Syllabus: Neurobehavioural Sciences I Lectures are only in winter semester. The units are arranged in order, which is applicable for most blocks. However, pay attention to schedule of classes as there might be some changes in order of units due to organization of classes in other study programmes. A. Seminars and practices (5-week block order): Number, name and form of unit Comment: in „Vyuka“ Seminars are „S“, practices are „C“ 1. Anatomy. Anatomy for neurology. Seminar. 2. Pathology: Pathology of dementia. Seminar. 3. Pharmacology: Pharmacology: Drugs in neurodegeneration and dementia (particularly in Alzheimer´s disease). Individual work on case studies concerning the nervous system disorders problematic. Practice 4. Pathology: Pathology of basal ganglia.Seminar 5. Pharmacology: Drugs used in sensoric disorders. Seminar 6. Pathology: Pathology of muscles and nerves. Seminar 7. Pathophysiology: Metabolic disorders of consciousness (+ case studies) Seminar. 8. Pathophysiology: Ischemia CNS. Seminar. 9. Pathophysiology: Disorders of sensory functions. Seminar 10. Psychology: Stress and pain. Seminar 11. Pathology. Cerebrovascular damage of CNS. Seminar. 12. Anatomy. Clinical anatomy for hearing and balance. Seminar. 13. ENT. Basic examination methods in otology and equilibrium tests. Practice. 14. ENT. The basic inner ear disease: idiopathic sudden hearing loss and the risk of underestimation (late diagnosis), Vestibular Neuronitis, the problems of Ménière's disease, Statoacoustic neurinoma Presby / Socioacousis. Practice 15. ENT. Tinnitus. Practice 17. Pathology: Pathology of demyelination. Seminar 18. Psychology: Emotion, motivation and behaviour. Seminar 19. Pathology: Tumors of CNS. Seminar. 20. Pathophysiology: Central motor disorders. Seminar 21. Pathophysiology: Peripheral motor disorders. Seminar 22. Neuroradiology: Imaging of brain disease. Seminar. 23. Neurology. Neurologic history taking, conscious level assessment, orientation, disorders of speech and language, posture, gait. Seminar 24. Neurology. Cranial nerve examination, signs of damage. Seminar 25. Neurology. Patient (history taking, conscious level and orientation assessment, speech, cranial nerve examination). Practice 26. Neurology. Upper and lower motor neuron lesions, "mixed" lesion. Seminar 27. Neurology Examination of muscle tone, power, deep reflexes, pathologic reflexes (pyramidal signs). Practice 28. Neurology. Patient (examination of paresis). Practice 29. Neurology. Sensory impairment, meningeal syndrome, symptomatology of the extrapyramidal system disorders. Seminar 30. Neurology. Sensory system. Spinal cord syndromes. Seminar 31. Neurology. Patient – sensory impairment, meningeal syndrome, symptomatology of the extrapyramidal system disorders examination and diagnostic analysis. Practice 32. Neurology. Examination of vertebral column, spinal radicular syndromes. Seminar 33. Neurology. Patient -Examination of vertebral column, spinal radicular syndromes. Practice 34. Neuroradiology: Imaging of spinal affections. Seminar 36. Psychology: Memory, learning and attention. Seminar 37. Pharmacology: Drugs used in migraine. Drugs used in neuropathic pain. Seminar 38. Anatomy. Anatomy for psychiatry. Seminar 39. Neurology. Cerebellar syndromes neocerebellar and paleocerebellar. Cerebellar examination. Neurological examination of the unconscious patient. Seminar 40. Neurology. Patient – examination and analysis of the case, cerebellar examination. Practice 41. Neurology Examination of patients, imaging method findings. Practice 42. Neurology. Examination of patients and case analysis. Practice 43. Neurology. Examination of patients and case analysis, examination of students. Practice 44. Pharmacology: Drugs used in vascular brain ictus. Drugs in multiple sclerosis. Seminar 45. Psychiatry: Propedeutics. Clinical examination. Practice 46. Psychiatry: Propedeutics: Clinical examination: training. Practice 47. Psychiatry: Disturbances of emotions and behaviour. Seminar. 48. Psychiatry: Propedeutics: Mental status examination. Practice 49. Psychiatry: Propedeutics: Mental status examination: training. Practice 50. Psychiatry Psychotic disorders. Neurobiology. Seminar 51. Psychiatry. Psychotic disorders: symptoms, syndromes, course. Practice 52. Psychiatry. Psychotic disorders. Patient. Practice 53. Psychiatry. Affectived disorders. Neurobiology. Seminar 55. Psychiatry. Affective disorders: symptoms, syndromes, course. Practice 56. Psychiatry. Affective disorders: Patient. Practice 57. Psychiatry. Neurotic disorders: Neurobioloy. Seminar. 58. Psychiatry. Addiction. Clinical picture. Practice 59. Psychiatry. Addiction. Examination. Practice 60. Psychiatry. Addiction. Neurobiology. Seminar 61. Psychiatry. Neurotic disorders. symptoms, syndromes, course. Practice. 62. Psychiatry. Neurotic disorders. Patient. Practice 63. Psychiatry. Mental disorders: Overview, feedback, credit. Practice. B. Lectures (order in semester): Number and name of unit Comment: In „Vyuka“ lectures are „P“ 16 Pathophysiology. Epilepsy 35 Pathophysiology. Pain 54 Pathology. Neuropatology of neurodegeneration 64 Pathology. Inflammation of CNS 65 Neurology. Higher nervous activity. Syndromes of particular brain lobes. 66 Neurology. Upper and lower motor neuron lesions, topical diagnostic 67 Pharmacology. Drugs used in anxiety and sleep disorders. (Anxiolytics. Hypnotics.) 68 Pharmacology. Antiepileptics. Drugs in Parkinson´s disease. Cognitive drugs, nootropics. Pharmacology of extrapyramidal diseases 70 Neurology: Cranial nerves and brain stem syndromes 69 Pharmacology Drugs used in psychosis, depression and bipolar disorders. (Antipsychotics. Antidepressants. Mood stabilizers.) 71 Psychiatry. Neurobiology of anxiety and depression