Classroom Syllabus MC 509 HIGH PERFORMANCE ORGANIZATIONS 3 Credit Hours Effective: April 2009 SPRING 2009 INSTRUCTOR´S NAME : MARVEE L. MARR OFFICE : BRATISLAVA CAMPUS OFFICE HOURS : BY APPOINTMENT EMAIL : MLM731@ATT.NET REQUIRED RESOURCES Kreitner, R., & Kinicki, A. (2007). Organizational behavior. (7th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Research paper guide. (2004).Trenčín, Slovakia: City University. Available for purchase in the library or online at Access to a personal computer and the Internet is required. Copyright 1988-2008 by City University of Seattle All rights reserved MC 509 HIGH PERFORMANCE ORGANIZATIONS This document provides an overview of the course foundation elements, assignments, schedules, and activities. For information about general City University of Seattle policies, please see the City University of Seattle catalog. If you have additional questions about the course, please contact your instructor. Notification to Students with Disabilities IF YOU ARE A STUDENT WITH A DISABILITY AND YOU REQUIRE CERTAIN HELP, PLEASE CONTACT THE SITE ADMINISTRATOR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Scholastic Honesty City University of Seattle expects each student to do his/her own work. The University has "zero tolerance" for cheating, plagiarism, unauthorized collaboration on assignments and papers, using "notes" during exams, submitting someone else's work as one's own, submitting work previously submitted for another course, or facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others. The penalties are severe! A first offense can result in a zero grade for the course and suspension for one quarter; a second offense can result in a zero grade for the course and suspension for two or more quarters; a third offense can result in expulsion from the University. The Policy and Procedures may be found at In addition to providing your work to the instructor for grading, you must also submit an electronic copy for the CU archives (unless the work is specifically exempted by the instructor). You will not receive a grade for particular work until and unless you submit this electronic copy. The procedure for submitting work to the archives is to upload it via the website Files should include the cover page of the work with the student name, instructor name, course name and number, and date. File names should indicate the type of assignment, such as “researchpaper.doc”, “casestudy.doc” or “ thesis.doc” (student name should not be a part of the file name because the system adds it). All files received into the archives are submitted to for plagiarism checking. COURSE DESCRIPTION Management theory has evolved over time toward the idea that a participative work environment concentrates the efforts of all employees toward achieving the goals and objectives needed for the organization to be effective and resilient. Based on the principle that systems drive behavior, this course focuses on the relationships of people in an organization and the particular structure and culture that enable them to perform at high levels of accomplishment. Students investigate topics such as: organizational structure and culture; organizations as a mixture of interdependent functions and groups; organizations as dynamic systems; work environments; and approaches used to develop new models of organizing for improved performance. LEARNING GOALS Upon the successful completion of this course, you will be able to: 1. Compare and contrast several models of organizational behavior; 2. Describe organizational culture and its relationship to societal culture; MC 509 SYL Page 210 Eff: 4/08 3. Identify approaches to working across cultures that enable organizations to compete effectively in a global environment; 4. Develop a theory about how people in organizations can and should make ethical decisions; 5. Predict the effects that a manager’s emotional intelligence will have on the way people respond to their leadership; 6. Explain the relationship between employees’ value systems, their level of job satisfaction, and organizational effectiveness; 7. Develop a theory of reward systems; 8. Evaluate the models of teamwork in organizations; 9. Discuss the roles of leaders and managers in organizations, and the similarities and differences between management and leadership. CORE CONCEPTS To achieve the goals of this course, you will need to master the following core concepts: 1. Organizational behavior; 2. Communication; 3. Organizational culture; 4. Global issues in organization design; 5. Ethical decision making models; 6. Organizational change; 7. Learning organizations; 8. Employee motivation; 9. Reward systems; 10. Group dynamics; 11. Leadership and management functions; 12. Multicultural concerns, in both domestic and foreign offices. RECOMMENDED RESOURCES As a City University of Seattle student, you have access to library resources regardless of where and how you are taking this class. To access the resources necessary to complete your coursework, visit the library menu in the My.CityU portal at, and the CU Slovakia library home page at A good place to begin your research is through the management program resources page in the My.CityU library. It provides links to relevant journals, books, and Web sites. Search the online databases for journal, magazine, and newspaper articles. For additional help, visit the Slovakia library or submit your question in the Contact Us section of the Slovakia library’s web site. MC 509 SYL Page 310 Eff: 4/08 Classroom Policy: -No late work will be accepted under any circumstances -Missing up to or more than 30% of the class will result in failure/withdrawal -Note constructive participation is 10% of your grade -Please respect the classroom, peers and instructor (NO cell phone calls, no laptop use during class unless directed, come on time, leave on time, etc) OVERVIEW OF COURSE ACTIVITIES AND GRADING The grade you receive for the course will be derived using City University