Southwest Area Government

Southwest Area Government
January 29th, 2009 Meeting Minutes
Attendees: Candace, Chris, Jean, Kristi, Liz, Mike, Nicci
House Council
- We need to set up a date to meet with House Council
Maintainer Appreciation
- Maintainer Appreciation bulletin boards will go up in April
- Recycling bins should be in the hall lobbies now, but MacKimmie is still missing one
- We still need to talk to Berkshire about composting
Winter Wonderland
- The event will take place at the end of February
- We will ask Berkshire for hot chocolate and cookies
- We need to pick a date to sell the Southwest T-shirts at the DC’s
Parking Services
- Candace will attend the Parking Services meetings which meet twice a semester
Residential Appeals
- Mike will join the Residential Appeals committee
Laundry Committee
- Nicci and Mike will be joining the Laundry Committee
Southwest Renovation
- We will meet with the Southwest Renovation Committee, date not yet scheduled
Ideas to help UMass save $
- Get rid of the phone books
Fundraising Ideas
- Sell magazines via email
- T-shirts
- Lollipops, candy grams
- Cookies
- Apply to SGA for money
Southwest Week (Monday April 27th – Friday May 1st )
- We will move the carnival to Monday night with the BBQ
- We want to add a skateboarding event
We will get a pricing for Bo Burnham (comedian) before we look for others
We are considering Girl Talk’s Cousin (the Mash Up Brothers?) to perform Friday
We assigned everyone a day to take lead during the week:
* Monday 1950’s: Liz
- Carnival - MXC
* Tuesday 1960’s: Kristi
- Comedian
* Wednesday 1970’s: Nicci
- Basketball Tournament (Food Bank Fundraiser)
- Disco Ice Skating
* Thursday 1980’s: Mike
- Movies Night
* Friday 1990’s: Chris
- Concert
We can check out old yearbooks in the library archives to get more ideas
Who Rocks?
- Candace rocks! Candace was awarded the U Rock for joining us in SWAG as our
newest member.