Name:______________________________ Mastering terminology – Vocabulary Building Objective: By participating in this learning activity, you will learn to analyze words structurally. You will learn the tools of word analysis. This will aid in understanding terminology in Zoology as well as other classes (now and in the future). Word analysis involves knowing prefixes, suffixes, roots, combining vowels, and combining forms. If you use tools, even long and complicated terms can be understood. For example: Electr electrocardiogram / ↓ o / ↘ Root combining vowel cardio / o ↓ ↙ root / combining vowel Electr- = electricity Cardi- = heart -gram= record Electrocardiogram= record of the electricity of the heart Another example: Onc ↓ / oncogenic o / ↓ Root combining vowel gen / ic ↓ ↓ root suffix Onc- = tumor Gen- = producing, giving rise to -ic= pertaining to Oncogenic- pertaining to tumor producing gram ↓ suffix If you look at the two examples, you will note that combining vowel (usually o or a) is placed between the root and the suffix, and the between two roots. If you follow the rules below you will discover your vocabulary will increase rapidly. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Read the meaning of the term from the suffix back to the first part of the word Drop the combining vowel before a suffix beginning with a vowel Retain the combining vowel between two roots in a word The combining vowel is not used between a prefix and a root. There is no overall rule as to which root goes first in a word with two roots. Sometimes (as in digestive system) roots are placed according to anatomical position (gastroenterology not entergastrology). Components of word structure: Word roots= the foundation of the word gastr / ic ↓ Root (stomach) Suffix = the word ending gast / itis gastr / ↓ (suffix) ↓ (suffix) (Inflammation of) Prefix= the word beginning epi / gastr / ic (pertaining to) ic ↓ (prefix) (upon, above) Combining vowel= a vowel (usually o) that links the root to another root or suffix Combining form = a combination of a word root with the combining vowel Cardio / gram Many of the vocab lists that you will work with this year will have combing forms in the list.