1 Proposed Revised Undergraduate Nursing Major-RN to BS Completion Option Original February 3, 2009 A. Statement of major focus and objectives of the revised program Major Focus: Changes in accreditation standards, new guidelines for clinical practice from a variety of regulatory agencies, changes in University and departmental mission and philosophy, needs for promoting engaged learning and community partnerships, and program assessment findings have resulted in the need to revise the RN to BS Completion undergraduate nursing program. The following table illustrates the Program Outcomes/0bjectives based on the new American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing Education http://www.aacn.nche.edu/Education/pdf/BaccEssentials08.pdf Objectives: Baccalaureate Program Outcomes Current 1. Incorporate caring as an integral part of nursing in the human health experience. 2. Apply theoretical and empirical knowledge from nursing and other disciplines to make nursing judgments and provide nursing care. 3. Use effective communication, therapeutic nursing interventions, appropriate technological skills, and ethical decisionmaking in the care of individuals, families, or communities. 4. Accept responsibility and accountability for own safe and ethical practice of professional nursing. 5. Collaborate with client and others in the health care delivery system to promote health. 6. Participate proactively in change related to health care needs in a complex global community. 7. Apply results of nursing research to improve nursing practice. 8. Practice nursing as a member of a professional discipline in an environment of change. Proposed 1. Critical Thinker: Independently and interdependently integrates questioning, analysis, synthesis, interpretation, inference, inductive and deductive reasoning, intuition, application and creativity to aid in clinical reasoning and to make appropriate clinical judgments. 2. Culturally Competent: Demonstrates knowledge, understanding, and skill in providing culturally sensitive care to diverse groups. 3. Effective Communicator: Demonstrates effective professional communication with patients, patients’ support systems, and interdisciplinary teams to build relationships that promote patient-centered care and improve patient outcomes. 4. Competent Provider of Care: Provide safe, compassionate, patient-centered, evidencedbased care to patients, families, and populations across the lifespan and continuum of care. 5. High Ethical Standards: Demonstrates moral, ethical and legal conduct in practice. 6. Facilitator of Learning: Implements teaching strategies to ensure acquisition of attitudes, knowledge and skills to maximize health outcomes. 7. Systems Thinker: Uses leadership skills to manage environmental and system resources, within and across health care systems, to provide evidence-based nursing care that contributes to safe, high quality, patient outcomes and improvements in healthcare delivery. 2 B. New Catalog Content B.S. MAJOR - NURSING: RN-TO-BS OPTION (NURN) 54 S.H. (Required courses must be taken for a letter grade.) Note: Includes 24 S.H. of nursing in transfer or exam. REQUIRED COURSES (NURS) 375 Nursing Research, Theory and Technology (3) 415 Holistic Caring (5) 435 Holistic Assessment (4) 445 Management and Leadership (3) 455 Continuity of Care (4) 465 Nursing Roles and Health Promotion (4) 475 Community Health Nursing (4) 491 Capstone Experience in Role Synthesis (3) B.S. MAJOR - NURSING: RN-TO-BS COMPLETION (NURN) 52 S.H. (Required courses must be taken for a letter grade.) Note: Includes 24 S.H. of nursing in transfer or exam. REQUIRED COURSES (NURS) 375 Evidence-based Research (3) 415 Holistic Caring (4) 435 Holistic Assessment (3) 445 Evidence-based Leadership and Management (3) 455 Continuity of Care (4) 465 Population Based Care (4) 475 Community Health Nursing (4) 491 Professional Development (3) ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS ASSOCIATE DEGREE IN NURSING 64 Other requirements for the Nursing major Statistics 3 Credits from a four year institution 25 Subtotal 28 Total AD /Other requirements 92 Stats 110 or Psy 231 MAJOR REQUIREMENTS N375 Evidence Based Research 3 N415 Holistic Caring 4 N435 Holistic Assessment 3 N445 Evidence Based Leadership and Management 3 N455 Continuity of Care 4 N465 Population Based Care 4 N475 Community Health Nursing 4 Writing Flag N491 Professional Development 3 Oral Flag C. Subtotal 28 TOTAL CREDITS IN MAJOR 120 Critical Analysis Flag Writing Flag Description of Revisions (The table below answers C. 1-3 and provides a narrative description of the table in B. 1) Old Curriculum 30 credits 375 - Nursing Research, Theory and Technology (3 S.H.) (Generic & RN-to-BS Options) Develops the ability to analyze, critique, and interpret research findings and data based on nursing theory and practice needs. Revised Curriculum 28 credits 375- Evidence-based Research (3 S.H.) (RN to BS Completion) Basic elements of the research process and models for applying evidence to clinical practice are introduced. The 3 Includes use of selected software and technological modalities. Prerequisite: Statistics course or instructor’s permission. Grade only. 415 - Holistic Caring - (5 S.H.) (RN-to-BS Option) This course introduces the WSU nursing curriculum and organizing framework to the RN student. Holistic caring is related to critical thinking, teaching-learning, role development, and nursing practice. Prerequisite: Admission to RN-to-BS Option; corequisites: NURS 375, NURS 435, NURS 475. Grade only. 435 - Holistic Assessment (4 S.H.) (RN-to-BS Option) This