Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air Navigation Document information Edition <tbd> 00.00.01 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Document History Edition Date Description Justification 00.00.1 00.00.2 15 April 2011 06 May 2011 Internal draft Initial draft 00.00.3 13 July 2011 Initial draft 00.00.4 08 February 2012 Revised draft 10 February 2012 Minor revision New Document Presented to IAVW coordination group of IVATF Presented to IVATF/2 (Working Paper 04) Complete rewrite based on comments received on initial draft. Minor edits. Presented to IAVW coordination group at IVATF/3 1 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .................................................................................................................................... 4 1 INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................... 5 1.1 1.2 2 BACKGROUND ........................................................................................................................................... 7 2.1 3 OPERATIONAL NEED FOR VOLCANIC CLOUD INFORMATION.................................................................. 7 CURRENT VOLCANIC CLOUD INFORMATION SERVICE ................................................................ 8 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 4 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF THE DOCUMENT ............................................................................................. 5 ACRONYMS AND TERMINOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 5 MONITORING THE THREAT OF AN ERUPTION ......................................................................................... 8 VOLCANIC ASH CLOUD DETECTION ....................................................................................................... 8 VOLCANIC ASH CLOUD FORECASTS ...................................................................................................... 8 COMMUNICATE VOLCANIC ASH CLOUD INFORMATION TO USERS ........................................................ 9 FUTURE REQUIRED SERVICES ........................................................................................................... 12 4.1 NEAR-TERM CHANGES ......................................................................................................................... 12 4.1.1 Collaborative Decisions and Information Sharing ................................................................. 12 4.1.2 SIGMET Changes ...................................................................................................................... 13 4.1.3 Transition to all Digital Format for all Volcanic Ash Information .......................................... 13 4.2 FAR-TERM CHANGES ............................................................................................................................ 13 4.2.1 New Volcanic Cloud Forecasts ................................................................................................ 13 4.2.2 Integration of Volcanic Ash Cloud Forecasts into Decision Support Systems for Performance-based Navigation ............................................................................................................... 14 4.2.3 Airspace Capacity ...................................................................................................................... 14 4.2.4 Development of Index Levels for Ash Tolerances................................................................. 15 5 FUTURE OPERATIONAL SCENARIO .................................................................................................. 16 5.1 AVOIDANCE OR FLIGHT INTO THE VOLCANIC ASH CLOUD ................................................................... 16 5.1.1 Nowcasts ..................................................................................................................................... 16 5.1.2 Forecasts ..................................................................................................................................... 16 5.1.3 The CDM Process ...................................................................................................................... 16 APPENDIX A - SERVICE FUNCTION ..................................................................................................... 17 APPENDIX B - FUNCTIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR VOLCANIC CLOUD INFORMATION ..... 20 APPENDIX C - PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR VOLCANIC CLOUD OBSERVATIONS AND FORECASTS ............................................................................................................................................ 22 C.1 C.2 C.3 C.4 - PERIMETER OF ASH CLOUD, NEAR-TERM ......................................................................................... 22 - PERIMETER OF ASH CLOUD, FAR-TERM ............................................................................................ 23 <TBD> ................................................................................................................................................... 24 <TBD> ................................................................................................................................................... 24 2 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 List of tables No table of figures entries found. List of figures Figure 3.3-1 Areas of responsibility for the nine VAACs ......................................................................... 9 Figure 3.3-1 High level information flow diagram representing present services and providers .......... 