Application deadline: February 22, 2012 at 4:30 pm
The Stanley Award is given annually to University of Iowa graduate students for the pursuit of international
research/fieldwork and career interests
Approximately twenty awards, ranging between $1,500 and $2,500, will be made to UI graduate students in
any academic field—natural sciences, humanities, social sciences, arts, professional studies—who are in the
early stages of conducting research abroad for master theses or doctoral dissertations (the latter at preproposal stage only).
PLEASE NOTE: Doctoral students who have had their proposals approved should apply for the T. Anne
Cleary Award from the Graduate College; they are ineligible for Stanley Awards.
Tuition and fees are not covered by Stanley Awards.
Results will be announced by late April 2012. Successful applicants must use and claim the funds by May
All applicants must be UI graduate and professional students in good academic standing.
Those eligible to apply are limited to
o M.A./ M.S. students who are proposing to conduct research abroad for their theses or
o Ph.D. or professional students who have not yet had their dissertation topics / proposals approved and
who would benefit in preparing their proposal from a period of preliminary research abroad
Those ineligible to apply include
o doctoral students who have had their dissertation topics / proposals approved (these students should
apply for the T. Anne Cleary Award from the Graduate College)
o former Stanley Award recipients
o M.A. / M.S. students planning to graduate in May 2012 (those anticipating an Aug. or Dec. 2012
graduation should contact the Office of Academic Programs and Services in International Programs to
discuss eligibility)
Preference may be given to students who have not received any research funding from internal or external
sources during the past year.
Recipients must plan to return to the UI for at least one semester after the period abroad and before graduation.
Applicants are expected to spend a minimum of four weeks and, in most cases, not more than three months in
the field.
Students are not required to have previous overseas experience.
For international students, a strong preference will be given to applicants proposing research in countries
other than their own.
PLEASE NOTE: All applicants must confer with their primary UI faculty project advisor concerning the
potential need for approval for their research from the University of Iowa Institutional Review Board (IRB)
for Human Subjects Research. You and your advisor will both be required to sign the IP Stanley Award
Human Subjects Research Advisor Form stating the advisor’s determination of whether you need to pursue
full IRB approval for your project. If your advisor determines that you need IRB approval for your project,
then he/she will instruct you about how to proceed. Your advisor is ultimately responsible, along with you,
for compliance with federal and University regulations concerning human subjects research. Information can
be found at the University of Iowa website for IRB. Completion of the advisor form is required for a
Stanley Award application for IP administrative purposes; completion of the form does not exempt you or
your advisor from further IRB communication or action.
The selection committee is seeking well-written, complete proposals that
o provide adequate evidence of academic and linguistic (if applicable) preparation;
o have clearly defined academic and personal objectives;
o contribute to student’s overall academic program;
o demonstrate the adequacy of the research method or fieldwork design.
Recipients must present their research to the University of Iowa community and may be asked to participate
in the International Programs Student Funding Expo or other International Programs events.
Recipients must submit a written report within 6 weeks of return from conducting research abroad. The report
should be brief (1-2 pages) and should summarize your research experience, how the experience fits into your
educational/professional goals, what your future plans are, and your plans for presenting your research on
Recipients are expected to credit the fellowship on their theses/dissertations and should acknowledge the
Stanley-UI Foundation Support Organization in all written materials.