Solutions to Homework 3, problems 14-17 Problem 14. 1. GaveScruffy(Max,Claire) GaveScruffy(Claire,Max) GaveScruffy(Max,Max) GaveScruffy(Claire,Claire) GaveCarl(Max,Claire) GaveCarl(Claire,Max) GaveCarl(Max,Max) GaveCarl(Claire,Claire) 2. 64 sentences can be expressed in language 2. Basically we can figure this out by listing them and counting them, such as Gave(Max,Max,Max) Gave(Max,Max,Claire) Gave(Max,Max,Scruffy) Gave(Max,Max,Carl) … Gave(Max,Claire,Max) And so on. But of course this is tedious. However, since there are 4 names and the predicate has an arity of 3, we can conclude that the number of statements expressible in language 2 is 43. 3. You would need exactly the same number of names to express all of the sentences of language 2 in our modified version of language 1. You would also need 4 predicates: GaveMax, GaveClaire, GaveScruffy, and GaveCarl. Problem 15. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Owned(Claire, Folly, 2:00 Gave(Claire, Silly, Max, 2:00) Student(Max) Erased(Claire, Folly, 2:00) Owned(Max, Folly, 3:05) 2:00 < 2:05 Problem 16. 1. Max owned Silly at 2:00 pm. 2. Max erased Silly at 2:30 pm. 3. Max gave Silly to Claire at 2:00 pm. 4. 2:00 pm is earlier than 2:00 pm. Problem 17. There are any number of ways of translating these sentences, depending upon what sort of language you construct. The thing to keep in mind is the necessity of translating accurately the meaning of the English phrase. 1. AIDS is less contagious than influeza. Names: English AIDS Influenza FOL AIDS Flu Comment Predicates: English x is less contagious than y FOL LessContagious(x, y) Comment LessContagious(AIDS, Flu) 2. Spain is between France and Portugal in size Names: English Spain France Portugal FOL Spain France Portugal Comment Predicates: English x is between y and z in size FOL BetweenInSize(x, y, z) Comment BetweenInSize(Spain, France, Portugal) 3. Misery loves company. Note: In order to translate this phrase correctly, we must first specify its meaning in English, which is something like "Miserable people prefer that others are miserable as well." It is this problem that makes problem 17 tricky, hence the "*" in the book. Names: English A person People other than "Person" FOL Person Others Comment Predicates: English x is Miserable x prefers a situation such that y FOL Miserable(x) Prefers(x, y) Comment Prefers(Miserable(Person), Miserable(Others)) Another way of doing this would be to avoid specifying any names but to use variables instead with the above predicates and say that Prefers(Miserable(x), Miserable(y) xy 4. Max shook Claire's father's hand. Names: English Max Claire FOL Max Claire Comment Predicates English x shook y the hand of x FOL Shook(x, y) Hand(x) Comment Function Symbols English x's father FOL Father(x, y) Comment Shook(Max, Hand(Father(Claire))) 5. John and Nancy's eldest child is younger than John and Mary Ellen's. Note that there a lot of other solutions to this problem. This is one of the simpler ones: Names: English John Nancy Mary Ellen Jon Predicates English x is younger than y FOL John Nancy Mary Ellen Jon Comment FOL Younger(x, y) Comment Function Symbols English the eldest child of y and z FOL Eldest(y, z) Younger(Eldest(John, Nancy), Eldest(Jon Mary Ellen)) Comment