PHR207 PHARMACEUTICAL & Medical terminology Medical words are like individual jigsaw puzzle .Once you divide the term into their component parts and learn the meaning of the individual parts ,you can use that knowledge to understand many other new terms. Example: HEMAT / O / LOGY root ( "blood" ) combining vowel suffix ("study of") When you analyze a medical term; -Begin at the end of the word ( the ending is called a suffix) All medical term contains suffixes The suffix in HEMATOLOGY is - logy which means " study of " HEMAT is the word root. - The root gives the essential meaning of the term. The root HEMAT mean "blood" . The third part of this term , which is the letter O , has no meaning of its own but is on important connector between the root ( HEMAT ) and the suffix (lOGY). its called combining vowel in medical term. Putting together the meaning of the suffix and root , the term HEMATOLGY means " the study of blood" Example ELECTR / O / CARDI / O / GRAM root ( electricity) root ( hear) suffix record Combining Vowel Combining Vowel Start with the suffix at the end of the term.. The suffix –GRAM means " a record" Now look at the beginning of the term. ELECTRO- is a word root ,and its means "electricity". This medical term has tow roots. The second root is CARDI-, meaning " heart". When ever you see CARDI in other medical term .you will know that it means heart " " Read the meaning of medical terms from the suffix , back to the beginning of the term, then across. Thus the entire term means " record of electricity in the heart ". Notice the two combining vowels in electrocardiogram . looking for the o in medical terms will help you divide the term into its parts Acombining vowel (o) lies between roots (electr and cardi) and between the root (cardi) and suffix (GRAM ). The combining vowell plus the root is called a combinig form . Example There are tow combining form in the word electrocardiogram. This combing forms are electr/ o , meaning "electricity," and cardio meaning "heart" . Example: GASTR / O / ENTER / O Root (stomach) GASTR / O / scope Root (intestines) / LOGY suffix (study of ) means " instrument to visually examine the stomach" suffix Combining (intstrument to form visually examine) (stomach) GASTR / IC Root ( Stomach) means " pertaining to the stomach ." Notice that the combin-ing vowel is dropped when the suffix (-IC) begins with a vowel .words ending in IC are adjective and means "pertaining to." . suffix (pertaining to) CARDI / AC means pertaining to the heart . Agin the combining vowel is dropped when the suffix (-Ac) begins with a vowel words ending In –AC are adjectives and mean " pertaining to". Root suffix )Heart) (pertaining to) ENTER / IT IS means " Inflammation of the intestines." Notice again that the Combining vowel is dropped because that suffix ( -ITIS) Begins with a vowel. Root suffix )Intestines) ( inflammation) GASTR\ O \ ENTER \ ITIS Root (stomach) suffix (inflammation) Root (intestines) Inflammation of the stomach and intestine "Notice the combining vowel ( o ) remain between the two roots even though the second root ( ENTER) begins with a vowel. In additions to roots , suffixes combining form and combining vowels, many medical terms have a word part attached to the beginning of the term . This is called a prefix , and it can change the meaning of a term in important ways. Example 1- SUB/ gastr / ic means pertaining to below the stomach mean pertaining to across the stomach prefix (below) 2- TRANS / gastr / ic Prefix (across) 3- RETRO/ gaster / ic mean Pertaining to behind the stomach prefix ( behind) Review the important word parts: Root : gives the essential meaning of the term. Suffix : is the word ending. Prefix : is a small part added to the beginning of term. Combing vowel: connects roots to suffixes and roots to other roots. Combining form: is the Combining of the root and combining vowel . Some important role to remember are: the meaning of medical words from the suffix to the beginning of the word and then across. 2- Drop the combining vowel before a suffix that starts with a vowel. 3- Keep the combining vowel between word roots, even if the roat begins with a vowel. Combining forms Combining form .aden / o means " gland " example 1( adenoma OMA means " tumor " or " mass" .2) adenitis - ITIS means "inflammation" a rthr / o - Means " joints " Example arthritis Bi /o means" life " example 1) Biology L OGY means " study of " / 2) Biopsy : -Opsy : means " to view." living tissue is removed and viewed under microscope. Cardi \o mean heart Cardiology : study of heart Cyst / o means " urinary bladder" example Cystoscope: is placed through the urinary bladder. -SCOPE means "instrument to visually examin." Cyt\o mean:" cell " example Cytology : study of cell Dermat/o Means" skin" Dermatitis Its mean : in flamation of skin encephal\o means " brain" example Electroencephalo gram(EEG) Record of electristy of brain Erythr /o means "red" example erythrocyte Leuk /o means "white" example Leukocyte Thromb /o means " clotting " example Thrombocyte (platlet) Is Small cell that help blood to clot Nephr/o means "kidney" example Nephrectomy - ECTOMY