaluation and regulatory issues of dengue vaccines in Brazil, PDVI,

Salvador, Brazil.

Mar 2010 “Diagnostics to Improve Global Health: Promises and Challenges” Chair, Plenary Lecture

– 11 th Sir Dorabji Tata Symposium, Bangalore, India

Apr 2010 “Regional Innovation Networks for Research and Development on drugs and diagnostics for Infectious Diseases that Disproportionately Affect Developing Countries”. China

Pharmaceutical R&D Summit 2010, Shanghai, China

May 2010 “Role of molecular diagnostics on STI”. International Union against Sexually Transmitted

Infections, Bali, Indonesia.

May 2010 “Accessible Quality-Assured Diagnostic Tests for Sexually Transmitted Diseases” National

STI conference, Hainan China

May 2010 “Point of care testing”. Clinical Update: Chlamydia. Royal Society of Medicine, London,


Jun 2010 “Drugs and Diagnostics Innovation in the Combat against Infectious

Diseases of Poverty” The WHO TDR Joint Coordinating Board meeting, Shanghai, China

“Point of care diagnostics”. Second Annual Global Health Diagnostics Course, University of Washington, USA.

Pierre Plourde

Preparing Healthcare Workers for International Travel (CME presented to family physicians in Steinbach, Manitoba

– South Eastman RHA) – September 30, 2009

HIV Nondisclosure – Human Nature or Criminal Behaviour? (presentation to Sexually Transmitted and Blood

Borne Infections interest group, Mount Carmel Clinic, Winnipeg) – October 13, 2009

Pre-Travel Risk Assessment (GSK-sponsored CME presented to family physicians in Winnipeg) – October 17, 2009

Intoxications and Envenomations: The Kiss of Death! (presentation at Bug Day, Health Sciences Centre,

Winnipeg) – October 20, 2009

Disclosing HIV Status – Revisiting the Issues of Legality and Ethics (presentation at HIV Conference for Prairie

Clinical and Non-Clinical Service Providers and PHA’s, Winnipeg) – October 27, 2009

Pragmatic Solidarity – A Preferential Option for the Poor (presentation for Creative Retirement's Current World

Issues Lecture Series, Globe Theatre, Winnipeg) – March 25, 2010

CATMAT Update (Manitoba 8 th Annual Travel Health Conference, Winnipeg) – April 22, 2010

Reaching VFR [Visiting Friends and Relatives] Travellers (Manitoba 8

Winnipeg) – April 23, 2010 th Annual Travel Health Conference,

Envenomation (Manitoba 8 th Annual Travel Health Conference, Winnipeg) – April 23, 2010

Pragmatic Solidarity – A Preferential Option for the Poor (Manitoba 8

Winnipeg) – April 23, 2010 th Annual Travel Health Conference,

Working in “Difficult Partnership” Countries (CHICA Manitoba Annual Education Conference, Winnipeg) – June 18,


WRHA pH1N1 Response (CHICA Manitoba Annual Education Conference, Winnipeg) – June 18, 2010

Frank Plummer

September 2009. Anticipating where the puck is going to be: using advanced technologies to keep ahead in the evolutionary struggle with the microbial world, Bacon and Eggheads Lecture, Parliament of Canada.

Allan Ronald

April 2010 – Makerere University – “Making Pathogens Extinct”.

Ethan Rubinstein

UK, Royal Society of Medicine- Stpahylococcal pneumonia

Meenu Sharma

Evaluation of a real-time in-house methodology for Mycobacterium tuberculosis detection assay from patient samples, 2010. University of Nairobi and university of Manitoba collaborative meeting.

Mycobacteriology Services and Polices: National Laboratory Perspective, 2010. Winnipeg Regional Health

Authorties, Manitoba.

Stuart Skinner

May 13, 2010. “Late Evidence, Delayed Action: Late Presentation to Care and its Implications in the Continuing of Care in the Prairies”. CAHR (Canadian Association of HIV Research), Saskatoon, Sask.

