Publications of T - Computer Science and Software Engineering

Publications of T. Takaoka
[1] Noshita, K, Takaoka, T. and Machida, H., Fundamental Algorithms,
Iwanami Publishing Co., Tokyo, Japan 1983. 基本的算法、岩波書店
[2] Joint authorship, Encyclopedic Dictionary of Computer Science, Iwanami Publishing Co., Tokyo,
Japan, 1990. 情報科学辞典、岩波書店
[3] Peter Eades and Tadao Takaoka (eds), Algorithms and Computation, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science Vol 2223, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
[4] Takaoka, Voges, K, and Pope, N., Algorithms for Data Mining, in Business Applications and
Computational Intelligence, K. Voges and N. Pope, Eds., Idea Group Publishing, 2005, pp 281-315 (Book
[5] Takaoka, T., Matrix Multiplication and All Pairs Shortest Paths, Encyclopaedia of Algorithms,
Springer, 2008
Journal papers:
[1] Mine, H. and Takaoka, T., "On the General Solution of a State-Characteristic Equation of Finite
Automata," Trans. of IECEJ (The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics and Communication
Engineers of Japan) , Vol.52-C, No.2, pp.97--103 (1969). 有限オートマトンの状態方程式の一般解に
[2] Mine, H. and Takaoka, T., "On a Reliability Estimation of Iterative Relay Circuits," Trans. of IECEJ,
Vol.52-C, No.10, pp.603--609 (1969). 重複開閉回路の信頼度評価、情報通信学会論文誌
[3] Takaoka, T., "On the Automorphism Group of a Finite Automaton with Output," Trans. of IECEJ,
Vol.52-C, No.12, pp.767--771 (1969). 出力のある有限オートマトンの自己同型群について、電子
[4] Takaoka, T., "A Construction Method of Fail-Safe Systems for Multiple-Valued Logic," Trans. of
IECEJ, Vol.54-C, No.1, pp.41--49 (1971). 多値論理ち対するフェイルセーフシステムの構成法、電
[5] Takaoka, T. and Mine, H., "N-Fail-Safe Logical Systems," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol.20-C,
No.5, pp.536--542 (1971).
[6] Takaoka, H. and Takaoka, T., "On the Uniqueness of the Solution of a State Characteristic Equation of
Finite Automata," Trans. of IECEJ, Vol.54-C, No.7, pp.541--548 (1971). 有限オートマトンの状態特
[7] Takaoka, T. and Ibaraki, T., "N-Fail-Safe Sequential Machines," IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol.21-C,
No.11, pp.1189--1196 (1972).
[8] Takaoka, T. and Ibaraki, T., "Fail-Safe Realization of Sequential Machines," Information and Control
Vol.22, No.1, pp.31--35 (1973).
[9] Takaoka, T., "Two Measures over Languages Space," Trans. of IECEJ, Vol.56-D, No.5, pp.305--311
(1973). 言語空間における二つの測度、電子通信学会論文誌
[10] Noshita, K. and Takaoka, T., "On the Tree Height of Context-Free Languages," Trans. of IECEJ,
Vol.56-D, No.5, pp.298--304 (1973). 文脈自由言語の木の高さについて、電子通信学会論文誌
[11] Takaoka, T., "A Note on the Ambiguity of Context-Free Grammars," Information Processing Letters,
Vol.3, No.2, pp.35--36 (1974).
[12] Takaoka, T. and Amamiya, M., "On the Ambiguity Function of Context-Free Languages," Trans. of
IECEJ, Vol.58-D, No.1, pp.31--35 (1975). 文脈自由言語のあいまい性関数について、電子通信学会
[13] Takaoka, T., "Two O(nlog n) Algorithms for Minimal Summation," Trans. of Info. Proc. Soc. Japan,
Vol.18, No.9, pp.921--924 (1977). 情報処理学会論文誌
[14] Takaoka, T., "A Definition of Measures over Language Space," Jour. of Computer and System
Sciences, Vol.17, No.3, pp.376--387 (1978).
[15] Takaoka, T. and Fukuchi, Y., "On the Speed-up of Algorithms for Boolean Matrix Multiplication,"
Trans. of Info. Proc. Soc. Japan, Vol.20, No.1, pp.45--49 (1979). ブール行列乗算アルゴリズムの高速
[17] Takaoka, T., Maclean, M. and McKenzie, B., "Introduction of History to Variables," SOFTWARE:
Practice and Experience, Vol.12, No.6 (Short Communication), pp.595--597 (1982).