of Seattle’s decimal grading system, based on the following: Assignments Constructive Participation Knowledge Statement #1: Individual Background or Ethics Presentation on Organizational Change Paper Essay on Key Topic in Organizational Behavior Organizational Change Analysis Paper Final Exam 10% 10% 10% 20% 25% 25% TOTAL 100% Please see the current City University of Seattle catalog or consult your instructor for guidance in determining your decimal grade. EXPLANATION OF ASSIGNMENTS AND GRADING CONSTRUCTIVE PARTICIPATION Students are expected to contribute to the class on a regular basis through constructive participation. The elements considered in evaluating your participation include: professional demeanor; timely preparation for each class session; respectful communication skills demonstrated; contributions toward the positive development of the class; questions and comments that are relevant to the topic discussed. KNOWLEDGE STATEMENT #1: INDIVIDUAL BACKGROUND By the time they are ready to earn a specific degree, many students have had significant learning experiences on the job, while some have had little or none. Read pages 1-43 in the textbook about the topics in this course. In a one- to two-page essay, provide a brief statement about why you want to earn a degree, what you plan to do afterward as a result of achieving this goal. Next, scan the textbook Table of Contents. Write a brief statement to describe your current knowledge of the MC 509 SYL Page 410 Eff: 4/08 subject of organizational behavior; any amount is acceptable – you will begin with whatever you know and add to that knowledge during the course. Select one or more topics in any chapter of the textbook that you will focus on learning more about through scholarly research during the course. (Your final paper will incorporate this new learning.) The more you know already, the more you are expected to challenge yourself to increase the complexity and breadth of your knowledge. Grading Criteria for Knowledge Statement #1: Individual Background Relevance to topics in organizational behavior Clarity of expression in the writing Logical organization of the statement as a whole Grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and syntax 35% 25% 20% 20% TOTAL 100% KNOWLEDGE STATEMENT #2: ETHICS After completing the required reading for the first two weeks of the course, select an “Ethical Dilemma” presented in the first assigned chapters of the textbook. Write your answers to the set of discussion questions that follow that dilemma in the textbook. Explain how you think you have come to have the opinions that you have about the ethical case. (If you prefer to write about a different ethical dilemma in the textbook, obtain permission from the instructor first.) One to two page essay. Grading Criteria for Knowledge Statement #2: Ethics Appropriateness of discussion to organizational behavior Logical organization of the writing Application of ethical terms and concepts Development of the ideas discussed: sound arguments, analysis, and well-founded conclusions Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and syntax 15% 15% 20% 40% TOTAL 100% 10% ESSAY ON KEY TOPIC IN ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR (TEAM) Scan the topics in the textbook. Select a portion to read about a topic of your choosing. Search for one or more articles on this topic in the City University of Seattle online library or from other scholarly sources. Write an essay explaining what you have learned about the topic during the course thus far. Incorporate your research findings with knowledge acquired from previous study, from the current textbook, and from your own work experience. Reflect on your thinking about the topic and your interest in it. Integrate relevant elements of your two knowledge statement papers into this essay. Be sure to properly cite any sources used in your essay, and prepare a Reference List at the end of the paper, however brief. (5-7 pages, 3 quality sources) Grading Criteria for Essay on Key Topic in Organizational Behavior Appropriateness of discussion to organizational behavior Logical organization of the writing MC 509 SYL Page 510 Eff: 4/08 15% 15% Integration of early course concepts with topic selected Development of the ideas discussed: sound arguments, analysis, and well-founded conclusions Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and syntax 20% 40% TOTAL CASE ANALYSIS FOR ORGANIZATIONAL CHANGE (TEAM) 100% 10% This assignment is not a typical “case analysis” paper; you are likely to find case analysis methods different from this one in other graduate courses. You may base the case on an organization with which you are familiar or do research on an organization. Apply your overall learning in the course as a whole by developing a plan to improve the organization in some way. Clearly describe the current situation in the case and what the planned change should be. Using City University of Seattle’s online library, perform some research on the key topic of the case to inform your thinking. (Scholarly sources should be published within the last four years.) Integrate sufficient research with other sources in order to justify your proposed change. Include research and ideas used in the topical essay written earlier in the course, where relevant. Examples of proposed changes might address issues such as organizational culture, motivation, structure, work design, conflict, diversity, organizational learning, teamwork, and so forth. Be creative, there are many options. Describe the structure of the organization, as best as you can determine it. Describe the culture of the organization, as best as you can determine it. On what evidence do you base your descriptions? What is the relationship between the structure, culture, and problem in the case? Describe the other details in the case. Explain how knowledge from your own work experience influences your thinking about the case. Did you learn anything from the essay assignment that is related to the issues in the case? Explain how you would help this organization if you were the leader. What changes would you direct employees to make and why? What evidence would show that your solution is having the desired effect? You should begin thinking about and planning your problem analysis early in the course so that you will have time to revise it later, if needed. You will be covering several topics during the course that are likely to apply to your case, including the topic of your essay paper. The case analysis should include the following components: Cover page, change proposal, justification, change implementation plan. A Cover Page Your cover page should include your name, title of the assignment, date, course number and course title. Change Proposal This is a statement of the current situation (problem definition), and in general what the proposed change would be. The details will be provided in the Implementation section of your paper. Be specific in your description of the situation. Explain what evidence you have about what the problem is. Be sure to include a discussion about the elements from your knowledge statement and essay papers, where they relate to the specific case details for organizational change used for MC 509 SYL Page 610 Eff: 4/08 this assignment. This section may vary from a few paragraphs to three pages in length, depending on the organization and the situation selected for this paper. Justification for Proposed Change This is where you will integrate most of your research and thinking about the case. Justify both the need for change and the specific changes you would make. Support your ideas by using the evidence in the case and relevant facts from other sources. Remember that the citations and bibliography must be in proper APA format. Include a discussion about one or more other alternatives. Discuss the benefit and disadvantage of the alternative(s) and why you believe those choices would be less effective than your plan to resolve the problem. Change Implementation Plan Describe your plan in detail in this section, how you would implement and manage the proposed change. Explain which model of managing change from your reading (textbook or library sources) is most similar to your plan and why this is so. If you have selected elements from different models, identify the models and explain why you think the change will be successful. On what evidence will you base your evaluation at some time in the future (how will you know improvement has been made)? Identify who is likely to resist the change you recommend, why, and what you plan to do in order to reduce or manage that resistance. (8-12 pages, 5 quality sources.) Presentation As a team you will present your preliminary findings on the last day of class. The presentation will be approximately 20 minutes in length and should include a power point presentation and one additional visual aid. Grading Criteria for Organizational Change Analysis Integration of course concepts Completeness of analysis Logically supported conclusions and recommendations (including proper bibliographic support) Explanation of expected results Clarity of written work Grammar, spelling, punctuation, syntax, APA style 20% 20% 20% TOTAL 100% 10% 20% 10% FINAL EXAMINATION You should be prepared to answer a variety of questions pertinent to the concepts covered in or suggested by the course materials, assignments, and activities. Your instructor may provide you with additional information about the content, style, and grading criteria of the final exam. Grading Criteria for Essay Questions on Final Examination Clear demonstration of grasp of major issues Valid arguments; appropriate supportive detail Appropriate analysis, evaluation, and synthesis Demonstration of ability to employ terms, concepts, and frames of reference from texts and other course materials MC 509 SYL Page 710 Eff: 4/08 20% 20% 20% 20% Proper organization and logical flow of response 20% TOTAL RECOMMENDED COURSE SCHEDULE 100% The following schedule has been provided as a general guide to the course. Your instructor may elect to adjust the outline to meet the unique needs of the class. SESSION 1 March 28 2 March 29 3 April 4 TOPICS AND ASSIGNMENTS READINGS Introduction to organizational behavior and terminology Theories, models, and movements of thought in organizational behavior Ethical behavior Issues in managing diverse groups and individuals Organizational culture Kreitner & Kinicki, chapters 1-3, pages 1-104 Societal and national cultures Ethnocentrism High- and low-context cultures Dimensions of regional and national culture Personality and organizations Intelligence, cognition, and emotion Kreitner & Kinicki, chapters 4-5, pages 106-171 Values, attitudes, job satisfaction Perception and attribution Motivation Equity theory Expectancy theory Setting and achieving goals Kreitner & Kinicki, chapters 6-8, pages 172-267 DUE: Knowledge Statement 1: Individual Background or Knowledge Statement 2: Ethics (Pick one and bring to class typed on Saturday) 4 April 5 Performance Reward systems Group dynamics Organizational development Typologies of work teams Team-building Kreitner & Kinicki, chapters 9-11, pages 268-369 Begin to draft ideas for the Case Analysis paper. April 11 Due: Essay on Key Topic uploaded by Midnight Saturday. (Enjoy Easter!) MC 509 SYL Page 810 Eff: 4/08 SESSION TOPICS AND ASSIGNMENTS READINGS 5 April 18 Models of decision making Knowledge management Styles of decision making Group problem-solving techniques Creativity and innovation Kreitner & Kinicki, chapters 12-14, pages 370-473 Influence and empowerment Social power and politics Leadership vs. management Trait and behavioral theories Transformational leadership Shared Leadership Effective organizations Kreitner & Kinicki, chapters 15-17, pages 474-575 6 April 19 April 24 Team Presentations DUE: Organizational Change Case uploaded by 4pm Friday Final exam-5pm MC 509 SYL Page 910 Eff: 4/08