Rock Webquest Here is the Rock Webquest that I want you to complete. Do only the following: 1. Print a worksheet and fill it in by visiting the website below. You will need to go to the bottom of the screens and click on the Igneous, Metamorphic and Sedimentary Rock links and then the "How ________ Rocks are Formed" link toward the bottom of each of these pages to complete the first 3 pages. 2. Skip the links/directions that would have you do the “Name That Rock Game” and “Name That Rock Worksheet”. 3. Go to the links (that are found in the above link) that are about the Rock Cycle. On the back of the worksheet you received from your instructor, you should take notes about the rock cycle. 4. Provide a brief presentation to the class outlining the characteristics of the 3 different rock types with some examples of each. The presentation should include: o The name of the rock type o Identifying characteristics o How it is formed 3) Rock Internet Assignment Grading Rubric: Each criteria listed below has point values listed (total points = 10 points) Igneous Rocks o What are they? How formed? o Rock 1 Information o Rock 2 Information o Rock 3 Information _____/ 2 pts Sedimentary Rocks o What are they? How formed? o Rock 1 Information o Rock 2 Information o Rock 3 Information o Rock 4 Information _____/ 2 pts Metamorphic Rocks o What are they? How formed? o Rock 1 Information o Rock 2 Information _____/ 2 pts Rock Cycle Notes ______/ 1 pt Presentation aspect _____/ 3 pts TOTAL _____/ 10 POINTS Presentation Grading Content Knowledge of Material (25%) Minimal (33% of points possible) Average (66% of points possible) Advanced (100% of points possible) Reads notes exclusively Unable to answer questions Refers to notes Difficulty with questions Doesn't reference notes Answers questions easily Mumbles Partly Clear Speaks Clearly Accuracy of Information (25%) Majority of facts incorrect Some facts incorrect All information is accurate Use of Visual Aids (25%) Unable to view visuals or visuals poorly presented Speaking Clearly (25%) Visuals easily viewed and well presented Rocks Use the information on the Webquest and websites to complete the worksheet. 1. What are Igneous Rocks and how are they formed? 2. In each square, name an igneous rock. Draw a picture of the rock Name of Rock Rock Illustration Did it cool quickly or How do you know? slowly? Name of Rock Rock Illustration Did it cool quickly or slowly? How do you know? Name of Rock Rock Illustration Did it cool quickly or slowly? How do you know? 1. What are Sedimentary Rocks and how are they formed? 2. In each square, name a sedimentary rock. Draw a picture of the rock Name of Rock Rock Illustration How is it used? Name of Rock Rock Illustration How is it used? Name of Rock Rock Illustration How is it used? Name of Rock Rock Illustration How is it used? 1. What are Metamorphic Rocks and how are they formed? 2. In each square, name a metamorphic rock. Draw a picture of the rock Name of Rock Rock Illustration What is the name of the original rock? Name of Rock Rock Illustration What is the name of the original rock? Notes about the Rock Cycle: