Vaccines offered at City of Boroondara

Optional Immunisations
The City of Boroondara offers the following optional vaccinations. Payment can be
made at a session with a Credit or EFTPOS card ONLY. Diners and American Express
Cards are not accepted. For security reasons, cash and cheques are not accepted at sessions.
An itemised receipt will be issued for each paid vaccine, some private health insurers provide refunds for
vaccinations, please consult directly with your health insurer to determine eligibility.
Vaccine Name
Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis
1 dose
$56.00 per dose
2 doses
$71.00 per dose
Engerix B
3 doses
$38.00 per dose
3 doses
$31.00 per dose
3 doses
$92.00 per dose
3 doses
$162.00 per dose
NeisVac C
1 dose
$96.00 per dose
2 doses
$77.00 per dose
1 dose
Boostrix Fact Sheet
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A Fact Sheet
Hepatitis B (Adult)
Hepatitis B Fact Sheet
Hepatitis B (Paediatric)
Hepatitis B Fact Sheet
Hepatitis A&B
Hepatitis A Fact Sheet
Hepatitis B Fact Sheet
HPV Fact Sheet
Meningococcal C
Meningococcal C Fact Sheet
Chickenpox Fact Sheet
Polio Fact Sheet
Cost per dose
Cost per
You can attend any Immunisation Session listed on the current timetable. No appointments are required.
What will happen when I arrive at an immunisation session?
 Take a number at the door and complete an Adult Immunisation Consent Card. Listed on your number is
the Pre Immunisation Checklist. Please read this carefully and tell the nurse if anything on that Checklist
is relevant to you.
 When your number is called go to the desk and present your completed Adult Immunisation Consent
At the desk:
 We will confirm the vaccination/s that you have presented for with you. You will confirm if you have read
the Pre-immunisation Checklist.
 An Immunisation Record Card will be issued for your reference. Colour coded tickets showing the
vaccination/s to be administered will be given to you to hand to the nurses. If additional doses are
required, a comeback date will be stamped on the reverse side of your Immunisation Record Card.
 Your payment will be processed and a receipt will be issued. All immunisations and payments are
recorded on our database.
 When your number is called by the nurses, proceed to the immunisation area and hand them your
Immunisation Record Card and colour coded tickets to the nurses.
 The nurse will let you know about possible reactions. The immunisations are given while you are seated.
 After your injections, we ask you to sit in the waiting area for at least 15 minutes to ensure you are well
and do not have a reaction to the vaccine/s. An adverse reaction is rare. If you have any concerns go
back to the nurse immediately.
Prices current as of 2 November 2015