means "to cut out", an excision or resection of an organ or part of the body. Ren /o means "kidney" Example renal * some time there two combining form for the same part of the body .one comes from Latin , and other come from Greek (REN - is the latin root meaning "kidney." And NEPHER- is Greek root ). the Greek root is used to describe abnormal condition and procedure, whereas the latin root is used with –AL, meaning " pertaining to." Gynec/ o means " women" example gynecology hemat\o means" blood' example hematoma -OMA means "mass" or tumor". In this term, -oma indicates a mass or swelling containing blood. Opthalm /o means 'eye' example opthalmoscope onc/o means" tumor" example oncologist IST means" a spicialist" oste /o means " bone" example osteoarthritis lapar\o means"abdomen" (area between the chest and hip Example Laparatomy -TOMY means" incision" (to cut into). An exploratory laparotomy is an incision of the abdominal wall to inspect abdominal organs for evidence of disease. Path /o means"disease" Example Pathologist Apathologist is amedical doctors who views biopsy samples to make adiagnosis and examine adead body (autopsy) to determine the cause of death. AUT- means "self" and –opsy means "to view".thus ,an autopsy is an opportunityto see for onself what has happened to the patient to cause his or her death. Gnos/o means "knowledge" Example 1) Diagnosis - SIS means " state of" ; DIA-means " complete ". A diagnosis is the complete knowledge that is gained after testing and . examining the patients 2) prognosis PRO- means " before". A prognosis is a prediction that is made after the diagnosis about the out come of treatment. hepat /O means "liver" example hepatitis neur/o means "nerve" example neurology psych / o means "mind" example psychosis -OSIS means" abnormal condition". This aserious mental condition in which the patient loses touch with reality. Mamm /o means "breast" Example Mamoplasty Plasty: surgical operation Mast /o Ot/o Oophr/o means "breast" Example Mastectomy means "ear" means "ovary" Example Oophrectomy. Hyster/o means" uterous" Example Hysterectomy Septic/o 'pertaining to infection." Example Septicemia My/o means" muscle" Example myalgia Suffixes : Suffix -al meaning pertaining to -lc pertaining to -ac pertaining to medical term neural pelvic Gastric cardiac -Algia - pain arthralgia neuralgia otalgia -Cyte cell leukocyte - ectomy removal - emia blood condition gastrectomy leukemia Leukemia : large numbers of immature,cancerous cells are found in the bloodsreem and bone marrow (inner part of bone that maks blood cells) -gram record arthrogram This is an x-ray Record of a joint -itis inflammation -logist specialist in the stud of neurologist -logy study of nephrology study of kedney gastroenteritis -osis abnormal condition - oma tumor ,mass nephrosis hepatoma -sis state of prognosis -tomy process of cutting neuroectomy -scope instrument to visually examination -scopy process of visual examination laparscopy a small incision is made near the naval ,and atube is inserted into the abdomen for viewing organs and doing procedures such as typing off the fallopian tube. Prefixes Preix a- ,an- meaning no, not medical term 1) anemia anemia means acondition of "no blood". Actually ,it is adecrease in number of red blood cells or adecrease ability to carry oxygen because of less hemoglobin , a protein that helps carry oxygen in red blood cells. 2)a pnea Pnea :breathing Brady- slow Tachy- fast Dia- acomplete De - ndo- Take away , remove within rehydrate brady cardia Brady cardia to slow Heart rate (pluse rate ) tachy cardia :rabid heart rate diaghosis dehydrate hydr = water endocrine glands Re- E CRIN/O means "to secrete" Exo- outside Example of endocrine gland 1- thyroid gland 2-Adreral gland 3- ovaries 4- testes All these gland secrete hormones in to the blood Stream exocrine gland back Exocrine gland are: 1-sweat 2- tear 3- mammary( breast gland All these gland secrete Substances to the out Side of the body. Hyper- Hypo- Dys- excessive ,more Than normal 1) hyperglycemia GLYC/O means " sugar" Hperglycemia Is also known as Diabetes mellitus. Mellitus mean " sweet " 2) Hypertension below,less Than normal difficult, pain ful 1) hypoglycemia 2) hypotension dysurea pain full micturition Anti- against Antipyretic Adrug that Reduces high Temperature. Ante- be for ante partum befor labour post- after , following post partum after labour contra- against contraception prevention of pregnancy inter- between intervertebral intra- within intrauterine intravenous mal- bad malignant -ignant means " fire" A maligant tumor (Is a cancerous tumor) Ben- good Meta- beyond metastasis (stop control) Metastasis it is the spreed of cancerous tumor from its original location to secondary place in the body. Peri- surrounding Poly- many, much Pre- Syn - benign tumor (non-cancerous Growth) befor with, together pericarditis Membrane or sac Around the heart polyuria prenatal syndrome Drom i.e "to run" Or"occur" . syndrom are group of symptoms or Signs of illness that occur to gether. Uni- one unilateral Retro behind retrogastric Sub under,below subhepatic Trans across, through transurethral