[18] McKenzie, B. and Takaoka, T., "A Short Note on a Control Structure for a Variable Number of
Nested Loops," The Computer Journal, Vol.26, No.3, pp.282--283 (1983).
[19] Moffat, T. and Takaoka, T., "A Priority Queue for the All Pairs Shortest Path Problem," Information
Processing Letters, Vol.18, No.4, pp.189--193 (1984).
[20] Takaoka, T., "The Semantics of a New-While Loop," The Computer Journal, Vol.29, No.1, pp.33--35
[21] Takaoka, T., "An On-Line Pattern Matching Algorithm," Information Processing Letters, Vol.22,
No.6, pp.329--330 (1986).
[22] Perez, F. and Takaoka, T., "A Prime Factor FFT Algorithm Implementation Using a Program
Generation Technique," IEEE Trans. on ASSP, Vol.ASSP-35, No.8 (Correspondence), pp.1221--1223
[23] Moffat, A. and Takaoka, T., "An All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithm with Expected Running Time
O(n2log n)," SIAM Jour. on Computing, Vol.16, No.6, pp.1023--1031 (1987).
[24] Gu, Q.P. and Takaoka, T., "On the Average Path Length of O(log N) in the Shortest Path Problem,"
Trans. of IEICEJ (The Transactions of the Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication
Engineers of Japan, formerly IECEJ), Vol.E70, No.11, pp.1155--1158 (1987).
[25] Takaoka, T., "A Decomposition Rule for the Hoare Logic," Information Processing Letters, Vol.26,
No.4, pp.205--208 (1987).
[26] Zhu, R.F. and Takaoka, T., "On Improving the Average Case of the Boyer-Moore String Matching
Algorithm," Journal of Information Processing (Published by the Information Processing Sciety of Japan),
Vol.10, No.3, pp.173--177 (1988).
[27] Zhu, R.F. and Takaoka, T., "The Extension of the Aho-Corasick Algorithm for Multiple Rectangular
Pattern Arrays of Different Sizes and N-Dimensional Cases," Journal of Information Processing, Vol.11,
No.4, pp.271--277 (1988).
[28] Ma, J. and Takaoka, T., "An O(n(n2/p+log p)) Parallel Algorithm to Compute the All Pairs Shortest
Paths and the Transitive Closure," Journal of Information Processing, Vol.12, No.2, pp.119--124 (1989).
[29] Takaoka, T., "A Review of All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithms," Sankhya (The Indian Journal of
Statistics) Special Volume No 54, pp475-501 (1992)..
{30] Zhu, R.F. and Takaoka, T., "A Technique for Two Dimensional Pattern Matching," Communications
of the ACM, Vol.32, No.9, pp.1110--1120 (1989).
[31] Dey, P., Bryant, B.R. and Takaoka, T., "Lexical Ambiguity in Tree Adjoining Grammars,"
Informatiom Processing Letters,Vol 34, No. 2, pp.65--69 (1990).
[32] Gu, Q.P. and Takaoka, T., "A Sharper Analysis of a Parallel Algorithm for the All Pairs Shortest Path
Problem," Parallel Computing Vol. 16, No. 1, pp.61--67 (1990).
[33] Takaoka, T. and Umehara, K., "An Efficient VLSI Algorithm for the All Pairs Shortest Path
Problem," Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, Vol. 16, pp265-270 (1992).
[34] Takaoka,T., "A New Upper Bound on the Complexity of the All Pairs Shortest Path Problem,"
Information Processing Letters, Vol 43, pp. 195-199 (1992).
[35] Ma, J, Takaoka, T and Ma, S., "A Parallel Algorithm for Graph Problems," Transactions of the
Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol 35, No. 7 (1994).
[36] Takaoka, T., "A systematic approach to parallel program verification,"
Information Society of Japan, Vol. 37, No. 7, pp 1244-1254, July (1996).
Transactions of the
[37] Gu, Q. P. and Takaoka, T, "A Parallel Algorithm for the Longest Path Problem for Acyclic Graphs
with Integer Arc Lengths," Transactions of the Information Processing Society of Japan, Vol. 37, No. 9, pp
1631-1636, Sept. (1996).
