April 14, 2010 Draft Idaho Summit on Autism Spectrum Disorders Action Plan April 14, 2010 Draft Submitted by Interagency Planning Group 1 April 14, 2010 Draft Goal/Impact Statement Act Early Summit Feb, 2010 Idaho has a high quality, comprehensive, coordinated, family-centered, accessible, cost-effective system of supports for children and youth with autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) by: Identifying children as early as possible; Providing effective, evidence-based services; and Providing supports to meet the needs of these children, their families, educators, and their communities in order for each child to reach his or her potential. 2 April 14, 2010 Draft Interagency Action Plan Area: Screening, diagnosis, and assessment Goal: Children are correctly screened, assessed, diagnosed in all critical areas at the earliest possible age. Outcome Measure: Outcome Measure: Outcome Measure: Percentage of children identified corresponds to national prevalence data (NIH, IDEA, CDC etc.). Percentage of Health Care Providers conducting ASD screening of all children by 18 months of age. Percentage of IDEA Part C and Part B providers conducting developmental and ASD screening as a part child find activities. Resources: AAP, Family Practitioners, Medicaid, Infant Toddler Programs, Developmental Disabilities, public schools, Autism parent and advocacy groups, private providers, Center on Disabilities and Human Development (CDHD), ISU/BSU/UI, school nurses, WIC and Public Health, Idaho 211, Juvenile Justice, Idaho Telehealth at ISU/BSU, Idaho P.L.A.Y. Project 3 April 14, 2010 Draft Timeline (start & end) 1. Screening: Assessment a. Update Idaho screening and document by assessment document: Autism April 15, 2010 Spectrum Disorders: A Guide to Convene primary Best Practice in Screening and medical care Assessment (linkage to use of providers (e.g. assessment information o design Indian Health, of interventions) FQHCs) b. Increase awareness of Act Early workgroup to initiative through public develop awareness resources of the ACT dissemination Early initiative. plan based on c. Promote universal screening for Assessment ASD in all children at 12, 18, and document by ? 24 months of age by health care Plan developed to providers, childcare providers, provide early intervention and preschool Assessment personnel for both developmental document and concerns and ASD early red flags. training to d. Promote universal screening for primary medical ASD in all IDEA child find activities care providers set for both developmental concerns by ? and and ASD early red flags. implemented by e. Provide training on early screening ? (M-CHAT, STAT) f. Ensure connections are made to intervention offered by DHW, SDE, etc. Activity (what we will do to turn the curve) Person/ Agency Responsible SDE DHW Public Health Sherry Iverson/AAP Dr. Leavell Migrant Council Tribal Health rep Family Practitioners Head Start IdahoSTARS Childcare Health Consultants Quality: How well are the activities working? (Evaluation strategy) Plan developed to provide Assessment document and training using AAP and Act Early Resource packets to primary medical care providers. Record of referral rates established and tracked 4 2. Assessment a. Update Idaho screening and assessment document: Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Guide to Best Practice in Screening and Assessment (linkage to use of assessment information o design of interventions) b. Provide training to all Infant/toddler and school personnel c. Assist partners (e.g. AAP Idaho, DHW) in providing training to primary medical care and other health care providers who engage in diagnosis d. Align screening and assessment with Medicaid redesign requirements for assessment required for eligibility. 3. Identify sources of surveillance and prevalence data, compile annually and report to public and all state agencies such as; a. American Academy of Pediatrics, Center for Disease Control, NY Times, NIH April 15, 2010 revision May 2010: convene team for review SDE/Mary Bostick LEAD CDHD/Julie Fodor Invited participants: Dr. Leavell Dr. Whitney Paul Norstag Mary Bostick Julie Fodor Mary Jones Betsy Wilson Jaynetta Rasmussen, CDHD Infant Toddler DD Medicaid SDE April 14, 2010 Draft Document adapted/developed, dissemination plan developed for full Summit group approval SDE gather National Prevalence Data to report to? Annual Data Report beginning? 