Prof Lui Pao Chuen Advisor National Research Foundation Prime Minister’s Office Professor Lui Pao Chuen retired in 2008 after serving 41 years in MINDEF in different appointments and as Chief Defence Scientist in his last 22 years service. He was appointed Advisor, National Research Foundation, Prime Minister’s Office. He graduated from the University of Singapore in 1965 with a Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in Physics. In 1966 he enlisted in the SAF as Captain on a Short Service Commission. He served in the Logistics Division, Ministry of Interior and Defence as the first Head Technical Department. In 1970 he was appointed Deputy to JYM Pillay, Head of Science Management Group, Ministry of Defence. In 1971, he was awarded a postgraduate fellowship by MINDEF. He elected to go to the US Naval Postgraduate School and graduated with a Master degree in Operations Research and Systems Analysis in 1973. On his return to Singapore he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel and served as acting Director Logistics Division in 1974. In 1975, he was appointed to the newly created post of Special Projects Director responsible for the planning, system engineering and implementation of selected strategic systems for the SAF. He was promoted to the rank of Colonel in 1978. In 1984, he was appointed acting Director, Joint Operations and Plans Directorate of the Ministry of Defence, in addition to his appointment as Director, Special Projects Organisation. In 1986, he was appointed Senior Director to establish the Defence Material Organization. He was also appointed to the newly created post of Chief Defence Scientist. He retired from the SAF in the rank of Colonel in the same year. Prof Lui was on the board of directors of various Government-linkedcompanies, Government agencies and universities. Currently, he is holding several board appointments including Chairman of Singapore Technologies Dynamics Pte Ltd, Chairman of Sembcorp Design and Construction Pte Ltd, Director of Singapore Technologies Electronics Ltd, and Director of Singapore Technologies Kinetic. He is also a board member of several agencies and institutes including the Tropical Marine Science Institute and CRISP in NUS, NUS High School Board of Governors and Centre of Quantum Technologies. He is a member of the Executive Committee for Environmental and Water Technologies and a member of the Energy Research, Development and Demonstration Executive Committee. 1 Prof Lui is an Adjunct Professor of the Faculty of Engineering in NUS since 1990 and the College of Engineering in NTU since 2007. He is the Senior Advisor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was appointed Chairman Project Evaluation Panel, Environment & Water Industry Development Council in 2006 and Chairman Technical Board, Environment Technology Research Programme of NEA in 2009 He was elected to the Academic Council of INCOSE (International Council on Systems Engineering) in 2007. He is Senior Advisor on Systems and Technology to the President in NTU and a Special Advisor to the Office of the President in NUS. He is a member the Board of Trustees, Singapore University of Technology and Design. In 2010 he was appointed by the Ministry of Finance to chair the Development Projects Advisory Panel and by the Ministry of Community Development, Youth and Sports to co-chair the evaluation panel for the Silver Community Test Bed Programme. He was appointed by the Board of Trustees of the Singapore University of Technology and Design to be Chairman of the Board’s Academic and Research Committee. Prof Lui received a number of awards in the public service sector. He received the SAF Good Service Medal in 1975, the Public Administration Silver Medal (Silver) in 1979, the Public Administration Gold Medal in 1992 and the Long Service Award in 1997 for his 30 years service in the SAF. He was appointed The Commander of the Royal Order of the Polar Star in Sweden in 1994. He was elected as Honorary Fellow Operations Research Society of Singapore. In 2000 he was appointed Senior Fellow the United States Naval Postgraduate School. He received the Distinguished Alumni Award in 2002 and was the third alumni to be inducted into the United States Naval Postgraduate School Hall of Fame. In 2002 Prof Lui received a Teaching Excellence Award by Faculty of Engineering in NUS and the National Science & Technology Medal. He also received the National University of Singapore Distinguished Science Alumni Award in 2005. In 2007 he received the National University of Singapore Outstanding Service Award. He was elected to be an Honorary Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Singapore in 2008. He received the rare Pioneer Award of International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE) in 2009. The Pioneer Award recognizes outstanding pioneer-applications of Systems Engineering in the development of successful products or services of benefit to society. He was made an Honorary Member of the International Honor Society for Systems Engineering Omega Alpha Association in 2010. In 2011 he was conferred an Honorary Fellow of the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations for his contributions to the engineering fields. He was elected by the Institute of Physics of Singapore as the winner of the 2011 IPS President Medal for his contributions to the Physics community. He was also one of the eleven professors elected to be a Fellow of the Singapore National Academy of Sciences and one of the 75 Fellows of the Singapore Academy of Engineering. In 2012 he was appointed by the Ministry of National Development to be Adviser of the Underground Master Plan Task Force, the Ministry of Transport to be a member of the of Singapore Maritime Institute International Advisory 2 Panel. In 2013 he was appointed by Ministry of Finance to be a member of the eGov and Data Advisory Panel, by Changi Airport Group to be a member of the Executive Committee for Airport Development and by Sembcorp Industries Ltd to be a member of Technology Advisory Panel. In 2014 he was appointed by the ministry of Transport to be a member of the Changi 2036 Planning Committee by the Ministry of the Environment and Water Resources to be Advisor to IWMF-TWRT Steering Committee (ITSC). He was also appointed to the Land and Liveability International Advisory Panel (L2 IAP) by the Ministry of National Development and the National Research Foundation on 1st March 2014 for a term of three years. 3