11 Figure 4.2-1 High level outline of the provision of future volcanic cloud information per airspace capacity ................................................................................................................................................. 15 3 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Executive Summary <TBD> 4 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 1 Introduction 1.1 Purpose and scope of the document The first edition of this Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air Navigation provides a description of the meteorological information related to volcanic eruptions and clouds used by the aviation community for international air navigation. The main focus is on volcanic ash. Appended to the Concept of Operations (ConOps) are functional and performance requirements for the new meteorological information on volcanic clouds. The matrix tables for the performance requirements have not been completed. It is expected that these will be formulated and validated through the work of the International Civil Aviation Organization’s (ICAO) International Airways Volcano Watch Operations Group (IAVWOPSG) and published in subsequent editions of this ConOps. This ConOps is intended to complement the ICAO ATM Volcanic Ash Contingency Plan1 and ICAO Doc 9974 Flight Safety and Volcanic Ash. 1.2 Acronyms and Terminology Term and Phrase Definition Acceptable ash concentration levels An ash concentration level that is acceptable to the operator and original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or type certificate holder (TCH). AIREP Air-report. A report from an aircraft in flight prepared in conformity with requirements for position, and operational and/or meteorological reporting. AIREPs meeting specified criteria are classified as a “Special AIREP” ASHTAM A special series NOTAM notifying by means of a specific format change in activity of a volcano, a volcanic eruption and/or volcanic ash cloud that is of significance to aircraft operations. AOC Airline Operations Center ANSP Air Navigation Service Provider ATC Air Traffic Control ATFM Air Traffic Flow Management ATM Air Traffic Management CDM Collaborative Decision Making ConOps Concept of Operations ESP Eruption Source Parameters FIR Flight Information Region IAVWOPSG International Airways Volcano Watch Operations Group ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization 1 The ATM Volcanic Ash Contingency Plan, drafted by the International Volcanic Ash Task Force, will be published in late 2012. 5 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Term and Phrase Definition MET Meteorological Information MWO Meteorological Watch Office NOTAM A notice distributed by means of telecommunication containing information concerning the establishment, condition or change in any aeronautical facility, service, procedure or hazard, the timely knowledge of which is essential to personnel concerned with flight operations. Nowcast (volcanic cloud) The three-dimensional representation of the current or near-current volcanic cloud, including depiction of the perimeter of the lowest acceptable level of ash, in a common exchange format that provides integration into decision making tools as well as offers a graphical depiction of the information. OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer PBN Performance-based Navigation SIGMET Advisory Proposed new product derived from Volcanic Ash Advisory SIGMET Information Information issued by a meteorological watch office (MWO) concerning the occurrence or expected occurrence of specified en-route weather phenomena which may affect the safety of aircraft operations. The term “SIGMET Information” is often shortened to SIGMET in most publications SMS Safety Management System SRA Safety Risk Assessment Visible Ash “Visible ash” is defined qualitatively as ash seen by eye or discernible from satellite data. At present, there is no single quantitative threshold value for visible ash that is common across different conditions and technologies. 2 VAA Volcanic Ash Advisory VAAC Volcanic Ash Advisory Center VAG The graphical version of a Volcanic Ash Advisory VONA Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation Volcanic Cloud When used in this ConOps refers to both volcanic particles (e.g., ash) and gases (e.g., SO2). IVATF TASK TF-SCI03 Progress Report (Part 1) – Understanding “Visible Ash”, IVATF Science Sub-Group and WMO-IUGG Volcanic Ash Scientific Advisory Group. Working Paper 08, International Volcanic Ash Task Force – Second Meeting 2 6 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 2 Background 2.1 Operational Need for Volcanic Cloud Information The Eyjafjallajökull volcanic event in April 2010 identified gaps in the services and the science of volcanic ash cloud observations and forecasts. The Eyjafjallajökull volcanic event brought direct attention to the need for a better understanding of volcanic ash information and the use of that information in Air Traffic Management (ATM) and flight operations. In addition it was recognized that there were no measureable certificated tolerances for volcanic ash for safe and permissible aircraft operations. The attention for a need to improve volcanic cloud information services was largely due to the location of Eyjafjallajökull’s ash cloud. The synoptic pattern caused the ash cloud to persist over Western Europe and the North Atlantic for days into weeks. The event affected the busy and often congested air routes of many Flight Information Regions (FIRs), served by many Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSP) and Meteorological