[38] Takaoka, T, "A Left-to-Right Computation of the DD-Table in the Boyer-Moore String Matching
Algorithm ," Computer Journal, vol. 39, no. 5, pp 413-416 (1996)
[39] Takaoka T, "Sub-cubic Cost Algorithms for the All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithms," Algorithmica,
Vol. 20, pp 309-318 (1998)
[40] Takaoka, T, “Shortest Path Algorithms for Nearly Acyclic Directed Graphs,” Theoretical Compurter
Science, Vol. 203, pp 143-150 (1998)
[41] Takaoka, T, “O(1) Time Algorithms for Combinatorial Generation by Tree Traversal”, Computer
Journal, Vol. 42, pp 401-408 (1999)
[42] Sprague, A, and T. Takaoka, “O(1) time query algorithm for all pairs shortest distances in interval
graphs”, International Journal of the Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 10, No. 4, pp 473-482 (1999).
[43] Saunders, S and Takaoka, T, “Improved Algorithms for Shortest Paths for Nearly Acyclic Directed
Graphs”, Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 293, pp 535-556 , (2003).
[44] Takaoka, T., “Theory of 2-3 Heaps”, Discrete Applied Math, Vol. 126, pp 115-128, (2003)
[45] Takaoka, T., “An O(n3loglogn/logn) Time Algorithm for the All Pairs Shortest Path Problem”,
Information Processing Letters, Vol. 96, pp 155-161, (2005)
[46] Bae, S. E. and Takaoka, T., “Improved algorithms for the k-maximum Subarray problem”, Computer
Journal 49, 3 (2006) 358-374
[47] Saunders and Takaoka, “Solving shortest paths efficiently on nearly acyclic directed graphs”,
Theoretical Computer Science 370(1-3): 94-109 (2007)
ENERATION”, International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 18, No. 2 (2007) 263-293
[49] Bae and Takaoka, “ALGORITHMS FOR K-DISJOINT MAXIMUM SUBARRAYS”, International
Journal of Foundations of Computer Science, Vol. 18, No. 2 (2007) 319-339
[50] Tadao Takaoka, Yuji Nakagawa: Entropy as Computational Complexity. JIP 18: 227-241 (2010)
[51] Tadao Takaoka: A simplified algorithm for the all pairs shortest path problem with O(n 2logn)
expected time. J. Comb. Optim. 25(2): 326-337 (2013)
[52] Tadao Takaoka: Sharing information for the all pairs shortest path problem. Theor. Comput. Sci. 520:
43-50 (2014)
Refereed conference papers
[1] Mine, H and Takaoka, T., "Complematarily duplicate system using logical elements with asymmetric
failure," Proc. 3rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp 151-154, January
[2] Takaoka, T. "On the eventually error correcting capacity of finite automata," Proc. 3rd Hawaii
International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), pp 76-79, January 1970.
[3] Takaoka, T., "N-fail-safe sequential machines," Proc. Mexico 1971 International IEEE Conference on
Systems, Networks and Computers, Oaxtepec, Mexico, pp 55-59, January 1971.
[4] Takaoka, T. and Moffat., A., "An O(n2lognloglogn) expected time algorithm for the all shortest
distance problem," Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS), Poland, August 1980,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 88, pp 643-655, Springer-Verlag (1980).
[5] Moffat, A. and Takaoka, T., "An all pairs shortest path algorithm with O(n 2logn) expected time," Proc.
1985 IEEE Symposium on the Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS), pp 101-105, Portland, Oregon,
October 1985.
[6] Takaoka, T, "An efficient parallel algorithm for the all pairs shortest path problem," 1988 Workshop on
Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Amsterdam, June 1988, Lecture Notes in Computer
Science 344, pp. 276-287, Springer-Verlag (1988).
[7] Bryant, Barrett, Edupuganty, B., Sudararaghavan, K.R. and Takaoka, T., "Two-level grammar: data
flow English for functional and logic programming, Proc. Focus on Software, 1988 ACM Annual
Computer Science Conference, pp 469-474, Atlanta, 1988.
[8] Takaoka, T., "A new upper bound on the complexity of the all pairs shortest path problem," 17-th
International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Fischbachau, Germany,
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 570, pp 209-213, Springer-Verlag (1992).
[9] Takaoka, T., "An on-line version of the Boyer-Moore string matching algorithm," Proc. 17-th Annual
Computer science Conference (ACSC), pp 391-397, Christchurch, New Zealand, January (1994), arcihived
in Australian Computer Science Communications, Vol. 16, No. 1, PT. B, 1994.
