CURRICULUM VITAE SERGEI VOLIS November 2003 The Institutes for Applied Research, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, POB 653, Beer Sheva 84105, Israel. Tel.: 972-8-6477197 (office), Fax: 972-8-6472984, E-mail: I. PERSONAL Born: Marital status: Citizenship: Home address: Kiev, USSR, September 4, 1961 Married, two sons Israeli 19 Zohar, Meitar, Israel tel.: 064-824075, e-mail: II. EDUCATION Ph.D. 1997-2002 M.Sc. B.A. and M.Sc. 1992-1996 1979-1984 Ben-Gurion University, Israel - ecological genetics, plant population ecology, evolutionary ecology Ben-Gurion University, Israel - ecological genetics Simpheropol University, USSR – population ecology III. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 2002-2003 2003-present Post Doc, Amsterdam University Lecturer, The Institutes for Applied Research, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel V. PUBLICATIONS a. Published or in press 1. S. Volis, S. Mendlinger, D. Ward and K. Verhoeven. 2003. Phenotypic selection and regulation of reproduction in different environments in wild barley. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 2. S. Volis, L. Olsvig-Whittaker, Y. Anikster and S. Mendlinger. 2003. The influence of space in genetic-environmental relationships when environmental heterogeneity and seed dispersal occurs at similar scale. American Naturalist. 3. Volis S., S. Mendlinger and D. Ward. 2003. Demography and role of the seed bank in Mediterranean and desert populations of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum Koch. Basic and Applied Ecology. 4. Volis S, I. Shulgina, D. Ward and S. Mendlinger. 2003. Regional allozyme variation in wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum: adaptive or neutral? Journal of Heredity 94: 341351. 5. Volis S., S. Mendlinger and D. Ward. 2002. Adaptive traits of wild barley plants of Mediterranean and desert origin. Oecologia 133: 131-138. 6. Volis S., S. Mendlinger, Y. Turuspekov and U. Esnazarov. 2002. Phenotypic and allozyme variation in Mediterranean and desert populations of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum. Evolution 56: 1403-1415. 7. Volis S., S. Mendlinger and D. Ward. 2002. Differentiation in populations of Hordeum spontaneum Koch along a gradient of environmental productivity and predictability: life history and local adaptation. Biological Journal of Linnean Society 77: 479-490. 8. Volis S., S. Mendlinger and D. Ward. 2002. Differentiation in populations of Hordeum spontaneum Koch along a gradient of environmental productivity and predictability: plasticity in response to water and nutrient stress. Biological Journal of Linnean Society 75: 301-312. 9. Volis S., S. Mendlinger and D. Ward. 2002. Differentiation in populations of Hordeum spontaneum Koch along a gradient of environmental productivity and predictability: multilevel selection analysis. Biological Journal of Linnean Society 75: 313-318. 10. Volis, S., B. Yakubov, I. Shulgina, D. Ward, V. Zur, S. Mendlinger. 2001. Tests for adaptive RAPD variation in population genetic structure of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum Koch. Biological Journal of Linnean Society 74: 289-303. 11. Volis S., S. Mendlinger, and N. Orlovsky. 2001. Variability in phenotypic traits in core and peripheral populations of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum Koch. Hereditas 133: 235-247. 12. Volis S., S. Mendlinger, Y. Turuspekov, U. Esnazarov, S. Abugalieva and N. Orlovsky. 2001. Allozyme variation in Turkmenian populations of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum Koch. Annals of Botany 87: 435-446. 13. Volis S. and U. Shani. 2000. The effect of neighbors on the root system of the desert annual Eremobium aegyptiacum. Folia Geobotanica 35: 161-168 14. Volis, S., S. Mendlinger, U.N. Safriel, L. Olsvig-Whittaker and N. Orlovsky. 1998. Phenotypic variation and stress resistance in core and peripheral populations of Hordeum spontaneum. Biodiversity and Conservation 7: 799-813. 15. Turuspekov, E.K., S.I. Abugalieva, S. Mendlinger and S. Volis. 1996. Polymorphism in populations of wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum K.) from Turkmenistan. Genetica 32: 767-773 (in Russian). 16. Safriel, U., S. Volis and S. Kark. 1994. Core and peripheral populations and global climate change. Israel Journal of Plant Sciences 42: 331-345. b. in preparation 1. Volis S., Bohrer G., Oostermeijer G. and van Tienderen P. Regional consequences of local population demography and genetics in relation to habitat management in Gentiana pneumonante. 2. Volis S., Bohrer G., Oostermeijer G. and van Tienderen P. Modeling genetic diversity in mainland-island and source-sink metapopulations. 3. Volis S., I. Shulgina, B. Yakubov, V. Kogan-Zur and S. Mendlinger. Regional subdivision in RAPD, allozyme and qualitative trait variation in wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum. 4. Volis S., S. Mendlinger and D. Ward. 2002. Differentiation in populations of Hordeum spontaneum Koch along a gradient of environmental productivity and predictability: intra- and interspecific competitive responses. 5. Volis S., I. Shulgina, B. Yakubov, V. Zur, N. Orlovsky and S. Mendlinger. RAPD DNA variability in core and peripheral populations of wild barley Hordeum spontaneum Koch. 6. Volis S., S. Mendlinger and D. Ward. Demography and elasticity analysis of Mediterranean and desert populations of wild oat, Avena sterilis. 7. Volis S., S. Mendlinger and D. Ward. Life history and local adaptation in populations of Avena sterilis L. distributed along aridity gradient in Israel. 8. Volis S., I. Shulgina, B. Yakubov, V. Kogan-Zur, N. Orlovsky and S. Mendlinger. Pattern of genetic variation across a core-peripheral cline in populations of wild barley, Hordeum spontaneum Koch VI. RESEARCH GRANTS 1. 1997-2000. The Israel Academy of Science. Ecological genetics of populations of Hordeum spontaneum - 3 years, $110,000. 2. 1999 (rejected at final cut, accepted for seed money). The Israel Academy of Science. Improved sampling strategy for germplasm conservation: Triticum turgidum, a model species - 20,000 NIS. 3. 2002 (rejected at final cut, accepted for seed money). The Israel Academy of Science. Test of ecological determinants of within-population genetic structure – 20,000 NIS. VII. TEACHING ACTIVITIES 1. 2. 3. 4. Teaching assistant, BGU university - 1996-2001 - Biometry; Teaching assistant, BGU university - 1997-1999 - Evolution of life histories; Teaching assistant, BGU university - 1998-2001 - Population ecology; Lecturer, Veld Products Research & Development, Botswana - October, 2001 Training course in Participatory Ecological Assessment VIII. RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Plant conservation biology, sustainable use of wild plants, reintroduction Plant ecological genetics. Plant population ecology. Natural selection in plant populations, plant strategies. Introduction and domestication of wild plants.