Watch Offices (MWO). At one time during the event, over 40 SIGMETs were in effect for the ash cloud. Had the synoptic pattern been different, or if the event had occurred in another part of the world, not affected highly congested airspace and traffic routes, and not governed by scores of ANSPs, perhaps the concern for improving services would not be viewed as urgent or critical. In simplest terms, aviation users need to know the location and size of the ash cloud, and where it will be in the future. In a perfect world, we would know the precise location and be able to predict the future locations with great accuracy, and for time scales ranging from minutes out to days. But, today’s level of the science of observing and forecasting volcanic ash clouds can not provide that precision or accuracy. Therefore, some measure of uncertainty in the observation and forecast will need to be considered order to improve ATM and flight operations during volcanic ash cloud events. The way forward is described in the remainder of this ConOps. 7 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 3 Current Volcanic Cloud Information Service Services in support of the provision of meteorological information for volcanic ash cloud can be categorized in four areas: (1) monitoring the threat of an eruption, (2) detecting the volcanic ash cloud, (3) forecasting the volcanic ash cloud, and (4) communicating the information to the users. 3.1 Monitoring the Threat of an Eruption The geophysical monitoring of volcanoes for the threat of an eruption is primarily provided by volcano observatories and research institutes located around the high threat areas of the world. Pre-eruptive activity may be come from several sources, including but not necessarily limited to these: seismic monitors, physical observations of deformation, hydrologic activity, gaseous activity or debris flow. Though the types of observations used vary, volcano observatories may issue “color codes” to indicate the volcano’s eruption state. The system uses four color codes. The color codes are defined to state of the volcano (i.e pre-eruptive vs. eruptive stage) and not to the volcanic cloud. The color Green denotes a non-eruptive state; Yellow denotes a state of elevated unrest; Orange denotes a state of heightened unrest with the likelihood of eruption, or eruption underway; and Red denotes that an eruption is forecast to be imminent with significant emission of ash into the atmosphere likely, or the eruption is underway with ash-plume height provided if possible. It should be noted that not all observatories provide information in the color code format. In 2008, the IAVWOPSG agreed to implement a message to assist volcanologist in providing information on the state of a volcano to Air Traffic Services in support of the issuance of VA NOTAM. The message referred to as Volcano Observatory Notice for Aviation (VONA) was introduced into IAVW Handbook on the International Airways Volcano Watch, Doc 9766. The VONA can be issued by an observatory when the aviation color code at a volcano is changed (up or down) or within a color-code level when an ash-producing event or other significant change in volcanic behavior occurs. 3.2 Volcanic Ash Cloud Detection Depending on many variables, an ash cloud can be detected from the ground, air, or from space. A large number of different ground-based instruments are available to monitor volcanic ash clouds, such as lidar, ceilometers, sun photometers, radar, imaging cameras and aerosol sondes, but many of these work in the research mode, and are not yet operational. Satellite-based sensors are used to discern the perimeter of ash clouds. Ash clouds can be “seen” on visible satellite imagery, but only in day time, and dependent on existing cloud cover and other features. Single and multi-band infrared imagery and applied techniques can be used day and night and can provide means of estimating the top of the ash cloud. Both visible and infrared imagery have limitations when meteorological clouds (e.g., cirrus, etc.) are present, and depending on the thickness and height of the meteorological cloud cover, may prohibit the volcanic cloud from being observed. Infrared measurements can only detect volcanic ash if volcanic ash is the highest cloud layer, regardless of concentration. What is “seen” or detected by satellite is often expressed as “visible ash cloud”. “Visible ash” also refers to ash clouds seen by pilots in the air, and human observers on the ground. For this ConOps, “visible ash” is defined qualitatively as ash seen by eye or discernible from satellite data. At present, there is no single quantitative threshold value for visible ash that is common across different conditions and technologies. 3.3 Volcanic Ash Cloud Forecasts Today’s volcanic ash forecasts are simple textual and graphical products derived and produced using the output from ash cloud models (numerical predication and atmospheric transport and dispersion models) and the volcanic ash cloud detection methods described above. The accuracy of ash cloud models is limited by the accuracy of the volcano’s Eruption Source Parameters (ESP), such as plume height, mass eruption rate, eruption start/stop time, and the fraction of fine ash in the erupted mass. The ash cloud models utilized by Volcanic Ash Advisory Centers (VAAC) as part of their volcanic ash cloud forecasts are initialized by ESP. The movement, spread and dispersion of volcanic ash clouds depend on a number of parameters, including the strength of the eruption and the altitude reached by the ash particles, particle concentration and size distribution, wind