5 April 14, 2010 Draft Interagency Action Plan Area: Effective Interventions Goal: Individuals with autism spectrum disorders and their families will receive evidence-based interventions by trained interventionists that are of sufficient quality and quantity to meet their specific needs based on their age and abilities and that result in measureable progress. Outcome Measure: Percentage of families that report they are satisfied with the services their child receives (e.g. receive the right services, at the right time, in the right amount to achieve best outcome) using current IDEA Part C and B measures Raise score on program quality indicators developed by the National Professional Development in Autism monitoring in every 5 years. Develop appropriate data to indicate delivery of appropriate, post-school outcomes (IDEA Part B Data), and parent measures. Outcome Measure: Outcome Measure: Activity (what we will do to turn the curve) 1. Program Assessment: a. Convene a workgroup to review and recommend selection of current PDA Program and Fidelity Assessments for utilization in Infant/Toddler and school programs. b. Develop and implement a plan for comprehensive data collection and analysis regarding the program quality Timeline (start & end) July 2010- ongoing with yearly training plan submitted and carried out by interagency partners Person/Agency Responsible SDE DHW ASD Planning Committee Quality: How well are the activities working? (Evaluation strategy) Program assessment: a. Adopted b. Disseminated with training to Infant/Toddler and school personnel c. Annual increases in scores on Quality Indicators reported to ASD Policy Group 6 Activity (what we will do to turn the curve) Timeline (start & end) Person/Agency Responsible See above, ongoing annual plan SDE DHW IHEs April 14, 2010 Draft Quality: How well are the activities working? (Evaluation strategy) Indicators from all constituents (families, direct services personnel, etc.). c. Align with Medicaid redesign measures: encourage Medicaid to adopt family indicators 2. Training on evidence-based practices: a. Expand CDHD/SDE Autism Supports Project to train school personnel in current evidence-based treatment packages and interventions (e.g. PDA evidence-based practice briefs, Foundations in ASD, Autism Internet Modules) b. Expand cross-system coordination, and family involvement Training Provided Training evaluations positive and reflected in monitoring of programs using PDA Program Assessment Increase in Program Assessment and competency-based intervention following training August, 2010 c. Develop and sign interagency agreements for CDHD, SDE, Medicaid and DHW d. Garner agency support for ongoing advisory group e. Align with Medicaid redesign f. CDHD liaison coordinates quarterly conference calls among agencies g. CDHD liaison coordinates bi-yearly web conferences with ASD Advisory Group h. Disseminate evidence-based ASD 7 Activity (what we will do to turn the curve) Timeline (start & end) Person/Agency Responsible April 14, 2010 Draft Quality: How well are the activities working? (Evaluation strategy) practices widely through personnel preparation, CDHD website, and public policy activities (e.g. PDA EvidenceBased Practice Briefs) 3. Provide online course materials for graduate level course on ASD supported by the Teacher Certificate Project to all IHEs CDHD SDE DHW IPUL Data collected and reported to all agencies 4. Provide ongoing short web-based training opportunities 5. Short web courses (e.g. 3-4 webinar series, 2 hours per webinar) 6. Short just-in-time training opportunities (e.g. 1 hr max) 7. Provide information on EBP to EC Consortium 8. Access to services: establish a familyfocused and easily accessible system: a. Develop and implement a plan to evaluate access to services for children and youth with ASD. 8 April 14, 2010 Draft Interagency Action Plan Area: Family Involvement Goal: Family members will have an increased opportunity and choice to partner in the design, delivery, and implementation of plans for their child. Outcome Measure: Outcome Measure: Percentage of families that report they are satisfied with the services their child receives (e.g. receive the right services, at the right time, in the right amount to achieve best outcome) using current IDEA Part C and B measures Increase percentage of parents report that they received information and/or training on evidence-based practices and who report their training increased their skills to participate as an equal partner in the design, delivery and implementation of the plans for their child. Activity (what we will do to turn the curve) 1. Develop a statewide format for a child/student Portfolio. This would be used by the child/student and family to communicate with new programs/service providers/etc. Timeline Person/Agency Responsible (start & end) Quality: How well are the activities working? (Evaluation strategy) Committee selected Nov. 2010? Increase parent satisfaction. Portfolio