Jim Strong

Outbreak Management in the Field. Presented to East-West Alliance Conference 2010. Brody Centre, Winnipeg,

Manitoba, June 3-4, 2010

Paul Van Caeseele

Diagnosis: Lessons learned – current recommendations vs. clinical reality. Severe H1N1 Disease: Preventing cases, Reducing Mortality Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 2 & 3, 2009.

Role of a Public Health Laboratory during Pandemic. CHICA Manitoba Infection Prevention and Control

Conference, Winnipeg, MB. June 18, 2010.

Andrew Walkty

Infectious Diseases Half-day (local) - Pneumonia

Hana Weingartl

Susceptibility of pigs to

Zaire ebolavirus

and their potential as an intermediate host species.

Hana M. Weingartl, James Neufeld and Gary Kobinger, Epizone meeting, St. Malo, France, June 7-10; 2010

Establishing diagnostic capability for Rift Valley fever virus in livestock.

NATO workshop: Managing global environmental threats to air, water and soil, Ljubljana, June 28-30, 2010

John Wylie

The social epidemiolopy of STBBI in Manitoba. Invited to present at the “Real issues regarding newcomers and

HIV: social, medical, and other aspects of the social determinants of health” conference held in Winnipeg, MB,

March 11-12, 2010.

The social epidemiology of bloodborne pathogens in Manitoba. Invited to give a CME presentation to HIV clinicians in Manitoba. January 4 th , 2010.

Social network analysis – theory and practical perspective. Invited to give a two day workshop at Sichuan

University, Chengdu, China. Jan. 21-22, 2010.

Street-involved youth in Canada. Invited to give a seminar to Faculty of the University of Antioquia and Municipal

Government representatives in Medellin, Colombia. November 25, 2009.

PFGE, Pulsenet and Enteric Surveillance in Manitoba. Requested to present to the Communicable Disease Control

Branch of Manitoba Health. October 30, 2009.

Xi Yang

Keynote Speaker: China-Canada Collaborative Research. Second International Symposium on Recent Advances in

Basic, Clinical and Social Medicine. Shantou, Nov 2009

Invited Talk: NKT/DC interaction in chlamdyial infection. Guangzhou, Nov 2009

Invited Talk: SCI Paper writing and review, Tianjin, Nov 2009

Invited Talk: Give more get more? The NKT/DC story. International symposium on frontiers of immunology,

Winnipeg, September 2009.

Xiao-Jian Yao

Efficient inhibition of HIV-1 replication mediated by modified APOBEC3G fusion proteins: A Novel anti-HIV gene therapy strategy. World Congress of Genes, Fushan, China, Dec 04, 2009.

George Zhanel

“Treatment of multi-drug resistant

Pseudomonas aeruginosa



spp.: Optimizing antimicrobial use and focusing on new antimicrobials”. Presented at a specialist update, Phoenix, Arizona, July 9, 2009.

“Comparison of the new carbapenems: Which to put on the formulary”. Presented at a specialist update, Las

Vegas, Nevada, July 10, 2009.

“Antimicrobial resistant infections on the islands compared to the mainland: What to do”. Presented at a specialist update, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 29, 2009.

“Treatment of infectious diseases in the days of multi-drug resistant pathogens”. Presented at a specialist update, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 29, 2009.

“Update on the status of antimicrobial resistant pathogens in North America: Pathogens and solutions”.

Presented at the Canadian Society of Hospital Pharmacy (CSHP) annual meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, August

11, 2009.

“Washing your hands and using antimicrobials wisely, the key aspects to reduce the spread of resistant infections”. Presented at a specialist update, Samaritan Hospital, Peoria, Illinois, August 25, 2009.

“The importance of antimicrobial pharmacodynamics in optimizing infectious diseases treatment”. Presented at a specialist update, Peoria, Illinois, August 25, 2009.

“How to use B-lactams in the treatment of infectious diseases”. Presented at a specialist update, Indianapolis,

Illinois, August 26, 2009.

“Describing the spread of resistant pathogens in North America”. Presented at a specialist update, Indianapolis,

Illinois, August 26, 2009.

