Class Policies – Français AP/ V Madame Wallrab Ressources: - Thèmes (Vista) 224-765-2190 Bureau: A313 Salle de Classe: B402 - AP French (Richard Ladd) Course Description and Objectives: In this course students refine language proficiency through the use of authentic materials designed for native speakers of French. This course is taught exclusively in French. Students use the target language exclusively with their peers and teacher in class discussions, oral presentations, surveys, debates, and discussions of readings. Students read articles from multiple media and literary sources. This course is divided into 6 thematic units which are guided by essential questions. Students gain fluency in explaining, arguing, and defending an opinion. The goal of this course is to help students develop a variety of strategies to achieve a high level of written and oral language production. Demonstrating an understanding of the cultures of Francophone countries is an integral part of this course. There is an intensive review of previously studied grammar in preparation for the AP French Language and Cultures exam. Newly introduced advanced syntax is also central to the curriculum and are presented throughout the course content. Students will take a mock AP exam in the spring and all (both AP and French V students) are strongly encouraged to take the AP French Language and Culture exam in May. Core targets for this course include: Understanding and synthesizing information from a variety of written, audio, and audiovisual texts. Demonstrating proficiency in spoken and written interpersonal and presentational communication. Integrating advanced grammar and vocabulary into speaking and writing assessments. Demonstrating an understanding of the cultures of Francophone countries. En ce qui concerne Les Objectifs Pédagogiques: Chaque devoir, activité et évaluation sont en rapport avec le développement des quatre compétences linguistiques de la classe de langues étrangères. Ces quatre compétences langagières guident les activités et sont la base des évaluations formatives et sommatives. C.O = Compréhension Orale (comprehension/interpretation of French audio documents, speakers, videos.) E.O = Expression Orale (your ability to express yourself in French in discussions and in presentation.) C.E = Compréhension Ecrite (comprehension/interpretation of written documents and texts in French.) E. E = Expression Ecrite (development of your ability to express yourself in writing in French.) En ce qui concerne le Respect et l’Attitude. Soyez respectueux de vos camarades de classe et de Mme Wallrab. Respectez les différences de chacun. Ayez une attitude positive, aidez les autres, et soyez sage! En ce qui concerne la Participation et le Risque: N’oubliez pas que tout le monde fait des erreurs. Ne soyez pas timide. On est tous ensemble et on fera tous des erreurs. Alors, lancez-vous dans votre apprentissage sans peur de l’échec. PROVERBE: “C’est en forgeant qu’on devient forgeron.” En ce qui concerne la Réussite. It is YOUR job to help me support your success. 1. Venez en classe avec tous les livres nécessaires. Come to class every day with all the required materials. Passes to lockers for forgotten items will not be given. - Thèmes. - AP French. - un cahier / un classeur French class only. - des stylos et des crayons - les matériaux (packets, handouts, etc.) 2. Arrivez en classe à l’heure et Soyez présent à TOUS LES COURS. Votre Présence et Les Absences Daily attendance matters! The majority of what we do in class cannot be made up outside of class (discussions, participation, group work, community building activities). There is no substitute for consistent exposure to and practice of the spoken language. I welcome and value your daily contributions to class lessons and activities, and your presence shapes the dynamic of the classroom! Be here, be present, be a part of us! Le résultat des courses: Higher attendance = higher achievement! Arrive on time. If you’re late, arrive with a pass, sit down ready to join in, and see me after class to explain your tardiness. Tardiness will result in a detention. When the bell rings, you should be in your seat ready to start the lesson. What to do when you are absent? If you are absent, it is your responsibility to see me outside of class time to discuss and show me missed assignments. If you make an appointment with Mme Wallrab, be there. Remember that Mme is busy, too! 3. Soyez Poli: La Salle de Classe – Notre Responsabilité. Leave the class as it was, or in better condition, than before you came in. Tidy your desk and the area around your desk before you leave. Throw out any trash, beverage, or food you bring into class and put back all dictionaries and classroom supplies you use during class. 4. Soyez Productive et Honnête: Faites toujours vos devoirs vous-même. Do your own work. - Copying and cheating will result in an academic referral and a makeup in the Testing Center. - Your written work must be done on your own. Brainstorming with others is permitted; HOWEVER, editing by tutors, native speakers, online translators, family members who speak French is prohibited! If you do not know how to say something in French, use a dictionary or the glossary of your textbook. DO NOT USE ON-LINE TRANSLATORS or the help of a TUTOR for any assignment. If your work is not consistent with how you typically speak and write during class, it will be assumed that outside resources (tutors, family members, online translators, etc.) were consulted. In this event, you will be written up for academic dishonesty and you will be required to make-up the assignment during school hours without any resources. - Academic plagiarism (ie copying, online translators, tutors) occurs in epic numbers because of the internet. You must take responsibility for your own learning. You should not be impressed with ‘your’ skills if you are plagiarizing and I won’t be either. You are doing yourself a gross injustice and delaying your progress in developing your language skills by choosing to be dishonest. Unfortunately, engaging in such behavior throughout the year will be detrimental to you on the AP exam. 5. Soyez Responsable: Le Portable…. …is a distraction. Your cell phone should be silenced or shut off (no ring, no vibration), and put away in your backpack or purse. If it is audible or in sight, you will be required to give it to me immediately and the consequences laid out in the Student Handbook will be enforced. 