developed May 2011 DHW SDE Family subgroup of ASD Task Group 9 April 14, 2010 Draft Activity (what we will do to turn the curve) Timeline Person/Agency Responsible (start & end) 2. Develop a statewide orientation packet for families that describes the Idaho ASD model for service delivery system. a. Health care providers b. Infant Toddler Program c. Public schools SDE 3. Develop or adopt a family satisfaction survey to be completed through web-based and hard copy formats. SDE Quality: How well are the activities working? (Evaluation strategy) Increase in parent satisfaction DHW IPUL Increase in parent satisfaction DHW 4. Use family surveys currently used by Reviewed at IPUL IDEA Parts C and B ASD Advisory SDE Meeting DHW 9/2010 Surveys adopted and used 5. Include state ASD Parent, Advocacy, and support groups in Advisory Group to assist in guiding parent training Increase in parent satisfaction IPUL Federation of Families TV Autism Panhandle Autism 10 April 14, 2010 Draft Interagency Action Plan Area: Public Policy Goal: Children with autism and their families receive continuous coordinated services, supported by public policy, from the time of initial diagnosis for as long as needed. Outcome Measure: Outcome Measure: Percentage of families that report they are satisfied with the services their child receives (e.g. receive the right services, at the right time, in the right amount to achieve best outcome) using current IDEA Part C and B measures Development of an Interagency Agreement/MOU across agencies that deliver services to children and youth with ASD. Activity (what we will do to turn the curve) 1. Develop an ASD Needs Assessment to identify gaps in service Timeline (start & end) 1. Sept. 2010 a. ASD Advisory Group to provide guidance on needs assessment 2. CDHD summarizes and reports findings to Interagency group and ASD Advisory Group Person/Agency Responsible 3. 4. 5. 6. SDE DHW Medicaid CDHD Quality: How well are the activities working? (Evaluation strategy) 7. Needs Assessment summary created, disseminated, summarized 2. May 2011 11 April 14, 2010 Draft Timeline (start & end) August, 2010 and annually Person/Agency Responsible CDHD DHW SDE Quality: How well are the activities working? (Evaluation strategy) 4. Reviews funding in Interagency MOU annually and revise as needed/possible to address gaps. August, 2010 and annually Funding proposals reviewed and adjusted in MOU annually 5. Develop Interagency MOU: to include protocol, policy and procedure guidance for sharing data, mutual training, and identification of resources to establish effective practices in screening, assessment, evidence-based interventions. August 2010 and annually Annually CDHD DHW SDE Utah LEND CDHD SDE DHW Activity (what we will do to turn the curve) 3. Review and refine existing policies that affect children and youth with ASD to identify changes or additions to current policies. Policies, procedures changed through whatever mechanism is needed (e.g. proposed rules, memo/handbook changes, etc.) State interagency MOU/agreements in place. a. Act Early and ASD Interagency Agreement to be carried out though coordination by ASD Supports Project at CDHD b. Develop a mechanism to ensure local interagency planning and agreements for service delivery. 12 April 14, 2010 Draft Activity (what we will do to turn the curve) 6. Educate policy makers, legislators, and local communities regarding evidencebased practices for children with ASD and state resources. Timeline (start & end) Legislative sessions Person/Agency Responsible ASD Advisory Group CDHD DHW SDE Quality: How well are the activities working? (Evaluation strategy) Awareness level materials available on all state websites (e.g. Idaho Training Clearinghouse, Idaho Child, etc.) and disseminated to legislators, hospitals, etc. 13 April 14, 2010 Draft Interagency Action Plan Area: Personnel Preparation Goal: All personnel who impact the delivery and provision of services to children and youth with ASD have adequate knowledge, skills, and abilities to support increased success for children with ASD in home, school, and community. Outcome Measure: Outcome Measure: Increased percentage of personnel meeting high quality personnel competency indicators. Increased knowledge, skills, and ability from personnel development activities using pre-post data. Activity (what we will do to turn the curve) 1. Disseminate low-incidence course sequence to all IHEs: a personnel development system that is based on coordination/linking of existing efforts (e.g. Autism Supports Project, Teacher Certificate Project) and ensure that training and consultation on evidencebased ASD practices is disseminated statewide for public and private