feedback coteaching

6th grade team
What will you apply from the
co-teaching presentation?
I don’t co-teach but I think that I can
use some of these tools or models
when I have the media specialist in or
have a parent volunteer, guest
speaker, etc.
The different strategies given will be
helpful for any co-teaching situation.
What else do you need to successfully
I feel a video of each style would be
helpful. This will help the visual
learners as well as concrete evidence
of it being successful.
Planning time
I will use the lesson planning template
and read through the article to see
what else I can use to enhance student
Use different models, practice and
Time to practice and implement;
perfect them
support from administration (this
doesn’t mean that it is lacking – I just
mean it in general.)
I love the “green” sheet [sample
I would have said lesson examples, but
planning form]. I don’t have an
they are on the wiki, so I’ll look there.
opportunity to co-teach daily but I do
work with the media specialist.
I’ll have a better understanding of the
different co-teaching models. I’ll be
able to use the materials and
encourage teachers to use them.
I learned that our collaboration as two You’ve provided a lot. Thanks!
counselors is actually following the coteaching model.
I will go into various rooms and try to
More inservices to regular ed teachers
implement a variety of co-teaching
about co-teaching
models. I consistently use the stations
model but would like to expand.
To shake up the co-teaching styles
It was nice to be refreshed on all of the different models. It is very easy to
become redundant. This inservice
inspires me to try different models.
Specials teachers do not have coteachers available to us. We could use
the ideas for instructional assistants
Specials teachers = co-teachers not
Apply different co-teaching models
For all teachers to have common
consistently; utilize planning model
planning time in the same grade
I will try the different methods to use a I need to practice – maybe time to get
co-teacher a pick from the two that
to know the co-teacher to make sure
work. I will use the strengths of both
we blend well together.
teachers to teach the students.
7th grade team
What will you apply from the
co-teaching presentation?
New model for co-teaching – doesn’t
have to be a general ed teacher and a
special ed teacher; MacTaggart and I
plan to do a co-taught lesson for her
SS classes.
Take co-teaching strategies and make
them singular for solo teaching
I will use a couple of these models
instead of “teaching on the fly.”
Well, you’d get more honest feedback if
we didn’t have to put our names on
Carmen and I will co-teach a lesson.
I will use these tools to check the tools
I am already using. Also, any student
teacher I will have will have a real
resource to help them understand
what co-teaching is all about.
I will incorporate the co-teaching
models more effectively. I will use our
math specialist to facilitate more of
these approaches.
Help to set up co-teaching models next
year. Have definite name and ideas of
co-teaching models
I learned many things that I hadn’t
even thought of! If I co-teach next
year, I would begin with the SHARE
form and definitely use the planning
form. I think setting both teachers up
for success will greatly benefit all
learners and eliminate many
Try different co-teaching models to see
which are most effective with current
co-taught group; attempt to implement
a planning form
Definitely change the co-teaching
models according to strategies,
objectives, etc. Sometimes only 1
model is used, which probably is the
main reason why some co-teachers
have difficulties.
Keep it as a resource in case I get a cotaught class in the future
What else do you need to successfully
Master schedule to be adapted I order
to implement a new model; special ed
teachers to come out of Science and
SS and move into math and reading
workshops to co-teach those classes
More planning time
More planning time
More accessibility to co-teacher. If
planning time was set aside for each
subject and teachers then more
collaboration can happen.
As the primary teacher, a classroom is
definitely needed. As the special ed
teacher, scheduled time weekly to
meet with each general ed teacher
More collaborative time, especially
with IEPs taking a lot of planning time
Time to plan
Materials, resources for differentiation
I learned how to utilize different
co-teaching models as needed for
activities. I learned how to ask the
right questions to be on the same page
as the co-teacher.
I would apply today’s presentation by
organizing and implementing a cotaught lesson.
I would need a co-teacher and
planning time to review with the coteacher.
8th grade team
What will you apply from the
co-teaching presentation?
My co-teacher and I meet weekly and
I’d like to use the co-teaching form in
our meetings. I will target the
objectives before-hand and ask my coteacher her opinion in effectively
teaching the students and splitting up
The different models of teaching and
planning options were most useful.
I probably will not change anything
this year. Circumstances have
dictated which model we use (parallel
teaching, but I do all the planning).
When I go into classrooms to do
stations, fill out planning form for
documentation. Use wikispaces to
gather more information
Do more grouping with MI class (when
or if there is time to plan)
I like the planning form. I think it can
be useful when I start
Try to find/create consistent schedule
to be able to plan with co-teachers
What else do you need to successfully
Time to plan
An administration with a different
Time to plan (teachers and coteachers)
More time to plan; a co-teacher or
reading intervention teacher in my
MRI class for another additional
person besides the special education
More planning time to effectively teach
and not just only the fly
More time; I feel like I am not doing my
job because I am pulled in too many
directions and am stretched too thin
When I have the opportunity to coA co-teacher opportunity; time;
teach, I will use this information.
support; collaboration time
Use a variety of planning strategies to
More time to do actual planning and
work better as a co-teacher
assessing of student work and
I will try the different models.
The planning model will allow me to
We need more time for planning with
think about what type of models to use the co-teacher. Also, the special ed
with the co-teacher.
teacher needs more flex time to work
with teachers.
This was all review. Nothing new to
Money for planning time
Review the different strategies as a
More planning time. I’m mentoring an
intern and a new teacher. My
planning time at school is used with