6. Soyez Visible et Communicatif. Communication par courriel v. Communication en personne Email: you are absent from class and want to know what you’ve missed; you have a simple question about the material or assignment; you want to schedule an appointment with me. Face to Face: questions about grades or requests for a makeup, etc. The ‘French-Only’ Zone The only way to improve speaking French is by speaking French. I expect you to take full advantage of the in-class opportunities to speak French every day. The Expression Orale and Compréhension Orale grades reflect your willingness to take part in meaningful communication in French, your engagement level, your preparedness, your on-task behavior, your commitment to speaking French, and actively listening in class. En ce qui concerne les Notes: Your grade will be based on mastery of the content (tests and quizzes) and development of your skills in CO, EO, CE, EE (summative assessments). La Note Semestrielle: : Échelle: (C’est la même que pour le reste de l’école) 45% 1st/3rd Quarter A 100-93 B+ 89-87 C+ 79-77 D+ 69-67 E 59 45% 2nd/4th Quarter A- 92-90 B 86-83 C 76-73 D 66-63 10% Final Exam B- 82-80 C- 72-70 D- 62-60 Analyse des Notes - 20% C.O. - 20% C. E. - 20% E.E. - 20% Quiz de Vocabulaire et de Grammaire; Unit Tests - 20% E.O. 1. Tests / Projects / Quizzes - Tests will be given at the end of each chapter or section and may consist of a combination of reading, writing, speaking and listening parts. - Projects may also be assigned as an opportunity for you to demonstrate your knowledge of the French language and culture. Projects should be professional (typed, edited). - Quizzes will vary in value and be given throughout the year. As a result, it is important for you to revise the material and class lessons on a regular basis. - Students will be allowed to requiz / retest the written sections of the test if certain criteria are met beforehand. Students will need to come to a feedback session with me before school or during a free period to evaluate their performance and they will need to complete extra tasks. If students choose to retake the test/quiz, the new score will be the score that is entered in the gradebook. Grades will not be averaged nor will the first score be used if it is higher. - If you are absent the day of a test, quiz, or project, you are expected to complete it upon your return to school either before school or during a free period. 2. C.O. Compréhension Orale In-class listening activities, in-class labs; at home listening assignments. (AP French Ladd Book) 3. E.O. Expression Orale In-class dialogues, presentations, simulated conversations, cultural comparisons. 4. C.E. Compréhension Ecrite Demonstration of comprehension of a text or article. (AP French Ladd book et d’autres sources) 5. E.E. Expression Ecrite In-class and at-home writing such as short responses, emails, compositions, persuasive essays. Philosophy of HOMEWORK. You can expect ‘homework’ every day and I will expect you to come to class with an understanding of the concept outlined in the ‘homework’ and equally important ready to be an active participant in our class the following day. If you are not prepared, you won’t be able to contribute. Homework will not be graded in this course. It is used as a formative assessment and is intended to give you practice and preparation for the summative assessment. Homework will serve as an opportunity for both you and me to assess your ability and for me to provide feedback. Every class, we will discuss and correct the ‘homework’ assigned the previous night. I will check homework on a daily basis, and it will be noted in Infinite Campus if you completed the assignment or did not complete the assignment (Incomplete). This will inform those concerned as to whether you put forth the effort during the unit to learn the material and will serve as important information when determining the nature of a retest/ requiz. At any time during the unit, you can show me a completed assignment without incurring a late penalty. The assignment will then be changed from INCOMPLETE to COMPLETE in Infinite Campus. Interventions and consequences will be applied to essential missing work or frequent late work such as parent contact, a required help session, or a required before-school ‘study hall’ to complete the work. Daily/Weekly/Monthly Activities to Achieve Learning Objectives - Vocabulaire: Students should note the new vocabulary discussed in every class and make an effort to adopt some of these words into their writing and speaking tasks. - Actualités: Students will take turns giving short presentations about a relevant news story, summarize it for the class, and ask questions to create opportunities for discussion. - Journal: Students will keep a journal of the daily news presented by classmates, noting the vocabulary and their reactions. - Recherche Culturelle: Students will research themes as it pertains to Francophone countries. - Débats: Debates will be organized within each theme, for which all are expected to participate. Your grade on such assignments will take into account organization and presentation of ideas, fluency, pronunciation, rich vocabulary, and incorporation of the advanced syntax and grammar learned. Syllabus Acknowledgment Form Parents/Guardians and Students Please read this and return it with both signatures below. Your signatures let me know that you have read & understand the information in the syllabus which is to be kept in the student’s notebook after removing this attached section. If you have questions, please call Mme Wallrab at 224-765-2190. I am excited about this year and I hope you will get involved and really enjoy your study of French! ______________________________________________________ Student – Printed Name ________________________________________ Student – Signature ___________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian – Printed Name __________________________________________ Parent/Guardian – Signature