providers, families, primary medical providers, and IHEs. Timeline (start & end) Person/Agency Responsible SDE DHW DDAs (IADDA) CDHD BSU ISU U of Idaho Quality: How well are the activities working? (Evaluation strategy) System developed 14 April 14, 2010 Draft Activity (what we will do to turn the curve) Timeline (start & end) Person/Agency Responsible Quality: How well are the activities working? (Evaluation strategy) 2. Work toward reinstatement of an endorsement on special education certification based on 2009 CEC advanced professional standards for Developmental Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorders SDE DHW DDA Association (IADDA) CDHD BSU ISU U of Idaho Personnel Competencies developed. 3. Develop and implement pre-post measures of personnel competencies for personnel based on 2009 CEC advanced professional standards for Developmental Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorders. CDHD- Lead SDE DHW DDA Association (IADDA) BSU ISU U of Idaho Increase in assessed competencies. 4. Using adopted competencies for highly qualified personnel, develop selfassessment tools to be used with staff that impact delivery and provision of services to ASD. CDHD- Lead SDE DHW DDA Association (IADDA) BSU ISU U of Idaho Self-Assessment finalized and disseminated with training. 15 April 14, 2010 Draft Activity (what we will do to turn the curve) Timeline (start & end) Person/Agency Responsible Quality: How well are the activities working? (Evaluation strategy) 6. Continue through the Autism Support Project, to develop/disseminate distance and face-to-face personnel development activities (accessible statewide) to meet competencies as outlined on personnel development plan. Sept. 2007 CDHD- LEAD SDE DHW DDA Association (IADDA) BSU ISU U of Idaho PDA Activities developed and disseminated annually through websites. 7. Develop a state interagency agreement on personnel development around ASD. Fall 2006 CDHD- LEAD SDE DHW Agreement in place 16 April 14, 2010 Draft Interagency Action Plan Area: Research Goal: Create a research subcommittee of the Idaho Policy Council on ASD that ensures the Council recommends implementation of evidence-based practices that will result in positive life outlooks for people with autism. Outcome Measure: Outcome Measure: Outcome Measure: Number of programs, providers and organizations implementing Best Practices recommendations. Number of policy changes as a result of research activities. Number of system changes in Personnel Preparation, Assessment/Diagnosis, Intervention, cross systems coordination, organizational structures, family support, based on research outlines. Activity (what we will do to turn the curve) Timeline (start & end) Person/Agency Responsible 1. Identify external resources to address Idaho ASD research agenda. IHEs LEAD 2. Use national sources of information (e.g. OSEP, NIH) to compare Idaho data to national data. Develop gap analysis to drive research agenda. CDHD Quality: How well are the activities working? (Evaluation strategy) ASD Policy Group 17 April 14, 2010 Draft ATTACHMENT 1 ACRONYMS/ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS DOCUMENT Definition Acronym Acronym Definition ASD Autism Spectrum Disorder MOA Memorandum of Agreement CEU’s Continuing Education Units OT Occupational Therapy DDA The Developmental Disability Agency PBS Positive Behavior Supports DDA Developmental Disabilities Agencies PDA Personnel Development Activities DD-CMH Developmental Disabilities – Children’s Mental Health PT Physical Therapy DHW Department of Health and Welfare PSRs Psychosomatic Rehabilitation ESC EPSDT Service Coordination SDE State Department of Education ESL English as a Second Language SSI Social Security Insurance HCP Health Care Providers TSC Targeted Service Coordination HQ Highly Qualified UCLA University of California Los Angeles IARC Idaho Research Consortium LEA Local Education Agency IBI Intensive Behavior Intervention MOA Memorandum of Agreement IATP The Idaho Assistive Technology Project OT Occupational Therapy IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act PBS Positive Behavior Supports IEP Individual Education Program PDA Personnel Development Activities 18 April 14, 2010 Draft Acronym Definition Acronym Definition IFFCMH Federation of Families for Children’s Mental Health PT Physical Therapy IFSP Individual Family Service Plan PSRs Psychosomatic Rehabilitation IHE Idaho Higher Education SDE State Department of Education IPUL Idaho Parents Unlimited, Inc. SSI Social Security Insurance LEA Local Education Agency TSC Targeted Service Coordination MOA Memorandum of Agreement UCLA University of California Los Angeles OT Occupational Therapy 19