DATA SHEET NO THE UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM School of Biological Sciences Name of Supervisor Assessment Number Publicover Supervisor's Signature Note Date of Assessment 13.10.98 Guidance on making an assessment is given in Making a Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessment (USP/90/CHRA/16). Guidance is also available from Notes on Completing the Chemical Hazard and Risk Assessment Form. A Word for Windows document template for this form is available from the School Safety Officer. When completed, a copy of this form must be lodged with The School Safety Officer Mr P G Dearn 1 LOCATION OF THE WORK ACTIVITY 2 PERSONS WHO MAY BE AT RISK List names where possible W130 S Publicover and PGs (Y Gu, J Brown, E Punt, C Harper) 3 ACTIVITY ASSESSED 4 MATERIALS INVOLVED Culture of primary bone cells in presence of MAP4 Attach copies of data sheet(s) NAME MAP4 5 1758 HAZARD toxic RISK PHRASES DATASHEETNO toxic if swallowed or absorbed through skin INTENDED USE Give brief details and attach protocol/instructions MAP4 will be added M concentrations to cell culture media during glutamate stimulation.(10-20 ml) 6 RISKS to HEALTH and SAFETY from INTENDED USE From personal exposure or hazardous reactions. Refer to OELs, flash points, etc., as appropriate Negligible due to the low concentrations and small volumes in use 7 CONCLUSIONS ABOUT RISKS Is level of risk acceptable? Can risk be prevented or reduced by change of substance/procedure? Are control measures necessary? Risk is minimal and acceptable 8 CONTROL MEASURES Additional to Good Chemical Practice. Specify type or performance of control measure Good chemical practice. Use of lab coat and plasic gloves when handling. Careful labelling of all solutions. 9 INSTRUCTION/TRAINING Specify course(s) and/or special arrangements. Nothing beyond care in weighing and handling which is already practiced with all drugs in the laboratory 10 MONITORING Performance of control measures, Regular chaecks on fridge and on sinks to monitor disposal. Personal exposure Health Surveillance None None 11 WASTE DISPOSAL PROCEDURE Disposed of with waste cell culture media (after chloros treatment) 12 REVIEW Enter the date or circumstances for review of assessment (maximum review interval 5 years) Use of geatly increased volume or concentration 13 EMERGENCY ACTION AND CONTACTS WHERE NECESSARY TO CONTROL HAZARDS Mop up spills TO PROTECT PERSONNEL Not necessary To stabilize situation eg spread absorbant on liquid spill; eliminate sources of ignition, etc. CONTACT Evacuation, protection for personnel involved in clean-up, Special First Aid TO RENDER SITE OF EMERGENCY SAFE Not necessary PHONE Ex. 6560 CONTACT Clean-up/decontamination PHONE Ex. 6560 CONTACT PHONE Ex. 6560