[10] Takaoka, T., "Parallel program verification with directed graphs," Proc. 1994 ACM Symposium on
Applied Computing (ACM-SAC), pp 462-466, Phoenix, Arizona, March 1994.
[11] Gu, Q. P. and Takaoka, T., "A parallel algorithm for the longest path problem on acyclic graphs with
integer arc lengths," Proc. 6-th Transputer/Occam International Conference, Tokyo, pp 66-75, May 1994.
[12] Takaoka, T., "Approximate pattern matching with samples," 1994 International Symposium on
Algorithms and Computaion (ISAAC), Beijing, China, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 834, pp 234242, Springer-Verlag (1994).
[13] Takaoka, T., "Parallel program verification with assertion matrices," Proc. Joint Symposium on
Parallel Processing, pp 91-98, Fukuoka, Japan, May 1995.
[14] Takaoka, T. "Parallel algorithms for the all pairs shortest path problem," Proc. Joint Symposium on
Parallel Processing, pp 83-90, Fukuoka Japan, May 1995.
[15] Takaoka, T, "Sub-cubic cost algorithms for the all pairs shortest path problem," 1995 International
Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer Science, Aachen, Germany, June 1995, Lecture
Notes in Conputer Science, pp 333-343, Springer-Verlag (1995).
[16] Ma, J., Takaoka, T., Iwama, K. and Ma, S., "An algorithmic methodology for static analysis of
mutitasking methodology," Proc. International Workshop on Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies
(APPT 95), pp 271-275, Beijing, China, September 1995.
[17]Takaoka, T., "A systematic approach to parallel program verification," Proc. Computing: Australasian
Theory Symposium (CATS 96), Melbourne, Australia, pp 48-56, January 1996.
[18] Takaoka, T. "Approximate pattern matching with grey-scale values," CATS 96, Melbourne, Australia,
pp 196-203, January 1996.
[19] Takaoka, T, “Shortest Path Algorithms for Nearly Acyclic Directed Graphs”, Graph-Theoretic
Concepts in Computer Science (WG 97), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1197, pp. 367-374, 1997.
[20] Mikawa, K. and Takaoka, T., "Generation of Parenthesis Strings by Transpositions" CATS 97,
Sydney, Australia, February 1997.
[21] Takaoka, T, “A New Measure of Disorder - Entropy”, Proc. CATS 98, Perth, Australia, pp. 77-85,
[22] Takaoka, T, “Theory of 2-3 Heaps”, Annual Internationl Computing and Combinatorics Conference,
(COCOON 99), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) 1627, pp. 41-50, 1999.
[23] Takaoka, T, “An O(1) Time Algorithm for Generating Multiset Permutations”, ISAAC 99, Madras,
India, Lecture Notes in Computer Scinece 1741, pp. 237-246 (1999).
[24] Takaoka, T, “Theory of Trinomial Heaps”, COCOON 00, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1858,
pp. 362-372, July 2000.
[25] Saunders, S and T. Takaoka, “Improved Shortest Path Algorithms for Nearly Acyclic Graphs”, CATS
2001, Gold Coast, January 2001, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 42, January
2001, Pages 232-248
[26] Takaoka, T., “Efficient Algorithms for the Maximum Subarray Problem”, CATS 2002, Melbourne,
February 2002, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, Volume 61, January 2002, Pages 191200
[27] Takaoka, “The Reverse Problem of Range Query”, Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science,
Volume 78, April 2003, Pages 281-292
[28] Saunders and Takaoka, “Efficient Algorithms for Solving Shortest Paths on Nearly Acyclic Directed
Graphs”. In Proc. Eleventh Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2005), Newcastle,
Australia. CRPIT, 41. Atkinson, M. and Dehne, F., Eds., ACS. 127-131.
[29] Bae and Takaoka, “Algorithms for the Problem of K Maximum Sums and a VLSI Algorithm for the K
Maximum Subarrays Problem”, ISPAN 2004: 247-253
[29] Takaoka, “A Faster Algorithm for the All-Pairs Shortest Path Problem and Its Application”, COCOON
2004: LNCS 3106, 278-289
[30] Bae and Takaoka, “Improved Algorithms for the K-Maximum Subarray Problem for Small K”,
COCOON 2005: LNCS 3595 621-631
[31] Bae and Takaoka, “Algorithm for K Disjoint Maximum Subarrays”, International Conference on
Computational Science (1) 2006: LNCS 3991, 595-602
[32] Takaoka and Violich, “Combinatorial Generation by Fusing Loopless Algorithms”, In Proc. Twelfth
Computing: The Australasian Theory Symposium (CATS2006), Hobart, Australia. CRPIT, 51.