shear and stability of the 8 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 atmosphere, and the scavenging of ash particles by precipitation, as well as the underlying wind field which is normally provided by numerical weather predication models. Value is added to the raw model output through forecaster intervention. Such intervention is dependent on real time verification of the ash cloud model output against a range of observational resources. Today’s two primary volcanic cloud forecasts are the Volcanic Ash Advisory (VAA) and the SIGMET information. Both of these forecasts are currently limited to ash clouds, and not gaseous (e.g., SO2, O3, CO) clouds. The VAA is produced and issued by the VAAC and the SIGMET information is issued by the MWO. The VAAC provides the VAA a text and/or graphic-based format (note, the graphic version of the VAA is often referred to as a VAG) which provides a forecast on the trajectory of the ash cloud and the associated flight levels which may be affected by the ash cloud. The VAAs are produced and issued by the nine VAACs across the world, each with a defined geographical area of responsibility, which are depicted in Figure 3.3-1. The VAAs are 18-hour forecasts and are issued every 6-hours. MWO issue Volcanic ash cloud SIGMETs based on the guidance provided by the VAAC. These SIGMETs are valid for up to 6 hours and describe the location of the ash cloud within the FIR or area of responsibility of the MWO. Some VAACs issue Ash Concentration forecasts for their area of responsibility. These forecasts are derived from ash cloud models and were developed in response to the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic event of April 2010. Figure 3.3-1 Areas of responsibility for the nine VAACs 3.4 Communicate Volcanic Ash Cloud Information to Users In the simplest terms, the MET service provider gives volcanic cloud information to the ANSP who then gives the information to the pilot. In reality, the process is much more complex as the provider’s components become users and users become providers. Thus, just about every service provider is also a user of volcanic cloud information. Appendix A is a matrix table of service providers. 9 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Figure 3.4-1 depicts an example of information flow following a volcanic eruption. The diagram identifies participants in the provision of information for today’s services. The lines between the providers in the diagram does not imply one-way communications or communication relationships, rather they represent a general flow of volcanic ash information for a volcanic event. The box’s colors do not represent significance, rather the help distinguish the information products (e.g., observations and forecasts) (red) from the providers/users (shades of blue). Note that an initial report of an ash cloud can result in many products delivered to the end user, in this case the pilot. In just about all cases, information about a volcanic ash cloud will be provided to the pilot, either in-flight or during pre-flight preparation, in the form of a SIGMET, NOTAM or ASHTAM, Special AIREP, and VAA. Each of the aforementioned products are unique in format and content, but basically provide information regarding the location of the volcanic ash cloud. It should be evident that when one uses all of these products, it is critical that these products be consistent with their message. 10 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Figure 3.4-1 High level information flow diagram representing present services and providers 11 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 4 Future Required Services Future services center on the following near-term and far-term changes. The time frames of near and far are not defined in this ConOps, but instead serve as a reference as to what can be accomplished perhaps in the upcoming 5 years, compared to what is possible 5 to 10 years in the future. These changes do not directly address proposals for advancements in volcanic science and volcano monitoring technology. Rather these changes will incorporate and utilize those advancements as they become available. Near-term: o Incorporation of CDM practices and information sharing into volcanic cloud forecasts o Changes to SIGMETs for Volcanic Ash o Transition to all digital format for all volcanic ash information Far-term: o New volcanic cloud forecasts, including the use of probability o Integration of volcanic ash cloud forecasts into decision support systems for PBN o Development of index levels for ash tolerances for the various types of engine/aircraft combinations. 4.1 Near-term Changes 4.1.1 Collaborative Decisions and Information Sharing The term Collaborative Decision Making (CDM) is a process used in ATM that allows all members of the ATM community, especially airspace users, to participate in the ATM decisions that affects all members. CDM means achieving an acceptable solution that takes into account the needs of those involved. CDM for ATM is described in ICAO Document 9854 -Global Air Traffic Management Operational Concept, and Document 9982 – Manual on Air Traffic Management System Requirements. From a high level perspective and for an example, collaboration on the perimeter of the volcanic cloud can be done, at a minimum, for events that affect high density traffic areas, or several FIRs and extend beyond the area of responsibility of one or more VAACs. This collaboration would be done between predetermined partners, based on the event and extent. Table 4.1-2 lists some of the volcanic cloud information needed by airspace users. As part