“The rapid evolution of multi-drug resistant (MDR) ESBL and KPC Enterobacteriaceae in North America”.

Presented at a specialist update, New York City, New York, September 30, 2009.

“Reducing the spread of resistant superbugs: Bacteria and Viruses”. Presented at a specialist update, Houston

Infectious Diseases Society, Houston, Texas, October 7, 2009.

“Making formulary decisions for antimicrobials: What all should be considered”. Presented at a clinical pharmacists update, Houston Texas, October 8, 2009.

“An overview of the CAN-R website: Canada’s premiere website for antimicrobial resistance”. Presented at a CIHR antimicrobial resistance database planning session, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario, October 15, 2009.

“Review of macrolide usage and macrolide resistance in Canada: 1998-2008”. Presented at a specialist update,

Toronto, Ontario, November 27, 2009.

“The Baddest bug: Comparison of MRSA, ESBL/KPC producers and



Pseudomonas aeruginosa


Presented at the 44 th American Society of Hospital Pharmacy (ASHP) Midyear Clinical Meeting, Las Vegas,

Nevada, December 8, 2009.

“Review of the mechanisms of action and resistance, microbiology, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of doripenem: Comparison to other carbapenems”. Presented at the Society of Critical Care Medicine (SCCM)

Symposium, Miami, Florida, January 8, 2010.

“Treating infectious diseases in 2010: How to proceed ? ”. Presented at a specialist update, Indianapolis, Indiana,

January 27, 2010.

“New antimicrobials to combat resistant infections: What should we do with them ? ”. Presented at internal medicine rounds, Hendricks Regional Hospital, Indianapolis, Indiana, January 28, 2010.

“Review of probiotics and other prevention strategies to minimize antimicrobial resistant infections ” Presented to the Internal Medicine Residents, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 23, 2010.

“Comparison of ertapenem, imipenem, meropenem and doripenem ” Presented at a Clinical Pharmacists Update,

Montreal, Quebec, March 20, 2010.

“Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of aminoglycosides, fluoroquinolones and  -lactams: What is the state of the art ? ” Presented at a Clinical Pharmacists Update, Montreal, Quebec, March 20, 2010.

“Germs: You cant live with them and you cant live without them. Presently at the Reh-Fit foundation annual healthy living awards. Winnipeg, Manitoba, April 15, 2010.

“All the facts about carbapenems” Presented at a Clinical Pharmacists Update, Toronto, Ontario, April 16, 2010.

“Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of penicillins, cephalosporins and carbapenems” Presented at a Critical care Specialists Update, Toronto, Ontario, April 17, 2010.

“The evolution of

Streptococcus pneumoniae

serotypes in Canada: Implications for vaccination. ” Presented at a medical/economic update meeting, Toronto, Ontario, April 20, 2010.

“Treating infectious diseases in rural/northern medical units.” Presented at a northern medical edicine/pharmacy update meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 28, 2010.

“Review of the Crystal session: Methods and results.” Presented at the national champions meeting of managing surgical intra-abdominal infections (SIAI), Toronto, Ontario, June 18, 2010.

“Role of carbapenems in the treatment of surgical intra-abdominal infections (SIAI).” Presented at the national champions meeting of managing surgical intra-abdominal infections (SIAI), Toronto, Ontario, June 18, 2010.

“Vaccination, probiotics, infection control and prudent antibiotic: Keys to managing infectious diseases.”

Presented at a family physician update, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 19, 2010.

“New aminoglycosides: Needed to treat multi-drug resistant organisms.” Presented at Ribs on the Red, meeting with Intellectual Ventures”, Winnipeg, Manitoba, June 23, 2010.

Wen Zhong

Zhong, W. (2009). Development of Bio-medicated Nanofibers for Wound Care. HighTex, Montreal, November


Alcock, M. & Zhong, W. (2009). Development of Standards of Measuring Properties of Hemp. The 106th Scientific

Session of the Institute of Textile Science, Winnipeg, September, 2009.