Gudmundsson, J. and Jay, B., Eds., ACS. 69-77.
[33] Lin and Takaoka, “Improved Shortest Path Algorithms For Nearly Acyclic Directed Graphs”, in Proc.
Thirtieth Australasian Computer Science Conference (ACSC2007), Ballarat Australia. CRPIT, 62. Dobbie,
G., Ed. ACS. 15-24.
[34] Akito Kiriyama, Yuji Nakagawa, Tadao Takaoka, Zhiqi Tu, “A New Public-Key Cryptosystem and its
Applications”, ICEIS (3) 2006: 524-529
[35] Fukuda and Takaoka, “Analysis of air pollution (PM10) and respiratory morbidity rate using Kmaximum sub-array (2-D) algorithm”, Symposium on Applied Computing, Proceedings of the 2007 ACM
symposium on Applied computing, SESSION: Computer applications in health care table of contents
Pages: 153 - 157
[36] Fukuda and Takaoka, “Investigation of the maximum association for suicide rate and social factors
using computer algorithm”, to appear at MODSIM 2007, the International Congress on Modelling and
[37] Sung Eun Bae and Tadao Takaoka, A Sub-cubic Time Algorithm for the k-Maximum Subarray
problem, 18 the Annual Symp. On Algorithms and Computation, ISAAC 2007, LNCS 4835, pp 751 – 762
[38] Tadao Takaoka: Partial Solution and Entropy. MFCS 2009: 700-711
[39] Mohammed Thaher, Tadao Takaoka: An efficient algorithm for the k maximum convex sums. ICCS
2010: 1475-1483
[40] Tadao Takaoka: Efficient Algorithms for the 2-Center Problems. ICCSA (2) 2010: 519-532
[41] Tadao Takaoka, Mashitoh Hashim: A Simpler Algorithm for the All Pairs Shortest Path Problem with
O(n2logn) Expected Time. COCOA (2) 2010: 195-206
[42] Mohammed Thaher, Tadao Takaoka: An efficient algorithm for computing the K-overlapping
maximum convex sum problem. ICCS 2011: 1288-1295
[43] Tadao Takaoka, Mashitoh Hashim: Sharing Information in All Pairs Shortest Path Algorithms. CATS
2011: 131-136
[44] Mohammed Thaher, Tadao Takaoka: Improved algorithms for the K overlapping maximum convex
sum problem. ICCS 2012: 754-763
[45] Yijie Han, Tadao Takaoka: An O(n 3 loglogn/log2 n) Time Algorithm for All Pairs Shortest Paths.
SWAT 2012: 131-141
[46] Tadao Takaoka: Efficient Algorithms for the All Pairs Shortest Path Problem with Limited Edge Costs.
CATS 2012: 21-26
[47] Jin Bum Hong, Dong Seong Kim, Tadao Takaoka: Scalable Attack Representation Model Using Logic
Reduction Techniques. TrustCom/ISPA/IUCC 2013: 404-411
[48] Mohammed Thaher, Danladi Umar, Tadao Takaoka, Jon Harding: Application of the Maximum
Convex Sum Algorithm in Determining Environmental Variables That Affect Nigerian Highland Stream
Benthic Communities. ICCS 2013: 909-918
[49] Tong-Wook Shinn, Tadao Takaoka: Some Extensions of the Bottleneck Paths Problem. WALCOM
2014: 176-187
[50] Tong-Wook Shinn, Tadao Takaoka: Combining All Pairs Shortest Paths and All Pairs Bottleneck
Paths Problems. LATIN 2014: 226-237
[51] Tong-Wook Shinn, Tadao Takaoka: Combining the Shortest Paths and the Bottleneck Paths Problems.
ACSC 2014: 13-18
[52] Tadao Takaoka, Efficient Parallel Algorithms for the Maximum Subarray Problem, AusPDC 2014,
Auckland, New Zealand. CRPIT, 152. Javadi, B. and Garg, S. K. Eds., ACS. 45-50.