of this process, information sharing between the partners is essential so that all possible outcomes can be considered. Table 4.1-2 lists the partners for the collaboration and information sharing as well as the expected role of the partners. The final decision will depend on agreed upon guidelines that may vary depending on the size and scope of the volcanic event, but the authority for the final decision must reside with one decision maker (in this case, the Lead VAAC), otherwise the final output (e.g., forecast) would not serve other decision makers (e.g., ATM) in an expected manor. Once the decision (e.g., outline of the volcanic ash boudary) is finalized, is can be integrated into ATM decision tools for a CDM process by ATM decision makers and airspace users. Need to know Location of the volcanic ash cloud. Information Sharing Share data from ground, air, and space observing platforms Output from a Collaborative Decision Current horizontal and vertical extent (perimeter) of the volcanic ash cloud, including the lowest acceptable level of ash concentration, to be used in decision support systems and forecast products. How the cloud is changing and where will it be in the future. Current and forecast ash concentrations within volcanic cloud Share various outputs of dispersion models Forecast horizontal and vertical extent of the volcanic ash cloud and produce seamless products Share various outputs of dispersion models Forecast horizontal and vertical extent of the lowest acceptable level of ash concentration, as well as other levels, and produce seamless products 12 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Table 4.1-1 Collaborative decisions for volcanic ash cloud information Partners Lead VAAC Other VAAC(s) VO MWO(s) State’s NMHS Role Produces preliminary forecast and shares it with rest of partners. Considers input and suggested changes from participating partners. Has the final decision on the forecast after considering information and input from partners. Shares new information with participating partners. Reviews preliminary forecast and provides suggested changes. Table 4.1-2 Partners for the collaboration and information sharing and expected roles 4.1.2 SIGMET Changes A large volcanic ash cloud over Europe could result in over 40 SIGMET information messages in effect at the same time. Each of these SIGMETs becomes a puzzle piece for the user to put together to obtain the entire area of the volcanic cloud. Since the SIGMETs are based on the first portion of the VAA, that portion of the VAA/VAG could be elevated in status to serve as the SIGMET. Making the VAA/VAG’s first 6 hour portion equivalent to the SIGMET would reduce the information overload experienced by users (pilots, operators, etc) who must now track dozens of SIGMETs for their flight. The first 6-hour portion of the VAA is elevated in status to a Volcanic Ash SIGMET Advisory3. The first 6-hour portion of the VAA will be labeled as SIGMET Advisory. The SIGMET Advisory will not be restricted to one FIRs, i.e., one SIGMET Advisory can be valid for multiple FIRs Traditional SIGMET Information messages (i.e., today’s SIGMETs) will not duplicate the information in the SIGMET Advisory; rather it will refer the user to the SIGMET Advisory. 4.1.3 Transition to all Digital Format for all Volcanic Ash Information Today’s volcanic ash products are primarily text-based (e.g., SIGMET), with some supplementation of graphic-based products (e.g., the VAA and its graphical version known as the VAG). Future volcanic ash information must be provided in a digital format in order serve aviation users and decision makers. The visualization of volcanic information must be capable of display on moving maps, cockpit displays, radar screens, etc. The transition from text and graphic-based products to all digital formats will take time as there will continue to be a need for legacy text-based products for several years, especially in certain regions of the world. 4.2 Far-term Changes 4.2.1 New Volcanic Cloud Forecasts Appendix B and C contain the functional requirements and associated performance requirements for new volcanic cloud forecasts. The performance requirements are left open with this version of the ConOps, pending further assessments. 3 SIGMET Advisory is a SIGMET valid for one or multiple FIRs and is issued by a regional center, such as a VAAC. 13 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Probabilistic and Deterministic Volcanic Cloud Forecasts Current volcanic ash forecasts, such as the VAA/VAG, are deterministic forecasts. They are a yes/no forecast with respect to the depiction of the ash cloud. Often, deterministic forecasts include a buffer zone that is added by the forecaster. This buffer zone is included to either smooth the forecast area, or to ensure the cloud fits into the simple sided polygon that describes the perimeter of the volcanic cloud. Unfortunately these buffer zones are not depicted as a buffer, nor are they known to anyone other than the producer (e.g., forecaster). The effect of the buffer zone is a larger area in the deterministic forecast. Volcanic ash transport and dispersion models can produce an array of solutions (e.g., forecasts) by varying the input into the models. Changes in meteorological parameters and ESP will result in different forecast outputs. The purpose of a probabilistic forecast is to provide decision makers with assessments of all the likelihoods of a weather parameter’s risk of occurrence and magnitude. Probabilistic forecasts help multiple decision makers use the same weather information, applying their own operation constraints to determine risk to their operation. Appendix B identifies those functions that should be provided in deterministic and probabilistic terms. From a high level perspective, probability forecasts are like an ensemble approach. An ensemble approach is one way to account for some of the uncertainty. For instance, the model can be run many times, each time with a realistic variant of one of the uncertain parameters (e.g. ash amount, ash column height, eruption start time and duration, input meteorology dataset, with and without wet deposition, etc.). Taken as a whole, the variability of the ensemble members’ output gives an indication of the uncertainty associated with that particular ash forecast. The application of probabilistic forecasts will best benefit high density (congested) traffic areas, where decision makers can benefit from more than just a deterministic forecast. Also, decision support systems can use the probabilistic information to provide route and altitude selections based on user’s acceptance thresholds. For example, an airline may plan a route that has a 30 percent probability of ash, while not accepting that same route with a 60 percent probability of ash. 4.2.2 Integration of Volcanic Ash Cloud Forecasts into Decision Support Systems for Performance-based Navigation Future ATM decision support systems need to directly incorporate volcanic cloud forecasts and bypass the need for human interpretation, allowing decision makers to determine the best response to the potential operational effects and minimizing the level of traffic restrictions. This integration of volcanic cloud forecasts, combined with the use of probabilistic forecasts to address uncertainty, reduces the effects of volcanic clouds on air traffic operations. 4.2.3 Airspace Capacity The provision and use of deterministic and probabilistic forecasts of the volcanic cloud and their integration into decision support systems, may depend on the needs of the ANSP. Deterministic forecasts may adequately serve the users of airspace that is not congested, and offers amble options for ash cloud avoidance without great fuel penalties for the operator. But for congested airspace, the provision and use of probabilistic forecasts of the volcanic cloud will be essential in order to achieve maximum efficiency of the air traffic system. Figure 4.2-1 provides a high level schematic of meteorological service per airspace capacity. 14 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Figure 4.2-1 High level outline of the provision of future volcanic cloud information per airspace capacity 4.2.4 Development of Index Levels for Ash Tolerances The latest generation of jet engines are much different from older generation engines, and ash can have greater effects on these newer engines. The development of a volcanic ash index for ash tolerances for various types of engine/aircraft combinations would allow operators and ATM to take maximum advantage of volcanic ash concentration forecasts. It is foreseen that the development of index levels is a long term goal of the industry, as it would involve considerable testing and evaluation. 15 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 5 Future Operational Scenario 5.1 Avoidance or Flight into the Volcanic Ash Cloud There are two kinds of operational scenarios, avoidance of the volcanic cloud, and planned flight into a cloud. The meteorological information for both scenarios would in the form of the following: 5.1.1 Nowcasts The three-dimensional representation of the current or near-current volcanic cloud, including depiction of the perimeter of the lowest acceptable level of ash, in a common exchange format that provides integration into decision making tools as well as offers a graphical depiction of the information. In the avoidance scenario, the nowcast provides users with the location of the ash cloud. As the ash cloud moves or changes, the nowcast is updated at a temporal frequency that meets user needs and service provider capabilities. For flight into acceptable levels of ash, volcano ESP, in situ measurements of the airborne volcanic cloud (from ground-based, space-based, or airborne-based observing platforms) are required to provide a nowcast that has a high level of confidence of the ash concentration levels inside the cloud. 5.1.2 Forecasts The four-dimensional representation of the volcanic cloud, including depiction of the perimeter of the lowest acceptable level of ash, ash concentration levels and indices, in both deterministic and probabilistic terms, in a common exchange format that provides integration into decision making tools as well as offers a graphical depiction of the information. For both scenarios, the forecasts would be valid “X” hours and up to “Y” days, but would contain finer temporal resolution in the near time frame. Forecasts would also be provided in terms of uncertainty (use of probability). For flight into acceptable levels of ash, volcano ESP, in situ measurements of the airborne volcanic cloud (from ground-based, space-based, or airborne-based observing platforms), would be needed to provide a forecast of the ash concentration levels to support airline decision making. The provider of the forecasts would be the VAACs, and these forecasts would be considered a next-generation VAA. 5.1.3 The CDM Process Aligned with the above forecast process is the collaborative decision and information sharing process. In this scenario, CDM will occur on a regular basis such that all users are afforded the opportunity to contribute information. Information will be shared and could be made available on an information database or web portal that is jointly run by the VAACs. Civil aviation operators will then apply these new nowcasts and forecasts to their operations specifications per their Safety Management System (SMS) and any specific Safety Risk Assessments (SRA) for any operations other in areas of a volcanic ash cloud. 16 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Appendix A - Service Function The matrix table below outlines service providers and their functions with respect to volcanic cloud information. The exact role of each of the provider depends on various circumstances that are not exhaustively described in the table. Current Services and Providers Service Provider Volcano Observatory (VO) Functions for: PreEruption Monitor volcano, report changes in status. MET Service Provider Met Watch Office (MWO) Aerodrome Met Office and Stations Air Traffic Control Units (Area, Approach, Aerodrome) Air Traffic Management (ATM) Volcanic Cloud Report Report Provide initial warning Provide warning Report Report Determine initial forecast Determine and predict location and dimensions of volcanic cloud Produce model derived predictions of volcanic cloud Produce model derived predictions of volcanic cloud Establish appropriate areas within airspace to outline hazard Establish appropriate areas within airspace to outline hazard. Reroute traffic as necessary Implement contingency plans Lead CDM process for adjusting traffic capacity and routes Volcanic Ash Advisory Center (VAAC) Dispersion Modeling Center (if different from the VAAC) Air Navigation Service Provider (ANSP) Report preeruption activity Eruption Information Information Received and Used Data from ground-based observing networks Information Provided (shared) Report. Issue VONA and Color Codes. ESP if able. AIREP, report from VO, VAA., METAR/SPECI, NOTAM Issue SIGMET (Column is intentionally left blank) METAR/SPECI, VAR Report from VO. Data from ground-based, air-based, satellite-based observing networks. Input from other VAACs and Dispersion Modeling Centers. Data from ground-based, air-based, satellite-based observing networks. ESP. SIGMET, NOTAM/ASHTAM, VAA/VAG, VONA or report from VO, Special AIREP Issues VAA and VAG. If able, issue ash concentration forecasts SIGMET, NOTAM/ASHTAM, VAA/VAG, VONA or report from VO, Special AIREP, Ash concentration forecast (if provided) FIR traffic capacity Deliver model derived predictions (including ash concentration if able). IFR clearances. FIR’s sector capacity. Affected aerodrome arrival and departure acceptance rate 17 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Current Services and Providers Service Provider Flight Information Center (FIC) International NOTAM Office (NOF) Aerodrome Operations Functions for: PreEruption Information Eruption Volcanic Cloud Provide preflight and in-flight information about eruption Provide notice of hazard Provide preflight and in-flight information about volcanic cloud Provide notice of hazard Address ash contamination on runways, taxiways, ground equipment, planes Reroute planes from eruption Address ash contamination on runways, taxiways, ground equipment, planes Apply SMS to adjust routes. Provide information to flight crew. Plan for reroute Provide information to flight crew. Plan for reroute Avoid. Avoid. Appropriate decisions per SMS for operators of Large and Turbojet Aeroplanes. Report volcanic cloud, ash, sulphur Operator Airline Operations Center (AOC) Airline Dispatchers General Aviation Operators Pilot / Flight crew (Commercial and General Aviation) Report eruption Information Received and Used SIGMET, NOTAM/ASHTAM, VAA/VAG, VONA or report from VO, Special AIREP Information Provided (shared) VOLMET, ATIS, DATIS SIGMET, VONA or report from VO, Special AIREP SIGMET, NOTAM/ASHTAM, VAA/VAG, VONA or report from VO, Special AIREP Issues NOTAM/ASHTAM SIGMET, NOTAM/ASHTAM, VAA/VAG, VONA or report from VO, ash concentration forecast (if provided), ash or SO2 report from flight crew, or ANSP (ATS, FIS, AIS). SIGMET, NOTAM/ASHTAM, VAA/VAG, VONA or report from VO, ash concentration forecast (if provided), ash or SO2 report from flight crew, or ANSP (ATS, FIS, AIS). SIGMET, NOTAM/ASHTAM, Special AIREP, ash or SO2 report from ANSP (ATS, FIS, AIS) (Need input for this cell) SIGMET, NOTAM/ASHTAM, Special AIREP, ash or SO2 report from AOC or ANSP (ATS, FIS, AIS) Special AIREP, VAR (Column is intentionally left blank) (Need input for this cell) Route/altitude selection, fuel, go/no-go decision, in-flight route/destination change. Special AIREP, VAR 18 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Current Services and Providers Service Provider Functions for: PreEruption Eruption Information Volcanic Cloud Advice and information to operators Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) or Type Certificate Holder (TCH) Other State, Research, Commercial Services Operate aircraft for airborne sampling of cloud Information Received and Used Reports from operator. Information Provided (shared) Technical information about aircraft operation in volcanic ash, future/ongoing maintenance information requirements, details of inspection requirements Cloud ESP particle/gas concentrations (Column is intentionally left blank) 19 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Appendix B - Functional Requirements for Volcanic Cloud Information The matrix table below lists a set of functional requirements for volcanic cloud information based on different types of airspace and aerodrome densities (i.e., capacity or congestion). An “X” in the table’s cell indicates that this function is needed for this airspace and aerodrome. A “P” or “D” indicates