course teaches the student to assess the client and family in a holistic manner. Traditional physical history and assessment of the individual is expanded to include multiple variables. Prerequisite: Admission to RN-to-BS Option; Corequisites: NURS 415 and NURS 475. Grade only. 445 - Management and Leadership (3 S.H.) (RN-to-BS Option) This course explores the management and leadership roles of the professional nurse, analyzing current nursing practices as well as applying the change process to a nursing situation. Prerequisites: NURS 375, NURS 415, NURS 435, NURS 475. Corequisites: NURS 455, NURS 465, NURS 491. Grade only. 455 - Continuity of Care (4 S.H.) (RN-to-BS Option) This course explores professional nursing situations or populations involving continuity of care issues: complex acute/chronic care issues; loss; the elderly; and other cultures. Teaching-learning theory and skills are applied to the adult learner. Prerequisites: NURS 375, NURS 415, NURS 435, NURS 475. Corequisites: NURS 445, NURS 465, NURS 491. Grade only. 465 - Nursing Roles and Health Promotion (4 S.H.) (RN-to-BS Option) Focuses on the professional nursing roles of provider of care, advocate, teacher, case manager, change agent, and researcher of individuals and families in a variety of situations. Students will apply communication skills in various interpersonal situations. Sixty hours of site-based experiences. Prerequisites: NURS 375, NURS 415, NURS 435, NURS 475; corequisites: NURS 445, NURS 455, NURS 491. Grade only. 475 - Community Health Nursing (4 S.H.) (RN-to-BS Option) Focuses on the nursing roles and functions of the community health nurse in maintaining and restoring health of individuals, families, and groups in a variety of situations and settings. Prerequisite: Admission to RN-to-BS Option; prerequisites or corequisites: NURS 375, NURS 415, NURS 435. Grade only. 491 - Capstone Experience in Role Synthesis (3 S.H.) (Generic & RN- to-BS Options) application of retrieval, appraisal, synthesis and evidence to improve patient outcomes is emphasized. Cooperative group work is integrated throughout the course. This course is a flagged course for University Studies and is designed to meet the requirements in critical analysis. 415-Holistic Caring (4 S.H.) (RN to BS Completion) This course serves to assist in the transition of the RN - BS Completion student as they build on their prior basic nursing education and identify with the baccalaureate nursing major. The student is introduced to the Winona State University Department of Nursing curriculum/organizing framework which serves as the base upon which to build their future career in nursing. Evidencebased teaching-learning theory and skills will provide the basis for teaching health promotion to a young learner population. Analysis of a political issue related to health care delivery will foster an appreciation of the political process within the baccalaureate role as a nurse. Holistic caring is related to critical thinking, teaching-learning, role development, and nursing practice. Application of critical thinking skills to holistic caring will promote insight into a new vision of professionalism and professional values within this baccalaureate degree for the RN-BS Completion student. 435-Holistic Assessment (3 S.H.) (RN to BS Completion) Focus is building on theoretical concepts, critical thinking, decision-making and application of clinical skills. Students will be responsible for self-management of completing learning activities. Emphasis will be on the knowledge and skills necessary to perform a holistic assessment of individuals across the lifespan. An online learning library is used to understand and apply assessment content. 445 Evidence-based Leadership and Management (3 S.H.) (RN to BS Completion) This course fosters heightened awareness of management and leadership theory within the essence of baccalaureate professional role development and the practice of nursing. Change theory applied to a nursing situation assists in the future application of this complex concept. An appreciation of complex organizational structure will promote successful employment of management and leadership skills with emphasis on evaluation and quality control. Use of small group process facilitates planning a professional nursing conference and developing a nursing marketing project. 455 - Continuity of Care (4 S.H.) (RN to BS Completion) This course explores complex continuity of care issues involving the individual, family, and/or community. The content will assist the student to perceive the significance of professional evidence-based nursing interventions related to specific situations and/or populations. Some of the diverse situations include: self care, stress management, experience of loss, novice to expert. Some of the diverse 4 Intense preceptor-led, site-based experience designed to encapsulate the essence of baccalaureate professional role development. Ninety hours of practicum for semester including seminar. Prerequisite: Last semester of nursing major or instructor’s permission. Grade only. populations include: elderly, dementia, end of life issues, mental illness, and cultural diversity. Evidenced-based teaching-learning theory and skills are applied to the adult learner population. 465 – Population Based Care (4 S.H.) (RN to BS Completion) This course focuses on evidence-based health promotion interventions to populations. Students are expected to provide competent care by using high ethical standards and critical thinking. Students will elaborate on prior teaching/learning principles in developing a sophisticated health promotion teaching tool. Students will become a student of the community, to learn from families and other aggregates in the community how they define and promote their own health. Students will appraise and critique their professional portfolio. 475 - Community Health Nursing (4 S.H.) (RN to BS Completion) Focuses on assessment and evidence-based practices to assess protective and predictive factors that influence the health of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations. Health promotion and specific disease preventions, early diagnosis and treatment, and managing the disease or problem to maximize health are discussed. Public health concepts are introduced along with population-focused interventions. 491 – Professional Development (3 S.H.) RN to BS Completion) This course synthesizes all previous courses and past learning experiences through intense site- based experience designed to encapsulate the essence of baccalaureate professional role development. From the past, the present is formed. With this course the student forms a new vision of the future. It includes application of theory and role development as a professional nurse. This course should lead the student to the completion of the Winona State University Department of Nursing Baccalaureate Program Outcomes. The following table identifies the four courses and credits that are awarded by examination. Twenty-four credits in the RN-to-BS Completion of the nursing major (NURS 302, NURS 304, NURS 306, and NURS 308) will be granted by transfer to RN students who have completed an Associate Degree in Nursing from an NLNAC-accredited program. The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment Test (CNAT) is used as a challenge for these credits for RNs who are graduates of diploma programs and A.D.N. programs that are not accredited by NLNAC. 302 - CNAT: Care of the Adult Client (6 S.H.) (RN-to-BS Option) Demonstration of knowledge through an exam focusing on the nursing care of clients in a variety of settings and at 302 - CNAT: Care of the Adult Client (6 S.H.) (RN to BS Completion) Demonstration of knowledge through an exam focusing on 5 various stages of the wellness-illness continuum. Items also assess nursing skills in meeting physiologic and psychosocial needs of clients with stable conditions. The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment Test (CNAT) is required for RNs who are graduates of diploma programs and A.D.N. programs that are not accredited by NLNAC. P/NC only. the nursing care of clients in a variety of settings and at various stages of the wellness-illness continuum. Items also assess nursing skills in meeting physiologic and psychosocial needs of clients with stable conditions. The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment Test (CNAT) is required for RNs who are graduates of diploma programs and A.D.N. programs that are not accredited by NLNAC. P/NC only. 304 - CNAT: Care of Client During Childbearing (6 S.H.) (RN-to-BS Option) Demonstration of knowledge through an exam focusing on nursing care during the antepartal, intrapartal, and neonatal periods. Emphasis is on the normal, with some common complications. The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment Test (CNAT) is required for RNs who are graduates of diploma programs and A.D.N. programs that are not accredited by NLNAC. P/NC only. 306 - CNAT: Care of the Child (6 S.H.) (RN-to-BS Option) Demonstration of knowledge through an exam concerned with nursing care of children of all ages at various stages of health and illness. The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment Test (CNAT) is required for RNs who are graduates of diploma programs and A.D.N. programs that are not accredited by NLNAC. P/NC only. 308 - CNAT: Care of the Client with a Mental Disorder (6 S.H.) (RN-to-BS Option) Demonstration of knowledge through an exam addressing the broad spectrum of psychological wellness-illness. The content includes psychosocial assessment and intervention strategies to support the client’s strengths. The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment Test (CNAT) is required for RNs who are graduates of diploma programs and A.D.N. programs that are not accredited by NLNAC. P/NC only. 304 - CNAT: Care of Client During Childbearing (6 S.H.) (RN to BS Completion) Demonstration of knowledge through an exam focusing on nursing care during the antepartal, intrapartal, and neonatal periods. Emphasis is on the normal, with some common complications. The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment Test (CNAT) is required for RNs who are graduates of diploma programs and A.D.N. programs that are not accredited by NLNAC. P/NC only. 306 - CNAT: Care of the Child (6 S.H.) (RN to BS Completion) Demonstration of knowledge through an exam concerned with nursing care of children of all ages at various stages of health and illness. The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment Test (CNAT) is required for RNs who are graduates of diploma programs and A.D.N. programs that are not accredited by NLNAC. P/NC only. 308 - CNAT: Care of the Client with a Mental Disorder (6 S.H.) (RN to BS Completion) Demonstration of knowledge through an exam addressing the broad spectrum of psychological wellness-illness. The content includes psychosocial assessment and intervention strategies to support the client’s strengths. The Comprehensive Nursing Assessment Test (CNAT) is required for RNs who are graduates of diploma programs and A.D.N. programs that are not accredited by NLNAC. P/NC only. 6