whether the forecast function is Probabilistic or Deterministic. Functional Requirements for Volcanic Cloud Route Operations Terminal Control Area (TMA) Operations Aerodrome Congested (High Density) Noncongested (Low Density) Congested (High Density) Noncongested (Low Density) Busy (High Density) Low Density X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X P D P D P D P D P D P D D D D D Volcano Eruption Detect an Eruption in all kinds of meteorological and day/night conditions (i.e., including tropical regions where convective activity is common) Determine the Eruption Source Parameters (ESP) Determine the height of the eruption plume Determine the duration of the eruption Detect, determine and report the heightened volcanic activity (preeruption) Volcanic Cloud Determine the perimeter, top and base of the volcanic cloud in all kinds of meteorological and day/night conditions Ash SO2 Determine when the Electro“volcanic magnetic cloud” is a risks to hazard due avionics to: Other (TBD) Determine the perimeter of the lowest acceptable ash concentration level (ash cloud) Determine the perimeter of the gaseous cloud Determine the eruption source parameters Forecast the perimeter of the lowest acceptable ash concentration level (ash cloud) Forecast the top and base height of the lowest acceptable ash concentration level (ash cloud) Forecast the movement of the lowest acceptable ash concentration level 20 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Functional Requirements for Volcanic Cloud Route Operations Forecast the growth and decay of the lowest acceptable ash concentration level (ash cloud) Forecast the location of the gaseous cloud Forecast the top and base height of the gaseous cloud Forecast the movement of the gaseous cloud Forecast the growth and decay of the gaseous cloud Determine when the volcanic cloud is no longer a hazard Determine when the volcanic cloud is hidden or mixed with clouds, especially cumulonimbus clouds and cirrus clouds Forecast when the volcanic cloud is hidden or mixed with meteorological clouds Terminal Control Area (TMA) Operations Congested (High Density) Noncongested (Low Density) Congested (High Density) Noncongested (Low Density) P D P D P D P P D D Aerodrome Busy (High Density) Low Density D P D P D P D D D D P D P D X X X X X X X X P D P D X X P D Volcanic Ash Accumulation Determine the ash accumulation at the aerodrome Forecast the ash accumulation at the aerodrome 21 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 Appendix C - Performance Requirements for Volcanic Cloud Observations and Forecasts The tables in this appendix are sets of performance requirements for the functions listed in appendix B. Each table addresses a volcanic cloud element, for example “determine and forecast the perimeter of the lowest acceptable ash concentration level (ash cloud)”. Each table also represents an operating capability, from near-term (e.g., next 1 to 5 years) next to far-term (e.g., 5-10 years). The cells within this table are blank as these requirements are expected to be formalized through the workings of ICAO’s International Airways Volcano Watch Operations Group (IAVWOPSG). C.1 - Perimeter of Ash Cloud, Near-term Performance Requirements Volcanic Cloud Element = Perimeter of Ash Cloud (lowest acceptable level of ash) Near-term Operating Capability (years 201x – 201x) Route Operations Congested (High Density) Uncongested (Low Density) Terminal Control Area (TMA) Operations Congested (High Density) Uncongested (Low Density) Aerodrome Busy (High Density) Low Density Observation Vertical resolution Horizontal resolution Update frequency Accuracy Format Nowcast: T1 to T2 (e.g., >0 to 2 hours)4 Vertical resolution Horizontal resolution Temporal resolution Domain or range Probabilistic range Update frequency Accuracy Format Forecast: T2 to T3 (e.g., 2 to 6 hours) Vertical resolution Horizontal resolution Temporal resolution Domain or range Probabilistic range Update frequency Accuracy Format Forecast: Tn to Tn+1 Vertical resolution Horizontal resolution Temporal resolution Domain or range Probabilistic range Update frequency Accuracy Format 4 All the temporal ranges for the nowcast and forecast are given in the table, e.g., 0 to 2 hours, 2 to 6 hours, etc., are just examples of possible ranges. 22 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 C.2 - Perimeter of Ash Cloud, Far-term Performance Requirements Volcanic Cloud Element = Perimeter of Ash Cloud (lowest acceptable level of ash) Near-term Operating Capability (years 201x – 201x) Route Operations Congested (High Density) Uncongested (Low Density) Terminal Control Area (TMA) Operations Congested (High Density) Uncongested (Low Density) Aerodrome Busy (High Density) Low Density Observation Vertical resolution Horizontal resolution Update frequency Accuracy Format Nowcast: T1 to T2 (e.g., >0 to 2 hours)5 Vertical resolution Horizontal resolution Temporal resolution Domain or range Probabilistic range Update frequency Accuracy Format Forecast: T2 to T3 (e.g.,2 to 6 hours) Vertical resolution Horizontal resolution Temporal resolution Domain or range Probabilistic range Update frequency Accuracy Format Forecast: Tn to Tn+1 Vertical resolution Horizontal resolution Temporal resolution Domain or range Probabilistic range Update frequency Accuracy Format 5 All the temporal ranges given in the table, e.g., 0 to 2 hours, 2 to 6 hours, etc., are just examples of possible ranges. 23 of 24 Concept of Operations for Meteorological Information for Volcanic Clouds in Support of International Air NavigationEdition: 00.00.01 C.3 <tbd> C.4 <tbd> - END OF DOCUMENT - 24 of 24